' ws; J5 iy FARMEI i- - ' y ' " ' J-i rahhaaa Planta-Wakeflelds, irost-prKf; ' bxVareel' 850 Acres Nottoway -Connty, Va.-0ref half cleared , - J L RICES' v I" . . wrmmr a tsrt I ' post insured 'K 6l-VW0t $4iJ excellent tobacco land; building- worth -three-fourth. - . JjrvK4S , V-v - I sCAT FIT WQ V XCTl A IV ft F I Hob WoT. tSll Soni, Franfclin, Va! V of rlce of entii property. Prince Bealty ., Raleigh, - For Sale-Unpolisbted Carolina BreStr I Fil 1111 lull V JuAvllmiWIi I a-'0.-,7 vv . : 'W Carollmv . w- IV 'V - ,,Ji-,?- sck3f;9- Whit? Hail k K-umT ' ,, t F . Extra Early Jersey. Wakefield Cabbage TJant--100, w ., ,. .... bahee Co Box A" , White Bali a ir C. IW -J" , r - sf). 400 II DostK8 prepaid: tf.OOO and ovec$1.25s, ' For Sale 282.Aere FarmSituated haU way- be aan, 8. c. -u'- f ' ' LEGHORNS -1 . nna'. XhJpBMo. S 50 r i.000. charges !w!leoU tween Richmond hd Peteraburg, onhird mil A..Av ..v,. . ,v C SYRUR . a: tv .,- ; - - - - - m .."" White Iahera' Cockerels f 2. : Lawrence Iohardt Cardie, Box 564, Douglas. Co. - li. Railroad aeoot . and- the Richmond -. efeFetenburtf Electria Railroad; on good road, and conrenlent to. Pur GmrcrlB. Can aim, i , Easley. 8. C. ' .' - r Buff Leghorns Golden layers. Cockerels, pulleto., hens, price reaaenaM O. O. Willis. Oastonia, W. C. Single Cam White Leghorn Cockerels Feiri 230 264-(r strata s April hatched, J4.-,;HUlside Poultry Yards, Biggs V. - -: ' -.' ' All tiuirfln. Vorlotloa . ITrnat-nrnnf fnhHuffH Plnta t - i...- ..j . .t. vi.k ..vl mi. fa f.mt j;ff8Jlon Jvnl. ' .k . tVo ..11 i'We, in ,.,,. 0 1 ' yihi i Mnaa nt 4 itoM httrn. infl Trhltl 14L Tin A TQ fTTl. Jirect from grower,- 500 postoald !; i 200. poatpudivj-tm also cfferina aerecal amalle? farms for aale.'-WlU 50o; by express. t,uu. rfl.oo; io,yj-x- wruwe 8eu these Ianna,fery reasonable; and OB good terms, filled: .not cromtaee. - B.; Parks. Darten, Ga. w vv -m ri" wn . itrhrtiv.-;Vtvw.:vfc . A-l Quality, of Pure; Georvia r "S . cypress barrel, of S3 flllon? fa?h. I? i!81'-1" SVr -Karl. Knrinr Cabbfie 500.000 Early jenw ' . ifreiaht Paldt No tod-n SmZLJ Ji-25 P?r gnn '-.nrf rh.,u.ini 17tol) mihhaiM nl nt pravm from :T7tti. j m... w.i. 1 j rpl with rtrflp- , W w nrmi.l V ' dSU iipr h. Hhel beat Long Island seed. tr Choice Single Com White'Legbonr tntoafcjyMe'VoiPimi Bart ':Ta: Prant Farm, Franklin. V.,' chocolates 3w' new bat small ; soil : mostly ' dark1 chocolate; $3,000. Anbthc fine farm, lift acres j rarm"f-..'" :,"Va TIMBER natenea. cnauc wnue, iow- iiu... - ry ; both price an uaUty. Carl GlUUana. ier cny, Tine, s muesmaeaaam roaa. masrwia nflBcuiu; t -Boxwood We are th. ianM4 acrar in arasa and dorer: house : old North Carolina. . aood f other buildlnn good: "fencinr m xn unnea Btates,. If you ha?e m "i.,"Mwood a n Whtr rshnrrv -Pockerela for Sale From erv low it 180 ner acre. The Old Do ipuco fwiui us. References, Dun 8(,t in flock of hens that a waged orw 20 eggateach fronx : ;MVuj.Ga, mtnlon Realty Corporation, FarmTllle, Ta- J p. Drennoat Jah Pwladelphlg, pg, "luaireets. Not. 