4M t 1 11 'A i ,. JL If If Q ' . H s wyw&&& m'i nere ?wil La L huh tJiiui uiui Other prominent features will include ' r Livestock Educational Exhibit. Beef Cattle, Dairy Catde, Svi.e, Splllii : a" r ' V Reduced Railroad Rafe West Raleigh, N. C, or v'f"rV . V .V v v ; i JF f f UJ lf , 1 1 Pigs, Shoats 0;I. C. -Dcari , Sows 0. I. C. HOGS of tt hWeat breedtnfci epeciil price Fifs. Sboata, waifhtaic .from d, to 150 ft a. t Searic Boars and Brd &owk SUtoI'alr srU wlonera. W. I. OWEN. ' , , BEDFORD. VA. Reg. Big Type PoI-OHa Hogs Service Boars 5 to 12 rtontftrili -CJTi Bred and Open felltkOr to. 12 months old.' tow tor February farrovr.. ; 'v v4 . , Pios-2 to 3 months oM. matod.'n6 tUttia. r.iant Bust. Geratdafe lone Jutobo nd Big1 Defender strain sv Boga dipped on approval.- THE WOODLAWH POLAND-CHIWA FARM, : Woodlawn, ;: - -j t . Vlrqltttav REGISTERED P0LA11D-CH1IJAS Spexdal'for November-" i 18.00 rvvo-nimitho.nM mna V " " ''"v tin no These pigg are the real BUt.Type out of sowb rep-" J;?1:"!1"' th est herds in Indiana and Missouri GIANT BUSTER and BLUE VAJLLEY, JUMBO, strains. First chedcs1, choice piga. .- r , PINE VIEW FARM, s " CLYDE, N..C BIG BONED fOtAIiD-CHINAS JUMBO WONDlSB. DEFENDEB, - ana UIANT BTJSTBB STRAINS. " .-i . . VW M1M.:.1'.VW.,,.7! tous, uiai oirvro,, pnu vrttlSi viu mnnSI68, 5aated Wo...AU hoga cholera lm; muned and regiatered. rf AV--,v , . ; Get On Best JEtteagr, oik Good Pigs. , w THE LETHE POLAND-CHINA FARM ' : HOLSTEINS PcreUred HOLSTEIM COWS Lead After a 6-year study of dairy oper ations on over 20 farms in three-different parts of Minnesota Prof. Cooper of the State Experiment . Station finds that dairying is most profitable in the Hol stein Section" of the state. .'y ' In" 190S the average profit per cow was" only $10,10. In 1909rit had increased to $38.45 per cow, or 43 per cent on capita invested. Increase was due to improved herds,. purebred Hotsteins having been substituted for grade beef breeds,,. As soon as dairying is put on a systematic basis, , the Holstein cow comes to 4he front. If facts and figures mean any thing7 to you, send for our illustrated literature. - " , , big toe ptiura-cmiiAS - xK? MqjEL;. out Herd Bow, te "Wghingr over Krit?"iS? 2.ye8? old' and.absolutelf n,of.th greatest hogB la,tho South ' , j- i .'V'"- ai qS1? 3!0AW 15 each. Ordw-ftOnv thift Satisfaction guaranteed. v s r " E- 0- HUNTER;RattW7''WiwfOB-SaWiif; t HOLSTEINS H0LLINS HER& Accredited Herd s itrc.13 PRODUCTION Jv' Dams lT!8??" of KINGf LYON3. KING-JOH; .. 1 to Generations of YEAbIy RECORDS-, . 1 lui urn, ' j. Ji" p TC2 nOLSTEIN-FRIESIAK ASSOOATipK " 180 Hudson Street " BrattltJboro, .Vermont , SALE ANNOUNCEMENT BIG BONE POLAND - CHINAS; Hv ' W J H 1C? : ' NEWTON & NEWTON uakiale li1 su?hi New Albany, 50 Head BredvSoi74aJan; 31, m WATCrT THIS SPACE 1 15 vl .. If f I J1 Si f ' SI AW 1 f r J I t V -.t K. J , y , - SPRING VALLEY DUU0C-JERSEY FARM OFFERS SEPT. PIGS Br a Great Sotr of ORION CHERRY KING 11TH, out of , Xfamlfleent sranddaughters of ORION CHERRY KING 42475, Fall Yearlings and wi lara, at 25o Kound Ag-RTOidditaghfceffl