1 "mSI - - farmer La'- i!" 4 1 i,-Cw uiOoi.UlVi l, (7 Cent a Wpr Ciih; Vith Ortief); vCl ifafc Each initial, Nambef or Amount Counts u a Word Ti - ... Carver'a 8,'C. Beds i;3. 15, U. Larxle's, Iiwte " f. Charlotte, N.tu , . - - - S. C. Bed Eggs 45. $2. - Best .that can bo purchased. Ml tl PalluTAll aTnnrnp. . TV- 4,.. ; i , forage, it i 1 s . '. c and miu. 31 r s . . , at oraie of 'a,1 a.' "... j ir grow and cure IVi Cri r-"- bushel plants 10 pcres. i ii i. M wr i f res THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, 'flaleigh.' H. C. ,''v-t - V f Vr.'T," RABBITS" "w?. ' u.-v""","'"""' -'" - Duflnei plants iu prres. i u , .0 bu. i ,';'. Boss and Single Comb JDark Bed Eggs-yFrora heavy F.O. B. tua. . U. i!.-L. , 17 Jper'st. AtlSS?'' layers; 15 for $2. H. iS. Bufty. SaUfiburyt N. C. Georgia.- . . . . -- .. . ..Atlanta, CJLLARDS - . S. C, Bed Egga At half price; 15 from $100 pea,, i,. -,.$2vo0, postpaid.; -Guaranteed., BiverBide .JTed farm fchethy, Pi. u. - - f i ' -. . .. - LIVESTOCK' I.iiifa Berkshlres. - Lcroy Hall., Hlllaboro, N. C. 1 iT.'-hred Berkshlres. QC fituart, Eaatover. 8. U ; 1 . rjte Eerkahirea, - Stona Oata Farm. Petersburg. V. Rabbits $1 , each, i Bead Babbit craft Babbit Banco. 'Madison Heights, Va. ' ' ii .j.,cil j , - i'iiui ijn.ij(.. ....))... v , j . ll) jpiu , ' ' "V ' " ' ' I" 'FOUWKY ANDJCIGS . a f ' lloi Ttfnna 4tattr ' Kirsii. S3'- to. tit 1Mr IS. " f ' Send" for jnatins itet, . .Bed 'ifeather JTarma, titnct, Cowr frea - North Carolina .. . ; - ' : 500 C'aLi "-a - tnahTNL C.- - its l"03tDrid 7jc. ..Parki. 'I Dom It Pay ta AdTertlsef There ar . many moun - 8. .C.-Rhofle Island Bed Hatching Egprs 100. Zio; ' r' rosi-prpi t v i - ia t'aL .IS ewrs.-'Jl.SO; A-l stock. -Weatfleld JS'arm: Bouta T, ' ST3t)tJ5J Henderson. Jf. ' " -. i , . - -U Korth Carolina. S a C. BetU 15 EgffSfrom winning hens and first -Flne," Eprjntrjgrown t 'pea, Monroe Largs Cabbore rUntLr n '.r prieti. "nAft-r" .1.0U $1.25. r.palJ. I.ov j X L.aSSw. N V?5c; - V CaLU: lUanuGuarantaSn '4 ' lierkshires Big Tyne. James VV. Graves, American TTational Bank. Blchmond. Va. BetU 15 Eggsfrom winning hens and first Fine. kP.rJn?,;Krown "-"""- ' l"lant? 300. 73c- sSa Li' ' wao. as . tirvor ta rfioicft. 12. delivered: $1: 1.000. JL73. i '.iiLDai.L .vat tii tata in Colorado higher than Pike'a PwA. butjmly' a , Sogw Franklin. -Va, . ., t waaesDoro, v u. . .. . j ; Frost-proof Wfkoflt-: i Cabfc , UnxOx, icaa; few -people know It. WhyT Because Pike's Peak i, Covingtim, 1 f ' well advertised, " and the others are notr Moral: Adver-" . . , . i ' . . 3 - tin whatever you may have for aala. The Progreastf -1- Beds Beduoed Both Combs) $5 and 9 egss. hair Joe; l.ouo, One Bealstered Berkshire Boar 20" month old; and , - S!TJ!.- ' w . " ,V - - -nrir. ITrnm arand exhibition, heavy, las-lnsr matlngs: 'North Carolina. ana one o montns oia; eacn, or or uu utu. v V- ' ANUOWAa wortu aounie me price, ana satvsiacuon guiu-iiauwu. , . otzc r aut jaxm Claramimt ?