1st, iif, te nor. isi. , .w"1" erels witt imprere jreur flock. Satisfaction guwranteed., Piedmont White Leghorn Farm. , Salisbury. N. C For Ralft All atajidiTd TarieUM frost-oroof Cabbage. OTHER STATES V f DnEDDEDllVESTflrifl Plants -or Immediate shipment, $1.50 per 1,000; for 5.000 ind brer, $1.25 per 1.000. We fuarantee aatls faction. Order from the Old Reliable. The Baterprise . Alabama ; Alfalfa? and'Clorer Land Fertile,4 rich ' in MtMftrAS -- : faction. Order from the Old Bellalle.-vTne: JCnterpnse: i lime and ?phoaphoru aiut.pousni rolling-r.TiBaitny, rpUROC-JERSEYS ; ..a, , Truck Farm, Georgetown. . Uk' .' -.- - ? DeauuruL ana eneapv- une real 'Argenuiie-or Auert a.i. rnmK AiorJr ntnnnwi Cockerels ' . "-"V" - i . . - ica" for nTestock.- and av aood. farmina: seotlon also Truck Farm. Georgetown; 8. C. '.o...i.li .iwi .Alt wi . ni.nti mtlMr HoKtrAriM ' TaUOn. WIIB -OB ' rT.i.,j arnn i . 1 nnn .' m rrnM ..-- n(in and small .but? J n 1 IK ft aood as the best. H. F. Dillon,- Monroe, in. v..- r ;f.mn V.rtrMtii;: - ORPINGTONS 8. C. Buff rrlngton Cockerels Cook strain. Write C. J. Deal. Landls, N. C, - . . , -y,. Egg-layimr, Prize-winning- White Orpingtona-rWrlte for prices. W. A. Andrews. Opelika, Ala. , ' t - For Sale Buff Orpington Pullete Early hatched. J5.50 to is. T. P. Dillon. Monroe. N. : 'r faeterFiplant8.TlaatFjuriaaX-M. C -v Cabbaae Flatputch, fj- a ono.fk taetleatr:a:.CQleiajui Plant o.'tX)ftOB, Oeoiiay&fty?:i-f -7 v,,;.. if.-yt;fii-f-:-r Cabbage Planta Postpaid $3 per l.OOOr by express. ; T1na 1i!arlr Jnnur. Charleston Wakeflelds.- .r'Succesalona,- ready, fall setting-. , Prepaid. w wauna. ut; f Ann ii i n ronii, in AAA 1K , .)-, CUDied to SV lOOd . ia.utri. aa.iti i.vuui iiu.vv vui:- wpw ,,.. w r h, h hit Tmre'- Si' 50. These, plants are grown from-the best Long- iSfniftS th'S:te. Stock fof i auf St Island seed; we'pack hem to damp mose and guaran te Orpingtons In the state. BtocK lor eaie at 4 o arrive in good eohdiUon. We hare grown Elmer bred White reasonable prices. "Book Tour Orders for Eiirly Spring 'Shlpment'of White and Blue Orpington Eggs 3 ana eunng. Pullets, $4 tip; cockerels. $5 up. Men). V: Dana, finerops, in. m. Orpington . Yards, PLYMOUTH ROCKS Barred Recks (Tbempson's)-Hens, cockerels and puUets. $3. Buff Bock cockerels. $$r - Address Mrs. Frank Johnson. Leulsa. Ya. ' . y. . purebred - Baread" Plymouth Rocka Ckickerela? $5 each: cocks. $7.50 each. Won J 4 prizes in last fair attended. Mrs. Grady Wlthrow. Hollis, N. C ; ' , Barred Beck Cockerels Thompson strain, Feb. March, April hatched. $3.50, $4, $5. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hillside Poultry Yards, Biggs. .Va. 'v. Barred Plymouth Rock CockerelsExtremely large Indiana type; March and April hatchings, $1 each; IT for 2.. SatisfaeUou guaranteed. Flint HHl Farm. ' Htalev. N. -C. - RHODE ISLAND REDS AFor Sale Single Comb. Pure Rhode Island Red Coeherels April hatch. $3 each. Percy Getger, St, Matthews, 8. C.. " . ' ' . ' Well Bred Rose Come Rhode Island Red Cockerels From special pen.