Sturdayuary,14,J 1 i " (19) 43 By B. LI MOSS MicVissiDDl ReiaiES, Sccoadl Thee increases, yield per acre de- jniHiniiT . . - ' ceases. So, then, unless the premium in vuiiu" - . . ior a lonerer staole is sffinnt tn nff. rArTTinijre-boUVeevil times.'Missis- set the decreased yield, it is not eco- h cnilarfv-staod-secorid in cottoir ?omxcaily Practicable to grow the ductioT being -surpassed - only; 'by staple cotton. friea sDy, ueorgia ana oeueve, Dut unproved, that the length : South Carolina, and of time a boll remains unopened on Jn -isomev years by ' the stalk has a-direct influence on the Arkansas ana umz length of ffie staple. If the bolls pop y homa - A ; - open quickly, I believe we have more ..pwevcrmc wee- or less immaturity, and this means a ml is now practical- shortened, weakened fibre. This year, M j A is ur 1Ilsl"CJc, we naa a very early open- ana oonui wroiina, incr Gt cotton in most section nf the Texas bave 1 ."sT Monev and Labor By Using the Celebrated Cole PlanterVandGuanft 'Snwrri. Take your choice of Splendid Combination' Planters," or wonderful Gravity J , V avuuuic .xioppcr T:riainview .rianxers; or. ox seven styles of fine Guano Sowers. s - '-'XV 1 sv, Cote Implements-Lead the World. Writ no w f or new CaUlo. , Fre Cole Mfg. Co.,,, Box 30o;.j Charlotte, N. C. PUREBRED POULTRY and.: these states have fallen -off tre- mM0SS - .ton production. Georgia, for instance1 in her biggest year Belt, and I believe the staple suffered accordingly. It jeems to me that the established staple-producing sections as a rule before the weevil ginned about 2,750,000 have rather heavy clay soils, strong in bales, wnereas ner -jii -crop : is piacea iwua mm iciamve oi nioisiure. at 840,000 bales by the Depaf tment of On such soils naturally the bolls are Agriculture, a dt op K of i nearly 2,000,000 slow in opening, giving the staple am- bales, or around 70 per .Cent.' The Gov-- pie time to mature. The shortest ernment estimate for. trie-leading' cotton staples are, on the other hand, pro states for 1921 are given below Texas ...... .:.....1...i.V. ,200,000 Mississippi .,.. 870,000 Arkansas ,V. ' S6QJXQ Georgia ' 840,000 North Carolina,,,, "800,000 South Carolina. 760,000 Alabama r.....,....v 653,000 . Oklahoma . - 530,000 J udging the future by the past I think it is quite safe to say that it will be many years before Georgia' and': South Caro lina get back to their; production of pre weevil times. Mississippi'and Louisiana have now had the rweeYii for or lo duced on thin, light sandy lands, soils that naturally favor early opening. Now I believe that a cotton with say an inch-and-a-quarter staple can be brought to the thin, poor sandy Jands of the Lower South, and m five years the staple will be an inch or less. On the other hand, I believe a three-fourths-inch cotton can be taken to the Delta and grown on' good strong land for five years, and the staple wrll run an inch and possibly better. Holding as I do these beliefs, I nat- years, ana tney are sun tar unaer wnat uraily question tne wisdom oi tnose aa- they produced in" the old days: In "fact, visors of the farmer who urge that we I don't see, with the weevil now prac- all produce cotton of a longer staple. tically all over the Cotton .Belt how it Before such advice is so indiscrimi- will be possible to" make such, bumper natelv civen. it should have the facts r, ...a n A. ! KJ IfllI . '11 .f ?i T1 crops as we made in 1911 and 1914. Applying Fertilizers for Cotton TN APPLYING :fertihzers .for -cotton, 1 after land is .bedded the first time, I ihrow back one furrow with a turn plow, on this I put my mixture of acid and nitrate, and then finish bedding out. A harrow is then run over the bed just ahead of the planter, to put theseed bed in good condition. as to its wisdom back: oi it. inese facts are not yet available, and will not be until our stations make some accur ate tests over a period of years. This I hope they will do. The Cotton Market Situation THE cotton market started the new year with a bad setback. The decline amounted to about cent. Just De- fore the holidays and during . them, Seb Day 9eb .'Chicegs Ow Easy iMEkts Irs a fact! You can now get teal Egg-Bred White Leghorn Day Old Chicks, on tpeclal eap payment. - Remember, it makes no difference how many of these brat quality chicks w ship you whether a few or large number you wmply pay a little down ana us oauuice ui casy nonuuy payments. rosiUTuy xne nrsi um in history of the poultry business that such, a splendid offer has been - We challenge the world to equal our bargain .prices on Egg-bred real Pedigree-sired Day Old Chicks Eggs for hatching Breeding males and yearling hens. Besuretosend coupon or write at once for our. Free bargain Price List and Easy Payment Plan. made. We are able to do this because of the dependable quality of our reaigree-Birea stocic Vhite Leghorn Bargains ) jay Furthermore; our hi Old Chicks eggs for hatching breeding males and yearling hens will simply amaze you.