jr.- FARMER n n n'ti'D- r-7nnnn gfesswe k , i -TO - r i ( ! i h 4 J: r JBrd w To introduce the best. auto mobile tires in Jhe world Made under our new and ex clusive. Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process thatelio inates DLaw-Ort Ste-Eni:n Rbi-Cct and enables us to sell our tires under a : afQ"eofr.:iLS V7e went cn ccnt in every .community to use and in troduce these wonderful tires t our astonishingly low prices to 21 motorcar owners; Write for booklet fully describing thisnew process . and explaining our ama.ring.irh troductory offer to owner agents.- n , M "..' i 4 v TTEACH ybur chfldrenthe joy.'and -A comfort ' of Su M ORE in' planning . ' m off urnniliwfHtl..', Jf f - old method meant keeping the who e zen ran , , ,:, vThere "is about as-much danffer, ot ,oe piacea mope container, the atnn.. Id" be : attractive; eyen having tod many. fresh vegetabls as and date of .storing marked on the out 1 r hot be beautitul, ;re--j there is danger of getting too much side- ana the,: eggs, used according . plentyof. watery eat vfreshi,:f i r v; ; : I age. 'Incase of some festive ocra ' iV'-YourWy'come"fr6msmaH an- 2 th?..veiy !S?st.hW.ii? 8Ks might be , . fof: the kitchen. ctnrc'hiif if U i'6iwn nlntvnf -vi-vjwtuwed.. J his is much nicer than -'snat. : , . i it- Get Free Folder on Better Hog HotisesandBiggerHogProfite ;: TTOG PROFITS depend on houain the comfort . and health of the herd. the,ue of the litter , Hived. - This boose is warm ia winter,' cool .in ' "summer keeps hogs comfortable all year. Ideal ' -'; , farrowing place. Easily cleaned and "kept free from disease. . Economical to build, little upkeep, ' lasts for ases. 1 -; , ! - Oar beautifully Oliistrated folder describes this - , : and several other types of hog houses. Send your namevon a postal today for free copy. Also ask 1 ' for fret 4S-Pte book showing all farm buildings. ' The Hollow Budding Tile Association 1 Dept-4 Conway BuiWing . Chicago, HL l , ;T Iforf Eeonomicat Form of Permamnt Constructiom S i J. ingSiTsiL m Write ; for Free Folder UintUass type lowers into well, basement f P ??5km - Eatav and quicklr Intmaed. : Achil,tcan operate it. Evaporation type re Criserator M"vwiul ed by U.S. Department ofAgricultore. CooUby evaporation,. Lowat Priced Practical Kttrmrator taade - Costs less than a t season's ice bill pays for itself repsat man in nmviiur of ftinrh. tn-iead food. . SatMfil : Dttn everywhare. Get the facta, FREE ' Attmethm folder la eolora with complete .description. EHIFEIE MFC CXX -Will II time soent in'' DlanniUe . tor thincri in easvrparh . u:" a sweet, " wnoiesome ;- A?A-frtorl means iess, timein Duvme: . iar at a time can he hmurriU v'fc uiyuiu ,uiuy j . rvT' " tl - "'-Ui . . , w. s,. v. -aiuag, .- vyiic ur IWO uO T If ; you wou though you; may member to drink sensibly and exercise v " riniiKlf - srf eeninsr - that is. the porch screened in and a tammes as found in fresh vegetables,. ' " UUI ,dluI. . joow in water, screen door in the. kitchen doorway be- ;ilk and butter heis likely to 'be the.,''to?.sC?nV''"-cM'-aay or fishne sTdesKelps prevent entrance of flies;; argest of hisfamily. v " a'rouhd with a long handled spoon and A;baby shoulot be p chair until hew quite well able to ho d iway ? ::Why; those old fruit jarvrub- . : .;ALLY?REVARD. . the .spine' and head erect and -Should bers.you thoughtlit' was. economy j to - never, .be left i such" a chair tpr.'any saver Each rubber may cost you a jar... lengthyof time. V . . . . of fruit or vegetables; . " A Sofr shade Hf apple green