- Prices. $4. $6 and $8. M O. Jliller, Broadway. Ta. - . y ' - : " For Sale 2 -Fine Purebred Single Comb Rhode --Island Bed cockerels, t cock, ": $3T each.- Mrs.i J. H. Mullen. Wa&efleld. N. ,C, Route T. ' Dark Brillianlt'Smglo Comb Beds From prize win ners. - Feb., March cockerels, $5, $7.50, $10; pullets, $4, $5; eggs. ir$3;IS-prepaid. Miss Sadie Coring ton, - Wadeaboro. N. . C. - - ' -"-Fof Sale Rose Come Rhode Island Beds Cockerels ''. '". and pullets i; and Single Comb Rhode Island Bed cock- x erels. These are srand birds. Miss Sallie Davidson, A Statesfllle, N. C Route 3". . plants Bucceesfully for 20 years and believe our plant to be a5good aa-can --De grown: turners. -viuriaa ; ; Plant Cft,' Varioa. N- C. -x-u r " . Froat-proof -Cabbage Plant We plant morethan ! a-ton . of high-grade seed, and-grow -milllona of fine plants for wholesale and retail trade. - Now readyfor ; immediate shipment ; Wakeflelds, Brunswick and Flat Dutch. $2 per M00: 5,000 te 9.000 at $1.75; 10 ,000 w ovnr. il.so t(r 1.000. hv mail or-exnress. charges col- K. . w -Ji . 7 - - -7 - a' -vivi-iv vmw ykv VUMUHp,U MOV nvl KJO u lect. ; Delivery guaranieea or money xwiuiueu. - V"" about 425; acres suitable for 'cultivation. The Banta Fe haa hullt a. new branch railway llna through the South Plains retrion of West Texaa. A uvestocc- region -witn new; towna ia I rnis temtenr aueaar ia uamr oc class of aettlars. and cron vossibilitlee proven by actual exoerience. Here tou can profitably 'raise cotton, corn, aorghums and fruit It an Ideal livestock and lalrv country. Low oricea for nntllled lands and very eaajr terms. - Move-in early and take nrat pick, write toaay ror Tree illustrate. loioer, T. C Spearman. S Santa Fe Bldg., Blythe, Texaa. 547 Acres Ume Land Plantation -for Saie$50 per Acre-r330 acres bottom land, will grow 8ft tons alfalfa" per acre, -50 bushels com. : 60 busheta oats, 1 - to -1 -hales cotton -without: fertilizer. Alfalfa haa been grown successfully on adjoining- plantation for IS years i 60 acres loam eecond bottom 1.157 acres hill land., f airlv well timbered ; .10 . tenant houses, all occupied ; ' place- weu waterea Dy crees on nortnern oounaary, ana email narrow lake ln centen" of nlace. both' of .which form excellent outlet for drainage;-850 acres in cultivation f Aiace lair DID YOO iSEB OUR DUR0CS at-StatfFair? If . not, .watch'. foi: annoancement of :ojUr-winnings, an4 write for prices on nigh-9ass" breecang stock. JQRpAN RQSCullers, N. C. Plant-Co.; ;ThomasviUe, Gv , v miles east of L. & N. Railroad, at Snow Hill." Ala. " bage JS TS.iJSWB VSrtSS&P WbZet Jersey Wakefields. Charleston Wakeflelds, Succession-- "ftl'." and Flat Dutch. Prices; by express. "500. $1.25 :-I,00 , tiZZaJtn' to 4.000 at $2 per 1.000 ; 5.000 to 0.000 at, SI. 75 iy.-tratortho-eatate.of Mrs, Sarah C. Greenft 1,000 : 10.000 and ip at l.5 per l.uvu.- y prepaia . parcel postr 100, 50c r 200. 80c;. 