nr -V-V L - ..vrhaVWiitVelr it- vit is astoh- " Oklahomaw-Oklahotr Library. Lomssission., , sary'm.the kitchejiT' the cupboard on thp Ha Woiitrior Snowsrinns for the severa parents-desire, it., u is aswn -gecrcUr- Mr8 t Rt paie, Oklahoma City. . ...JL f ewis-'iThi.'w;-:?. ,ne : 7y:, 'T " isning:nowinierci;i cvcu v,wv TeIllleee.wTennessee State -LibraryV De i;;,.- .ol f ;:.'ws Housewife rpartment-of-County Library - Extension; jii,;, "uuc wiuujrtuyuwru xor meaicines, - ' ! - . ' . ,,Hi'.. W hr a Iamb dr. a trio Of SOmetniag-rector jonn.irotwooa .flioore, wasnviue... 4,A&1 a qowwi uciwccu muww. ,rfli whilo . T. - - " Texas. iexas t&tate ,iaDraryj . UDrauan, a-nugcj ,ui aiuw 4-wc, um mcy are we "Din fly-killing-a prize to the one Who worm wmie0 ; V ' Elizabeth H.WestAust to.. ';..v:;,v ; out .of the fittle folks' reach. .The two lit- lias the greatest nuniDer. - - . V . . . Iv m . -r.,..1?-8 uc.urawcri uwyw me medicine cupboard .! J, d not kitchen sink, l"s ?r th.aVwhy ,n0 asK !?.?!--.5!L- Vf&'.uc?w?mllcI?2n. !wT' . contain. strings - screwdriver, , tack-ham- i "t .. .i j i i. ner to duv a treasury saviuxs sidiuu t , - - ? v ? keep a large pan near me aisnwaauiu 71 Vonre k week It is surorising how: So.utlV Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Mis-i; - J., - , ,V 4 - oi steps. . d howoon fiVe years wilh school: teacbers'Mo do if intheiast four thence caas ,m easUy. JThe large salt clean if ??'S L 5 ! 7 ?ttes it to write the president ,of- the state; bin appeals, tothe. country, housewife, she , with a ; t-- t--- tedemion pt women xcffioa ana as iot-tne -Uses: more, salt thatt the woman in town. , and If You Should Need the cainour. nnCncCc b0 saltedVmeat salted rhus certificates redeemed liyou1 of .bread .reauire 1 the money in art emergency, not - i jr-L ?! J. half cup oL salt,. and 'tforshaker is too but at V per cent compound. ' awvciusoucuw " V1-small to appeal to her. -yt v., is, it is sate trom hre, thieves or . ; vLaner .v T The-suice cans arft-larndl to, temptation; easy to accumu-: . . . i'V.j. . and'coffee..canisters are Generous. In and.easy to cash.-; . V-.- "0,,.??.: 50 to Purchaser-Should -your 'V""1 Vu" , pounds of flouh. Then .notice" the gener- baby's daily bath should not be post office -be yerytiny and not keep" KXfC m?ST .cutlery ..particularly in warm weather, stamps ryou- can . get- them' troin tne . r;; r:-" ZlTAZThl r&uii .araersi inecupooara mtne base is Lr tim Ut some- nearest town nosf office, the bankthe thmgswe read about-The Picture f or : .ooHhg .utensils.' ' .The -average full. It will save you hundreds Slop buckets are easily kept thev are washed every morning, ;i short mop stick, soap and hot water " cf nut in tbe .sun until needed.- ."thA unsihtlv.-smellr sloobucket is elimi- . need ' nated, and the flies are denied a good at Al2 breeding nlace. That Do not trv to economize by using an personal 4 old worn-out broom. A worn-out back late will be the inevitable result. Where The ; neglected ! If vou a 'jthinor else ea undone. See that the older Federal reserve bank or; the-savings di r children get in the tub or the creek every vision of ithe- treasury department - at "rfy day. ' It will add to theif health as much Washington. D. C, and you can,send i , as to their appearance. . l k xash,a .check, a draft br a money order s ..Do you have a sleeping porch?. If for the little ones and the postal and . not, screen off, an end of any porch, treasury stamps for the' certificates.,, ' move all the members of the family out Uncle Sam is a wise and beneficent pldir to sleep, and just notice how much earlier fellow to .those of us who will take ad-;. you feel like getting up, and note the vantage of his kindness. . ' extra vigor vou will have. A cold . " library Service for Rural Women , "I AM a little backwoods teacher and; we are starved i for something ; to pi read. Our . school "has .nothing, not' even a dictionary 4 - . . Look up your state in the list below . and .write to the- accompanying -ad- ; dress; For a-grauo of :teoole to get " . bath on rising will also put "pep' into ybdr system. MRS. A. B. HURT. Uncle Sam Shows Women and Children How to Save WE ARE not a saving nation.