n-nmriiiiii imi nrr i.n.i.iimi r , , . y. m itfr....M.,.,;. ., -J.Jn .r . . " . THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER. A Karjow Escape. "It was a terribly narrow escape," said the mild faced man, and his voice trem bled as he recalled the awful experience. "It came about in this way 1 hd washed my hands, but on looking around there waa no towel to wipe them on. However, I knew there was a towel in the next room; but, horror I my hands were so wet and soapy that 1 couldn't turn the door knob. It was a trying mo ment. Why, 1 might have starved to death, shut up there as I was, had not Bill been with me. Bill saved my life, and I shall never forget it. How did it happen? Win, you see. Bill hadn't washed he never does and he took hold of the handle and turned it without difliculty. Bill is more than ever con vinced that washing is an unnecessary luxury. " Boston Transcript. Consul ir:ite. He (during the ballet) Yes, I think Ent-n are more considerate th;n women. She What makes you think so? He Well, you see that young lady in front of us? She w ears a high crowned hat, and the man behind her can't see over it. She Well? He Now see the man in front of her who is so earnestly watching the pretty girl in tights? She Yes. He He is so considerate of those be hind him that ho does not even wear his hair, let alone his hat. Boston Budget. A Surprise. Westerner (in eastern village) Sa ay, I want a shave, but I can't fuid no bar ber shop open. Resident This is Sunday, and all busi ness stops on Sunday. "Huh! Don't the barbers do no shav ing at all on Sunday?" "Only in case of necessity. They are allowed to shave dead men." "Wall, by gum! Tins is the fust time I ever struck a place whar a man who needed a shave on Sunday was expected to kill hisself fust." New York Weekly. It Wouldn't Do at All. o o Jack was waiting for his wife to get ready for the theatre, and impatiently exclaimed: "For goodness1 sake, Mary, why do you have six buttons on your gloves? Why wouldn't two buttons dc just as well?" "No, dear; if there were only two but tons, that would leave four vacant but ton holes. Now, just tie my veil that ! a dear man." Philadelphia Republic. Wanted It Good. "Are yon fond of music?"' asked Mrs. Svmphony, of an elderly relative from the country. "Well, yes, I am," was the careful reply; "that is, when it is good mtisic, Laury. Now you take a good accordeum an' a fiddle an' a pairo' bonesandallute, an' let 'em all play 'Old Nicodemus' all at the same time, and I tell you it's Bweet!" Exchange. Cultiii-e. Annabel Mamma, I wish you would get me a little dog; I think it would be such good company for me. Mrs. Mushroom What brand of dog do you wish, darling? Annabel I want a pug. Mrs. Mushroom There you go with your vulgarness again; you must say retrousse. 'Tug" is horrible common. America. Shocking Cruelty to Animals. Mistress Did you drown the kittens as directed, Marie? Marie Yes, madam. "Did you warm the water?" "No, madam." "What! Do you mean to tell me that you drowned those poor kittens in ice cold water? You cruel girll" Pick Me Up. Must Have Ueen a Small Rose. A Florida editor says: "Last week wa picked a rose in our garden which meas ures thirteen and one-half inches in cir cumference." He doesn't give the 6ize of the rose, but it couldn't have been very large if it was grown in a garden only thirteen and one-half inches in circum ference. Norristown Herald. No Hurry. Young Bird (on a tree) There comes a hunter. We'd better fly away. Old Bird No hurry. He's got to climb a fence before he gets to us, and his gun will probably catch in a rail and shoot him. New York Weekly. Not to lie Overlooked. "Her great fault is her devotion to large theatre hats." "Well, can't you overlook that?" "No; if I could I wouldn't mind it." Asheville Citizen. The Joints of His Armor. Justice Draco Why did you heat your neighbor's dog? Hardened Offender Because his chil dren called me names, threw stones at me and broke two of my windows. Justice Draco But the poor dog had nothing to do with