on the' 5 What should be srient "for the gar-V walls,, natural . color oiled ..woodwork . fan p , Enough money for the best" seeds f and a linoleum in which light green rand fertilizef,;Jenoughmah and mule and tan are, combined mikes a cool prepare the ground and cultivate,' and inviting color scheme for a the ;. enbUgh woman and heat .to'; prepare : kitchen. ; : -; - : ' ; ' : , ; V those vegetables" for the table now and " - The success "of -the curb markets of ; in the months to come' c 'V , ' -South Carolina would indicate that Jt ywfTar slinii1if.hr' would pay to do likewise in'l other ; Enough, tdmake the farjtri house the states. If vou have any produce to sell" farm finm nnr! tho vth crsrVW why hot consult, .your omeembiisYQQpis ; . - -, mnrJanlS The garden is an excellent means of sellmg orgamzation fhia summer?:; - Caching .children, how1 to;, earn; and To make a simple but pretty night-; wnrl mnnv" i Srlv: rf,i farm gown, take two ,50rinch :long ' breadths . en0ugh to give ea:h child: who is inter of. 30-inch material and sew up the iQPH fprtil.nnf nf fti rmn seams on eitner side to witnin iu mcnes ; ani help each to market the products of the top. Bind the tops and, 6pen ixfreshw canned. ' ; f 4U , . sides with bias bands of 'Sheer material - , C , ' n in a paie snaae oi pmK or oiue ana u M it J f d 1? catch together twice on each shoulder A rCllCT LleiCCa CI ptcriSJ t JOS' ;; ;v, wobt: 'to;::' Thousands. . of wool growers are : having their wool made into beau-, tiful, durable, and warm blankets, -, and - automobile robes., -.By this means thev are realizing tnore for. ; their" wool than by selling it'at the iow -inaritei prices. , w rite ior ; complete descriptive booklet ChalHan Haasiactcrhs Co.,' : WINSTON-SALEM, a; NORTH CAROLINA. 1 w &nui him btdaa.nt 1 1 ' TT" i 1 h. r-H.. J mfTT y i w;' " VW .V ..... SEND YOUn FILMS. TO US fJS?rL?1V?ereiopl,1 ow1 day films mailed eaek ' nun urlnts sama 1t ntti.m . n- !,ld: l?;, - exposures ont print each 1 x S S4ot2Ulr x . -Na fextrs Chars, for Clswy Priis"i '-w va, cnecK or money order accepted. v Tt -Pwdal proposition..- destos, t X L, USSKE 4 88K3. Cpttclsat, Aaata, Cs; .iL- :LI - 11.. - .Wmdow boxes-full of : growing flow- yV;with a memory of a winter pre ers arc a better decoration-for the gal-ing it with eggs at $1 a dozen, so lery railing than bedding-. Air- the beds :.we 'determined to put them up in water-:. wen m tne morning oeiore maicinr up,. glass: Led on by our own enthusiasm ffi ""V" "w" ,f,r v . HW " : and that ot the hens:" we 5 selected., a for passers-by to view. A thorough huge churn,; put the solution ri it and ' application, of gasoline is a good pre- before long: had" it .fitted with eggs, caution. against bed bugs. ; , ; ; Very well so far.But then, "The first g Individual strawberry shortcakes are shall be last? came true at our house good, enough for the finest party din with jim, for while .the first eggs we ner and easy enough for everyday , used, naturally being the last we , put home consumption. .Make a rich bis- - in, were beautifuiiy fresh, when we got cuit dough up.into rather large bis- .to the bottom of the churn they were" cuits, spln while hot and fill, with..; somewhat run , together as to white sugniiy masnea ana weetenea Derries. - and yoiic, .. . . , .. v,r It was our understanding that crocks ' made the, best containers but I have J Since found out that eggs may be put iworfc pattern according to chart. Increase 1 --. '..