Saturday, Arril 22, 1,-2 'B.eii; -!-.-;:' V , , s.-v .. . . ' -d:tat:ci Parliament, the; discussions in the. ilr-V't AOJif mt? " j. 1 T Yl fttss, objectives of the schools, the concern, J LafKl A I OlltltrV i HQ - fact, of an the people, is the well-being cf the , ''S farmer. This is . the motive of Denmark, just as 1- -. i .. . . . . r . . - Danxiug, ousiness, conuacice, is . xac economic . . motive of ether countries." Another "mvestigatcr. his , written interestingly . . concerning the influence cf cooperation .on the small .v v. peasant tanners; s i .;i . ., A- u.v -. '. one-airricul 'i;-- ' peasant or utu? xarmer wno is a .mcmocr of these societies, yrho helps to build up success and enjoys their benefits." aceai .cs " a new outlook. The jealousies and suspicions countries so common, among ' land, fall from mm. . Feel-. . the direction of great tried .JongestAIY: farmers, would aJsIavfafedwe affaiw, he, acquires an added value anda healthy cooperation nao noi naa me compulsory, leature mseneq in . impottance in his own eyes. i . He knows AZJt niMlvinlhr irt I. iMtntin ij-f t a Iittrni4 ic ha . " ' ' t . - . - - - z, - . . TT ; cawi suuscrioer agrees 10 aeuver au nis muK " ' ,' most prosperous agnculturan state, m the union. that is not required for family use for ten years - producer and proportionately is doing as wea; Enough been" said iii proof of that "fact. 4to,coxrie (sometimes it's seven ears7hurusuany T- is no Ipnger any fear that because'he is - . J v ' . . . ' 'Z " it's tenl to hk cooocrativr orc-anfzation ' " a httle man he will be browbeaten or forced to ,: AmoniTthe countries of the. world, the fullest, te-.W v-;;- accept a. worse price for what he has to sell than"; velopment.of cooperation has, been reached in Den- ; -iThe majority of the Danes have bank deposits. ; does his rich and powerful neighbor. The skilled ' mark, and of that I wish to have something more to ' Whereas in theUnited States the percentage of ten--L minds which direct his business work as zealously say just now. I am going toitake as a text a UttieVncy Ms;lncreased from 25 to almbst per cent hT?M him as for that important neighbor.; . bool Denmark : : A, Cooperative Common years, in Denmarktheercae of tenancys hih&hAVr: ' ' by Frederick C Howe, just publishedy HarcourC ha5 decreased almost as rapidly: In 185 nearfy half ;. -rc9 Uiy 44 iircuiCTU v y, Brace &" CompanyrNew''T9rk:'J-v''"-:-A.f ' "s v !- :- be " Ranish;.; farmers . were: tenants. Kow only one : rr ONCE heard the poet Edwin Markham say that H Of course I personally visited Denmark sevSal f & lt?a' w!' preme: needs are -represented, by three years ago, and gave the story hi tite mzwtom stte- Dafr.JB cess ofjeooperatioh. among Danisi,farmers in;whp,hadhvedm America said Jo me when J; material needs, l-HoW.Farmers Cboperate and Double Profits .?vther5;; 1 f i1?? ih f3 f? beauty; and brotherhood are spiritual needs.. But Im gointo quote fr9m br.Howe's book now; 'SilS thC MiJiiil.icV.&ci,; ter.than our American farmers in 'the pursuit of partly because many Progressive Farmer; readers Reoperation. thfy hm&.t because they have more fulry aitedpn DoijM; ' an, cauJosf "fi-4 veJhem' great 'wealth, it" given them Wcn$eof brotherhood, feHowship; comradeship. Cb copies wul find.Dr Howe's boo fc: a .vivid .and stnk,,, cdencef. As Dr. Howe puts it:, ( . Operation with its resultant benefits has also enabled mi 53? of theTbeauty oi life & . art" ? Mt"f Ssmd ' toturerfeveTilioaV-.'hi;', 0ejBm fs;e4ucite4 j J. ; "A I" Lr3 FrH rf Ir-nv Pc2rT r geowsiy, f he-i? protected -from exploitation, if . ' - t , i w- artn ftVp vTTT. vWJty4rfc is gded m olCage jatid se, by, insW !t f?.12?? .f??t faraef wdl take , -TTHEVthinthat I shall remember longest about Vnce and given an .opportunity to rise ,by hi: - :gn or six, papers and magazines; the. whole nation, , ti.fV'is t:rt ;t- '0. r -efforts, he may be, better off than a man with a attends lectures and the ''people's high schools; and ,v .J D-mark ,s4he description , d . a,;.;.! money mcome m another country.f r ;lfoOTdthi Dane at enc of the agnculturaf high schools 1 is o well-being that the Dane en- 4 it 1 veiled 1 Music il almost tmi- vtcd erej'-enmarhesar: futt'ofliappyrpeopler' lydue to cooperation Cooperation's given ttfem Uzic EOTIKJ a FArf' ,f:! hangthe; governmentwned radway economic mdepenence and Ithas. afso deVelope4:inV- scf toag,'tr? V::m(V; -'. almost unnaraJleled Joirit of fellowship; friendship, yl j,nftbcf m. ?hich peTa; c, rel wf tried to tnaki cUclast week almost, unparalleled spirit ot leiwwsn priciwsmp,, rj to tbefhappmess; of Danish that Jimust not be tonttnt xtnth a low ideal of aSri- ; r Denmark, Vs I wrote at thejtime, almost meets ; 'itytete'tiutt& Uey kept.'poor1 kuestoc;: J? Itf a cooterct foe marketing ewtrccty" 2.'M-J tVti . :-!r r " - -Tf?. w for 0 director to manage the busmess. mdjhtnk my ideal ot a nationa place wftere nobody is ticfts,maie po0r utterfcs and .worked m;a somewhat that the end of it V - enough to,bedidle, and nobody poor enough to beg. ; monotonous humdrum fashion; ?.Now cooperative : , . ' ; -: - "'a L v . V-:jrA t n'Tr,vi. v v.