ZZ (10) ' s " c ' v' fL' J ' iiVJftfw' thtjarmend having her milked byj ycars-thc-r-trcnc I.-s, built the& v fi (1 . 4 , il I 1 6v ' &wy arf warehousemen; no matter .where they live:' ; warehouses and paid - fcr l!:dr fine 'rerfc - rF "- JTTrr?-? '& Richmond as Wilson, or Greenville v? But cooper-T' T?V--V .asc naa-paid for v5 J j J ; ative marketing proposes wut ncrwHer rw " , v u"c, as johnT Hlr-: LZrilLliOL,' rom fw -to ;om,wA7 W,t.'Ana-.45tone,la farmer and warehousemanlold hi - - r pounded by I L. Polk, 1881, in Winston, '. and temporarily "You can tell by ie.. , that is what' is bothering the.:folks who are fighting,: toftacco facers of Kentucky . ? Q--;;cooperative;inarkegUi - t ' ifv;.- 01Y PUBLISHED The Prbgrc Oncorporated In RalptjZb. WCS, loader the tewt of North Carolln.! I movement - published tuer. Established in Ksueisn -ixllAa aiwaysjoeen tne cusiom jor pouwicru Aiisu:i tor looacco is to (ii nave lewer middlemp o t man'e farm whether he read Iter t.w -rowers to sret theirs seed potatoes" from; a cnte i-.. ' r'.ve ' every Saturday by - the. North, largely trom: Maine.., inow 'ww -M1, ,i w m " " v our -ive Fcrmer Comcanv;" ' dmonstrated that -in. the high amtudesoi our oru:-"--"' ,y - ' .7 . r""rJ"u . a basis wiv i'liiLui: -wiiijL-iy , : . j T . . ftA4ftM'Mii-hp t-ai:. , Dv which it will be to, their intrtt a 4.1.. ,. . redJ that' are 4 just, as good as those, that come. from - est possible price for. our crops. ..The nntinc; v:V 7 XiiaSSS Si 8S5-; J&faine;,;in act,ome.sts:M;eastetrtlf Carof ,terests are. simply fightin- tokcep'ihe farmer V'r ::t : : v1. SSS indicate '.the , supenoty; cU mountain-grown Vth-if ;humU.ahfl tZi. al!' . 1 " m-JTZL-. . . . 14. io m-otitvino tn lrnr7 t nritrtrp.' tnat IIHI . , r . .- ' c""& uiaucraip v ha'- , crrnwprg'in Averv; Burke. . and Watausra-.Counties , cause tney know it once the iarmer indeed hn... V . ;Hffi5f!2252 ' have formed a Mountain Seed Potato Growers! As vma'ster-of his own industry,". he will never aeain k.; "ASSSVriSi mIdC , ci'oti'nn" frtr th mimosa nf raisiricr seed Tiotatoes , . - i ' ; 6UI ue LiaL. . - S 1 7 . T 1 wv - . r , . TA1T BUTLER, . W. C. - IiASSETTBB, W. 7, MAS SET, MBS. W. K HUTT,! (Soutll'n PjieS. O, XdltOf Woman' Department JOHN 8. PEAE30N. I A. NIVEN. , J. I MOGFOSJ), Secretanr-Treasum Advertlainar Hanacer Bubscriptlon Manaioe Asaifitafat AdTerUabw Masagr BOOKS Oil AGIUCULfURAL CO-OPER- EVERY farmer ouht to Jknow -what farmers are ac complishing through cooperation not only in the . ' United States, but also abroad. "How Farmers Co operate and , Double Profits,"; by -Clarence - Poc tells you. It Is cloth bound, 244 pages, and originally Sold for $1.59 per Copy. We are closing it out now at 50 cents a.-copy;;f,w T-'.; '''Wv - Get one when you rene or any time " The regular JJrice Jof Dr. Howe1 booh on Denmark mentioned on the next page is $2.. ; , "Wo offer it for $t ia connection with any renewal. , .by themost modern methods. dustry great success.; :! To every' farmer .who" has jiot signed for coopera-. y:f" 'jivemarKetmg. we wouia say.-AsIc, yourself il vn Hljh-C,Tade Or)LOV-CrcaC Fcrlli2ZCrSr l are l Psiyely throwin-.your' influence againsr ')nT7l'if?i?- ): 1 CvW 4 yout ow-n class and' blood. . Get .into this great A - a oamt amoniarm:; that farniers are neither cowards nor dupes - have, beentseverejy AIctIt tr F"'- frn sed, but so long as : . ? - -f " ' v - i HERE has been, much complaint amomr larm iers about the use of filler: utilizers. - The manufacturers rwtincprt hcraiKc "Ji m wpr 5Prt hut sn inner -r - - . . . . . r - .v ,mmm n'l p . . . . - . "the buyers of fertilizers , buy .them byHhe ton or by, ; (iV1. rmer; Knows, tnat the best trniejo kill: 'the- brand name-that .is;;W the .fertilizer . which IHj grass, ? whenjt-is just coming up. But most of V4U for h . least " tier, -fillers c will . 