...it-V"-"- '::o'f(i6v :(:. . - . 5 C w ") r .rA'P'T.fTMf;'nnVratiofis- have' been con- ; siderably delayed by wet weather m ;:iriEsr larlyin the Mississippi Valley. - Georgia ly. affected,'-More favorable conditions' Be T . "re J Sows: Service BM ana some iarm v ny -1 cput icu uum Florida and .Virginia. ' The last "days of Mnrh'hronpht indir.ations of raoid im- io.LG. u cru.rs ior gpring PipV -,nl2 for Circular and Prices.' ) D. Paxtori. f provement- in' numerous .widely t -scat- VIRGINIA. tions Tare v- reported )from nearly all -LAI2 711 7. OERKSHIRESS fli-aiTtfc. .Pnrn 1 rtlantirir 'has "hero me mni?l trpnrnl 'an1 pvtpnHi- fl f u r -nnrtli a-' central Arkansas'; and , Oklahoma s, - '-.i-y;'.'?- :;.';.. :r; . :. ., t . --- -- - ' - '" ' A Virginia Corn Field after a HafI Storm :;: ; ..V.- v - 1 ' ; - A black cloud no bigger than a man's hand that grows and " ;:C a'- ?; j" - ;:Vgrows until it blots out the sky. Afew minutes of hurtling 7 X V-tjV4V ,',hiiL JThe sky clears and the sun sUries once more, but in ,f w wvr '- r-r - " r ,;, " the path of the hait tstorm are acre's of ruined or damaged . i v'"'' . . v crops. What would all this mean to you? : t..7v . -;v;v 'J'f, Vera cannot control the- weather but you car' insure r . r f - . ance yompany, wew yorjc nas Deen neipingurmers reduce tliClCtullCilCU thelrisks tof their business.! The Home: Hail Insurance ; i:;.!!' i Mcr.a8brds Sure nrotAction mfr&insi' hail lnRl T I harlrcwl jWI lo53 '.V-Si - hy the largest fire and general insurance company in the "4y -t- United States. No matter how stAvwr a h ttnrm . rt hnm f.nawmiHSWjiuui :.-WOa V Will ,: W ... kJULULIUV . 1MUU J VVCI r Juir A AAA AA - . . , . -j. 1 V'jt.V--1 t t250,0O0,000 paid tQ policy holders.;; .-, iMB uineTOi; na lace out xuu coverage on &!I emne. tron will irrnw thi no4nnnm i11 'xu- Xt-.-,,,- W tobacco fruits-truck crops, ,etc.j Even though you may Halt Pa.(. , r. - . - - - " t-f' "."J ' Wrlte us today-lbr name ; and. address -of the nearest v f- 4 , ' l? Home Agent And interestingjplder, VOne More Risk Taken pleted-in southern JVirsrinia; f" V." -' 'Winter wheat is in" Excellent condition in. most iectionsr -Texas ; wheat haVine very lowcdndition. of 42 per cent in December. has improved sufficiently, to have condition ol 57 per cent of normal Jcrop , on ?Apnl 1, Greenbugs " are - be coming a menace in Oklahomar -. ' 1? Oats are holding in Florida an doins; wellin. the South 'generally" when fall planting, is practiced. t , -' Cotton.Cotton fjlantlricr is nroirre!. singr'lowly There are some indicai r : -.: - T ' nua u acreage increases. ' Ancreasea 'r A . i . , . ci muci Vj4ic rcuuneu in .various sections. : : .: -:; ; .vV4 , : Livestockj LivestOrkr ;i in rrnr1 . tn splendid condition i with few exceptions. juuiig -worms ana. nog cnoiera are re ported in Arkansas. ' . : w : MiscelUneous.-Potato harvesting der way as far:north" as lower coun- ties oi,umo. - - Fruit prospectrare excellent. - -The fafnt laborsuotlv is nlntif1 nf loweriwages than .were paid last -year, except in Ajaryland, v re actw i!t r , , . , i" riS.,Bfw that i3 your ier ,. Cr 1 ..t.- wme indSTff1.? - lleferencts If you v WLLcrrcT fa: n I ' : I s: , "V, f :1-Uhusual ' interest - in i..rrpatnVen9ra'd tbrs'Js being shown in Georgia and an J Champion cr" Boar :q:llzi :'Tour Herd A t:!ict tr 1 r -.titanJIax Individual frai TcT ti f.V I If - ' t i ' It waamJ ..J : . ilast cholera (should t L'.r.vae 1 ? L.a); registered in the I tl errrtx c.any, price ISt. rtanrcra ? r!j?, faur months old and M --. J - . .... .. 1 jau-i.. ii r-.t satisfied, .return tat boar n.l return the money. ' CU1.L23 lECK FARM' E. D. i:t.:.7, C-U ' ' Richmond, Va, "- --;vif" 'HE - MJe;hi four sizes i always good eafe buy. Hal. Vj lU sirable v tjtl??t??Wr Set .Vork.. . Compute ??eccatl6ns :. , price) and csttaloff furnuhed on rinnMK - . -r -.7- . ih ' V , Also mnf f 4 S I kAlYI firi1 rl AC TDXTnnr r?fnriftnn .' v aseaaMi amaa aav uaaaa mm m. m.. m a 'a av a m u m a (. 