- That ... . is the reason we are so flat finan cially, many of us: when the rainy day comes. Yet we know that rain always reading matter in those states ha viner a ' follows sunshine sooner or later. Then" Library Commission is so simole that .l for it? The it seems a shame to be without it. and ITifitrtrV'. "nivlfcinn T iKrarw PYtAncInn Ta gomery. Traveling libraries'. . Georgia. Georgia " Library i'1 Commission: secretary, Charlotte "Templeton, l Atlanta. juenas tree traveling and package Louisiana. Louisiana State Librar mission: secretary, Mrs. Katherine 638 Lafayette Ave., Baton Rouge." " North Carolina. North Carolina-" T.ibrarv Commission, Raleigh, C. - Mary B. Palmer why do we not prepare - answer is doubtless in the sisters three, "faith, hope, and charity, on which we ; depend too much. . Ask a prosperous person why she does not save and the answer is that her husband says that investing to the limit and making money is better than saving it; ask a down and out and you 1 are told it takes every cent to live on. -. Yet few are so wealthy that a few i 1 I it4',-,'- j " 'ii i mr ! :j-:;vxv:') v" !;; ::;:: f ' I K:rTxj::xy:;::ol:v:.... i A CONVENIENT ' AND - DESIRABLE- kitchen, cabinet: is designed for small. i 'towtrf amilies. The country housewife whpbuyS'infiarger (uantities .lias left ' overs ufor ; which ;arplace "must, be pro X Vided.-. She-should "study; many cabinets v very' carefully before sfie buys X Thi$ housewife 'bakes r 22 loaves of X, bread. " Noticethe breafdmixer.' It cost ; $3.50.In baking, for a big family,. it sure- V ly; pays int-the 'time T ind-'energy saved ta kneadjhelbread.- . ) The4 food grindel1 rT fastened to the V board "pays f orjtself every month in sav i ing ooMs :an'd ends.llecently.last June, ;the .qherry:rseeder'l worked "hardr'knearly every dayThe serving ( tray saves many steps.The gasoline; irOnr. on top the 4' cabinet irons -ott Hhe -cool, porch away vfrom. st6ve and saves a thousand ;a giance. ,neQ"e 4ts-arrival aozens ot V Steps ie very, day carried the housewife to the living-room . to! look at Jlhe clock to -.see how-close .the ""dinner hour, was upon 4" - T, was interested r'ln an ' advertisement jor- , , t . ... ; ' - - j. , . 2 - for "akitchencabiner which i- saw. the libraries., snows .some conveniences m uIC.khu,cv th ,n b ,d - , d f t y Com- vojt a woman. who was rar irom tne city . - . - -vt,f fv -0j -Tf ctotAf1 m. mw, ano its .stores. ane sxuaieu neriiarui unU .;k.tti - - r " :I"u "" T . J,, elimination ot waste m 'maustry, , vertisements she sawn, the paper. , :f x tbaf . inth Afnn' vitrbpn. Tready dollar would come aniss some derSter Ww i3ed,113.ateps -, J ... -r. :r' " , rlc Inlw' wr yc.cia"Vu - Rirahle. fnr' the farm woman. 1 he-;tnrinv ttiA taA tvioolc day, on the principle that 'a Jittle stream will quench a great thirst" and iew nave so nttie jo spenatnat a lew dollars a month could not be put aside. A Little Saying Is No Sin. A little saving is no sin is an old English quo tation. , It is a good one to keep in mind;. the other extreme is that a mis- , er's existence is not life nor his treas ure riches, because in accumulating he has lost the ability to use them wisely. ' We can find the middle course and keep it . ; , -'. T Uncle' Sam has come to the rescue, elping us to. save in a small way. You or I can go to the post office . and buy one or . more 10-cent postal savings' ssiamps. vynen we get iv, $1 wortn, they are exchanged for a $1 Treasury Saving Stamp.' Twenty of these are exchanged for a Treasury Saving Cer- . ' tificate and then has arrived the; glad - day on which Uncle Sam begins to pay . us interest. Compound interest at Ayi ..Oer cent free .'frniti stnt unA fnral tav-' 1 ation is something to smile over. - How Money Growsv -Sell a'hen, now.l .and then, deposit the money with the postmaster in postal stamps (10. cents, : .and treasury stamps ($1), .and ; five. years from the day you reach $20 and; wvc me pwsimaster turn your treas ury stamps into certificates-Uncle Sam will .return, you $25. Similarlyuf you t put in $80 you can' draw.. out. $100 and if -you put in 800you can'draw out : $1,000, all with; the guaranteed, of ' our ; is nb earthly .institution more : reliable. ' Habits Are at First Cobwebs at Latt , Cables We, .our. liyes,,are" made up ofr- .'