fSaturd . crop i 't't'lful r.t tl:c r:::;:t tr'i i!:cre .z no .; iirae exec: . on . lue tarra lim 13 a.cu . tant" j an l wanted . ;:iHPr cf,it mm n wMmiintMnntpHrnllfrtiWwniiM hiv x6rWA -i'l'iM," . ' - vru. "vrv" """v-.v6ur.seed com:. Wet it-with wafm-wa gru -tv w.... . ..... .T "-TrfT-v riTlurr:' ::iv-:rv.oe naa in tne outn-witnowt morerna- ; . t : -WW - Wn. - ' ' i1 Av-'nr,f'r4-tt''j f-?'?:. uf? 'tff' i j' f : rs 2-': ' .make him a, gdod .renter. . Finally hz sip ' Jl3Qd: L'B?d7-io? cPcan b? , decided to makefiles loan atU3 i :r - . " - " ' --Vf( cent interest in five notes.' -At the en i CkkA T! : - C "r I AVcc'l" farmer OreUohsfderatfeoverJenoarih?J 'ySnirthe five years I took up tho. list UOOa. U . - v t vr. like" We have 'been over:inW can always ac- EVRraiss r..iy Buckeye peas?, Why f years than almost, ahVrothercommer welt afford to7 grow, ;c'omplish what" we set out to do, either vorV niaceVe oeas brintr the" interests1 This should be -considered byi.Crfoodiahdeedrcfops. needed, for vgood .or, bad.;;: -i. J : a N. BAIRD ; 7X V ? m i' the. farmer;,- The manufacturer .of 3ertiMk Own.use. But when more foWrrid ."CUtayeftt County, -Miss. ; - - . high .prices" California Blackeye f peas.. izer 3 t through the- misfartuneVthat 'feed raised 'thanv w needed -for. , r;vV .V-,aU"-' o ' 'A bring? "'.Next " wecl.'s " Progressive, i overtook' the farmerrbeen ; placedun,, a f.noa? consumption, the need for econ- ;.v ; AXrV--U Tr?'fi frW7 Farm'er :will teU'youvv'- ' position where he has. been heavily baridi-fomyiiA that;prodition"bemes all the.'.tf , ,rfH!:. , farmer .wm i j ;. cappe(J : in .carrying Ypn his business-. as !re imperative;' At-i-:. v. , f PAW.t Caw t, Caw alI.yoU,wsnt to, but Did vou know-that ycu "own a,Ne-t:weli as sufferintr heamrlbssesl Tohavftt; -iw rv. l;r y .;::j.;.jiiv''yott won't': firerthese-seed. , Shell v) farmer-win wu.yua "ic tuuut 4 nhandicao -Un-doiriff- business" because ?bf3r - "y"J,T,l,,v"ri': v ' . : COrn..,ltirras( UVOU meant business. ative rarKcuii before I anranythihg else, and fuUy reaKV, .1 S w VnTSn',?'S? nugh'for;a Pfk of cdrmILyotf have big salaries eat -up their -profits,- and,, whatvthe farmers have been talfedUlllor.mach.in ?abor,youxan use, the any more com to plant where, crows 4are selling expenses would' be, enormous.-' on to Dear.'.Dut-generaiiy llDeiievef.aie-, tt:,--tv. .'."" . . j1" "J uu..-v; PresideSVofae-oHHetiiBfeiiiS ' , '( - - uuD'UiiviiJ4 uiov.iuvj xvwiAbv vv I1A1V lfV I I n, tt " " ' ' 1 , 1 1 ' " " ' ' ' J "" II .- . . . iu.li v tiiaii ainuuc use wuii,A.uuuiuuua - ' ; . . ij-i i , tells - us their selling" expenses afe; really -are. WrliaYe g6nei furtherthan'vj,; ,.:ovHSr Vf;K-rc;.;:. ly 40 cents pWhundredpo interview., in next-week s rogres.r-T -WUf.;; t ; .-sides and.this least,, my. viewpoint should yo plant. -in:-Tr ?eks''paperarthtl:m .od;as well dsi-r"' TLJl-rtlLL' n.iC r -Ty ?,nV r . MUSI ,lvinee .yearsf irymg, to uorrow, xnoMcy .'JL ; " s :? .'to.buy Iand:V;No o"ne,WQuld.make the allist of the best'childrensVrKiv,wa?:5aim av0anwas;ydetermiiied .to. buyia v hnw"Mnv. of them-voui- A J cenisa pounu ,wuiuuc wcpu; tarm. J finally,! wen-TO a man i cnew ee now -many-di ,xnem your --. - 70,,,, t,arf nf -:st,, k rnn on Mm-l WantA : ha the; privilege.