rZr- . ,, . ! ,!"H iiwni j -" .M4i:JiHl)x mi -r ' .... , ,1 to Address Letters to Uncle P. FV care pf The Prcrc::ive Farmer fdm THEY C ONQUER THE MUDDIEST ROADS : m Mm k i -Af -jaB 'Wton.,.. Copyright 1922, toy T&e Goodyeir Tire A BubbeCa, Iaa "Tfte roiufr between Anoka and Minneapolis test the strength ;? 7 and construction of the strongest tires. After a heavy rain,. the truck runs for mites at a stretchthrough heavy ruts. Our ' Goodyear Cords carry through on schedule, in all weather, Saving time and money. Our Minneapolis Goodyear Dealer gives us good service on them." SIMON KRUSE, Owner of ILadisson Farm. Anoka. Minnesota, and President, Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis. rt " Y YN rain-soaked roads, XJ Goodyear Cord Truck Tiresfindsurefoodngandmake ..''. ' ...... ' t . steady speed from tarm to town. Tf the load-against road shocks ", thaUnjuremeperishablecargbjr saves the driver, and is easy on thesurfaces of improved roads. The wide, thick blocks of their Goodyear Cord Truck Tires ' AU-jWeather Tread take hold are strong arid durable. They ; wiui a tractive gnp tnat car-, predesigned to wear a long, nes the truck forward full dis long time. . Detailed records of tance ivith every turn of the: theirperformance in farm haul-';: wheel. . - TV ing on the road and in the fields ; Their buoyant resilience pro-; are furnished on ; request to : tects the truck, reducing oper- :h Goodyear, ' Akron, Ohio, or atioh and repaircosts;cushions - Los Angeles, California. 1':, r r jnUU UJLjJlJ.LI U IT I I- IIIIW lIlilY L "I I a, Send for, These Books Making, the Farm P.ay,?? "Black Stem Rust," Dairr Farming' ."Farm Account Book -and otherC tent . free. ' ) , , vr1, j' r iriririL Good farming demands Cood fences. Every fiood farmer S ;knows this, and it is the wise farmer who buys his fences on V - the basis of quality and weight. ? . t 'Zy; Use Anthony Fencemade of big hearlly galvanized wires with strong continuous stays and the famous Anthony CLOSED e ' , Knot.The ideal fence is Anthony fence hung on American or ' A U. S. Steel Posts. Driven like stakes, they anchor themselves. ; Fireproof, weatherproof this combination gives you a fence , that lasts forages. , v ';,.1v;; k -'"'.yn y - 'V The best fence is heavy fenceof thick, strong Wes. This is ; -the type we recommend. We know that in the long run it k ralways gives the best service. Such fence can be more heavily ; galvanized, looks better, lasts longer and gives better service. ; :: In response to trade demands we also manufacture highest i- quahty light-weight; fences, with email gauge, wire.' Ofthls type there Is no better t fence on the market, but we strongly t, ; urge the more certain economy of heavy fence. , r . ." ' ; See our dealers everywhere. J Get prices. They have stocks -j on hand for quick delivery. , Write us and get our new catalog illustrating many kinds of fences, gates and posts for every purpose. " . s,.. ' y ;,; -,-.- , American Steel & Wire 'GhmnWnv rfewYcrk Denver Us Yoij Eyes Tti$ Spring, asd DE? Boys and Girls :. ;.. - J : v'.rU7a-; B:"S.IX W W1U omy 5ay 1 cat and "r will';, and then go ahead and dp it I Try it, gins, -ana ee. xou can. : -anetta v; "" ei-ywhereIhope .you; hoys, and girls v - bditorsNote.A gtrl wth energy and. are all resblvingjthat 0U are going. to1 xUon can worh wonders- Any 0- rer .ona mot net would be bmuH . Keep nKiit,Vii jv.( . . , v' u 111 buiiuui aittiis dgaiu. - ,f ' , f ; mane a real suctex.t nf ht: rUn. i.-. LThere,are two -ways you can con. : ject and insists that she. can do hist I tinue your education during the vaca- ,.weji as any .b6y, cwr 4 " tion period.' ; One is ;byeeping your ; y7M'nflr :folks dre wishing Anetta success eyes open. .You should-study nature. - : - - . - -. , Study your work ; Find, out :how ..Tfcoirli Fchtf Vm All HJ Why ?" as the late Franklin ;K. Lane ' ; , . r A CIK once advised Progressive Farmerboys.: P - s 7(Uoy ti Prix Letter) "Keep your, eyes open -H, through ;nFORE I became a "club member' I - ' , . TV ynaa no wea wnat i arming was Ike very interesting article on this subject :-:A11 j had heard was that fanSers had ti was written several ycarsago;by a ;work mi hty hard t0 make a liyi J distinguished .livestock authority, :A1- that it's too hot to work on a farm" vm H. Sanders,- He told how on the After being, a club member; I have Western plains a city man would ride changed my ideas about farm life. There along a hajf-desert. trail and see noth- are two ways of farming, the right way ing. ,But the cowboy with histramed Und the wrong way, and some people who eyes would see something interesting , use the wroncr wav don't eet the- hnpfifs continuously even in the tracks in the of farming. - . . dust. Just glancing at these tracks, he ; . An club member can win. a trip or a would sayi 'Little bunch, of yearling prize j joined the du5 and WJS steers went up this way, seven or eight cwarded with a place on the "Farm Boys' of them. Hello J J A horse ca-me m Special Train': in J920, and after I re from.the left here; lets see if he was a turned I wrote a theme about the trip loose horse Yes, and he was -packed, and won a subscription to your good old too, and the man rode a limping horse farm paper. Tell all the boys they had with a shoe. off. .Strange men will be better join a club and keep up with the so careless.' Been a coyote along herer; club boys. ' -" CHARLEY , VESS. since morning" and so on and on. - . Corsicana, Texas. . - " Then take an.ordinaryfarra boy. As .Editor's Jfote. -This .thoughtful letter Mr. Sanders went on to say he often comes from a boy who lives at the State thinks ; he .is seeing things when . he - Orphans' Home , at Corsicana.' We wel isn't:; . 