- - Mrs. J. C. Deaton,' Salisbury, N. C. Mountain View Farm, Glenvar, Va. DUROC-JERSEYS ,;, Sheopard'a Famous Ancona EggSr-15 for $2. H. E. ituiiy, suuisDury, . J - . - ' . Grimes BhodoJUland Beds Win Again Won 3rd Early Cabbaga Plants Cromr from beat um. fl7 l tefactior. guarantee I. f0. M.0Q0; $14oTpr'epi,v . - J. H. Scott Fran,..in,' Va. .... . , " Maceo P arms Offer 8-Weeks Duroo Pigs Leading etrains, registered In buyer'a name: $lz.. bamaracuon vv. guaranteed, a. Y. paln tc Boa, cnurcn goaa. va. Duroc-Jersey Hogs Several large sows and gilts, out S.CAnconas Winners; , layers. ; P. VL ghulenberger1. Landia, N. C . Hatching' eggs.' Ancona' Errs for Hatchlng-Either- Comb--$1.80-15J 99 S9. jr. Im Hudson, ureennue.v n. v. ' , - rvf Tftn.TT, ir.V, ... n.TAnrf fnr. hrHnir . 80 Best Ancona jsees z, postpaia.. uraea prwmj'tv end wlity. Young boars Bargain pricea. i: Bkyland fllledL , Lilea Ancona Farm. Plcfcson. Tenn. Farm. W. H. Hickaon. Prop., Lynchburg, Va, ' - , , t , ANDALUSIANS ,- -' , ; -S. C. Bhode Island Beds Exclusively Bred from theTy.,1! kf'JJP1 -1?00'. .: ' best blood lines in America, Our bird nossess axeel" 8-000' k - American riant Co.. Alma. Ca, - f lent type, color, arid laying : QuallUea. Have won high line Cabbage Plantsrrom experienced grower a O. I. Cm T3t ,. ... nhM ftMMffiMAnl aw4&-aB4nttlsV ., Tlltlal ' : : ; ':,r; " -ill, :i XtiMyrX ITVIU &Jm Vt aowwMj, ywvftia. O. I. C. Pigs. GilU. Boars. Valley Hill -Farm,- Andaluslans: 52 per i&; S.6U per sw. vuw ennui,- T. n Ttn 97 nnhernnnvniA. N ft. :. . '.- ' . CoHOVeT. N.C. s " , -J .Baleiah. last October, first cockerel, first ' hen. and rtf nrMtnai.i ?r, i ' n "s. third pen,- from A birds entered. Selected ees for TJlah.. N. c7 . " . - 'V' naicning; low la pru?e nut m&n in quality, per taw Or I. C. Bow's, Gilts. Bom. and Pigs At reasonable ' prkrs. Jas r."Avent, Nhahville, N. C, Boute Z. BABY CHICKS, POLAND.CIUNAS ? Piirntirml Rsbv DiirJis Youne-Barron Strain Whita 'Xrfighorna.- -Davis Poultry Farm, Henderson. W. C. ; , ( ' . C. Bhode Island Whites 15 eggs; $1.60; 109 eggs, - .k. nt.U.a r Whtt. Thnm .nH Rh island ,' . Sam Hysinger. Cleveland. Term., Boute . Am Offering ExceUent Big Typa Poland strains. .Delivery fuar-.,;-. . t , . WYAWDOTTES r ' Fm. w... , w iii i. ")". deliver ea. onaaynoos roxutry arm, jtoss u. Cugmon, ; -,"sl ,vuV jojuis i.ariy jersey. Charlestaa Salisbury,1- N. C . - , Wakefield, Succession. llat Dutch By prepaid oared ' . .... iciinnP. ist ANn wiitt . i - S??S ffiW&P f .9iS "tx- r , 7 .rr." , , r- ,. - -1-.: f a Va . m -rr.. -vuw. . .-. , . . duiutuiv ciurnmervuie. b. c CANH AUD EOIIGHUM N. C, Boute 7, ' , 100 Head Western Breeding Besult of ,28 years' unbuilding. Houston, , Fairfield - Baby Chicks from Hoganiaed standard bred flocks. ,n",",MS,? -Itavmt Ytnnlra TCVilt TtorV Ithrwlo Inland Ritrta Th1t , Strains. - CiTCUlar. White Wyandotte Eggs $1.30, postpaid,- Best lay' tsunnyside, Joneavule,' va. Early Oranre Cfne Led (Do-per iieck.' i f Carson. Charloito, N. . l:oute 4, v V Sendee boars.