r.Satur. - - - , - - ; , . l - - - 1 make no c'.i:. i tl.-t I in touch' vith' parages Woe 'as ia-boiled asparagus; H the worU-but I do try to know a little,. .Spread upon -a -platter slices-ofc but- i: about ourrowu uuam,y ;,tuu us wiwn -;icrca toast, drain tne asparagus and ! with other countries and to that , end I-lay jt in .a neat pile' on the toast; Just i read, farm ' papers from Washington; before; sending u. the table pour ' a Idaho' California, Alabama,, Florida white sauce over it An .excellent plan and several from the Mississippi" Valley isto pour this iauce only' over the -besides our, own locaf farm papers. Tve'ends.. of -the, stalks,-leaving;the In f mv capacity of: rural - teacher I - white ends juncover edJ" - -Y - read many descriptive .books of our iy:Aparagu "SalaPrepare: aspara-1 WW" w0 auic j ji iwiicu asparagus, vv ncn miss a' chance to talk with a foreigner t cooked, drain and set aside to gefvery or a traveler from a distance. . Our-' cold." Just before serving arrange stalks training class teacher, used to say,, "The;-on"a bectof lettuc leaves and pout surest way to -become educated is over them the following dressing; Put never to be ashamed to,ask.questhns! 3 tablespoons salad oil into a bowl and I " know a dear little farm " woman stir into it 4" tablespoon vinegar; 1 salt some, distance" from any, neighbored pooa salt, 1 dash, white pepper and 1 with rio telephonevwho says her only dash paprika jiepper, ;V.rv:V-n-: connection with -the rest, of the world Surproe Atparmgus TipCut the consists of Tetters and papers, yet she is tops, from square breakfast rolls and happy anJ contented. , ; V.- f scoop Hhe " crumbs from the insides, y - MRS. E. M. 'ANDERSON. , paying box-like crusts. Butter the out ?" -. - k: side ani inside of .these.. hoIlqwed!rolls w f f :r. "y1! X'v tJ- - 5tK- them . witbtthev: tops beside " ry - W-'' - -Vt " "them in .the oven to "dry and "brown - ?;. ! ) , . .7 , "a Boil "asparagus - tips' until - tender in J: , vy; , 4 salted water fcnd drain, Have ready a f i 1 l-;f; ,1 ': ' white sauce made by 'cooking -together jjeyel tablespoons butter and" 3 level tablespoons flour and adding to this cups milk. Stir into this sauce the as paragus tips, and pepper and salt to taste. Fill the:jhollowed rolls with the Tcaxtnxc, replace the tops and set in , the oven'just long enough, to become 'very hot. ; u ' " "M - I I I M II I l) I II I I I III "Hi tFIlO:.HVELyE TOTWEIJTY . i "m '".U ( H"'J ."'"in i .11. .. mi 111 11 1. 11 1 'i " . . 'T iWjatewcisttx Ccupfe ta Gcrga,, I HAVE Been ' reading wfth great in- tefest the, young folks ideals of fu ture life companions' and have jaughed ;'Over many oi ;the letters." iThey deal " " ago we made 'our choices; want to N ' - .Jr . ' " ' 7 4 - T r tinsp' the .'eaon,, not because he . ' V L 1 l ' '; -- . . '.. ' , '- , , - ... ' ,'. v ! r) 0 ! x 1. 1 1 . 1"CfitePfc ; -' 7 ; , f v' te AEMutifuf.. ; ;. : - T-TOME dinners reauire suit" tjf. able : desserts. JellrQr makes a -home dinner conv plete,-rit is Just right. : t "TeltO has at lieht and veb ideal finish; for 'dinrier.'t ;.' . : satisfies,-,; jeu-u is so pretty , , thht it rouses the family's in- ' , v-w;vr-, ; ; ; terest,;ar. on ana.it .ispe r 'a-v''? v4coodasitIooks.'fc-,fV-vr' iff IV 1nt r r ; m . " tritTiericds Most RimousDesieri -The j American Offices: of ThJ? , vnesee rure rooa ompany are j. 1 at Lc Rot N. Y x The Canadian Office 7 are at Btidgeburg , Onu7 I re'-i Chechen ftd AimyerS t iV-TIrishl jr' .-r r C ; -miles arid miles j 1 ' , - - i- ' - ,.v ' - ' u - . i. . . e . ! - - , . am makmfir an 7 VY Usually rough red hands come Jrom was $90a in debt and 1 never brought a careless.:washingandk drying." If very. -dollar with me frOm-bome., true- o mm. rxe- - ttl JtTa ,rf v'.x- " f , everything.;, J 5 can witnne , iaeahave sense enough to scruuucu uv -7ru s "that he was to be Lord and Master De- reoeat and wMt to wiwwiii-M. .w. . ,cause-ne, icnew,7 naa so.mucn spunic . A . ,.fu t ;n f nr? rd and cause the hands to-, a t 1-- y . 1,- , And seventh, -I am ot -- , " ; - , . . - -r ana jtnin icuiuci x . wuuwu 1 but niy family know I V-Sixtfi' Deacon knows' I'm, absolutely :an irusi ine . w in "keepa secret. ' I know ' what to ! withhold : ) a'sympathetic become flabby. . Gloves should be worri ossed" - " an? loving position. N But r nobody for doinc outside work.