- of . ;the boll weevil : and1: they high .costvpf $3,500 to pay for: 160 acres of land.;He ? : r'-: t most- things that; go, fnto? making he, told '.me couldn't" pay "for it; but I int fori ley r Growers Cooperative . t tion on his sive .Farmer, What crops May?, -Next ,w You , need rrood mind f c body." food for your children. -Uncle 3?y F. wilt give books; youngsters "have reading. "The garden' is the starting point for. a self -sustaining farm, so says"RrW Scottlrwho has both a seif-susaining and profitable faring He, Will give .his brother 'farmers seven rules - f 6i jriaici ing- a garden pay f , iiWf-if :, Which; should farmers grow, cow peas;or soy . beans Under some:jpdn ditioiissoy oeanV-aref best ;arid unde others :) c WpeasO.y Fv McCrary -Vilj 'discuss these conditions. 7 What must ,th"e:"farirters do.tajniake ' hogs pay in i922?; 'An editwiawiuiell youihe rules observed by .most. South ( ern ,hogr raisers, 4 t x . , " Who'll get .the knock-out blow next J WccKi -iiic-vf.ccii;wii.v.cn.ciiiuuaus"i. this week; You'd betterwatchfor; The Progressive - FarniV Wpman's- depart-ment,-, jJfT", ; wKy . do men drink; whiskey ?, "Our Heaithv,Talk f or exix'weelct telk" Why men riuk ?nd wrhyJney shouldn't' -'' Hamh'one likes 4 his wor wjth The' Progressive , Farmer arid : has "decided to stay" wh, is : awhile. He jis pertain to have something goo'dt to say"? 'j . These are just, .a . few. :of t the fgood thingi you'll find of interest-arid value to vou in next week's oaoer. :;'' I NOTICED "an item from 'C.H. vr in your issue of April 8 regarding, the cash price and time price of fertilizer; V I am a farmer and a dealer in fertil izer, and the facts seem to be that while it is true that 13 per cent acid phosphate could be bought at the ports at $11. f , 6. b.; and 8-2-2r at. $24.50 delivered, and that the time price on acid is $19 and on ,8-2-2 432, with interest from Mayrl, still those cash t prices should be. considered as a liquidating price." The fertilizer com panies;, along with all others,; have been very : hard hit. and the situation must have , been so rtave'iri some cases that tjiey rwere willing topractically' sacrifice their -goods in order lo realize cashr.Mer chant?nior instance, have Leen-known to sell . overalls . at $1 fCr fiir. when the wholesale trice was $18 ner 'dozen; ( This could hot be considered a legitimate cash piv.c sance it v,'as torcea cy unusuai cuu-ditions.-: - . , Again; th21rtc5 "i: t r1 ove r.re sr.ot 1 U .prir "3 . 1 . . -.iJ:"1: in carlcts, ide-tl.j th.-.e1:.". - ' r:U.:i:i:i &.ill rl6ts.: . ; - 'HLhav- ' r -'1- ytm&-.r. .. ...... . . . ...... ; , 4 , v; C, The -"Best By Every Test ,. F?r itWrUerCatalpg: , tco.iQitaocasimc.' 5355 Cmmercial!ace:;v;;f kHr- NOHFOL!C,":VA; " 4 ,v . ' - J . V ' " v; V .f 1 1 5 are maae fc wrvtne Tnay contain narsn gnc wnicn scraicncs oc ;. tfours the Drecious. rirdtective enamfil of the teeth- ; :- , ,' V- 4f eS- C;; '' tiLA COLOAT3 -r -15? Fulton Street y" ; Hew York, N,Y. - nne teH me (ample I" tt the foowinff-rti-' '' c , -1 enclose amount j of Bhovra, for, ' . each one checjeed. v ', , " 1 Face Powder . ''..' 6e lVa.hr 'laic r Jfcoa Dental Urea" ' ")T -,'.,.i....a...vt'".'vv'-'