w?rf ;,7,r!vrT : ' '. : .-i c:ff ;?.-,the progressive farmer : i " ivJioiorAjecre3 insa Hieiviz Address Letters to The Youn People's Department'' The Prosfresslve Farmer V if;-, , . v -' . -i .1 k - is. h V 1 V V street Kf mHrnxsM m By O.H. JUSTUS, MOT jo rcry long ago, I was in the rat with millions of other wage earners. Today I'm head of a prosperous bad ness and on "Easy Street' I'm rmf hnftntinori I mereLv want to let other men know what they can do if . a week of the trained mechanic So, . they will! It was not iuck or oruusnc wne(i i read one 01 uenry nane a aa- vertisementa, wwcn -wa oe cwuw wcn uw these secrU m aftwwtek in ene his Msr enpp achools, I wrote to him for the proof. And that letter started me toward "jSasy.Street.'' A few weeks Ir ter I was a Bahe-gradaate-v master of the auto and tractor repair btunhesB fre mum with an-assured futtfra From v then on I never wanted for work aw how. arid f I was soon able, to open my own enop. wmca that put me where I am. I got there by simpfy Katnj the common sense every man has. - . First, I Beleeted the business offering the biggest opportunities, present and fntntt-.B.nto and tractor repair. But I found that I could never get anywhere - A IntamurtriniP ' ness for yourself , write to Henrjr Itaho today. nAMwta 'hi motors-secrets that separa the 2-a-day laborer from the $40 to $100 nm ami MemlJMPw To Chicago, Cincinnati or Kansas I want to start 600 mors man toward "EasyStreet" atonce. justliko I started Jastna. YOU can be one of them, re cardless of your tare and education. You can et tomy nearest school FREE, no matter where you live. If you want to get started QUICKLY, jump on train for Rahe school nearest mmr ham ad I'U refund your fare the minute . jrou enroll. Beawfowtomy wsorssl school to set- advantage of this offer. master Instructors! Wonderful Shops! Every Instructor in my three schools is aMASTEBof his business trained by me and always under my supervisien. llnWthu cztMtrtii. in m wonderfal ihoo Mhools with evervthinqTeded for yoartrminy Inc. too. too. can quickly eeoome.a MASTER of this biff-money tHuineM.Na'booklMrB log" DNtMvy. Jait s few weeks' work with tool on actual motors and can and you'll be ready to open your own shop or earn a salary of $40 toslOO a week. Special Mcaey-Saving MctftSrat BEST ante and tractor courte for the lowest eriee Alfotir Tractor rfsstiftti 40.000 tisrs)M!s"fr StrttL" leas and WILL tttft YOU If tao'ii jest itr Mttof. C9IT NOW. V MENRT J. MIE. . quoted by any reliable school CNow, with school! in three loeations, 1 am able to cut my tuition still lower-and say your rail' road far bteide. Write for my new low .rates..--;'- : t - ' " 'r . . : ,:, Try a Jtahe- Sebool a weelt Then; if not . coo vined that loan .make yoo a competent, .mochanic. withdraw and the week will cost yon NOTHING. 'This EXCLUSIVE- Bshe anarantes is your INSURANCE of satis 'faetiottw ' '--:". -: ,: -There are now TEN MILLION ears m the Os 8. and . THREE BILUON DOLLARS ' . will b invested in new ones this-jrear. THOUSANDS, of new garage and Babe trained motor mechanics will be needed. r Hers is YOUR biff opportunity Get oat of the rut! ' Get oleassnt iob at REAL HONEY or open yoar own aarase and be : your own boss. Start wtriy-r-1 neres - me mrninnitinv far vnn NOW 3aat VTlteBM . a card will do for my biff free illustrated book snd PROOF that the EASY Rahe training wiU qufcUy put zuu on.' ussy atreec" DO tT TODAYS - -: Yours for quick suetess. Address Dept. 22W of My Nearest SchooL CDIGAGO CINCINNATI .KANSAS CITY WataolSta.