- Prices have been slashed as never before be-, cause of our vastly increased production. Here is your opportunity ' to build up a fine flock of real egg producers and get the big present market profits By all means write at once for Special Price List, Shipped Prepaid on. Approval All Day Old Chides, breeding males, eggs for rmtehing and yearling hens shipped prepaid on approval, we pay all shipping , charges to any point in the United States and everything sent on approval direct to you from Zeeland the poultry center of the world and don't forget, not one cent extra charge for the easy payment plan, -v- i Send This C6upon ToDAYm---mm Pill in the Coupon today and mail it in to us or send your name and address in a letter or on a postcard. We will at once mail you, Free, our Special Bargain Price List and the full details of our Easy Payment Offer. See for yourself what extreniAlv Inw prices we quote on chicks and stock. Send coupon or write today sure ' VrS J Utility Hatchery and Farms Dept. 7551 Zeeland, Mich. Gentlemen : Please send me at f once. Free, your Complete Special jT"-- Wee List and details of Easy Pay- ef - ment Plan. ' -, Utility Hatchery and Farms Dept. 7551 ZEELAND, MICH.' I Town, Nam Street or R. F. D. .State. By thus putting rth$ fertilizer on -one there was considerable buying in antici furrow I get it at what I consider-just about the right depth.; I do not like to put it in the water furrow, as the little plant roots do not come in contact with it quickly enough. v , " - jx: - -. ' . -j Nitrate for the Early Garden Crops C TABLE manure of course, is .a great garden f ertilizerfand shoufd je used l iberally, along with acid "phosphate. But, for the early garden especially," nitrate of soda is splendid, and .should be useT liberally. Cabbage, mustard, turnips, and other crops that should, make -a quick, -vigorous growth, are particularly re sponsive to applications of nitrate.. pation of a better feeling with,the turn nf the vear. which placed the market in a vulnerable position. Some unto ward developments just at the turn caused sudden reversals of sentiment and a sharp break in prices resulted. The developments referred to included some discordant notes in the harmony at the arms conference, and bank trou bles at Chicago. These caused acute depression in grain and stocks, and the feeling was reflected in cotton. Intrinsically, cotton is in as strong a position as ever. Consumption is pro ceeding at a rate well in excess of last vear. and the trade has now become used to the surprising bureau estimate In the winter and earlv snrine- months, of the crop at 8,340,000 bales'. Before the weather is sn' rnnl that- th nitrntren the estimate, it had become evident ion.. I :. . 1 J .'. 1 iLl 1 J.- that the total f would approximate &000,000 bales, but it seems that the bureau has gone a little too far the other way. However, that is a small matter, and not worm disputing aver. well in hand, but holdings, need to be marketed with prudence and restraint'. W. T, WILLIAMS. Savannah', Ga. in manure is only slowly available, and the immediately soluble "nitrogen ' in nitrate of soda, is, very helpful in pro moting vigorous growth, Aside-dress-mg at the rate of MO tn ISO nntmdner acre shortly before & the: most vigorous The-matter of a cotton supply is fairly o -lxl ia ucsii cu wiu, generally : uu ; ic work.. . 1 " - , - z " t What Are the Factor That Affect Lengthrbf Staple in Cotton? A SATISFACmRanswer lother question above : T should gf eatly, hke to ha vr preferably' from our ex-; Penment stations'; andJas. a-" result- of years of careful tests. " We have'many theories as.. to: why one section' .will produce cotton ofa better staple than other sections, but so" far 4. haven't Seen miirfl 1o'firi ' A I.-'4Ua- . . 1 '.. A L. i ...i n( if nn aK.4 -rv.Y;""v v vyci :-!,M. cent potasn auu -.u .pui,uiwvy "v ctusenCe Of- this.