-v ' . i it. J ; We must go-on and on, and on end on,imth the coop- c f-WT!? Pf'vSPW S k5tm,rt'!a':f Hf8.. )Ba.?fflwIat :teratfoeWa! Wi mtuti have ' local orqankation$ to V--eilth Is more equitably dr pi educate our people into ntw . opportunities, and .new other ' country m Europe'jossibly more equit- the fact ihat farming when rightfyr "conducted is'at Priviteges of cooperation. ; We must learn to taorji Kith ably than in any other, country in the"World.,- V . . ZA a Ae cur Ullows not only for maktna more money but aipng !!?enrLrkfias become hrmany wayy a buesv a- profession. As. makfQr ,&f enr?ckmint of fa ; fcontentedstateimJKe world, ;)rr never been' ma country where the people ; rlTie; Danish ;peasahi has - a dignity and a ; fine art Here, toarten will learn to seek not tread , more free from care., ' -;. y'jr.-'fiziriAt in his orofession. He feels that it ja worthy: " alone but "bread and beaut and brotkerhodd. ": And Wm- f ox his best eitorts.: .And ne is-as;:mieresteam cur more tavorea country we vnit ouua pot mereiy . Vit manv ArHvitiM as tS th btisines) - . '-full rf hahb heoble" '. . ',-".'" most have seem . ttiLwn "fit ' wo1tTti tilt 4tl P trT 9 fortable, independent, and have learned how to enjoy" f ?rz . hfe. -A Dr. Howe says, !rhe initiative of the peo- r professional pie ftas JEeen awakened oyotner rcwarcs xnan greai Cooperation has madehe tarmer proud ottu&: , errand advocates of cooperative marketing. . The hu wealth. ;The same thing was said to me only a few ;" "profession, . Farming; is a fine art in Denmark;, tary of Denmark proves that it is attainable. , ; daysigo enrichment of .life -'lor U .Vatfier, thai e enrich,: 1 y , , f ;PflTOI l3eycnV . ment of pocketbooks foVthe few seems Jo be he ; pjprjc OF IIATUIIE AI3 (SUIffllY UFE:" TTOHN 14:H-If ye shaO ask, anything in my national ideate v v'vf name, Iwilldo ... :X.-w : , (r . :;t..-4 rTsJ,vwv - 4',; w'-fC"i,vlT;c " y h. ."J,v i ff;r-.''' ; V, - - -K; Jb'saims ucnoia now . g an '.how. . J. our Declaration of Independence 'to, Beoncct titne year the fishing' spirit got into his blood and. ; ttvR. JACKS has asked quite recently a French- -the inalienable rights of ,man, ' "And it seems he knew the ways of fish also of Negroes,- The fqU ; mn z Swede,:a Dutchman, an American, ft, thaf cooperation. .fias 'enabled .the.-farmers of Den-;;fowia verses rmesept thX ended; knowledge JLf Chinanmn, and Japanese; -Whatsis the lessl mark to succeed better in this quest than have cm : Wen de WgfctV is wami Vn ie moon liTfctft' ':'-.";Vjng interest in your,'cauntry?::AVhat;do you people i . - t c'' .fi Yott-kiniketch mo' cat Aim yoo care Pt ;really believe" in? The answer m each case was ' own American farmers.'. , : ' WffM-fcaV' ; -' ;.- cat Vheit he.varied his question and ask-' . In- Denmark cooperation is indeed the rule and fJtaiJv yon learned from the war?" the not the exception. A farmer does not just belong to !; E,hc ain't no ian to wait..-.,..-.;- , answer camei nVe have learned loxxr need cf eca ; jttst one cSCocrative crranization -he belongs .to i 9 'di: tfi.' ttMe1-W Wk WJd;". - : ; tiori.1!: Dr.-Jacks. said to me, fen outsiJe joLjcs . " i :J . e crtoam " - J S'IV-SSSirf'ilM to wtaitf BmK - . ' are beginning to see what education involves. It ii severalfour cr five or even more., He belongs to - . - Ett whB 7m g0e to Jook-,;-. r ; Vvolves the whole man, body," mind, spirit. J do cot., no cooperative crop marketing organization , be-: "'MfeVisKiioatS' ST3ow;-r if;: ; think you can frame an intelligent definition of ddu- cause Jae sells no crops as such. He feeds aH his ' .En a catfish w. 70. hook., .v ! ' Z ; cation without coming, up against religion In its But he belongs to a cooperative. creamery, a coop gPmr&ir : V Jtr faith in 0- Gentleman with a Puster mtlvelhacon-factory, a cooperative rpoultry-and..rte v - in Painted Vindows.j;v.; VV-- egg parketb- association, a cooperative insurance -Ett 1 lets him how his man..-- . , r- I , p xir'i ; - associaticti, a ccupcrativ'e :rura! creorgat mcVi slings h;m ,rood drrV : - -7:3 ' acoopcrat:e ccciety for purchasing.fecds, and. ma- jjle don't lJgr sassr v . I' tu "rS 'friend, we oaW f'i t' . chintry, etc. Ar I Ij cooperative - marketing: socie.v, UhTiK " ' -' - fc1 ''--.- . "Vties "! t i!-, ar.:t:.r' business 1 Eo, whitt - r trpfa'-re fcock, - - ?y hr ;tJ f.y,; ; 1 , 1 :