'he us arc mightyfbusy planting. cotton when'the'; n, ; a necessity. For instance granting' that A8 per cent 'a Vu" K ccrn. ine, result is that ; 7 "P cooperauve marKcung 01 xouon ?acid ph6sphate nitrate of soda; and murlite.of pot- Jn jnsi Co aneaa ana icrtne corn get grassy . I l 7n S??thA Carolina isnpw ,going with a great . were,the cheapest materials available or furn- cottoli aI1 Panted. Then they almost plow . : Iswmg. rjust as jve; go -to press Chairman R. C asn were xne cnepest maicnais avanaDie, or xurn- . , " ti a ; Ham w, of the campaign Committee - writes usT ished,thet plant, foods .required ipr theast ' cost; it r?p i 5" trymgt ! g! the grass out And yu v ;'fmings look .brighter this morning than ever, be-V .Wuld'requirfe 770 wiTqVtTntzmns 0W how...onc'-thin5 Ieads t0 another. That falK ZliMk'ilV; ifoodmakaiioS or .bushell.of corn to the. v ' Vrr?'j At 1 ' If' xT-i. oer cent of ohosohoric acid- 2 ner cent nitrocren and' .. , is better drainage. Everybody who is actively 2 per cent potash, or' an 8-2-2 ready-mixed fertilizer, ;,wc, fms.ain.i no J f intrested in this important subject should attend the 7The" following. m1ateru1s;tv7lltinilshVaU'kthe.,-plant . , vThere is pne bi twelfth annual meeting - of the North , Carolina Drainage Convention in Goldsboro next 'week : o i o f in: , , 890 pounds 18 per cent acid phosphate :, . , . 2Q pounds nitrate of soda SO pounds kauiit acre they .will say, as they have always done: M0h corrl-growin country, nohow." g" reason why we do this. It's be- cause we. dont know how. to work young corn. To '-' work young corn most of us think we have to.use a , one-horse plow with scooter, scrape,, and fender and- make a round trip to the row. "And of course, no- "i -iJ lult can t wait on snrh a Ktnw tvav rtf !n?tirth?ncr! tion td the 50 per cent they, can borrow on theirs Ja..".v v tc" vwtrwe Pt, "y - Jand, oui farmers can borrow omV 20 percent of : cent kainit were psed there -would, still .have to.be -Inere is a way .to make time on this job and save ana make .more corn. If your corn was on beds or on a level, use the section harrow ; feeder arid work 12 acres a day. If the corn was ; GF THE lWpounds1 of liaf tobacco held -Becauselsii'ch'fezer.caTOOt be sold as cheaply PIantcd in ordinary water furrows, use the one-horse by manufacturers and dealers oh January 1 of C net. ton as k' low-trade fertifiier ' iriT-wMh fAUr U ' spring-tooth cultivator or V-shaped harrow and "i ZJl' buy;thVeheapef fertilizerer Vorf wok a whole row'af a trip." If planjed in lister fur-; - from-the bfightellow:distncts of Virginia, North . w - rows. tVet' Wnlar 1it. fmrmw irl wnrk two: . A; GREAT manv kinks need straiehtenhiir out in tto pounds tuier , ' , ' our -Federal; Farm 'Uanrsy stem j; a,W powdt n:--; V-rWtS to da'thatv Of course,' cotton planting-'! the value ot their insured , buildings as compared used 4A) pounds of, hller to make, such a fertihzer.' -; )ney , 'with tf), per cent allowed in some European com j - hy d: ihc imiieri noi ake k'.Pnted ? tji ,.t.-tL r j.-Wi I ' - hiffh-erade. fertilizer in which no filler1 is rennirrd? - rr Carolina, carry- over ' ? Do not these facts constitute a strong argument for . Lct 8 higherrgrade fertilizer-and so pay ,for i,: uviuuig uuyvu luudkvu ULiCdgC rows at a trip,, depending upon 1 v syJ' JVyith .the comparativiely inexpensive modern im- for let- nf vt i x j f ujcmems now avaiiahit9 -thir i little rtise mis year. . ? a'""v, evi. uwn; .iuut fiaui. iuuu mi cacri . - ' . ', r 7 ' ."":. iKf y'-i .-it'X-i't'Wngjne corn; crop -suffer, even though you are m a-, ment" in-South CarcK; t:; r i. 1 i huW to nlant cotton rtr nthr rmne n A VERY, interesting develop ' lina i:th "Savannah . Vn1Tv AccAMnd'tn . ; r. n -" tat 1 m . -dubs devoted to aKriciiltiiral.subiects.--these dubs tt? -,.!