300. : $1 ; 400. $1.80 ;t 500. $1.50; 1,000, $2.50. . Oakdale Farm. Birmingham, Alabama. - . :: DUROCJERSEYS- -00 Head f H.rd oft an ExoluXve Hog Farm. . :f-- BRED;and CTpEN.fiOWS and gilts SEBVICB BOARS, and PIGS, both sexes Best blood: Unas. Of the breed.. Can suddIv from BRlNKtEY;DUR0C rTARIj; - Brlnkley. Ark. r Cabbages Plants Fulwood'a frost-proof, cabbage plants, ready for 'Immediate shipment varieties; Jer-, sey 'and Charleston Wakefield, Succession, and Flat Dutch. Prices: by express. 1.000 to 4.000, at $3 per 1.000; 5.000 to O.pOO, at $1,75 per 1,000; 10.000 and over, at $1.50 per 1,000 ; '-by-parcel post, 100 for 50e; 500 for $1.50; 1,000 foMl75, postpaid. Planta grown from best. Long Island seed. Satisfaction guaranteed or order refilled. P. D; Fnlwood. Tlfton. Oa. .: - COTTON ' Sawyer's and Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed for prices. JT. B. Hannah, Hodges, S. C. - -Write WY AND OTTES Purebred Silver Wyandottes Hens, $4; roosters, $5. Mrs.; Henry Mlddleton, Warsaw. N. C. . February Hatched White Wyandotte Cockerels $4 end $5 each. M. W. Marvin. White Hall. S. C. GEESE Fll Blooded Wild. Geese Domesticated; $15 pair. J, . T. Pollard, Greenville, N. C. - . Blue Ribbon Big Boll, Early. 5-lockr Cotton -Prize - winner. W. H. Kirkwood, Bennettsvllle, 8. C. Genuine Cleveland Big Boll Record, 30 bales on 10 acres. Send $2.50 busheL "Limited amount Ciave land Seed; Co.. Boyston. Ga. - Improved Cleveland Big Boll Seed-Yieldlng on av-. erage land 2 bales cotton per acre. $1.50 per bushels ; Best seed for early planting to- avoid, boll weevlL H. L. Powe, Cheraw. 8 .C. Half and Half, Slmpklns, Wannamaker, Cleveland, . Early King, and other standard varieties, all grown in North Carolina. - Rush cash to J. M. Field, Climax, N, C., at rate of $2i?er busheL Supply limited. I Offer $1,000 to the Fanner Who Grows the Most ' Lint Cotton on One Acre from my Ninety-Day Cleve land, write ror catalog: ana information at once. Tt Broome. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES J - Learn at Home or School Bookkeeping." Shorthand, on credit Positions guaranteed. - Edwards College, " Winston, N.' C. . r- - s - -I' i ..- - .1 .i i.n it ..ii i :) ...n lli in . ...ly - Young Man Learn the Barber Trade And be lnde pendent - -The Charlotte Barber College will teach you in 0 weeks. . Investigate. 4Q ast Trade SUeet. Chax- .-lotte, N. C. M s - ? HELP OR POSITIOII WAirfED . W ant a Place as Dairy or Stock Farm Manager On share or salary. A. F. Green. Goldsboro, Ji: c. -- Wanted Position aa . Superintendent - or General Manager Grain or stock farm. ' Age 20; Can furnish A-l reference. - Box 84,. Route 8.- Culloden.- Ga. - -: Wanted by . VirginiansPosition aa manager of- gn . tleman's estate; experienced In stock raising, general farming. - Reference exchanged. Ad drees Edwin Con Wfty. Orange, ya. u - .'"