, - , , ' -Si v, Saturday, February 25, 1922 , ..' - i. ' , . . II I 4lyVT ifXI : "Profitafely "Making More Money From Farming in 1922" Would Not be Com plete Without Some Suggestions for the Better Use of Fertilizers WOULD you be willing to give , a ton of , nitrate - of soda costing about $60 for 3,220 pounds of seed cotton woth about $193? Would you be willing to give a ton of acid phosphate costing about ,$15 for 733 pounds of seed cotton worth about $44 ? Or would you be willing to give one ton of kairrit costing about $12, in exchange for 1,080 pounds of cotton worth about $65? The chances are you would be willing to make any or all these exchanges." - And that is just what some farmers in the central part of Alabama have been doing under the direction of the "Alabama"' Experiment Station. V The figures mentioned above are not fictitious. Neither do they represent an isolated incident or accident. They represent the average increases in pro duction of cotton from the use of these fertilizers in 48 field tests. "This partic ular group of tests was confined to one of the several general soil divisions of the state. Moreover, they covered a period of 11 years. They offer a splen- Usually however, the high-grade mate rial is cheaper because of the lesser (freight charges and less hauling. ' Potash Pays on Many Soils . UOR several years past there has been a doubt in the minds of many farmers and investigators as to whether the use of potash fertilizers paid on any but the exceptional soils. A sum mary of the results of 212 fertilizer tests in Alabama throws much light on this question and offers some tangible suggestions. One outstanding fact de veloped by these tests, running through a period of 11 years, is that when pro perly applied under cotton, potash paid a good profit on every principal soil division in the state of Alabama. How ever, when applied under corn it show ed a profit on only 3 of the 7 general soil divisions of the state. Under sweet potatoes potash usually paid a hand some profit. But what is 'meant by proper appli cation. For in every soil division, ex cept one, the kairiit paid better when Coastal Plain: did guide for fertilizing practice in that applied at the rate of 100 pounds per section. The figures quoted above are given here primarily to show. that fertilizers, properly used, pay well. In many sec tions of the South the farmers are al ready convinced of that fact. In oth ers they are not so sure. The upper most question in the minds of most farmers is how to use fertilizers to get best value from them. The fertilizer question in the South long years ago resolved itself into a question of phosphorus, nitrogen and potash and how to use them. The quantities of each to use and especially the relative proportion of each to use has been the object of endless experi mentation. Sources of Fertilizer Elements A CID phosphate is. , the standard source of phosphorus in the South. There is no need for entering- into a discussion of the relative merits of other sources. Acid, phosphate has definitely established and proved it self in the South. - Southern farmers are at a loss sometimes to know what to choose as a source of nitrogen. Relative costs have much to do with this. This phase of the question was discussed in a previous article in this series. When to Apply Fertilizers THERE is no question as to when to apply fertilizers containing acid phosphate, potash, and cottonseed meal. Without exception these fertilizers should be applied at the time the crop is planted or before. Quite a few people especially those on the heavier types of soil are applying their nitrate of soda on cotton and corn land before planting. They feel that the loss by leaching is fully offset by the greater economy in applying all the fertilizer at one time. However, theVe is the best of evidence that sodium nitrate at the rate of 100 pounds per acre, gave leaches exceedingly rapidly on soils of an increased yield of about $83 worth the sandy type. In fact, preliminary of cotton while when applied at the tests by the Alabama station show rate of 200 pounds per acre, one ton that greater increases in yields from returned an increase of only$18 worth nitrate of soda on cotton are secured of cotton. The only exception to this when it is applied at the time of the general rule in the State of Alabama, first plowing after the cotton is chop was in the Black Belt where a ton ap- ped or on com if applied when the corn plied at the 200-pound rate gave three is about knee high. These tests are to times the value of the ton applied at be continued to get the average com- v - - V ' (15V-187 r Futting the seed down in direct contact with the fertilizers is riskyr especially when the rate of application is heavy. ' Thevstrohg fertilizer solution is likely to delay germination or even to kill the seedlings. Some device to mix the fertilizer with the soil and running just ahead of the falling seed will largely obviate that. One bier advantage of Formulas for Sandy and Sand? Loam Soils on this method is that it permits