all this? Hardened Offender (who is not so fool ish as he is bad) No, your honor, the dog wasn't in it at all; I just beat him to break up the man. He's a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; he wouldn't notice it if I ecalped his children, but he laid awake and cried all night when they told him Td hit the dog with a clothesprop. I'll make that man govern his family better or I'll break his heart, Burdette in Lip-j)incott's. i - EDUCATIONAL. GRANVILLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, . OXFOIUX N. O. TIIK KAKTKIi TKUM tVILLliKCIX JAX I AUY 2itli, 1SUO. CAAKKbTL AM) THOIiOl'OIl INSTRUCTION in every tleparlment. The Director of Music (piano and organ), is a graduate of the New England Conservatory, and is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher, and the high reputation of the school in this depart ment will he fully sustained. Class instruct ion in voice culture and sight singing free to. the music pupils. The Art teacher is a lady of unusu;l talent, and won many distinctions while a student of the Cooper Union Art School. The hcalthfulness of t he Institute is such that no case of serious sickness has occurred among pupils or teachers since the establishment of the school. TKUMS JIODKHATK. For catalogue or further information applvlo. or address .MISS 1!. CLARK K, Principal. janS-ini CAUTION Talse no shoes ttnlesf W. I.. DouBla' name ami ru:o are Mainyiel on tlie bottom. If the dealer cannot supply yon. Hemt direct to factory, enclosing advertised price. gnu: VJt- - W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, ITeavy Laced Grain and Creed moor Waterproof. . . , ISest in the world. Examine Ins 6S5.00 GENUINE HAND-SKMKIt SHOE. S4.00 IIAND-SEWKI) WKI ,T SHOE. 83.50 POLICE AM) FAKMKKS SHOE. 82.50 EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 82.25 & S-3 WOIilvINGM EN'S SHOES. 82. OO and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES LAFDigs. 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sold by E.T. L MAIN STIJEET OXFORD, N. C. janlO-tini E.F.WYITTX30N, MAIN STREET, II criclc r o n , N , O , Opposite IS. A I. at. R. Ticket Oiiiec. MANUFACTURERS OF HARNESS, SADDLES, and everything' in that line. A 'iii stock always on hand at lowest living prices. Thankful for past patronage wo hope to receive a continuance of tlie same. Come to see ns we will treat yon ri;ht. "Hepairing a specialty. LEE HOWARD, Manager. i W. T. BROGDON, oBOKE? OXFORD, N. C. MERCHANTS ATTENTION I am now prepared to furnish you with the fol lowing joods at prices that eannot he downed: All grades of Flours in Car Load lots and in "wood and sacks, from to bbl , Bran and Shipstuifs, the best ever seen in Oxford, ('orn, both white ami mixed, bulked or in sacks. Long berry wheat. White, black and mixed oats. No. 1 Timo thy prime mixed hay, N. O. molasses, syrup, sugar and rice. Meats rib sides in ear load lots and less, Sugar Cured Hams, Mess Pork, etc. Fish of all kinds, Cheese, Butter, Apples, Cabbage, Peanuts, Oranges. I especially invite one and all to call at my office (next door to Cooper's Hank) and examine my samples heforc placing orders, as I am sure 1 can satisfy the closest buyer. All uoods warranted and guaranteed to give satisfaction. ianlO-lm i i A. LANDIS & SONS, Have in stock the latest popular styles of MAHOGANY, WALNUT, CHERRY AND ASH mmSrX) W-Z.7. . . ui.jhi.bIJB 1H WBIIIiiiVl; FURNITURE ! FURNITURE FURNITURE Our Furniture Department is located in the old Hunt Store, adjoining their large Dry Goods De partment. . , , Come right along. We will sell yon as cheap as the clit apest. Our prices range for CHAMBER SUITS 15.00 to $150.00 PARLOR SUITS 40.00 to 110..K DINING SUITS a.(K to 12o.OO WARDROBES - M to 4o. H SIDE BOARDS 10. 