-- . r .. M-ii Miv. then ...nm rnw and jars. IMS.: Simplifies add S ms at other side a follows: ch 5, l d ?c in same st as last d c, . tarn, cn a, u ' fn .Ird at Af m tnr m aH; "retina t from until Serye with , thick cream. The farmer, who 'does not suobiv his' family with some green vegetable and Materials 10 balls or skeins of Bear Brand Shetland floss, 1 bone or amber crochet hook, & meshes 2 inches S rows 2 inches ............. i. ..., ' ii; ,f ,....: : t 1 . DlrectJonat- Ch 205 ooen ms on chain; plenty ol. tresh, milk-every; day of the upuv waterglass in . orie-half-gallon -4 each, year is guilty of neglect. ' ; : glass preserve - jars. This simplifies add s OUR PAJTEBN DEPARTMENT " ' ''' 1U1 Ladies Apron. Cut m -sizes 36, .40, t7 Stout Indies' DressiCut in sizes 42. ; and 44 inches bust measure. Size 36 ' , 44, 46, ,48, 50Pl and' S2' inches bust. ... requires 1ft yards of '36-irich-mate-, ...measure; Size 46 requires 5tf yards' rnh . f v . ', . 36-inch material .. , ) , t::S-Ladies' anoT Misses' j Dloomers-Cut ls:j-Stout Ladles' Corset Covers-Cut in ; in sizes 24, 28; 32, and 36 inches waist, - - sizes '36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50'. a .- - measure. Size 28 requires 2i yards , - inches bust measure. Sire 36 re, 36-inch material.. ; . i; J . " qtaires H yard 36-inch material; -1171-Ladies' and Misses' Dress -Cut ic 1, ll$7-Ladies' Dre.s.-Cut in" size 36, ' 3S; . z 1 ' ",; ".-- I-.? . ; 4-rv, auis i uicneg oust measure. .inches bust measure. Sue 36 re- . .. Size 36 requires l yards 36-inch -quires 2Ti yards 32-inch material for- . 'm.fi-l -i: : t .. dress and 1H yards 36-inch material trastinar-material. ,c 'for truimnr. .. . twlaS Af nAK na4iaM ' tC , !" a a - - .. . . 1 '.' . . ."J L '"V - 1 :;fc.'"v t j 1 i-cii vri u hcu---w2 P?.ie? owrea at pne time.zs cents. s Tett days required to fill orders. Price of our Fashion Catalog 10 cents, The spring issue is now ready; Address Pattern1 Department, The Progressive1 Farmer." . " " '. S ms are added, si st to upper edge on last m. -Width of scarf (41 ms) should now m about 16J4 inches.- Continue, even in pattern to row A on chart (about 2S , inches t straight edge); this is center of scarf, re verse directions for. other half. : Ffingat Cut yarn . over a 12-inch cardboard, tie A strands' in each m on lower edges; tie 2 more rows of knots each Y inch below the other." (See illustration) , . . . From Bear Brand Blue Book. I ;fAa Efcctlica by tlail A f ; talrin o r1rs.m a ki n cr. millinery, 'niirirBP" rrr1fpr-j' ntirl Trtlisie bv Wail and consider, the" money is being wen spent. 2 y ; I arh Vot satisfied with a 1 common school "education so I intend to review the eighth: grade :arid then take mg" . school subjects... DORIS RIEDfcL. . THE telephone, when it is not too ex : pensive, constitutes a quick and easy way of keeping in touch with one s ini mediate 1 vicinity; ; but in many ways t ; is anVunsatisfactory .way. .1 have often thought. I heard more real news, an got a better; idea of what my neighbors ;were doing and thinking wheii l tooK my sewing on.a pleasant afternoon and sat for an hour with a neighbor; not a . gossipy old cat but a kind-hearted ana iritelligerit' woman, than I get in a yeaj over the telephone. As a matter ot fapt neither plan really reaches- to the . outside world at all;, both are confined . to; one's own little tericentl piece. f r ' The best-way I : have yet1 discovered. of; keeping -in touch vith the.' world a , -large is to subscribe ' for a' - variety3- ot i ML widely distributed ' farm - pipers. il Mil' 'if, .11 i 1 ; 1 1 -! x J t . -f n,.-i