-bred gUto,,piKS.. '-W. G. i Wyandottes. Buff Orpingtons. Anconas and VvTiita'-; vbit WrandottfB 12 good breeding hens, one fine Pi" at iirnetq,. ya,- , - . , - fcegnorns; rrom'$io.BO up.- Bena,ior catalog. pw a ock at bargain. Write Frank Hamrick, fihelby, N. Sorghum Seed Early Amber, Uarly Orange and Bi rial Herd of Spotted Poland-Chlna-ThS ' 7.. ' ' - ' Fishel. White WyandotteaDirect. . None: better, r fi? 1ST v The ImDerial home of the best-' Bred sows and feilts a sDecUlty. and the selection of herd boar prospects to please the -most Tf- fastidious, idyuvmder stock Farm, CresweJl,- C. V. v' BANTAMS James Patter ABERDEEN-ANGUS ' Buy nna "Buyer's Market" J Breeding cattle are . cheaper today than in many yeacs- and probably cheaper 1 than they will ever be again. If you want pu restored'' bulls to head your herd. or some high-grade cows or ' heifers to help ypu beat 'the boll weevil, see us first and save money. No boll weevil ever bit an Angus , yama urore, k. . 15 Buff Cochin Bantam Eara $1.25. Bon, China Grove, N. C. '.-- ' Buff. Cochin Bantam Eggs 15. $L25. "Bobert Pat' terson. China Grove, Iff, ft - ' -. . Hi i.i it ' u ' in im ii i.. i. i ' im'.' v .' " ' '. " 1 ii-w'h 1' ' mi inii u' iin.' , 'i'jiv; v,?' v1-.,' tf'-'-BRAHMAS'fi-- cy? lV Light Brahma Eggs 15. ; $1.50. , Bobert Patterson, ' ' 15 Eggs, $1.25, postpaid, I. V. Lee. Four. Oaks., N. C, Gallon fiugar Tirl? Cane epd Postpaid 6Qc Snouea to plans acre. Plant Farm, tiah. N. t'' Sorghum Seed Early- Amber- Uarlv Oranira nA nj Top Cane Seed runhel, $1.40; 5-bushel lots ud $131 bu. Hudmon Seed Co., Nashvilla Tenn. DUCKS - Texas Seeded Kibbon Cane Seed Becleaned aeed; ' best variety for amm. BihL t2.se. U, hnahfj ti . Purebred Mammoth Pekln Diidt Egga $l.T5 per 15; - iSSnJS"069' To LlUdmon Swd Nashville; trom 8 to 10-lb. stock. I L. ahorpe, Newsoms. Va. Aanne8afte' ' - "'' - - 4 . GUINEAS Cane Beed New rroV recleaned Early .Amber ana Orange Cane Seed. H.Lj biL. but loU of S hihni& i . - White Guinea; Boosters $2 each. Mrs. L. L. John- , Ter Wrtte for price on tSudan grass, peas and saga on, Fletcher. N. C . " " . - Iwana. W. D. Bird, Eoedsman. Spartanburg, S. a cow.' Cotton Valley Farm, Tarboro, N. C GUERNSEYS -v - Purebred light Brahma -Eggs $1.75 15 postpaid. 1 TrouUnan, Adder. NT-C, T . .Jason Moore. Bells,- Tenn.. - ' - . ' ' ' -Pearl or,Silver Gray Guinea Eggs 20, $1..50r A, P, XLUVal 7 months old, $75; 5 months' old, $60.' Bayvllle Farm, W, N. Chanlngs, Lynnharen. Vs. , - ' . -: 15 Light Brahma Egga $1.50; prize pen, $2. Minnie 1U0, , tattfirann Phlna. Rrnvn TJ" f! 15 Pnrebred Light - Brahma Egga $1,73. postpaid. , PEA FOWLS ' For Sale Beeistered Guernsey Bull 4 roan okk .Without fault Prefer Selling to one who sees bull. " Cheap to quick buyer. , J.. ,B. ; Allison,' , Mooresvjlle, , nana iaxoiuia. ,, . . Frank Cress,- Salisbury, N C. HAMBURG HOLSTEINS Hambnnr Eges 31 sitting. J. 