V frE v. -' I ,y0i, xxxv;l?No:-5o.a---SAJURDAn. . HtMniKAfWi ? Wu -( V3 - -j: ;vV;.-. k?,'! -r yf h,x -ill t Vv" " v. ;i il r " " X 1 1 -5rcr' il p L..T1 , I i i -J - FORESIGHT, 1 ; ' If!' J , k. If you liv vvislon : I ; ; ; now, in a :fer; seasons I ?s :, ;S$mml li ' V -. you ' will rrhave-:fruitA f - I j;. ;' . ' , - mer'. otPPle.l II III 1 r : ' 7 - . I i lv. " 'Z-i J V'j sy v--- f.r . na jrapes . k "em. Set your trees "III and vines this winter, 1 Then cultlvata and-1 spray as Ths lr?jres-; 've Farmer UU y6u; , JWHUlUfffHllMlilWWtHM'l rTr'":'-rJ'-'iV''''-'A' aajgim i "- . .-r-V v:Y '?c ' ;:"v , i:,;" Of course, it' will be xpcnsiveLta employ the-best .business, outfa system of, sdentificrcooperatiye Wketmg to. insure , gieas support cotton buyers from farmers. ,We better prices forearm producers. n, "nnlv ;a' VaTa7ready-supporting If it were not a hard joCit wouId not be .wrih doing.. 0 nly a are aireagr uppq ort s6jne toy0rk for: us. -Let : coward wants an. easy job.Anieasyob is soon undone It tokesr W mfAing an army of buyers wliose. aim is to make money, longer tojto a hard jSbhut once done, it is done. SiHand-hlw;eoini sellers, make, money, f or . Of course,; too, we are going to make some mistakes. inere,o .'..Vr .rf ' v ;no doubt-about thatBut,; anyhow, W mistake than, the-mistake "we are. alreainatonff-nMteto , jJ" , -j&ttwe - understand ' thes .temper of c Southern sittmg:still like aMot.of weaklings and cowards -hd at last een driven to theppinthere they are, a spefculaiors take pur crops. for -less than- the IP Sutelr readyrfor ahardjob The are readyto quit talking .. Of -course, too; it T is going totake some PPPitM and.petitioning-ready to undertakreal business, tije marketing. , We have got tpend something the,help ofrthe Almighty they are Jfvelop theorganizatiori;-and stud'toarket conditionsv Rainess task of .making theme dves our products, and sell.tthe best advantage; JAJS6tf fruits" of their own toil ,TheX have .'stood I so much to cost half -as much to supports stfong and eff -alrlady that they are not going to hesitate just because.Jhe job is for SelW cr0pS coopCratiW' asMt. costs' already r?1 armv of middlemen who fatten.on'the existmgysm. r r- - J aM ii" ' J , v- - ,MJ.BhaMM"wJJMijMSiSw"aiT .. : . .. - i .: .-T . . .i.- . - 'jl i-' fe -t , i' - " " p- .f- f r.- j - - T .. -. rrtnnt toThiSlssu AppeafstmPage 4' ; r'"-1 . ' , '''; V ' V. . hi (f 'I 1 If Li 1m i t ill 1 t'f,