00 to bo.00 HAT RACKS 10- to 30.00 CHAIRS 00to 5. LOUNGES 5.00 to 20 (H) BOOKCASES 11 ??m EASY CHAIRS 5.00 to 12.00 OAK SUITS 30.00 to 50.00 MATTRESSES Jk&l0 im OFFICE DESKS 10.00 to lo.OO BED SPRINGS 1-50 to 8.50 All grades of cheap bedsteads from $2 to $18. Be sure and give us a call, for we are bound to please you. A. LANDIS & SONS. MEADOWS 1 rf We are glad to say to our friends that the cutter trust lias caused but little decline in prices on nnr Ti nor. a.s we xive ubiiur uuvers wi.m wa.ii!, Liiein in lajra'R niia.TiTiTjiRR. linn r, snarpn n.nrmr. prices, as we bid on each pile until it goes to top notch figures. Don't come on to our warehouse and you shall have good prices for all grades. Your friends, janltl-"m OWNERS AND g ij Tn Doirt forget that we offer you the very best accommodations for yourselves and teams; that we have the best lighted warehouse in the State for showing to advantage your Tobacco; and that we guarantee always, and under all circumstances, whether we have first or last sale, to get you as much money for your Tobacco as any other ware housemen in North Carolina. We note with pleasure a decided advance on all grades of wrap pers with good "body," and everything else is holding its own, with an upward tendency on good fillers. Thanking you for past favors, and pledging our greatest efforts to secure for you Bigger Prices than Anybody Else, we are Truly your friends, BULLOCK & MITCHELL, 3 an 10 8m OXFORD, Granville FOR THE SALE OF LEAF T0CACC0. Clement & Iiobo-ood, Proprietors. Always Guarantees Highest Market Prices! We tlo not claim to have the largest, best arranged and most complete Warehouse in North Carolina; we do not promise to pay more for tobacco than its real market value- we do not profess to sell more tobacco than any house in Oxford; but we will say to' every farmer who favors us with a load of his tobacco to sell on our floors, that you shall always be kindly treated, your teams well cared for, and You shall be paid for your Tobacco every cent of its value. With this assurance we respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. O. Smcrdon and Sor, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISED OXFORD, - ' - North Caisolixa. Have in store a large assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, In one of the new brick stores next to New Johnson Warehouse. We keep a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, and everything the people need. A fine assortment of Choice Groceries always on hand and fur nished at bottom prices. We have ample facilities for meeting the demands of the trade, and are determined to do it. We buy goods at the lowest Cash prices, and sell them at the lowest living rates. We ask our friends to come and visit us and see what we can do for them. Cutter Trus & WILKINSON, Proprietors PliOPUlETORS OXFORD, Is. C. N- C-fc usted ! of the MINOR Warehouse, MEKDOWS I FURNITURE ! 4-j rH M r Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, WARDROBES, BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, BEDSTEAD S, TABLES, DESKS, CHAIRS, LOUNGES, &c. And respectfully urge you, if you need anything of the kind, to call and see my stock. 71 V PRICES MRE MKY DOWN, WHILE THE (QUALITY OF MY GOODS ARE WAY UP. Furniture sold for cash or on installments. Joseph A. Webb, Commercial Ave. The Furniture Dealer. Ba nkm OF- 3 e OXFORD, N. C. Banking in all ACCOUNTS OF CORPORATIONS, MERCHANTS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. AMPLE FACILTIES FOR GIVING ALL NECESSARY ACCOMMODATIONS. I COLLECTIONS RECEIVE L At r a. i, U .1bHILL.KFO.Eo PERFECTION Our Patent IT GS.SAf are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAINABLE. PATlPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, j The Premier Flour of America, Is Unsurpassed for Bread, Biscuit or Pastry. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, ROLANDO CHOICE PATENT PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, BALDWIN FAMILY, MAPLETON FAMILY. i G. A. GmbriD Mannfactnring Company, 214 COMMERCE ST.. BALTIMORE, MD. Oxford, N. C. listen to grumblers but St MILKINSON, c ouse - nil H PER & SONS, its Branches. PROMPT ATTENTION. THE PREMIER FLOUR OF AMERICA. ESTABLISHED 1774. ATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. IN FLOUR. Roller Flours

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