'P. Punch. Newton. North Carolina. , - t , , WantedPeafowls. -B. J. Doggett, Salpwlth, Va. -Will Pay $8 Each for Peahens Immediate delivery. Write ns the number you have for sale. -' Chiles A Company. Mt Sterling, Ky. . - , . , v-J-.TURKEYS - -tr i ' v. Thousand Acres Clover In Bloom Working agricul tural revolution. - Come and. See. Lambert, Darlingtoa near Camden), -Ala.- ... - . , '1.EGHORNS v TOns 41ia Ytawt TTnlotoin TTAlfdM falM.. ..jOT-l.. T. flei. williger, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin," r - J7s Ik-Brovm-Leghorns Hens. $L6fli . cockerels, $2, 1 Seed - Corn Purebred, Boone Connty Selected, ft bushel. Bluerldge Farm, BtHii'ord. Va. j --' - .'-'Biggs Soven,Kar Seed Corn HelecJjxV gMiulne: gal- . - Turkeys Care. Manage en tr-Fully illustrated, col- -' Uluh. N. C. ' -n " t-or plates. S3 chaptera7 $1, Jas.Moffltt. Bamseur, ' ,r , ' , . T r-r-r Registered Holsteins Bull calves,-from 0 -gallon J.. E. Moore, Pores Knob, N. C. dams. - Heifer calves, yearlings andxeowa.. Accredited , . TuTl herd. Farmers prices, I W. Pratt. FarmviUe, Va. T. P. Barrett. Pranklinton, N. C. .' Giant, Largest Strain White Turkey Farm raised, non-roaming: none better. Easa. 60e each. delivarerL S. C. Brown Leghorns Eggs. .15,pll, 25; 100, $8, J. F. Pollard. Greenville, N. C. : -- . . from, ear to row breeding; $2 per bushel. lirore arm, ixmover, N. v. Hickory JERSEYS. TWO OR MORE. BREEDS' 4- Jersey Heifer Registered In buyer's name. One jersey bull, entitled xegifltration. -.s L , JT. i Wlnfrea, , t?" ; Rred-tn-! Pnrehred 'fL t- f!. , Rmm ., Tghnma rga .' i $1.50 per 16? $3.75 per 50, postpaid. Keiffer I Teague. I'or ' Sale Bantam Chicks. : One American Bald i Siler City. N. C. ,,...- ;agie. u. v. vomtM. rroaucer itauan Bees and Honey. Wadeshoro, N. C. Gum Neck. N, C. - h. i;. wow ana imbck Jjecaoras wnice. ceres. r . , j . . . '11 S5i. Blmrka. 1 1.60 Mr 15J nrenald. ItimnAV Pmiitrv r' 1-238 $1-50 sitting, delivered. Iloud a ns. Silver Cam. - For Sale Cheap Two excellent milk cows, freshen Farm, Grouse. N. C. ' ' - . - ". -, ' " pines, -Anconas. Blue Orpingtons, - Light .Brahnias. this month. --Fine Polled Jersey Butt, IS month, old. w. . : ' i; " ; rrz chicks. 20 cents; Walnut Grove Farm, Cabarrus, Lucius Potts, Warsaw. N. C.'T-' Everlsy Bhto Leghoare r. ., j , . . . ;T : For Sale Purebred Jersey Bulls Grade half era of K BuftyV Salisbury. N. C. r exccuwiv ureeujiigj-f. ajsa pureorea BerKsoire nogs and ' J1gs.' Mesrdowdale Farm, Biee, Va. - , ' - MISCEIJLANEOUS Bockdale Poultry Farm, Buena Vista, Ky,, are ex- :. Golden Bute Farm -Conover, N. C Offers Purebred elusive breeders of S. C. Dark .For Rale Biggs Selected Seven-year -JProlino Seed, i Corn $3 per bushel: $1.0 li bushel; 85c peck; cash with order; ' parcel post postage Included, P. t. Stewart. Hemp, N. C. Vyi "y ''i. " Douthit'a Prollflo Seed Corn Leads all varieties for fire years at South Carolina Experiment Stations. Select : seed from -originator. Bushel. ' $3. 