- Badly soiled: V:. .:. ' 1 - " ' , . on earth would dofor ine but theJDea- hands way -'be cleansed thoroughly marnea mm ior nje mg ;wicon;: He knows I am snappy, that I with tepid water and . mild soap, dried" IoJe hl? so much that a mmute say mean things When, my f eehngs are oroulhlv 'and then haverubbed in a - without him gives me, a lost, half-gone; htrt or j am angry Dtrt he knows that veS SeeS fi thaut h" gtown rather thanjes- : undcraeath j ajnd at heart and j, eir l!ioa?fc5 whiten- ened aS re years have passed;. 'does not' par buxh attention , to my ing the hands" may be made of -two Second, he isja good Christian,, as; tantrums, -Usually-he will put hir t,. a rTti mm m'A a tiall . tiure and dean.and square as .any girl arms around me and say,' Well, I be- . rr arh nf lenion iuice and lavender could ask or imagine." He never drank,: lieve she's mad! She looks mad." Now "cologne Lemon as soao for stains and has ties. . If a "little piece is .kept on the-: marriage s. a partnership and He has anybody who gets enough done m a iuice alone is as srood never usea looacw in aujr; oii, mvc .t jiuaguic siajr : tutu uuucjka. suwi.tu- cleansing the hands roi'ganauzcoLanu never -; , ;- .vuuiswus. -i., v ' . v - --i. irreat bleaching proper- - .Third, he is reasonable: He feels that 'Thenr.ru a driver.; There never is 5 . he would oe Deiore rmarrxea nim. uur.,i"-4" "r r-j hands best? My dear, wear the'kind five chHdreri feel just as close to Daddy; at "ue things jwnicn ingnien me. . of sleeves yottlike, regardtess of, your,, as they, do to Mother.;1 V;''.7 S 'The Deacon's wings haven't' sprouted arms and hands. If your -arms are Fifth, he is a thoughtful, afifectkmate" Things, go wrong and he. fares'' around very thin, get outdoors: and play garnsiusban(j Thank Heaven, my, honey-' every once in a while.: :He is particu and exercise and they will grow more Vmoon still lasts. ' For 12 years we have - la about his eating.. He, won't always beautiful.. Jo not, make .the mistake prove that love lasts.'; Meal times, or. : clean up to go to town. Sometimes he of paring. Very,-tight cuffs on lOhg OU on tftc arm there has. always been , doesn't ."shave fora week.. He snores sleeves k as that will accentuate yourxt;me for a fciss-or a hand clasp. ;v-; awfully.., And it's real hard to get him small, wrists and larcre hands. .' You - t t. it.:j-- dn thincs toward reoairinf house or k V. . Mf 't " . ' and you "will probably grow : and mother,; It gives a child the wrong We've leaned, not to expect '.perfect .idea of home life and the marriage j-e-ition but to give andvtake. ; V. ' " Iatianshio. ' ' s -- l' i ' " - " . And aboiilr' divorce. We don't - un- "A Ytriity cf VCTS to Gcc!l':i r Now let me tell you some of my own hold it a minute;-. People- ought not ATCtrnwt - good qualities, j ai wuui mmi v mj, vnu.6 .vu , 4fckMXuLiv A. a . -jLr tV.o.a .-a 47 foil He tnirrtntir wplt fiiif .7 jvrrnlrfn t tiv with a BOILED; AirarazusCut off lower A t':l'it-r.t'j:;' " Parts of stalks as far down as.they ''thtl am?onal vic ynger than I could gef -will snan watiTi and i intn hunches' fl",0J1 10 'wKing- aucr ray ,uu iuc um t towft ftire me a g0O( lawyer. w h .SAiMS . ou And I know ,uSt as well that tt 1 we VwaW is !,,?,.: . .nf lPavinir-' becoiKj, notBIyas ln,i amnT, f0 be nntrue- to Deacon or take-ad- v -tips out of water first 10 minutes. Drain. straight andthaveu been .careful to antage of him m. a business. way after immediately; remove string) and'Spread - keeP my figure, ,u..-,r.; r i;:his,gener6sit3l-''he,d,.Ieaye 're to-rHdri- H,wj softhutt-riarll eit at,0r.c)e;Asf : Third, I am absolutely .honest - and ; rowv People get along ;m the tnarriffefc ."Jx jwcajfftii ii r- ;et:ci Ire cn crlcut iAtfottftil etett;wheWp;ighf1rte an.ahcitWpaft lo-wch,r:: r r ' --cXrigrtlpt I ttf'and tiAdcr-td-wShm hearted' fccriJ .'"f shorter, t: ,-,.,.s'-- vl-lw )' - tcjMh.. I.ani try:Vevery,day.to 1 V"' c 1 square, Jji - - -'rc-rc a- "a 1 C.rMI-in. I x.:iss ray sUr.:-r H ?rinT. ?. P. CHirPD. :ihlil ifiin) H i r mT i i i I 81 - all 4-8- S ii i.UU. cf Jlchav S avinA 1 UMn. .salt tiuM. I I whs unJ for this bis. baaotia -" i fiili liluateatwJ fn eaUlo.V. V ' ' '111 "J" naatkaall low price. ,jft..- :.'", : r. III frtm mow for ,otr fr cmr. . AAV ' 1 v EGD, DIUZZIJhr I D 2L00E xihzi tr.zZzti ' . m