earlier preparation of . the land which, is im portant in (1) lightening the pressure of work around planting time and (2) making it possible to plant on a firm seed bed. Fertilizers for Corn FERTILIZERS under corn do not produce as good profits as under cotton, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, and other high-value-per-acre crops. Of the three important elements nitro gen pays by far the best profits. And as between cottonseed meal and ni trate ot soda pe latter outstrips the cottonseed meal so far on most soils in making more bushels of corn that it can beoirgently recommended in pref enrence to the former. In Alabama the Black Belt is the only soil division on which cottonseed meal makes more corn per dollar expended than does ni trate of soda. In fact, in four of the remaining big divisions nitrate of soda under corn is used profitably while cot tonseed meal is used at a loss. Acid i Jvitro- iPotashJ Lbs. Per Crop Pbo. gen j j Acre Corn 6 to 7 4 to 3 .... 200 to 400 Cotton 7 to 8 4 to 6 2 to 3 500 to 800 Small grain 6 -to 7 4 to 5 "..v 200 to 400 Legumes . . 16 200 to 400 Tobacco ... I 6 to 1 3 to 4 3 to 4 800 to 1000 On very sandy soils increase potash for cotton to 3 per cent and add 2 per cent pot ash for corn and small grain. Also for legumes, on very poor soils 1 to 2 per cent each of nitrogen and potash may be added. Formulas for Piedmont and Mountain Soils: i . Acid I Nitro- J Pot- Lbs. Per Crop - Phos J gen I ash Acre Cotton 10 to 12 2 to 3 . . 600 to 800 Corn 10 to 12 3 to S . . 200 to 400 Small grain. 10 to 12 3 to S .. 200 to 400 Grasses .... 10 to 12 3 to 5 . . 200 to 400 Legumes ...I 16 1 , 200 to 300 Tobacco ... 8 3 to 4 3 to 4( 800 to 1000 acre than when the rate was doubled. When the rate was doubled the pro portionate increase in yield was much less. In one soil region increasing the application of kainit actually decreased the yield of cotton, yet applied at the rate of 100 pounds per acre it paid quite anice profit. In one large region one ton, $12 worth of kainit, applied the rate of 100 pounds per acre. One hundred pounds of kainit con tains 12 pounds of potash (K20).The above means that in general. the appli cations 12 pounds of potash per acre is profitable while a heavier applica tion is likely to be much less profitable. A very common commercial fertilizer in the South is what is known as a 10-2-2. The potash results referred to above would iridicate that so far as the potash content is concerned one can apply as much as 600 pounds per acre under cotton with expectation of a rea- It is usually assumed that a pound sonable profit, but,that higher applica of nitrogen in cottonseed meal and a tions would be risky. The occasional pound of nitrogen in nitrate of soda or man who wants to use more than 600 ammonium sulphate are of equal value pounds of fertilizer per acre had bet- in producing crops. As a general thing, ter use a formula with less potash un- this may be accepted as true. But un published data developed by the Ala bama Experiment Station shpw that on soils of five out of the seven gen eral soil divisions of the state, a pound of nitrogen in cottonseed meal pro duces more pounds of seed cotton than a pound of nitrogen from nitrate of soda. This might be explained by the greater ease with which nitrate of soda is leached from the soil. On one. soil division the nitrogen from nitrate of soda showed up slightlyv better than that from cottonseed meal, while on still another it made z remarkably superior showing. But - when costs were figured on the, basis of $40 per ton for prreal and $60 per ton for nitrate of soda, it was found that $1 invested in nitrate of soda made more pounds of cotton in every division but - two than did the cottonseed meal. One of these two divisions, unfavorable to nitrate oi soda, the black belt, showed no profit from the use of nitrogenous fertilizers. One-small soil division in : the extreme northwest section,of the state showed so much greater benefit from the use of cottonsed meal as a Source of -nitrogen that that source proved more profitable, at $40 per ton than nitrate of soda at $60. In this case, the most ex pensive source of nitrogen proved to be most profitable. JBut this"is lepntrary to the rule; and it probably : would be well fbi?: each farmer iWho?oes?not know for certain ' that this is r true on his farm to fuse the cheaper spuHe;!::' less he knows that-the larger amounts of potash pay on his soil. The fertilizer problem of the entire South is not necessarily the same as that of Alabama. But the general soil divisions of Alabama are much the same as general soil types in other states. For specific recommendations turn to page 27 of the Reference Special aid read, "Fertilizer Formulas for North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia' For your convenience we reprint the following parts of that article. "If d soil is rich in humus or organic mat-" ter is bifh naturally, or has been made high oarison for a number of years. In the meantime -each farmer will have to use his own judgment as to whether