50: peck, $1. Ask fof catalog. J. B. Douthlt, Jr,, Pendleton, S. C "1 ' Beid'a- White Dent A 100-Day Com Government ,i tested; deep-grained ears, small cob; exceptionally ' Sound; weevil resistant; unexcelled record for economi ' Cal yield: vigorous rot-free root system; bred Scientiaa-, ally Zl years; triple selected, graded ana guaranieea. . For Sale A Limited Number of Begistered Jersey v furnish you eggs at unusual low p. TCiilI 'I:alwtaw.T.inAanrA -InhlnM f.nm p.t.t .ifMfi.Mii .i . ' dams. U, & Accredited herd! Belda.n.. n?,. -i f C. White Leghorns-Price- reduced, nolda.'N. C..; . , v : Auction Sale Merit Jerseys Catawba, Fair Grounds, -Hickory, N. C, May 4th Write for catalog. Catawba " Jersey Breeders'.. Association, ,C Hub, Herman,. Sec'y, -Conover. NivC. - ' , s , We auaren. tee chicks 100 ner cent live delivered: km 00 Der ants fertile. Mlddleboro Farm, Itoute 1, Hampton. Va. -; t S..C-English .Strain White Lesrhorna Chicks frnn trapnested stock for May and June , delivery, at $12 Brown LeghoNis. Can - White Minorcas 15 eggs.' 41.50. - Poland-China pigs,:ush.ei' 2-3 Descriptive booklet .free. Beid Bros., r prices. - - i- $15. - Begistered Jersey cws, $150. ' Poor 'Land 'fg , llendrson. Teun. , ' ' " : rwu imiuit, a a.vuw. coo on Strain No,- U King's i.ciroproved Cotton Seed - reelected ana bred in- foo'inis or kiuo inug; ou per 100, delivered. , Cliff Cottage Poultry Farm, Boone 7; U.J . 'i . ' . J, ? - " Mill, Va. , - . . ,- , - . , Oaceolaar.5ft,tm8neL Poyner;Seed Co.. , Dotnan. - ' aVX M.mU mm Jul I fflllll"! Infill lal -wr. ' -..'..MirVir' vwiwiiwvwi.w weevil : ti.w Mt -DusnejL xuc&ory vrove j arm, lw- czans t f "l,7v w. n. c. r: . . - 1 - - - . Alabama.' tCG TLANTS vJ:T."r.T". "c.- i1"!1 - O?- I Wnrfrf1 1.r nrA IS ban. laid 1 17S 1. ar.t, refelences. l&it for clubTrMt: Heaslnt Stock r 88 lto ftSTttv'Nw Soy Beans $1.75. ' J, Farm; 'G.Houston? Fatoadd. XL UA .Sto(V hens. 154: 80., $5. Piedmont White Leghorn Farm. M. Hall. Middletown, N. C. - - . ,L ' BM r 4mm ' ' ' ? "f " Saiigbury N" a . ' ' " T J"-" . - ' ' V ' .-' V- -.Velvet Beans! Write for price -list of farm seed. Kovnlanta .Maw Vnrlt Imnmmv1-Jmnanaiit. 104. 5001 leoo. $3. - Pepper, game x,rice. . Thomas villo Plant Co., ThomsiivUle, ia. - .. " Dual Purpose BedBofced Cattle Of best breeding.r JSh.,.td on B'ompt shipment in any auantity; ,; Z Best for the South. If you haven't the money to snare S Write today for my handsome illustrated 20-page cats.-, jr f will Tfhno fn, lin. .r. - .a.w . ci. , loa? and Tri(M liat KlAventJl Ana ww. P.arl milUanH FIOJ log and price list. Hilar City, N. V. will exchange for beans and peas, Oak Grove Stock yarm, twister. epnnga, aiamaa Co.. Virginia r - HORSES AND JACKS - For Bargain in Good Stallion and Jack Write Mar bury Stock Co., Marbury, Ala. . ; , l i lik?r.7.y, MULES "j 'J Teams-i-3-Tear-old Mules Beady for hard work. .Carl GUllland.'