..."' , SALESMEN : - T.. DUllQCS-: Boars DUR0CS ''l Pflfrfiptet Preeminent BeserveChampioA North Carolina State Fair WO '""--. Heads Our Herd. ' ,A PEW CHOICE SUMMER BOARS left f.,r sale ai, . muonaoie- prices yve - guarantee satisraction ,-CCFAIRIONr FARMS, sw 8. Vanatta, Ownv.wMr., Hlllsboro, N. C. BOVT.lAIl'S R(ptered DUR0CS wju UJrajUA oJrtUNU'AffD YEARLING GILTS Sired bf aona and grandsons of ORION cherry JONG, and ORION CHERRY KING 11TH. Write ua for Trices on one or. dozen. You will receive our-prompt reply,; . gtvta full descriptions. YOUNG .BOARSrYarious ages. SAMUELS BOWMAN & SONS. Boone Miirr ; Virginia. Plant Agents Wanted Jeaup, Ga. v;" , -By Ingram & Co.; Growers, It does not cost one penny' to join. Danieisvtue, ua. TURKEYS For Sale Bronze Turkeys Pair, $15. pausch, Gilreath, N. C. W. H. Tene- Bourbon Red Turbeya Prices reasonable. Farm, Andrews. S. 4. Invincible Prize Winning White Holland Farm, Beaufort, S. C Turkeys Magnolia WUlIamson 14 -inch Staple Cotton Seed -Over a bale to the acre already gathered and 2 more ' pickings to be gotten. Send orders now for delivery within 60 days. All seed graded before shipping and Shipped in strong Sacks. Price $3 per busheL H JL. Powe, Cheraw, 8. C. -J. KUDZU - - . - Yale Lock. for. Ford Steering Wheel Burglar proof i $5.75, postpaid. Agents wanted. Satisfaction guaran l teed or money refunded. Walter-Parks. Plsgah. N. C. , Agents Make a Dollar an Hour Sell Mendets. a, patent patch for instantly mendlna leaks in alt uten sils,, Sample parage free, . Collette Mfg, Co... Dept. J MACHINERY Corn Mllla. Saw MlBa. I Engines, De Loach Co.. 541 tie Mills'. Water Whaela. Atlanta, Ga, Pi2s DUR0 WERSEYS -Pigs i We are offering the top PIGS from a herd of over 1.000 Spring Pigs. All Itred by boars weighing at t least 800 lbs., and out of large sows. Satisfaction guaranteed and price right Stock immunized and pricea right. Ragiatratlon papers furniabsd pjomptly. - . 4 . t-"-- ' BROAD ACRE RANCH. Inc.. Terra Cela, V- North Carolina, Pure Bourbon Red Turkeys Very fine; $11 per pair. S. E. Bramlett. gwags, 8. C. Bourbon Reds "Early hatched, pair, $16; toms, $10. Fairview Farm. Bamaeur, N C. Kndatt Planta for Sate. ChemkM -Farma.. Monticello - JfT:Br,J1(l ; NW J' . Cem. Separator' -mnrirt. - T .. ; nun iir Doner contest. Don't Dee a it First check Of Fionas, . ... -r.-s.. - ; - - tTB, t-. . rui.n!in ? Jrm s'V OATS. ,' ". 1 ".. . - 15 TT P. Alarrtrti Pnrtahla -flm. nirtrLm!xrnu- a Jli. ' ".. umb u..n..,n IT 1 HI .I. IlIf .I. Bronze Turkeys Venu, $8 ;. pair, $15. McAdams, Beute 8, Maeane, N. C. Mrs. H. P, For Sale-Improved, Becleaned Fulghum Oats t SJ5 uw.Vailru JZ-inch bottom riding Smut free supply - limited r $1.75., bushel; fiv-'basbetf,.' fflt'--'v.00 dltton. A.-G.- Malone up. $1.60. - L.-T.t Creech Morven. Ga, -rj- ciiiug.--ya..:,.-, ? . . r - . i - - - ' Choice Early Hatched Bourbon Red Turkeys $2 per pair, John utla. Slier City, N. C, , ;- Turkeys Wanted AH kinds, especially Bourbon Reds and Blacks. Randolph, Keswick. Ya. :i X .. z- PEANUTS --'"-' - v ' ordson Tractor -With belt pulley, and ii, 14-inch - - ' rfcAWUia -, :;.