-. .. .t.1 -' SLL. Jl' J. A:l.-. v Wtzt CC":Crr. "3 IlCailS V sends three to Jive 'delegates to k crural mtW - tT cidmg to fight the cooperative marketing move- Pj!011 for- cooperative marketing of any crpp, mailer wneiner jit is cotton, xoDaccu, or truck crops and every body who has been ;: t sign such a contract all are interested in lor ineaiscussion.oi some notable agricultural prob'-. 4 ment, presents a detmite challenge to the organized '.'' ?"u Jem by an expert. The delegates of course are abler, tobacco, farmers of.North Caro lina. We do not be- Pcanuts( - i to carry back the gist of the information to their k t IT . " - of,oe . . - - focal r!h -Th.. . 3 LI l ;heve the-tobacco-farmers will be slow to accept the ase? tc i ' other sections to adopt. - ' 1 1 f-; gauntlet thus thrown down to them. Ther fight isT the Questions? rwhat does cooperation meanj- now -A SUBSCRIBER writes to say that he sent a sub- r .a.;&. 'firmer muit 4 ih,i vin the states nd countries where it has been tried - n fcription several days ago and has "received no J,iiiJ. ' ' l Z longest?'.' ' ;- - ' -A 1 receipt or reply."; If we spent-money to acknowl- rthat was. the declared purpose of the great ' : , . - . 7 edge each subscription by mail, it would. take-a, lot meeting of North Carolina .tobacco growers which, r ' '"v0" all, let us get" a clearer understanding n of extra money" that we now put intomaking a better c launched the? cooperative marketing rmovement in-w . . ' ; ' i Thvlait :January'V ist;iezi. j These antagonistic ;WareVl Vere in the South we arenow just learning out: :t explafnW " ' ?'J&A,teTf ?atf '5ha11 iot bc acIiiev?d'; Thcy arc .dterfflin thatthc Signing contracts "for "cooperative -marketing of". : We : 1 AtbS manf.whof ?Jhr fkes ;. have got too on until cooperation in the everyday s. .-'...weeks to hav this date changed and prooerW corrected . hC tobacco shall continue to do the bidding and ac- . life 6f farmers firrtm; -',i'- icMl'r.ftheexcep-. i.teoe.'aot.p)perly show 'Twh-yo' subcripTio V "? ?l ?e,i-appointea, guardians ,wHo tion. We, have got to gouon until we Js : j , ; ; f : - ' ' haIC fwa f?" themselves at, his expense-. "spirit" of cooperation which Mr. G. I iM i -v-au1" vWarenousemen arjo toi develop that . Harold Powell ; v emphasized so earnestly, in his farewell message dis- .- f Tbacco, buyers who are" fighting coooerativg mar- What is the old story about the wolf that out on - Cussed in; The Progressive Farmer last week and etmg are; trying to fool farmers by - saying .that. the. sheep's skin and came tq. the, sheep-flock to tell which is so "well exemplified by the progress of Dan ; W he-wasfor thetf welfare b cooperation as told on the next page.r? Vv.three important officers Tare located temporarily 1 Cooperation in its largest' tense is something wore j A.Ueast in Richmond: .We understand that Raleigh will Particular placethe very' place of course where he. a way of doing business." Ifs a way of hV9 . : an equally important office..' Bute's a-matter of could continue to1 rob and massacre them? ' " ' ' ',Ct I.means breaking away from the selfishness oj iact,.it does not matter where offices .are located so -ttu " v - iu'Z 'LIa a ' v i t: ' - "' V Zntfnt folWl "evCY$ Ur, himself, and tne ; . ;, .Jar as' the grower is concerned; consequently when t .very short-sighted. and simple. sheep of. a devil take the hindmost? . Jt - -, . . some critic of connrntlvA tnflrtJrr A - .farmer who cannot see the wolf beneath AhfJ zhr?& . r to tne s -f J1V ea your. cow m North Carolina and Have her, , clothing m this present case.- The antarronistic ware- ta" 'Uat' w5n - Just tell him this; v:,, housemen and buvers r.tv filn.ln!,. Aot, theoperathj fcrrterf 'are Jin cf ii fee Js' ' cn : v;! !ch '"rfS L WiiVf earn ::r fellozvs, I :t cl-y i 0 moner ?y idenas '1cance J- CiVU