.' habits Ar".ri?nrViiM;..nri4-r-n4li-itt ,'4-Ua-'. t,ntC:i.v,VT good while, weare in. the " thread" or s stnng.-or. cord stage. JJn dther' words,--.' ; why". .not Jiave yourJittle ;gir:ask' the . teacner to buy. her a. postaL(not pos ers contests, and books on a wide variety of sub jects. OUR PATTERN sirable 'for the farm' woman. ?:The CUp-.Cwere taken. in--nrenarinerh thrpe meals board 6n the left is us'ed for dishes neces-n cf , a :day,': With - a cabinet- of Jhe best t v -"f - t cm .t;. . A ?or .nearly three-fourths 'of I the total. The paying rdf-. time.-'ithel- add edjime for recreation; reading: and rest, -pay good interest o'rt the money jnvolved. 'It'$ time we put a little; more; study on - kitchen equipment ' 191 Ladies' House Dress. Cut in' sizes -36, 38, 40," 42, fand 44.-inches bust " ,r .measure, Size- requires 4 -yards -6-inch, material .with yard 32-inch and' 1 1256 Ladies' DressyCut' in sizes 36, 38, 40, ? 1 ts, 42, 44,46. 48,-50, 52, 54,"nd '56 inches' bust .measured Size 36 requires 3fi, 'yards 40;inch"xnatertal.r"- 4.eV. . "'J ' ." - r XJ. r, "v"4, ; ''l' 7 442 Boys' 1 Blouse. Cuf in I sizes 4, 6,' 8, 8 ' years.' 'Size 4 " reauires -1$ yards 3&-inch "material with vardc ' 32-insh contrasting; ' v " 1301 Ladies' ' House- Dress. ut in . sizes "r"' .36, 40, and 44 inches - bust measurer ' Site 2 36 -requires 3 vards 36-inch , ; -material with yard 36. inch :coh- 1167 Ladies' Dress. Cut in sizes 36, 38, 40,' i 42,and 44 inches bust, measure. Size. oo reauire s 3 rards s 36-inch mate- ? rial; with M yard. 34-tnch contrasting ,'m.,V ''r;"' T'. -.mstenat.and ljjf, yards .of binding., ' T1C? of each-pattern 1 IS cents.. Two 'patterns ordered, at one time T2S 'cents, stamps' v -or. coin (coin -i?referred).t-:Ten .day required to filf order$.VFfic of our.'Fashiott , . . a v 1 1 u i j i t 1 1 l w r . lira n t. n n a h . . ry ... - - .wa. wuu . . u..-.u..a iam..wm &a auu. tfii u ir-MM. . i.i. j.ti j t- ytiiit- .. . v dohs ill 'over AhVrrii.r..W r, Vve,eWnW. . rf ,,.a 4tfvr w.ih, ; a ui3-io rtitf ih Tr ? T . ' j.. . n tv, ... r . j.-iiwe nower mo ' 4 . How I Trained a Green Cook A SULTRY July day several years ago, j'".a' small - colored girl about 184 years . .of age called to: see me about .work. I, . weighing nearly 200 pounds -and riot very strong had' been ; wishing ;al tha hot -morning,"as I stood 'overhe stove; that ' ; I asked her If she, iiould -cbblCi :r-1 , - "No, jma'amr she : repliedf;"but. I'se t willing ,to learnt ;V r;,:-:' J . I "told .her we' would begin by working ; together. V.The ;first work that ;wK did was to' clear;the dining table,1: wash the dishes and. set the. table ready for-supper. t-Thatjeveriingwe; cooked supper, to 't'gemer. .Before beginning: the meal, we -first ' examined what" wasleft ; cooked -.-from' rdinner, and; then .made .out "a list -if.Vhat was needed for, supper.i"I began t with" very Simple fishes at.first;and then . Showed her Ihow; id serve" them. I sel - dom.ha'd4o,"showwher more than once or f -twice.I never scolded at .'a mistake, but ' 'praisedoffeh for she was worthy of 'it Beaded Silk Dag ONE"' of v the'new ; Vmiser" pouches ;is crocheted in 'taupeV silk ? and; steel beads."'- It- is verv. lonts- measuring . 42 -Inches in lengthy not; ikicludihg the tassel and fringe -land the" flat nd"is,7 inches ,'wide, - One ; end . is round " and- solidly star; pattern topped; with qts.andAtiriisnea wun

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