-ciHom.oMTM to flrgfclasa conWionY will Peanuts North Carolina Bunch, large, excellent &JS?n8trfta -See this. outfit and save monex. quality. - Buy a baatvto roast thia winter 50 Jba. . William Lee, Box 827 West Point. Va. - - Bourbon Bad Turkeys Best strain, choice trio. $15. Janes Farms. Kershaw. S. C. i $5.50; 100 lbs.; $10. X A. Speight.; Windsor. N. ''-t5.' TSi STRAWBERRIES ones; For Sale Mv -Martin TMthpp . anil'. Twma, OnT . ' models biggest labor-saving tool made; one on nearly -. iwiu au mis-wuuir, mine -never usea or un- Purebred hens, $6. Carl Turkeys Mammoth . Bronze . MeSnlght, China Grove, - Toms, N. C. $: White Holland Yearlinr hens and toms. $10 each; $25 trie. Mfcs.. Grady x Wlthrow, Hollis. N. C. Purebred Mamaneth , Bronze Turkeys Toms, $12; hens, $10; trio. $30. Satisfaction guaranteed. M.-V. Plowden, Gaale. 8. C. .... -- -v T .':' V Purebred Big Bene Mammoth Bronze Turkeya for Sale loung stock sired by a 50-Jb, torn. Toms, $10;' hens, $8, or $16 per pair. Chas, W. Palmer, McCor- mick, S. C. :":,-1 - : -,v: ,-. TWO OR MORE BREEDS ' Entire Stock for Sale Buff Orpingtons. Black Lang sas. Light Brahraas. Mary Measamer, Concord a. C. Route 7. -r. v - Home Fine S. C. Buff Orpington chickens and Bour bon Red turkeys for sale. Orders promptly flUed. ' Miss Julia Jenea, Tobaccovllle, N. C? ' , Forrest Fergusen Barred Bocks Selected . breeders from pedigree stock. Highest nuallty bred-to-lay pullete and. cockerels. $10 each; $ weeka ldr $3 ach; baby, chicks. 50c each; hatching eggs. 25c each. Genuine Tou louse geese, $7 each; hatching eggs,. 60c each.. White Pekuj ducks, $4 each; baby ducklings, 50c each ; hatch ing eggs, 25(j eaeh. Wild Mallard ducks, $4 each; baby ducklings, 50o each; hatching eggs. 25c. each. PearV - Guineas. $3 each; hatching eggs. 25c each. No catalog;-order direct from this ad, Ferguson Farms, ; Dyersburg, Tenn. . - . - SEEDS AND PLANTS BEANS Choice Early Speckled -Jelvet Beans for Sale 1920 crop, write for prices. W. H. Franfai Warthen. Ga. CABBAGE AND COLLARDS rEnrlyir?5!ly Cabbage Plants$1.75 1.000. C. R. $2Jrallfdr0gto, tSo"' shT aientur ; 9 Eto?T0!$' W?fleia Cabbage Planto Ready 100, ' ClaVenToTN? ,preaed.;XEurekarFaAar- . Bt Frest-preof Cabbage' Plants $1.75 1.000. eac- ' 1 ' 1 i : j- Special ' Offer Frost-proof - jersey and Char lea ton Wakefield. Cabbage Plants 600 postpaid. $1; 1,000 ex- jrcBmi, 9i.su : xu.ouv or- aia ; nauBiacuon guaran- ww, ia ui a arm jLitan, , v,. Proaressive Everrajir Stra.whprrr Pi jita 104V Backed, bui. weather beaten Ttim.un ytnr tfla , OA. 1 AAA"-' l l ., i ,J V S . . ..11 M- . . A A va,w . w ' l.v, j,m, j,v.jvr,.' imvua. v. jojni, eyivia, - WM w ixuu unu i-ucti iur aoo uya it xour cnecK Tennessee, ,.:.. ?:'-' --X-y-''yy.-y.'.' returned ;lf sohl v Beference,, National' ahk.- John J,' Surawberry Plants By prepaid mail :.; Everbearing. ..iwMnwciij a. ryuu -tnaij .... ATnurunif , . 100. $2.50; 200. $4.50; 800,$6r 400. $7.50;, 500. $; i.uuu, io. une-crop vaneaesr auen aa louiy Tnomp son, Klondike, Missionary, ete, 100. $1.50; 200. $2.50; 800, $3.25; 400, 4; 600. $4.50; 00, $T.75. Oakdale Farm, Birmingham, Ala. '.