- . -wiSOahSts. . - by time Every feature of a Planet Jr. garden and plantation im plement has been designed by- practical farmers and worked .out jn years of actual use. If or Southern conditions Planet Jr. No. 4-D horse hoe has proved tivators are famed the world an extremely satisfactory, eco- over. Write for complete Planet nomical tool. It is stiff and, jr. illustrated catalog. ngia in tne row, works clean and close, and is a light, quick, handy tool for cotton, corn, potatoes, beans and other row crops. Equipment includes shovels and hillers for working to or from the row. For market growing, home gardening, for all plantation work, Planet Jr, seeders , wheel V hoes, one-horse arid riding cul- S. L. ALLEN & CO., Inc. ; Dept. 46 ' 5th &Gleawood Avenue ' Philadelplun , -; Rose border pattern, wifL your initial or lodge em blem ' Given to you for telling your friends about KIBLER'S ALL 'ROUND OIL IThe perfect furniture pol ish and light lubricating oiL Truly named the oil of a thousand uses. To get this beautiful set simply order and -sell .80 containers at - 60e each. Return the $15.00 and the dinner set is yours. We also give Rogers all verware, lace curtains, rugs, bedspreads, glass ware, etc. or cash com Mr a . . lutooiuus - . a 4. ii if"u,!lIia tsse tne ou nacK u you cant sell it. Tha cv.mvoo o i ,,ut .fl-00. which is paid by person re S11 oil- We include more thaiT enough mnifl8 ver same, Do not order oil i ?8 -iZ?Ux .Y? fr0"? correct express office - Remember, ." you mustK mentions ;Thi. PmJ- E..-oatv; x-aiuicr wueu . you write an advet'' tiscr, or our guarantee does not protect you. ONE MAN sn- isk - ' 'a NowlbpectalA7: for 30 Day Only, O t (J 3 H'P. OTTA WA? ?f!IKOnlv-(0 Ton Cut 15 la 35 Cords a Dav! You ret this one-man outfit direct from factory at lowest factory jrice- Also peclal sale prices on 4 H-P Lor Saws. 30 Days Triaf-lO Year Guarite-iCaih 5:ayTerm8i-J8e,,d name and address on apost card before sale cloaM. WKIT NOW. , Closes., I849-C Wood 8t.,.0nawaTTan. 9i;poaRIZC''C6NTE8T-' WredWra- KeN' Tok ibsto- worth'UinHons. Jflll.OOO WI1 frer ald fdr' bebi1B8tk ,ofwbrdiv'f6riid'if-tfsS tthe .lelteta. mprt8lnlg"'lte"iij! ' Send 10 cents for ' trial packsge, ' catalog, and full particulars. " 1 ' - - - - - I. F. TlLLtESHJST, R-23. Santa Rota, CaJIforBja Be Sore to Enroll in ChiV -U' There aife twortfi ?verjr Progressive Farmer ;boy jahd girl lO UU JH I7t,ifr ; In 1921 our home demonstration agent , canie : to the schoolhous nd organized the, sewing;IubHn held our tAettiffi&jfryS&d month at jhe school liOusfc tititil school' was "out ;y then once a month it the members' homes:. Wp h Virt d voii aire "cftmcr'; W hip;h school 25 meN-W.'!lCie all hav I Hope you will take the work in vocar 1 ?everarettyarrnents .making- tional educations I shall have morcto two garments moniQurhome dem- say about this later. ' : V - v. ' onstration , ant is Second; I hope every boy and girl who st. ?m?!"e county, reads'this page and who is within thrage whjch s encragingtO' u the members limit for dub work wiU join one or more .and makes us. work. , dubs this year. .You should begin right . . We club members , had an exhibit of now, to get ready, to" win prizes next. fall, our work at? the schpolhpuse on com- f your teacher cannot enroll you in the mencement. night.. .By . being a' member clubs you like, get into touch with your of the sewing club, you , can learn to couneiiwrteVto the. state-club make anything, such' as ajncy stitches, agent at your state agricultural college cutting' - and fitting, etc , I think every and tell him your wish. I shall be glad girl should belong to a good sewing club to answer your Questions.- " " MYRTLE VAXJGHT, V'. ' Editor's Note.I suspect several thou- If you tried club work last year and sand of : our Progressive Farmer girls the drouth rained your crop or. your pig will say when Jhey read thisrf'Kd like to died; or some .other mis f ortune. happen- belong ta a sewing: club like Mvrtle's." ed,; don't get discouraged. I ry again, well, f so ,wly not Jell your mother and Have--the same kind Of spirit shown m this manly Jetter from William Rutledge, amejt-year-ild boyof . Hilton, Fla. : ; 'i;ioipeSeconi.1dublast year and Papa gave me-an acre of land; I did not come; out very well, and so this year I ming'rtri'.igaJw.