r? i Cyi Oil V',; - Vol. XXXV. No.'47 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920 $i a Tear; 5c a Ccpx stions Jiy )TMT BUTLER .if along this line, but few producers ot " There are many SoutheraTecft arrasoed the much ereater imoortance made by the selling of calvesrAtrwean;- -l to him o( being able to judge ac-. ing time, for instance. This jsf of teQ ;4c . . 1 curately of the producing and feed- .trnfe and. perhaps generally .tnicas; V ' ? ing qualities of the animals he deals'- calyet are . wintered Qt:-ledoutlnt.he '' , " with. - '-South It may evea' sometimes -be;r . . triifl whpti the calvesare fedloutia ' - ihe emciency or economy ot pro. " l5M(l rat;nr:, but 'wta'enV thislis.true the best feeders;, losr r. the measure of the use ine and this meas- for p imals, . V,' nhorus se.e anyone' that he cannot esti- or to acquaint himself fully with the diUon or.seling. . U " m f XLhatV wfeV common outward' ications of It -takes skill and good feed to fit The acid phosphate, far Intakes more than a Vear to raise efficiency possessed by the animals livestock for market, but this Bkm;. :t r;l simply the acid ttSft e, which cLLme and oU waste his and good feed is paid 'f or moj e liber, rr-H .. tilizcr. it f-- ;r:, rt" J" - tw. J w nian either to raw materials, his feeds. ally than is the laDor ana xeca pu.-j. Lmts andpianis arc iwuu r 7 r V. . . . W an animal marketed in an unhn- r ihen why snonia ucc.uc ic . . condition. it the use ot'aciuvpnospnaic ui j lani wom iui mc ucvwuiutui tv . r . i;; Jn"?S .od eWntslimaW A certain amont of livestock pro- livestock, industry in the South than AS with other product,, tto to supply mc -Jv.at.,..,. A .1. x f i;vctnW inrlo-incr trt are greater on the best quality ana phosphorus r xne ; yxwsjjiMic,' - w lime of which the boites of 'animals are formed. - v . Make the Silage Ust the ! Satire . ir( dtttv f Ae'i8 nf crreat im- This does , come from periods ot low prices, just not mean that feeds need be, changed as is done in every other line of busi often In fact, sudden" changes -in ness. It is better not to raise live feeds' are distinctly undesirable. But. stock at all, unless it is made a per varietv means that several -'feeds manent or regular part of the farm cUnnlrl he used to make HP.tne ratioiu : proauciiuu. n ia '"ojj " . " ;. - . " --r:-zz. . . ' shouia ne useu 10 f, , r - , , . nrt . lit w mnsi- crrTTw the feeds and cive This not only stimulates tbe appeiue, unproniauie uumuc - " TN DISCUSSING the .differences De- rClS ultfJiC ;th and . i. that-rirte5 not continue it as one 01 tne tck- i ki.i.!jw Ui tuu 4 ".ky'- -- w r r. 1 1 liiu w w m . . . ...... . ... r i; i -1. :..A'. are orreater nn the best QUalltV ana. Auction is essential to the most eco- tne teaenmg ox nvoiui-iw juuuig ' '-V.V- nomical farming and the safest and the growing generation of farm boys best finished livestock and the, South best plan is to felect certain lines of both in the schools and colleges and willrofit much i by seriously ' fv1. m in la ajj 3fcA U-fiS periods ot high prices ana accepting the ichooU and ub i bred animal for -breeding .purposes such lessened profits or losses as may es the schools wa u . . mat nicy itn.c -v.: - w. -" . t t . : course and do the same sort of ork ;flesh. Feed cannot be sold so well on in livestock judging. any other market, asby feeding it to ' - an animal of this sortthat is to, be The Finished Product Brings ihe offered for sale: Best i nee . . We "must not only grow livestock, farmer for his raw products and.those f livestock production. , V 't r- 'T '.ft. is always dangerous and o ten un- consumers, it -has been M-rtGtaMe and this annhes to livestock 3 . . . . .i j.