- ,'-;-'c-'.. -V.':-.?' - , Phillips Calhoun," Ga.. Route I. MISCELLANEOUS .WHEAT Becleaned High-grade Seed Wheat for Sale Of the following varieties; Stoner, Little R4r Leap's Proline,' Fultz, Fulcaster; from $2.75 to $2.00, f.o.b... cash .with ; order. . Farmers Warehouse Co. Inc.. Blackstone, Va. MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS-AND PLANTS ' Free . Catalog Adapted Soatbern Fruits, Nuts and Berries. - Garden Spot-ynTsery, La Grange, N. C. VVillet Seed Co(-Augusta, . Ga. Planting Cotton : seed; carpet grass; velvet beanaj cowpeaa; all gralng,-' etc, - - " , , r . . Half-and-Half - Cotton Seed and : Crook'a Prollflo Seed Corn for. Sale Booklet free. Crook Bros., Luray, ' Tennessee. , -. - - Peach and Apple. Trees at bargain, prices to planters In small or large lots by express, ParceLpost or freight; 600,000 June budded peach-trees.-.. Plum. '- cherries. pears, grapes, i all kinds berries, nuts, - etc. Shade and . viuuuniuu irecB. vmea ana snruDS. jrree catalog. "AAaiai lf..B. af . Tt . . . . a .aa . . . -I : W a ar mm bV m Sai35 aaaaaajiaaa iKfcfca . ..-' Galvanized Shingles and 6-V Crimp- Booflng, Bub- Fruit Trees For $10.50 we will send by express ir-" 5 roofing smooth and slate-aurfaced. High-grade; high-class peach trees. They are as good treee " as ? P6 low. k Budd "Piper Booflng Company. Dur- tuuiiDjr cwi uuj, ana are seiecrea in sucn way aa to- . """' " - K Beekeeoer Write for lunnl n xtaaai.a News. JV Tom White Dublin; Gal - TZ ; i Evarything Raised on Farm What do you want and how much - 8. P. Groover.- Statesboro. Ga. - - i JVitTTOT,it?P?2 yon can aet sewing done at a Price that Js satisfactory.- Write P. O. Box 878, flop kinavlUe. Ky .. , , . ' v 100 Head Cowe and Helfert for' Sale. 100 bushels Jftch and oats, ady mixed. A. L. Deal, Ksnnapolis, North Carolina. - . f- . v. - i.tSand"co,ore4 ;9tJ'dr 4. dimes; band-colored J.IUMIU1M turners,. .to s - aimes.:. u,- H Foe, Sale Sun-dried. Applesr-8o pound. 50-0).bagsr Mixed pess.;make best offer. Luther Cobb. Culberson North Carolina. - - - , " i j . Hartsvllle 11- Cotton H4Tr'irt li .Anm a-4rrt - v5tor,:$3 per bwAel.:-Pigf toll weeks OlaV$050 $7.25. ..Don McLeod, Rowland, N. C. - - -SCX and YOUNG, DUROCS; OE QUALITY 'X. -Write for prices and description. J. D. SIMPSON, Breeder, BLACKSTOCK, ' ' -rvln C SOUTH CAROLINA. Registered Duroc-Jersey Hogs Atlucedpricee:,ervlca "Boars. Bred Gilts, ami selected Pigs. , :. . Purchase - price will be refunded am transoortaUon charges paid both ways on any ammni not perfectly satisfactory.. .4 . ., C DEVANE MURPHY, ATKINSON, N.C. h; HAMPSHIRES -W.,....i,iMim i '.Ill sw REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE 1 Grand Champion, Junior' Yearling Boar for Sale. This boar u-4Vandson of Finnel's Giant: he is 1 year-old,' weighs 275 lbs.) hs a perfect belt, (tood bone, and a.aiie of 100 pet cent belted litters, tin fnmiah TihntA iirmt MntMal i- A hara-ain at -- Also Bred Sows, Bred and Open GilU, Spring Boars, and - Weanling Pigs, at reasonable prices. :fiatlsf action ' GuaranteecLj Money Refunded. ' r. ' " . For paitlculare write C. TV HARDESTY, JR.. f SUMMIT POINT, W. VA- For Sale Corn mill;-feed arinderr emt i lli . i . ..... .