.w-; !W; to ': : -V: ' ' ' ' ' ' . 1 1" tloxi.Adcl 60 gallons', of .waters -Tt&f flipped off. .Then, when you seP ft ' , i Jr If - y ;i; '.Ui. ';ilhV&;ZiZ1r 'treatmentill will soonbe a Zt T 1 ' ! ,1i 1 1 , i X - , ii i j n - - - - f s v"' ' a, , tr , v i - - v ri-. itmp-uinnur .'x udiL iu.7 uiiu. nai avjuai c in a. ira.rniii 1 - -V t'Dy.W. F.fASSEY '.before-Jwdst Swell. :Aittt. obm;f or.-ftas?mattettwith" honeysuckle bef -when bloomV'shbw color, 'use thereon-, :i't cameunder 'my' tare ' T ?re i , ." f --' r cn Af,x t rt- .'v' x Wanted Wants a Boojc 'pAN-1 getd book that 'about grafting? , ' ' ' '- jcentraieariimc.-&uijuurrr j -vu ; inapjcgeotgrouno; for veeetaKi r" rrT Av. -' " v. 1 .'"'. - "5 wallnnc nf watr arid after hloom 'falls -anH- liio- nnA fWi'-u-... ?:ld01?s, ,;,;the:spring, ;wilt tell all Fri'tW Z-v - ' r i: V oi arsenate led H added fortthexcod-"; on Mhfr UuHt :w . 61uwin ,WH . . , have found Madam Bravery. -General 1 i.-. t-- - : , . MacArtnur. juaay , nsniown ana - :- i:.-:rt0 . 1 -: - "nauey-s iNurse ry x?ook is puumucu Mrt 'ana Myaryiana .a l0 days apart. .Treat Vcherries M. - . -nv mwKc hv thp MarMIllan Co.. of New York - fin nnral-rarAvthiir is the most . i... .Li. . - v.. ...ixt. , fiirttrXr --'t-.- . ritv. and is ahoiit the onlv book OI rnntanf h1nnmr T-have. It i bficht V. -. v s tfr t.:iV - ' V V L -j . . k f- V . , . v " ' " , j?oraeaux mixiurc - ueiuic ' uuua awcu, , eeu jur me eariysp Kiim dvdiwuic. - , rea in coior,; , wettine .trellis, and posts and ground, l?;ifl plants Jo set in- -sow cc66a(e January f Caterpillars on Collards HOfF ca iy gr worms , ' - - . jf o cottards?' v " -."PAN the witt. laurel be 'trans planted? 4the sai Yn ran kill them bv -dastine thtT When should It $e done t .Can Sfa alone. ; , , 1 " ;4 v. Therl.spray'again after bloom falls and theibet"tim? m South Carol Growing Shrubbery , , . ' s JT 4ays -until fniit j1?1? fifrol,w' thVjast 6i September, but you otujjpcjuuuga atw.Mu iv nave got plants large enough tn ma Is might set in You can kill them by -dusting the - vynen sngu a tt oe aonei an 01- aipj. plants with calcium arsenate such rea van aoum ue yruwn jrum as is being used for boll weevils: or and can a hedge be made from cuttmgst same way. Let, the; strawberries January' by. sowing in early OrtSi" oow-s;eQ oineiariy Jersey Wake ciu lurinc. earnest market. Seed Planting Nuts 2 ou nST ai; oftChprtas.asUsfrpm 'WHEN U T air-slaked lime and dust this over TUUiet , . . , wuw ; yruw uuwjur un - in-yotfr-section should come in the the collards. - Strong waste, soapsuds .The laurel, Kalmia latifolia, -of your Nuts of all kinds must be planted in last of March or early April. You can from the family .wash used freely will section, can be safely transplanted, thegfall as soon as ripe if .you wishto depend oil 3,000' plants from an ounce utvui uwi'. ,. -j : X t.C WICiU UU UUW. Will a KUUU ilia as " V m. v y j , . . XV . v-.. ,.w...w t lo IUU IcllC XO SOW ( I'... it V r '1 ' 5 i I y V l , - Englisb Walnuts in Florida biORIDA: "What soil is best suiteU y?crt 'if:zMo'jbe .English 'walnut and what part i ;vT--1 of ythe state would be best for, them? vy hat counties qj Jyortn Carolina are byst sutied to. alfalfa?" i"The English walnut is "riot partic ular as to soils. I have, had it, in heavy clay loam and have it now in light sandy soil. There is a flourish- of earth and cut off'ali the leaves and ter few of them will grow. Hickories , seed this yeaf,. you can buy plants they will usually live. In he moun- make good' stocks for pecans, but I;-from theXgrowers on Yonges Island tains they call the Khododendron iwouia preier tne pecan seea. "rr. ana as you are not tar trom Charles- '-ion;you coum go aown there and get Why Not Keep the Pasture .Clean :;Myfiy-r 1 'WMMB1':, : dnllin Sweet Potato Rots A CORRESPONDENT sends