- these 'thprtripmst J nlontino- time. I think J , ...... rtT -rr.. . ...r . ... y UVA" .fc-Aiw .. - I have convinced .him that tnis aoes not . oav: 1 am . advising an vi iuy T Use Fertilizers Intelligently FOUND one farmer recently who has been tising 6 pen cent potash on his1 corn and this "on red clay land, says J. R. Clark, Richland County, S. C, agricultural agent. , "He had used last year-about 600 -pounds per acre of a '- mixed tertinzer coniaiumg u pci main theories, only, ceit should grow cotton iwith.a staple (1) against the use of fertilizer 01 an mcr or ,betterbut Js'this "eco-"- without; first . determining, what . they, norrncaliy practicable? -"A rather care-V.need anL what "amount will be best; Jul study pf -variety tests atvariousahd (2) not to. spend money for high southern, stations leadsme to believe" priced ingredients from which they, will at, as a general rule as length fcof not get adequate fetprns.";- ;' LEGHORNS. WHITE LEGHORNS Ferns Leghorn williWl; vtfA crease your poultrjr W prouu. jreaigreeo, v lrajpnetted, Egg bred for 22 years. Lar 265 to 313 CKK8ter year. Winners at 50 shows and laying contests. Large, vigorous, white. shapely. Sent prepaid; satisfaction or money back. Write the World's Largest Legborn Farms for prices and complete inforntatran. v. ' '-l-' ' '" Ceorfte B. Ferris f3ft Union, Grand Rapids. ificb. Southern Farm: West Palm Beach, Florida- - MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS LOWEST PRICES ON CHICKS COGS PULLETS HENS ' MALES SUPERIOR QUALITY BABY GHICKS . From , KECOBD . -r TRAP-NK3T YC LAYERS Skff of 200 to. 250 Eggs Per Tear. .& .. Safe JDeUvery. " W 3KrVSl tru Catalog. I "i-?iy . NATIONAL ' o, 4 HATCHERY r ;t ' CO. -. - ' , " Box' 830, - . i Wlnstonalsm, FRY'S PUREBRED POULTRY BOCKS, J BED 3 'tEOHOBN8.'" COENISH GAMES.. , ' - - ANCONAS, MINOBCAS. BBAHMAS, WYANDOTTES, 4 ' - V TQELOUSE OEBSB.' :; - K Send 2-eent stamp for circular and price list :y SAMUEL FRY, ,Box Or1 Ellzabethtowa, Pa. t2 MILLION CHICKS FOR 1922 PostSge. pala.j; , per cent lire arrival guaranteed. Month's Feed free: with eech-order. -A hatch every, week: all year. : Breeds Chicks. 4 Breeds Ducklings, -i Selected and Exhibition Grades. ' Mature stosk ' al right prices. Catalog Free.. Stamps appreciated. -- f. -NABOB HATCHERIES, v Oept 58, Qamblsr.- OfclCw. BABY CHICKS m BABY CHICKS Select Quality; free range ; stock ; 97 - per cent lire delivery- guaranteeq, tUrect to your door. -Barred and White Bocks. Beds. White -and Golden Wyandottes JUiconasK White and Brown Leghorns, Broiler chicks. Catalog free. - New Washington, Hatchery , Dept. F, New Washingtonr Oslo. '.u MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS '., Baby,, Chicks H i 1.1 . n 4 m fe SMS lMCrbsr 100 ud Ten Leading Varieties Smnd for Free Catalog. " The Lantx Hatcharv Ett.1906 . Tiffin, Ohioi BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS LEADING VABIETIES ) ' BOCKS,. BEDS. WYANDOTTES,' OBPINGTONS, ' , MINOBCAS, ANCONAS,J LEGHOBNS. , - v All purebred. Also mixed lots 'for broilers, at reduced prices. Shipped prepaid ' anywhere lnr United States,' east of Bockiee, from batch etie In states. W per ' cent delivery guaranteed. : Bend for catalog and latest price list todays y-:if:r:-x 8. DEAN, Box 77Ji I FORT DODGE, IOWA BADY CHICKS HEAVY LAYING' QUALITY ;5 Direct irom specialist Dreeaers, -ny prepaid -parcel post, aright to our door.- 100 per cent safe delivery guar snteed.- Jora Ohio's most Southern Hatchery, v Lowest " prices in Barred. -White and Buff Bocks, White, Browo and Buff Leshorns, ' Bhode Island Beds, White Wyandottes- Buff Orpingtons. an" Mottled Anconfls. , Our Profit-sharing Plan -win . make you DOLLAB8, Tres circular explains all Ths Okis Hatehery, Dest. P, Wlasbestsr, Ohio. BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS Order from this ad. - Special prices to February !,; I Brown and White Leghorn chicks. 25 5.S0; 50, . iu loo gig. - - -A h Barred and White Bdcks. Beds,- Anconas, Buff . Leghorns," chicks, 25.- $7 r 50, H1.5O;l0,-:-120v Wyandottes, chicks, 2S $7.60: 60, $3: 100. 23 Orpingtons chlckr 25, $9i 60, 17; 100, $32. These prices are for present and future delivery." Live delivery guaranteed; ship parcel post, post paid. Catalog, , -THE ALTAMQNT HATCHtRI ES. MaysvlllS. Ky. CZIICIIO We furoiah Pars Bred Chkks of the finest quality from high eg g-pwduo ing atock, rioeks buUt directly from 1 tying contest wiauiir - We save rrantMa breada. Write for our free Illustrated eetalogne and price lift. J.W. CSSTCE HATCCaT. Pept 31 CteertCait QUALITY Chicks arid Egg ; 20,000; PUREBRED BREEDERS, 12 varieties. Best larinjr strains. Incubate 10,000 eggs daily; Catalog:. Free; Prewar prices. Free live deiheryr: Missouri PoultryFarms, trolumbia, ; Mo - Remember, -you tmnlmcxitioa"The:rTt6 rressivc. Farmer, when;yott write an .adver; tiser, or our-emaranfee does not protect you. f r-Zfr wjFMf r if . w -- k'-w