to apply his nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, or nitrate of lime at or just before time of planting, or when the crop is up and ready to begin rather extensive feeding. Bear in mind that late applications do not pay. Top Dressing Grains MOST good farmers now know that top dressing wheat and oats with nitrate of soda or sulphate of ammonia in early Mareh pays. There is reason to believe that nitrate of 4! me will do equally a$ well. Apply these fertili zers broadcast over the growing grain. Use from 100 to 200 pounds per acre, unless the soil is already rich in nitro gen. How to Apply Fertilizers SOME people in preparing for cotton open up a deep furrow, distribute the fertilizers in: the bottom, throw up a high bed over it, and plant. It is doubtful if this is best under boll wee vil conditions. The plant roots can hardly get to the fertilizer in time to get the early push-off they need if they are to beat the boll weevil. Others use the one-horse fertilizer distributor to lay off the rows. This usually puts the fertilizer in a rather shallow furrow over which a low bed is thrown. Un- i A r--rAiirn c ""Miirp nlant ttr. ing on high beds, this method is proba- ctevsrtv-then nitrogen may be entirely left jjjy better than the first mentioned. mtoJnt"Certain,,r dttCd w Still others bed their land early and "por" ordinary soils in the Carolina? and apply the fertflizer at the time the cot- Virginia, however, the following pr similar ton IS planted. To do this they use mixtares are recommended for application m . . with a fertilizer attachment, the drill at planting: H THfi BUSINESS FARMER'S CALENDAR: THINGS TO DO THIS WEEK AND NEXT r 5. Early-batched pullets make the best layers . next winter. If you haven't an incubator watch for hens that want to set and keep them busy. , . ; " , -. ' ' PUSH the spring plowing every day the land can be worked. 2. Push the so wing of spring oats until the required acreage is planted. 3. Sow alfalfa, . red xlorer, y and les?eieza on the: spils suited to each. 4JUt th Coastal PlabViregMm sow -carpet ass;5pallwgTassar4;!e'sr: nlP79 nn moist soils for permanent 6. Two, dozen or , more , H1 of weseth! should be planted in tVe fardel jTiht ; tow. if t they are not lreadyV plaftf eL eetbe Jist innr Garden ahd Orchard Cblumn.'page 7. Acid phosphate and potash do not always pay under corn. On some classes of soils both pay, but on others which make up a considerable part of the farm land of the South it is ex ceedingly doubtful if one or the other or both will pay. The only safe guide is your state experiment station which undoubtedly has worked out the re quirements for most general crops. Feeding Hogs Economically IN A test conducted recently by the Missouri Experiment Station, hogs gained 32.6 per cent faster on corn and tankage than on corn alone. With corn selling at 75 cents per bushel, one ton of tankage saved $126 worthof corn. On the basis of 60-cent corn, the tank age was worth $100.80 per ton. The profit to the farmer in feeding the tankage would be the difference be tween the above values, based on the price of corn, and the actual cost of the tankage. VVith a corn ration it is a, question of whether a farmer can af ford not to feed a supplement. Speaking broadly, tankage and fish meal are considered equal; skim milk and buttermilk are equal in value and whey is about one-half the value per 100 pounds of either of the above named dairy by-products. In com paring skim milk and tankage, feeding tests have shown that nine pounds of the former are equal to one pound of tankage. What supplement to use will depend upon the price and what is. available. G. C. HERRING. Animal Industry Department, Virginia Experiment "Station. Bon Weevil Means End of Old Credit System WE MUST realize that the destructive and iniquitous "credit system" is a thing of the past, and that henceforth we will be on a constructive and help- 0 m tir . a a 1 a. lui casn Dasis. vve musi at once aaapi ourselves to our changed conditions. WUI UCUil sjrsiciii kaujtu uj ivj live in the future on what we hoped to have and ahead of our time. The gap caused by the change from living ahead to the cash system is going , to be the hardest-part for us to overcome. We must practice the most rigid economy and frugality until we accomplish this We have lived 6 to 12 months ahead of our stations. We have been riding over a system or route which allowed its to pay at the other end of the line and some folks got off before the conductor came around. We are now going to travel on the pay-as-you-go line. That is the only line in operation in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi and it has proved to be by far the best and. safest line,- and makes the" surest connections with the fewest. stop-overs. Everybody - rides pays full fare ; no free passes ; and the honest traveler does not have to pay for the, rides ot the deaddeats, it- son, President of-the Bank ot Darling-' ! foi DrKhgioVsQ, ...v. "r)y Dasturev xnemostiqesira&iegw n,:-fj! , ? t":i:-j... ;, ;"i :;if ' ;vr-a mimmm&mmsmmmmmmmm