. .Alammoth -Yellow. Beans Buy from - the grower. aj. oinuuuus. oejuaveo, . v. . - mown TturKey jrig iTee 'inac w, Jisxooa wo vto" delivered.". Miller Plant Vo., H.ory. N. C- MINORCAS Golden Bule Farm, Conover. N, O. Offers 15 White Minorea eggs, $1.50... Poor Land King Potato plants,' $s i.ooo.- vh',- ," 1 Soy Beans Get our wholesale prices before buying, ' rCo"1"" Seed- Co.. Franklin, Va, '. . T - r For Sale Early- Speckled Velvet Beans $1.15 per bushel, here., W. H. Franks, Warthen, Ca. . - c . Mammoth TeUow Soy Beans for Seed $2 bushel, casta with order. W, E. Jordan, lidetiton, N. O, - . ' . Oak-leaved Hydrangea swriea, Vaas. N. C. Uar-tDft . Deaton "Nur- . . GllALJ L- TWO OR MORE BREEDS 1 - ' ,nDPiMrTrtMtt . ' "' W4WJ , . - , : a , - Veirtk Beans-Ninety-Day,,.$l.2S bvhel taceola. Purebred Buff Orpington Eggs $1.25 per IS. Alvas ' $2-06; car lots for less. D. A. Burch. Chester, Ga muuuiiimi, . nivn wvcv jLcmno vi jim wn , , UJw . f - Buff Orpingtons Eggs and Stock Writ- far nrfoM.' ' land's sake: $2 'bushel. S. Deans, SnowbilL N.'G. 1 Blistered. Both Polled. Hereford. -Guernsey Calves show record. Bloom Kendall, Shelby. N..C. - p.Twran fin iton- 4nn ff . nn.tn.tii nt r-L ? ; IiR staple cotton seed, $1 tniaheL Buff Orpington Eggs $1.25 per 15; . Cockerels, $3 paid, peck, $4; bushol, $15,. F. O. B, Atlanta, Jfiverett L. L. Marshy MarahnUeyN.'C. , . - ; . - bens, $1.60. v Miss Lillian Evans, Concord Depot VaT Seed Co., Attanta, Ga. - - -' : Z . - : MISCELLANEOUS J1" ' My White Orpingtons 'Won $S5f Last Fall Eggs. Mammoth Tellow Soy Beans ixtra fancy recleaned .Hf' a .nil rio11wrasl . V:1mm 7Wfl., . Ilrtl... w n ! lwl - hndiij i 4 Sft mtolr Ittta nm 4 A l.ahI TT . For. Sale Hogs, Shoats, Pigs Car lots. Frank. J. ,. - . . a , ... , ' . mon Seed Co.. Nashville. Tenn. - .f! .. Payne, Amerlcus, Ga. - - ' - - ,' Genuine Purebred S. C.' Cook's Strain Buff Orping-r ,. . , , ' ' pM:e.i. n.'-"V "" : , 1 iot fi.ov, poeipaia. , jneamont Foul try ."lru,'J,J,ltw'? .'1UU' .ow; wiisoa jsar' uiuttwn. iuiu KrBiiu unwiiuiuu vui, v ugiuw CHAW f air, 1921. . Fairmont Farms, Staunton, Va. - Sudan Grass 109 !., 13; tX.. f J.5; kas ouaav titlea, 80 lb. tlndmon Seed Co.. Nas.iville. Tenn. FreaU Pan-eauRLt Lecleaned Lre lwa Seed $3.W fciisheL K.- B.j-lAvald. Centrevilla, J.lisa, - - ' - '. Lespedeza Panned. raclanel, Ceei No or nut grass; $3.50 F. O. ii.l c,h. P. J. Bursoa, tlate Springs, Mias ' - - , ' - MILLET Millet Genuine Tennessee CcrmnT, or Golden -- BusheL $l,65; aack lots. $1.CJ I;'" '4; i?