---, 4.. Is well as to cotton. At least two or J' difference T befween the Relative Feeding Value of Cottbn three money crops should be pro- bythe cotton grower - . Cottonseed Meal --I. - rertLrcLesTrst VhHoutn , TZi A READER w know 'f! but livestock is as certainly one of som of the "high grade is cheaper, buying cotton seed at rc me omers wuitu uwum v , cotton eoods. i.jw wtw.wvW --..v in any system of permanent agricul- merceraea cotxon g afc f tjn and CQt ture. iucc tumw. .... v - - Seea nuns at per ion r rJL: " a. .. !'.-.." -at .4. i. i. -.i. i.- o v o d f inrtr nire.iv tnac the ration will be better balanced, or . ular operations 01 me iarm, wue uuP will better supply - the elements is always aangerous ana onen uu needed bv the animafs system- ' . In wintering cattlevwhen the sup ply of silage is hmited.the: mistake is often made of feedin.f up all the sil- age before springy and then." finishing the season on cottonseed nuns: or other dry roughage. . " should be '"i euyyij vt-'-aiwovjr"!' . tmre -wv ... caretuly estimated pains oemgtaKen more so than tne iu i:a Hvs . M Ao not to fall into the common errot of . . . . . . . t which the farmer gets for a steer and This- mquiry, as weHj a na o hers overestimating the T amount on . hand. Importance of Judging Livestock the ice he has to pay for a smal we have received, md c Jt ttot some This will neady always eaone:when best buyer of any product, other serving of -this same steer at any o "JJ. the usual estimates of.the.capacity of 1 w bei equal? is the man who our fiff ieed meal and hulls Gton seed must silos are used. The sal tables show- h he best judge of its quaiity and such comparisons f be regarded as aconcentrate and re ing the capacity,of silos different orlh The best seller of any pro- misleading even though it be sizes must be discount edftJ5 - to ; d Qther things being equal, is the true that -,1 meal. The comparison 20 per cent. -.v -J-T ' mM' who knows most or that prod- dlffencee must; -therefore, be between cotton The amount of-silaiegiven 'daily tict. - . TMtT U'r seed at $31.50 and cottonseed. meal (7 should be reduced to. that it will A man entirely ignorant of the the consumer has to pay iw , per cetlt; of 36 pcrcent protein) at $48 last the entire feeding season or an- quality of a product may be a better There is added to the raw products a jon; , it requires V2 tons of cottoti til grass comes in the Spring. .This is - scller or buyer of that product than -'of every manufactured or finished ar. . secd t0 be tqu to one tpn of cotton especially important "when dairy cows, another man-who knows very much . ticle much in labor, skill and mtelli- ,seed. meal,-,as. we have already stated' and younir owiu inimali are being more about the product, but the bet- gent management. The greater-the many times. This means that when fed. AnalWanrJrWlOooands ter buver or seller would be a stm refinement or pertecttoiuoi tne mi cottonseed meal is wortn a ui romnarison ordb- 7lA oer cent meal X' i- UUL WW JJ ... . mim mw , . www w JT ' . . . -iiL' ''"V'-i ' -x ' if the snanlv n had511 nt oermif market value. - . sumer. Moreover, tne compexmuu . or cottcuueea meai naymg o.u p of their Vecrfvrnri-Srfi" for - n wf f foundation im- less severe among high class proaucu ?f protem. but wni e tne reiauvc ijcu;..