a dried- lpP; . . . ; up weed with a few seed heads ? Agriculture of. on it and ' ihinks that this weed ' Farmers' , Btxlletm No. 714 with ior.A u,-e i f a o suggestions tor : protecting the sweet nearly full length in rows for cultivat- that I cannot undertake to identify a Pptato stock (rom disease in field and ing. In the. same way Vou can, make : antnositivelv unless I have ai nlant , f101?110"" iThere are descriptions a hedge 'of the . privet with cuttings wth flowers on it. r But the question Jhe sweet set six inches --apart, arid nearly as arises, Why allow weeds vto growl f hesf .re:st?m rot bIack rot. quickly as from, plants.- These ; are and seed in a pasture, especially weeds foot rot scur atlJ root rot and direc" cut in spring and leaves stripped off. thaf you think poisonous to stock? ?s .are lv.e" for controlling each. - t ' Mow off all weeds before seeding; m ' r ius that in" Spraying for the BroWn Rot" fact, before blooming. Maintain noth ade th PIansAHn1c t0 keeP clearof . - - r ing but grassland clover in a pastures them the. germs of the various diseases VOR two years, my grapes, plums, and top.dress with bone meal annual- ?ust ?xclded r?m the fields and peaches, apples, cfjerrtes, strawber jy-and you will finally get ayctearti fertilizer used. ries, Scuppemongs; etc', have been afa griss pas'ture. Another case is sim- -wSeedshotiid be especially grown for fected by brown rot. Jn the spring J ilar. . The' writer says, he has a Sciip- bedding and the seed selected at dig- Uce on Peach Trees HOW can I kill wood lice on roots of siainst y " lne noaoaenaron peach trees?" T ' S thlS tOQ' Can. be V . i planted. You can grow spirtas, deut- vr cleaning out an xne -aecayea ziaSj forsytas and many other shrubs wood left by the borers and : keeping ; . from cuttings of the last year wood the borers cleaned. out twice-; aear. , made- eight to" ten inches, 4ong. They Wood lice do ' not -harbor in ; sound v are usually Cut . iri the fall and tied in wood. I have a notion that white- bundles and buried in the earth uo- vwash mixed well with calcium arsen- side down till spring, and then set ate ana wen usea 'around tne case or the trees would be more "effective in stopping the borers than any other hcatioh. o. " ; r ' ow;iifflf. .perno yifle that is overrun with gmg time from , healthy hills. To do sulphur, but did not check the:.rot . - honeysuckle .and; is suffering. Now this, split the stem of the plants and The rots on the various fruits are not ' that honevsuckW did not smother the. examine.;, the iflterior for indications u - in rr T7n hrltcT tm 1 n 11 f mt1i o ril --rt einlir soil in lower Delaware; In Florida iaenticai ana spraying jto cnecK(; any ot grapevine, an. at Qice. . it . nas , oeen a cu ,cAamui.c wuu laic mc I suppose they will grow in any well- them must be thorough and repeated. r A . growing year after, year and was al- seed " potatoes . before bedding. In drained soil. Probably-best are the single spraying in the spring will seldom lowed to. grow till , it ..lias enveloped making, slips for . the growing of seed red clav soils; of the ribrthwestern do the work. For peaches, spraybefore the grapevine. Now the owner wants potatoes,' be sure' to get. the cuttings part ' of the state near Tallahassee. Alfalfa can be grown 6n any- well drained, specially prepared and limed soils in North Carolina. ' buds start with the -solution of ronren- to know if .he" ran niit th. hoti(v- from healthv , olants. The disease trated lime-sulphur. wash. Then, after; suckle down and cover it with saw- often starts in 4h e, hotb ed, and if the bloom, spray with self -boiled lime-sul- dust and prevent its growth; "Hardly, same bed is 'uied'every. year it should can cut it down and grub out be well - disirifpeted before use. The fit,?: f 1 1 !rf ' 7 (i ., The Hickory Tree Primer fHAT can I do to stop something that cuts off the small 'branches from my pecan trdes? They cut them off as neatly as though they had a saw." The pruning-is done by an insect called Oncideres cingulatus, which lays, its eggs at the nodes on the shoots and then cuts around ,and. around as neatly as a turner's lathe to cut the shoot off. They do this so that the eggs will hatch and the larvae feed on the decaying shoot. The only thing you can do is to gather up and burn the trimmings, for the insect cuts the hickories in the forest in tne same way and thus increases; for the pecan is simply a species of ; hickory. . v , y y: What to Do With Tuberose Bulbs 'IM HAT shall I do with tubergs'es v bulbs ? They are '. 'now in the ground and I have no place to keep them. Is' it too late to set outoses? Wha are sotnerl hardy blooming summer roses ?'':yy ' The tuberose ibulbs are of no rvalue.'. after they have bloomed . for the ( bulb never blooms but ohce.-l It is " valuable only.for the offsets', myde s these can be .takeo:$' to make more flowering buibs.- :Bet- ter take them i tip1 cut oJ;thetbs& and tie in Isurichersrand hang up in the kitch''.tb.';,ureas....heyVmu cured irt a - warrtf .fjplafee. Then in-; spring clean ' off Jthe offsets and throw the old bulbs away. Better dormant roses in , 1 , , buy two-year-old dormant "VKsr J4typ INDEX TO THIS ISSUE ' Acres&a Few Good . . . v". .; . -nTT. -8:' : LwestoUhould :ielj&&fflart "PartfZ$ ohur : that is. 10 obundsi:?Iime and-10 You pounds4pf sulphur slaked together, the all the roots you, can, and then .forbid- frame work a permanent bed and srmhldedimteO proportion of one pound to330 gallons of water, and the copperr Sulphate, one pound to 25 gallons .of 'water, i In my own experi ence I 1 hayKfoynd it best never to bed in the' same place twice. Sand i for bedding should; come from where b' potatosthetever ;been grown. tM.Uy0 only and riyeiuse;nbtbied,but bed under ;.'-aashes-iif. a',framc, and "depend on the "sun'siheit toltartvthe sprouting. Then selthatthelwagbriEand-baskets are ; Protection" after storing' is fully as ' important; . None but" perfectly sound potatoes; should be stored, especially ' should i any potatoes affected by black "rot be-thrbwn but.,-The various stor--age, rot?, can Vnly-f be 'controlled by rigid Isanitatiori; of the .bin and py handling ywith":care: to prevent bruis- irig;-vThen.:fegulate rthe temperature ".carefully. V-:'::i 'r r-i. 20 ot,tarm:Zroductionii.:.is.. ' 3 Brown Rot, Spraying for ... .. . . . 4 "Nutfi- Tim$ for Planting . v; J ; IV ;V 4 Bulbs, Tuberose, What to Do With, Orchardman Garden Work ' This . Farni'r B-cttcrAead 'V -Week, andex. ; ....i-.;: JJ Can't Stay $ Catpillws on Collar Cotton Growers Gathering Mo ; :&ICtfS$'E&WClUGUl:&& mentuni . . -ir. .......... 14 TJ7RR 'h- C nttrin Stood and CnHnitood Uonl '' . T-. . C " - - . , .ReMtotsfredi CupiOur; Runneth OverX SyShik 'anarmi farmers, TOBAccoyOF -$mmne&:jy r: VIRGINIA, CAROLINA AND Scols, Constructive Criticism of, r y&G$0l$GiAWRGANlZE:3 i k ;r. : W P6reigfo;$aym$yrK 'C.a ' .rrostii wwir .Xivu: v HeaUhT.alkCrosses:-'"j,htChibi f -v . '-o i S.:Pryh myyobaeejioiverMake Mdgnifiy '4 ''c-:'iAA&&teiyT;.$ ' r - u i XandtLinesandCoffiers 4 Land, What to: Look forte Buay&y i . 1 Ltvoslnrh F LvvestockOxfird Down Sheep. :J2 " IV OMAN JND EDUCATION. t J8 - j CIRKHNGIIAM , 'ALA. fii H.r.e J ! ATLANTA, 6A. M t M PHTO, TEN M. Bid a- COMMUNICATIONS REOAKPING ASJSSbD TO OR 8UBSCBIPTI0NS SHOULDJBB AOTRD AT , OFFICE NEAREST THE HEAP EH. V?; rN t THE POBTOFFICB AT BlRMlNGflAM A ' 1879. ;,.DEH THE ACT OFXONGRtft OF MARCn a'- SUBSCRIPTION BATES: - ltso One yetr...; $1.00 . Two yert.. SU monthi. .80'- Thr. years,.. .-. . . ' ftv.V';.o':-;'.S , , V r. . f ("-f vlt - x . ? z - " y ' - . -1 v'- . T t - , -J ,