- PET STOCK DOGS 'White Orpington Eggs for Hatching Prite winners. . Prices as follows: IS eggs. $150, $3 and $4. Mtoaaoke , Poultry Yards, WiUiamston, N. C. - - j- . - ., v 'r yr .y ; PLYMOUTH-ROCKS f ; -' Thompson . Strain , Imperial Barred Bocks Eggs ,$1.25 per IS, Jones Farms. Kershaw, S. C 7 lies, $2,40; Mammoth Yellows, $1.85. All 1021 crop. : sacks, each 85o extra. Kudmoa; tad Co.. Naanviuo, M. F-. Owens & Cov Elizabeth City, N. C. ' " Tenneasee, . ' - " Tv PEANUTS ; Begistered White CoUies Pups, $30 to $lv Green : , Acre Kennels, ; Marlon, Ala... : .7, -. Begistered Male Airedale: Dog 12 months, weight ,;B5 pounds. H. L Grizaard, Drewryrille, Va. Z . 1 1 "1 1 1 1 'i - 1 1 ' i'ii 1 in Pi 1 '.vViirahravi Vn,U.'. nn1. - ...... rf!...-. ' . . t. Batlsfaetton TtWv'" WilUams. Stokesdale, N, C. a, . ' " . ,;: r .. T waWBl .v, .VH'WV'WVtV. ' Mammoth Tellow Soy Beans Orown especially for seed. 1021 crop, in good even weight bs'Srl.aO per - bushel W. S. Dudley. Lake Landing,' N. C. - For Sale Strictly Becleaned Early Speckled Velvet tseans lor cteeT-a'acsea z-ousnet oags; st.sv per bu. , casu witn oraen, Atmore, Ala. . r,i or E5aj.e ooy . xean v irginiaj, Tanety; , zo-ousnel' jors, less Quanuues. ?3.zu per cu., jr. o. B. OsceolaS sold ut s tL W, XJurrie, Buff Bocks The Kind That Lay Eggs. $2.50 per 15. rwr. w.oueeu, -wring liaroen, 'ureenBOoro.- N, U. , wie jocks urea 10 uur. weurn ana nav. v.mra , m j -iri no rv l.i'v, "! -a . .'. c i, ,. j 1 P084 , Sattefaction, guaranteed, -., L.. M.. . Hoarta. Va. - v. accented for less than If 0 Li. C!H wui order.-GoiT " 111 1 mi 1 ! 1 . 1 - . . . . a . . . . n jn , j Aa v v , . . niortn carouna. ' . - - T Thompson's Binglet Barred Bocks Hi (fh eRK YeeordaT """"r" vtw nwme i.xir vu-ucy veives - 1 - - : J L taJT $150' 15 181 100 Dostoal llillaidl Pmiitjr - Beans New ren weight bags; $1.15 bushel, P. O B, . k Exchange for 1$ good foxes, or sale; A Walker for, Yards S VaV- ' Ftmltry Tennille, Ga, W. D. Bird, Seedsman, Spartanburg,; -2 opossum dogs. , J. W.' Patterson, Kings Mountain! ' T J. , m v.. . . ' " South Carolina.- , , , Seed Pea""st Becleaned ai enekel In "f V lb. .bags. White ranfah, rr iJ to; lrgs Banners, pa per lb. - F. H. McCrae. -Deiwrk. S. C. ' Selected Becleaned Seed Peanuts North , CaroMna Bunners, 5 cents per D.; Wlii t.ianiuh. , AW amount shipped, fcrrlckland & Baxter, Clio.- Ala, - rif.;Goff- In&. j:3.L-C. lAterpriae. w PEA3 Hutchison Merc, Co. North Carolina. . - . - English Setter Vhtte male 3 months, a beauty.- registered. HatiirfacUoa guaranteedL. . Grady vitoic, JQUUlimUf . : v.. ..1 J( . - 3'nelish Raho-Im RltMi .tn. v.i. tie Co a puns 12 weeks eld. $12. Satisfaction guaranteed, i Boute 8. Lol-ert DuJc. Mebane, N. C. - rTv ' nhnmT not N. P. Martin.-Kent rtore.-Va. . r,vi ..