1 r s e e. se u 1 v :j - - " , -''- wi.v.j cjau twi ?By ?C MoMiwiy far Strength and E&dcncy.) . - ' f DROSPECTS of receivmtr from JS"to 4 $15 more pef-bale for their cotton is mc '...i.n;cuuvcs yprompung a group ; oi ; 1 exas.. planters to adopt a" unique : plan", for- standardizing , their crop. - Jj THOS. 8.-WHITE," LEXINGTON.. ' ! '. . Thff old experienced Tierk,l,lre Breeder of 25 TeariS" ''' " " l-fp iwe, ' - iovr ueu iixoa to bin Urders for - 7 1-fl6V.8H9AT8 SERyiCE E3AR3, BRED S0W8,? r'PBlCES IN HEACll'oF j6vi!BT0NB - ..: ' aim 1 r st tv k n Vt'A Int ? r, clr I, rir r-3-TypV Pc'-i '"y.-are, -;ll ty 1 1 I r' ' bi a show, J I Ii j v t i, V The Calhoun- Countv. Tpvas' vii anL. tiiipiucu wupcrauveiy i oy the United States Departmentof Agri-- culture. ana tne l exas Agricultural and Mechanical College, f eports " that .' al ready,.farmers reoresentinfr JiiVTrt a 1' .... m . - - : ... - "t.""0 f w aa Wfc I 01. cotton nave subscribed "to an "agree- selected Mebane -Triumph long staple couon seea, nve carloads of which will he distributed." .The ginner who is to do "their, work has aVfppH- the cotton from the 12,farms in "order to prevent mixing of Jhe seed and lint withthat of other'Varietip Hp' ?q ing.to paint the cin a distinetivp rrnr i as well alkthe wagons of the. cooperat ing tarmers, ana on; each-wagon the name of the farmer and the variety of unun ne grows. .. - s ' - - , e Tha lint from , these farms" "will ,be pooled,, graded by experts, and "sold at a.:premium because :of its length of Yai"c.- uiuxormny, as nas been " . vv.v I.UWUUW. -nn aounaant supply, of hisrh-eradp ptA wlM U,B 1,-1 come, available for; future 'planting1 in tw.vwwHjfl waui d surplus ior sale. r t This plan is merely another" indica tion , ot, tne lively , mferest extension tv...k a.i v ucvciupuijf in stanaaraiza tion of farm products and in thp mrtfVw erative 1 use of .-improved ' varieties' of crups,ine cost "ot producing which is 111 manv instanrp! nA roofsi- 4-U oi raising an intenor.variety.j- N - THE Consumnfinn A-f nrVt-t in u tt:i. j sates m 1921 was 72,000,000 pounds T n r r ' r; accoramg - to tlie United btates Dpnartmpnt a.: i l"l5:nJk consumption- of. wool t cmWZZx pounds .as compared iyith 500,744,000 pounds in i920. " OQD riuc in't!.-",f l'rni 'borV cr r":tc:it: ic t 1 In! t rzili c nil Ilcddquarters " fC7 BUHOCIIOCS eill-CUALlTY-BREEOINO All Animals hare been given the Double Trett--ment tv Immune Aiainst Cholera. r-l ti VILLCTTA'S WOODLAWN KINS . - liiuie v y). . l :x InternaUonal Granfl C..urIon 1 r. mi l 'i bis brother r ZDY LC . 3 LEGS. Crand Chamrjion Boar. Tri-t it 'lr t Ifamnhl-. Twin., and ln.rt.at f r,Cha..;noo8a. TM. AT REASOALLE PRICES wa Offer for sala GILT3. elred I y Jachsou's Orion Kins, Quality OHnn jr. (uob) and Bcisson; shd also I " f jWfl.-t.red to our Herd Boars. AIM , t i V ICU- and.- PIGS. ,vt ' SrZCIAt HATE3 TO PIO CLUB3 A LSD IIISH.rLA! FSULTRY c. Barred Flymouth Books, l axkf'" Bred -to-Lay Strains. ena u, : u. nc .a, i laenour. and Bneppara ftralr4:i. C. Liir c llinnreas. Paoa's Strain. Ljjs for soil.-? and Younf Cockerell for Sals til . -:ivi:8 Cuaranteed. : :. Writ for rricee aid other Information. UAtiTAV.ZlA FAlt.'.Z. DORCHESTER. OA... CEECI ICltOET " Vl - irtpr.iVED- - ..... .CU.:C'JC2CL.. TENNESSEE. I i 'JKy H cf Qualify-- " Blue r.!tUa-.'lnn-i. ; 3 Crlon 2," "Orion We 7 l.oar3,. Open Cllts, aad Tia, both sexes. A. C. mittZZZ. - ' . KS3TH RIVER. V. OUROC-JEBSErS DURCC-JinCZYS We offer for i I.-With ORION CHBBitI a a fe-r rood Toum, Trie WONDEB. Also one oW JR.. flam Vulnii I "1 to tin AaoVt ... - , v-'-cCUllERS, w. JORDAN BRC3., 1 imiinrcnDS-: ..: ' . : - B lL'M S88Wt.MWseJ,-i K04SiAGAy f POLLl a A J ' , From 6 rnontlis to 2 r vpar fil l - We; offer these Culls at low Prices. nd n eaay terms. -,- . t iet us hear from you. B.' F. 8MFLTC.J Spwd. North Carolina. tdcecomts County. 3' Cow- Hf j frrs ' 1 " r .BUUs,', 'i- v. t