-'i . ? . o , lecuiuv in ops : BUipnuiff coons r 14-lnrrr THft-ch ment paper. . Storage Supply Co.. AghevUie, N."1 C. --s HALL'HAr,lPSHIRES JWe'ffcr at reasonable prices sow s and g'ltai bred "to tour prige winning boar. ilts; and .'boars .ofall agres sired by irreat boars -and out ' ot good dams. iat isf action- guaranteed. " . HALL.HAMPSHIRE FARM, 5'-", "-V Soprt6n Georgia. at. irivA rinp tipaaI,a frAm. IbI-a ...i, ha1.m i. t..- the number needed for the home orchard; Write for prices on any cjther fruit; trees, shade trees, rshrubbery or, berry plants needed. All of our atock Is grown by m jmrrivnu Ansociauon or nurserymen.' which guarantees- a square deal to aJL. Oakdale Farml Florida. Birmingham. Ala, - , A. . , r, ,.77 , Oranges, Grapefruit r seen to .you, di lain anoiit, . 'inn . nnnra e;. - . boxes, $1.75. Special pricea to merchants. ' Beference; u, Moua, uere. a. xayiox, vdi xwigg St., Tampa, Wefruit and-All Kinds of Citrus Fruit- J RrPPfl ITflO IRCfSt' direct JTrom our groves; large bqxe -ton- ft . . aVU ' 0 oranges. $5; half boxes, $3j quarter J ICS WORLD NEEDS LASCS ' Oriilnatorsol ke Famoos V. I- Bo.t FARTiIS FOR SALE ' fiR . REIIT 'We dot not extend our irenerat advertlalne guar antee- to; land advertiaementSi because -every pur-' chaser .should see land- for himself before 'buying. But no man -is permitted tovoffer land for sale in our paper, rttrtleea he ahowa fas satisfactory refer, encea as. to his honesty and business responsibility. NORTH CAROLINA" . Frm'-'r Sale Larger or small' liKnn A NthencVounltema e'8y- --fl. Kyenu;;; 4 wray a nut -jrees This -Winter With lime-atilphur .TILB,m i0?8 Scale. We have it in concen tratod.fpnn.jand by adding-9 gallons water to each . gallon limjSWphur yon have a mixture thatrwill kill 9ctl n"d mai5,,ru trees healthy. Prices by express,' lf?ou R'S' tS. Name expresa v. office, i Oakdale Farm, Birmingham Ala w-v- , - t l ' FEED ?C 1 y ? " - ,a,riAJ1. r,e? of Cottonseed meaL cottonseed r nulls. In carload and less than carload lota;. , Write or -J" Alahama - ' - ' " i ' I w' .. -.. .-j.-. i-,- --..i t--.. j.juJ at-.. ,! ...w.v;.'--'.'.-! .1 .....ii , ie Why lose money breedlnr. -j- piiNrmwui '.miiif tiQa;i Two of our O, I. C. Begs w eigBM 9 u e reanda. ry y We are the moat extensive ,T Dreeders and snippers or ' . purebred hogs in tho world.' - Writs to day for the trae story of the real 0. L CV Iloga. All forehrn ahiDinenta - " We have bred theO. I. C. JIo since 1869 hnd have never Joet a boar with cholera or ..r i.i i r wBjr wcv w hnhii prooz. -f hrf i- PRINTING VIRGINIA 4 AW- eiA ss l7mTE-TODAT--r nrr FtnOff OU.VM x Sal eat, LATOa Vlr1 CwMa.il' m. "' " . ' 1 " 1 f - -m-. '- ' - ." sjaajaafassa v ..v,,. -..j. . V".-,; .-- a vaa.aa vriuaaa X mr II IM a " civnal B J rL:'V . , , al T J1 , t v : Ma ai a' .1Ai4 A 1 .ii'-n - A - . r."-.' k i- . I ;.-.r:v" T'm' 1 1 XAinenbura-. Va. t - j ixiicwai. vjci up a ciuo and I ' vv :' THE a, d. 4 ' . ' . ; - - v & reward. "Kv.-,ii v. ,I-. .U-ry . r.s:j -, -.. H . "-l $rr