1' " ; ": ' 't ' " come, Charley' to -our circle of young ' . i iic ' uoy sees : a norse. it . is euner .. . . e ; : r : : young or old, either of a big breed or a VwfrTt 'W'l ?u H ' . .5" . ' . , . .-".w "" j.- iuMitf kif f dmm Iff tlta tun hart small breed. Perhaps the boy dis-' V.V,V,';V ,J tinguishes that it is either spirited or " . f , - : lazy. Next, perhaps, he learns, that a ft - '-r" ' n ' i "i r if d . narrow head and" Roman nose betoken 'v "CSC lC0;L&rIy tD lalK ncniCt a horse with one sort of brain and mo-; I WANT to r tell you about a picnic, I tives, a wide head and kind eye. an- 1 went to in the early , summer of last others ,tie learns to, see the ear ; the year. -Our Sunday school gave the picnic attitude is Studied.' .Then slowlv . the ; and all the tnmhirs rarried baskets with form unfolds : -t he sees the legs. , learns" nice thimrs to eat Our oicnic ground what the shape should be for soeedJ was in a neighbor's - nasture. and was a what for strength ; learns of the foot ; 1 lovely place for a picnic. learns to.disfinguish between strength - The bolder boys and girls played all ana mere oeenness; learns last Ot all .kinds of games, while the teachers made that indefinable thins:, auahtv. Then -1m htc th i;h1a rUUJrm and told he really sees the horse.". ... . . . ; , . . stories. When' noon came, the lunch .Having Eyes They See Not" was "kwas spread and we all enjoyed a good the 'title nf Mr RnnrV or,M wt. ' dinner. : Afterwards . we went to the have too many people on the farm like creek an went in wading. v; W.e had a that; ; - During this vacation period, I ' pleasant and . delightf ul ; day. . hope you will keep your eyes, open and '' ' ! K- BRUWiN. see how' much , you "can really , learri . Pontotoc, County, Miss. -about the everyday thinsrs around vou. W, MVr n nur bovs and Then; write your Uncle P. F "some let- airlt nnll h hniiitih Aeliahiful daxs at ters about the things you have Jeen picnics this spring. It is none too early tnat you hadn't noticed before, ' , ;' to begin talking about having one w : The other way to continue your edu- yur neighborhood. A Sunday school cation during vacation time.I will talk'.,nay hve one, or a daye school, or nver with vmrn.v wi r....n aroub of tieiahbors or kinfolk.i'Wny not hoping you are going to.be open-eyed have severol between now and fallT all this snrinc anHsnmmor T , , '-4'1"''" ' ' - OUR PUZZLE CORNER all ;this , spring and summer, I am A-1 UNCLE P: F. -S"":Vri'' ' 'i-' -V ;' ; Anwers to Last Week's Pusxle . ; " VThat Girls Can Do I IFl and 2 ii kerosene and 2 and 3 V -(CirU si Prb. LetteO v-wjasoHnefwhat - would 4 and-l. VAU a girl 16 years old and live "on an ' htl I -ndn? arC fiVC' r' ' h nf l;WfarmwilhiivittrMIha?5 ? 2. -If a squirrel went to a crib of three?,purebred;Narryag v V W 7 VCV AS JbS.4WS illiiKt AW VV V" out -in ; one week f sevcu corn. - ' " x , . sold them for $80, after taking out those 3- What' word of six . letters con to raise from., I thought this did well $ams; : six ; words , besides ; itseltf for such a small bunch of turkeys. " ' ' Herein ;,He; her, here, ere, rem, in... ,s This year I want- to raise enough to v '4 "What Is that which occurs twice buy a small tract of land adjoining our ina moment and not once inathousano It are going into years??". The letter M. . - v nens ana one torn ot the cam, iind which I expect to raise from thU vr he' car.ry Fraised only IS turkevs la VMr nnrf farm, and Brother and the poultry business, .The small. place I ;'e,- itiii inhuming iu uuy is ior our poultry" II-ThU Week's Puzzles purposes, and we win still have our farm MAHAT is the strongest day tt-,tnc! tor corn,t wheajt, oafs, rye, etc. , 7 J week . c V - 1 Girjs try -this plan, and you can h3p 2- Born at the same time as the your father and, mother 'bear, the ex-' world,1 destined to live aslong as tne,. peiises on the farmland find it pleasant' world, and yet never hve weeKS work at, the same time. , I have alwavs ' What is it? - ing to help my oar- , 3.' Born without a soul." lived and. wanted to do something to help my par ents , along instead of pushing them deeper in debt. ; got a soul, and died without asom.; What is it? I also-haye 35 ducks and pick their .4, What is it God jie'ver saw, George feathers ''and "make nice: comfortable 1 Washington seldom sawy and we" seei feather beds, 'pilldws,;cushions,' etc.' for: "every day?. - " ' r '. .:' I bur .home;". I am sure a girl can make V '. ! ' 1 S. B. SPIES-:,; I ft iit b i b .4