- W to strong 2-buflhel bags, $1.8S bushel. Milling C' . lnrnm imrwiHl RinVt K.rr Rnm, ?' Un2 n9.0? TBe. huaheL W. J. Mldgetto. S' mkjb aiaiiuina, Pt. Kir - " .... i I " ' II ' I I - I ' J . Six-weeks' Pew-25o rsint, r3ald. J, D. Gow- juumner uridge, N. C. teel n o. Martlo, Cowpens. S. C. . ' . ,' Gash , or Exchange Black . Shepard Heel Drivers im ""from Thompson. First pen. $5: second pen. $2.50 mtV Pair " 15 "xlelivered, Mrs., Grover Boper. Laurens, S. C, Write or Wirt Us for Prices on Choice Becleaned ' - .. Aiammotn xenow, Tar Heel Black and .Early Brown- rwja ueana -rrorapc. sntpments, uertrord Wholesale - Co.. Hertford. N. C. ... Sow Beans New crop, recleaned. first quality Mam- -moth Yellows, $1.98 per bushel subject to mnrket flurs- tuallons. -' Cash with order. Write for prices ether varieties, and Quality seeds of all kinds. Buxton White Seed Company, Elisabeth City, N,,C, ' - - Mammoth TeUow,. Tar Heel Black, and Uarly Brown,' Soy Bearm 1921 crop, seWted seed stock, 10 Bushel and- less, $1.05; 11 to 25 bushels, $l.t0; 28 to 5 'iummon ': Barred . PlvmfMith.. Rn; Kaaan Vrnm . t llnEllah.- fiat.tflr Tjiraa ' tmm, 10 leeted nenn. . tl fA att-.t.inri 19 "tm Iftft; HeUworeA K , - - rvt ,vuu, ' JUUllLUB, in-. ' . , , . . w ' broken, unspoiled, no -papers, -" $50. - Sell or- trade. I'86!. mX- Excellent egg-troicing strain., Flint ' beagles or gun. ' Guaranteed. B. 1L Duttou. Herndou, 3HU Poultry Tarda. Staley, W,1 C. - . Virginia.-:- r ,, iV,' . 4 - , , I Hn limn r.rwuiin, Thnmnnm . r.lnr1o nml. 1 For Sale Pretty Purebred Pointer PunDiearl.';white 15 Tears My customers have raised many prize win- v and liver." 6 wee?s Qd 15th April." They eae KS?' fe-' 2, 1. or your money back: $10 each: KaliafarUnn mann. Western Slope Banch. Balialwry. N, C. . . Thompson's Dark Imperial Binglet Barred Bocks . iurow-jocaereisr 93 to ioj puneta, 3, 11. 15 I c"S. Airedale or NeFondVand n,,.?- V!VP' If' 1-TS ? '.J 5? bushete, $1,80. Cah with tH, snaved fem.iM.. Prf.Sj',.. Tk7v ! .! t; loo, j. a-ostpsia. spayed females;, for Poland-China hogs, - Jersey Hejf- ! jfntn' , ers. List 10c Dixie Kennels, Kenneiaw. GaT T " 11 111 " 1 ' - - " : - i Parka1 Jonesvl'l,, Va. Mrs.- Dora . der.; Write J. C. Blanchard ft Ca; Hertford. N. 1 lanrnnTas jsince lSSZ.-- - ? t - KeiiiWU. JU.;vrii iV.'G a -Sr .leoL Juries,-, .grandson of L.r. Pari s'.. 313-e-n hen. r- 15, $ i. rti"ul5r ro9'7e.l. Wallace l-rothers. Va' 3. ,si. Peas All Varieties OuotatiJivi on reauest. Bea tlnrphy, Sanders viUe. Ga. i . - v ; - - ' -' - , Peas Brabham. $2.35: Iron, i laed, $t.ti ' TrbiU' K.'G; Bygrg, ,ir c 3, q " 1 200 Bushels Pure, Sound, i 'tx;1 J'-on Peaa--8-W bushel. Heaver Cre.'k Plants .n, I lisf.Howa, a. .V: , . Cowpeas Get our wiif'al1 fiicra boToro buying. Council Seed Co., FranVi n, Va. . ' 1 or bale Brabham, Iron, Cay. .. -wtm J Peas-r -' Car lots. Frank J. Payne. Ameri?ua. Oa, '. ' - J.. " Peas for Faie Any TarUty. lrr,i an I Bn-bham a s 'ppeciaity, Write for prices. 7. U, IraiJ.9, Waxtnen, , Georgia,. . . . . ' ' - " , " 1 . 1 1 in '1 ' 1 . .. . . M .r . hiip" -,-. 1. Uiy- " 1 1. A.-rvrc3,Oo!,-- - Brabham, Iron. t;..'ecU 1 . Mixed Corneas rJar Lu ir. 1. Che..ur. Ca. Poasl Brabham, Iron. V.J tlear 1 'rite ,f-'i-- iield eeil 1 - i- - a. i . : t. - : ,Wil v

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