of OBION CHERRY KING 42475, wrtajt, 10M fartow, at- J0o Br SinTrh daraaof twrmtlreT ertar ver? highly bred Colonel anct&lea Cherry KIm sows. THECOLONElfb. WAM'TOP COLONEL and MONARCH mostly. Thla .offertn, to a groMargain. , wUl not lalt kmg-Tt U rtc Every bog aUtfped on a guarantee of aatlafacttoa or may bo returned at our expense: SPRINQWVALtEV;DUR0C.iER8Ey FARM, .J . a SPRINGFIELD.: .TENM. Mm - t it ' '" .. v " 1 Sf a-MBBBMBBSMBBMBBSSBBSMBSSSlBlllllllllll ;?.IF -J ,fL V.,".- ' REDPOLLSl' " v I ; MISCELLANEOUS, BREEDS v ; -'' A ' -. 1 . ,. -b - . - aaaajitaoafastiuOMMwafe hHOLSTEINS - HOLSTEINS . 500 Ad RES OF KENTUCKY HUUia we have been forced by demand to cnlaree ow faW and office force. We are now in iiosittonTto give immediate service. v IS YOCNO gCOW&-u to freshen by first " A BUiTy & .OF BULtS Ready All Mttftt 5a?ers famished a head herdT hi rtS waa winner in lie ihSS rfflf at Jr SUto Fair, in a very strowr "wATAnd we win give i, , satisfaction. . , , ' - KENTUCKY" HOLSTEIN BARDSTOWN. . KENTUCKY, ::... Advertisers), cayt '"Iam irittaf you aV .i'.dvrti.er Tho USE A REP POLLED BULL aBBsaaBMoajB)aaa aswiWWBWBBBjBaSBBWIMM IF YOTJ ABIT RAISING BEEF, a. RED POLL Bull will give you i more Quality and mote ' pounds than any other breed., .,'. V ; IF YOU ARK A DAIRYMAN, a BED POLL Bull will not reduce your milk supply and . nriu ae. von calvefl that are more profitable, t V WE ABE OFFERING SOMB' ESPECIALLY are bred right and priced right, $100 and up. My herd ifone of the largest and beat to the country. Haat been admitted to the State and United States Tuberculin Free Accredited--. List. Write t your; wats. or como anf loo. OAK Glibw TOC e. B. CRADD0CK SON. Owners, ;CLU8TEH:'PRINC8, ; yiReiKlA LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS V. V C.4WANTEmrC;fe.; ' " ; : Write atTbnc"e:cir TKe , Progreaajve Farmer Company 17 a C JJI TJ . J I T;- . . iveniucKy ajauuie nurses sou iavu , - , n..iwa ffnAHlailMrM Vlnna tTMiVi1rt ttjf1dlV sf 'V..r':T StaUions.Htlares and Geldings. ...8 Mare and Geldings, thoroughly broke and ready for imme diate use. " 10 Teams of Tercheron Mares', bred; JBi,Bon Kentucky Kammoth Jacks." -A splendid lot or stock to select irom. write us aescrimn . - - i -; , your wants, v . sua '' THE COOK FARMS, LEXINGTON. KY. eiersDe Herd of Reg. Ho!$teins HERD OF 7HEiD Under State and 'Federal Supervision, .All, ages for Sale. , ' There is no i i better blood in tlie breed. REGISTERED BERKSHIRES Sired ytfi Viry ginia State Champion, Epochal Virginian, a son S of BpochaL Sow, Pigs, - Boars, GUta. , ; ; ELLER8LIE 8T0CIC FARM, .1 David Dunfop-. V Petersburg Vav p. John Dunloa ' if, 1 - A - ,1 Adrertlse youf litestock in The rog$-" ; ? buy -burebred sive Farmer aad'voa will reach the real live stock', buyers. Our. readers are '.the ; ,best farmers in the Sontn and are the" ones who IiwatwV . Tr. Vtom ' ' . . V w k n . .k A w.. ...... si I Vina I Den c ' I UBNER. Manafler'; T ' II" "" V . , Homos College. 3 - HolllftS. Va. I I r.r'-f.j.. s .rr!aa.H , l Mi til 'i 1 if 1 i V li 4 " ' i i ' ' I, 1 ' 1 " " v ,','i.in L.-- " " T '