- . " "1H7::-: " - . V. . " - .u riiirP iia nmnne the common proaucxs or ing values ot seea ana mcai uc -; Flw w- " . i C ... k "J ..1L.. iL. .J.Mn.iranFVAn. be hp raw materials. r - staiea, mcaiii i? uiuW6v w a cay tor cws, and, 5 pounds a?day better ouyer or sciici ux isnea pruuuci, tu aaIa V T 7- x V lu-l for the young stockivibe.f ery :jf, he knew or could judge : accurately cost of intelligence which is added to ieedmg. But this . s 0:SZ T. . , - : ..... AACt nf nfnnrtmn and xi ,i,.f rliri hnuerht bv the con- nWv shmild aoolv tc grear ail beraiis nt its-finccuiencc. OI lis uuainy, w : xc piuu iccciviug juurc. au - v it ts tnereiorc ui iuuuuwv.. . the entire season that green-grazing r-portance that the man who produ isnol to be had. .7 s?.Y:?r ' i ' h,,vs op sells livestock should ;rs - . f i:vestock. Everyone more ,uyt)v . Uvestnrlc HKr Pari "of less fully .recognizes me .mpu - ::?'.. ,;v..Ti'M. V:;..TVW,:T-:T,..'.f.i;.''- ...... i 1. ...iforl " V. ' .."5 is.'WH-.. .-V. 1 nqtV VPKI UK. KlUWV" . - .. l!L.ull thin YflA rOTTITIKIlk HE large product on of hogs -in utoton r - . lor more nuc...j "t ;- necessary to haul the see 1 Amerief liSSSS?!? inTrother: em.to fail.to KaUze ,he fact that ipto the prpduct.00 of raw he lheoJnd r.niintr u l i t....f . - i-- ,,s v . vm. : - - . - . . 3 : ilia lci lata ... ;. ntmiM i-na r.K ui'TUC idiiu: j wuuu.,.(".. ke i Te live" ogs whic Producer oHivestock be a gooa ,u8c of bettcf quaity attd put on the mar: Viwfe believe .would sellf Price of less SiS ITblSSfSf cl?S "P ' ' , fL:r ket in a better finished condition, , -eed a ton Vnd buv nieai at ... ' for 100 pounds of hog.TfteteWht, r It is therefore, ;as stated, of bac - balf.nnished flrvestQck m;becausc , meal, ,s;more;satisp ' therff Li ,;.or Jrindamentai importancethat the a . . - th feCd-Con- : factory to Jeed.. In. no casetshould s hen .TiShel farmer who is to ccessmiiy pruuu.. . thati - well-finished anlmato more than five pounds of ede'.tear?i;;U. . le ,nA ul'tZ "rp.. to .livestockrbecome a reany guuu . . fced .a-. a mature cow or steer, ub.;". hunYrelThefe of v'the 'types, , oe of course, the. cual the other hand,' five to seyeds o;,; . of . i.M-f1..'fc:.-.rAiind charactensucs pi . , -. . . km.ln fcedingncl cottonseed meat may oe icuuy, v at of ;: iAri:P7 " K:ra-: to produce. , . ;;, n the' market are always- a short Jeedmg period otayoay-f w ,. , . t --UrA animals to ' . .v: .T .n.,!it Bv tn sevfn noundrot cot- - ' , j,-0 rtf ft,'., taining a smaller per cent of on and is; ;rt? If the livestock producers of the to disturb d;gestion. On, South could once earn the lesson - advfse b j it. J l.ttnir 4ii inrpl ll&nCC Out 1UIO 7 " . . , . , "'.r,r- neu wuu .... o---- . . -....j ot su s a ton insieaa. 01. niea : , ; gh class finished product is paio o"- i -fact when it.is not;-; ' 1 away, iruui jneal,can be. " hog or a pound th ditional bushels h .,'i-:t.iriwUp' The breeder ot pureDreu u.uw - of mm-HM-rtw-ftf the J4 be used or sold tor 0 her costs of producing-1DQ pounds..: generally, recognizes ?f hog and the profits, if t hYe have skill in estock Deen any. '.With corn below $J-ne ' irequ" uusnei on th farm mid fcnM-well-'trouble Jto eaucaic,",1"i,vl - - .. - . -r v.-"1. ,-v - n " . - v . ,.