--as'I willbe older and stronger and better able to -manage? it . "Papa says I can join the pig club also. I 'have a fine sow and six pigs. I am going, to sell : the pigs, arid - save the money to pay my way through college;" A bov with such -a spirit is sure to be your teacher;andget HntOithe work t , s ' v . A Pig auVFiIembrVNine - (Boya W: Prise Letter) MY NAME is. Henry Dagley, Jr. This . is my; first year s a, pig: club mem b'er. ; We Amoved v;;out to the country February 22, 1921,;and after talking with my father we decided that to know how to raise good hogs at the lowest cost per pound would be wb'rth a lot to me. 2. My father- gaver me- $12.50 to pay arWwrnner before he: stops. When- Jormy pig. He weighed 40 pounds and ar;boy or girl is not discouraged by one failure;-bpt instead is ready to tackle a job twice as big, he or she is sure 0 succeed. : :I1L ;' ' . - i t musn't forget to give you ,the an swer to the; puzzle we had from Claud Moore last wee: He asked :"' "Do yon know How you could draw and measure 5 gallons of . molasses from a barrel when the only measures you have are a 4-gallon jug and a 3-gallon jug?" And here is the answer he sends : "First, 'fill ; the 4-gallon jug and then fill the 3-gallori jug put of the 4-gallon jugleSvipg, Jt gallon in the big jug. Then pour" the molasses in the 3-gallon jug back into the barrel and pour the 1 gal Ion. from the big jug into-the 3-gallon ning June 7, 1921.. was just three months old when I bought him, June 7. " . , 3. I selected the Duroc-Jersey because my father told me he believed the pure bred Durocs. would yield the greatest re turns and greatest per cent of profit may be made from them after paying for the pig and 4he-feed-than any other breed that might "be selected. 4. By means of grazing crops, pigs can be produced at a much less cost than when fed on what Daddy calls "concentrates"- corn, beans, peas; etc., and when properly.-"cared for,, the pigs will soon be ready for market. 1 5. ' October 9, 1921, ray pig-weighed 234 pounds, which gave him an average gain of 2 and 13-100 pounds .per day, begin- jug. I hen ml the 4-gaiion jug again, and you have 4-gallons in that jug and 1 gallon in the 3-gallon jug. Therefore you have 5 gallons of molasses." I am always glad to have, our boys 6. I fed my pig both morning and evening that is; before "I went to school and after returning from school which tookme only five minutes each time, and my brother cave him buttermilk at the and girls send problems, puzzles, riddles, noon hour, also about Y pound of shell- games, eic, lor our page, ana nope more ed corn. of you will follow the examples set by Clauc Moore of -Tennessee and Pauly Dresser of Texas in this respect. Send on, the best ones you know ! We want tblnake. 1922 a great year both for hav- -ing fun and for learning things and do ing things. , UNCLE P. F. Every Girl Join a Sewing Clnb (Girls' $1 Prize Utter) , I HAVE! been a club member two years and I like club work fine. In 1920 I joined the peanut club and planted one- theH?roducer than the scrub 7. I did not spend very much time with my pig, but what time I did spend with him I spent it rubbing him, which made him gentte, and he soon learned his name, Rastus. . ' . V--V' :! 8. At the pig show, given at the Ham ilton County Fair, ! learned that it meant a great i deal to me to be a member of the boys' pig club, and .received $17 in cash prizes. -' 9.1 also learned' that well-bred pigs m'ake better hogs and' will .--yield: more t0 tenth of an acre. HENRY DAGLEY, Jr. "",uu are accnstomea-to Having a social cftat-every (Sunday momms while Rastus is havmgbreakfast; ? Judging: from the seriousness 6f Rastus' looks, Ilcnr.,; had evidently suggested' to him that it is now hog-killing timL 1

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