VOUML II NO. 2!). OXFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. iVI. Norwood. -.M.unif.iet m or of irr.itles of- CKiAK'kJ (i;.l,V I Tit JAWS' OXl'OUD. N. ('. The trade of country men h.uit s respectfully solicited. Faetoiv over the ()lonl Hook si on-. V. II. WliiU: Whole-ale and Ketail i ' lit '!; l i L'OCK 1 Iliii'H R V I kockK iml dealer in- c;K1N. FLO l 1.'. HI! A.N. FKF.DSll FFS AND FIELD Si;i:i)s. Full line of Fancy liroeeiies. Toh.ueo and t ' i urn r. J. I ). J Sririlvloy. -Artist in Instantaneous IJHOTOUI.'AIMI ' ! 1 )ll( TOti K ALII T HOTOtiUAl'll I I 1 lit Tt X i U A 'l 1 1 oxfokd. N. '. 171 NEST WORK V lMU l-'ST I'lCi LOW KST FHU liLk Kemember I make t'ld.-iririnir a special feature in my business. Urin me thai old tintype, da guerreotype, old fadeil photo, or whatever it may he. and have it enlarged. Air i.l3ot Lio Co( pcr Proprietress of- THE i uwi y 1 l!Uli. I )LAt 1 I.AC X J -OX I'D WD. N. " Accommodations tirt-cla-. Oood tallies: ele crmit loom-; spacious sample room-: home com forts. Free ha-- meets every train for the bene fit of patrons. WAKKUOISK! " OXFOliD. N. C 3N0 DRUMMERS TO PAY !! All tobacco sold on its merits, dmmininir on our Warehouse floor. We do our w. rr. Al tit for TALLE V l FT FA I -ALLE 1 3 I I' 'IT' A 1 J- INSl liANC V, ( ' .M i'A N V. OXFORD. N. ('. This is one of the safest and most reliable Life Insurance I 'om panics doiiiLT business in t he State. If you desire tn take out a policy lie -lire 1o ijive me a call. :is it will be money in your pocket . Kl. Oj cn hein lcr, THE FA 1)1 NV i iLWDlNVI 1 I 'TCI I K I 1 l TFIlFlt OXFOlM). X. F'inest ai.d hoj-t variety of fresh meat5' always on hand. Remember 1 he place, Hie stall former ly occupied by ( '. E. Alley. We strive to please our patrons. YV. I I. tSiniLl), MEl.t HAN'!1 'IVILOI EW 11 AN 1 I 1 AILOIV EW 11 AN OXFOJM). X. ('. Samples of sprintr iroods id' the lalest desitrtis. all and leave your order, as 1 can make up troods as cheap as can be- done anywhere. Work tniar-klitt-ed . Iylo 1 1 1 i i ii J Jros., Dealers in OTAI'I.lj ; IJk 1 1 UdODO- -- AND S1H )KS. --iA H M t bu-he best ''I'll oats: I ',i i liusi.f.i I.,.! white corn: , :Mt pounds best hav: Hour. meal, in rat, molasses, sbi pst nil' and bran arriving clai ly", which we will sell at prices that cannot he '.quailed. 13. 1 Taylor, -Maiinfacturer of and dealer in rH'ooiEvJ AND I AtiON'O -OXFORD, N. ('. tJet material useil. All work warranted. Ten years' experience in the business. Repairing a specialty. O. "YV. Ecikcs, Wholesale and Wei ail f MUX E I J ROCE1L i ROOK I) UliOCKIt -OXFORD, x. c A full line of Nutrar, Collce. .Molasses, Syrup, Oheese, Hominy, Etc. Wat er-ronnd Flour and Aleal of superior (piality. Our prices we guaran tee to be as low as the the lowest. Dealer in i ENKRA I MKROIIAN DIS - KROilAXDlsl1 I iI KROMAXDIS OXFORD. N. C. I have in store a lull line of Dry Ooods, Ororer ies, Hats, Shoes, Notions, and in fact everything usually kept in a general store. coi)i:si:i) xotks OF THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. ! Wlial is Traiisiiiriiiu' Ai-oiiimI :iiiI j lnnit I's. in Tom ii aiMl 4'omil.v 31oiiiiif ami l)oius of Peo ple Yon It now . IWFor otliPr locals seo 1th pare. "NYashiiigttui News"' his bhtlulay ti morrow. .Mr. C. I). Jiritt, of Frank linton, was in ( ). !'onl on I'ticsday. Mr. K. L. Floinin-, of Ir-mlerson, was on thf lnvaks Tuesday. Tobacco continues to rail in ami prices are climbing higher an-1 higher. .Mrs. V. Mca.iows died near Tally Ho on the l'Jth, in the l)-ith year of her age. Mr It. J. Aiken, who lias been very sick for ten days with the grippe is out again. Mr. A. (J. Fleming, a prominent, far mer from J)utch ille, wa? on the breaks Thursday. .Mrs. T. V. Taylor, of 3Iecklenburg eounty 'a., is on a visit t Dr. W. (. Ha.skerville. Dr.. I. M. Kmmitf, who has been on a visit to his sick mother at FuyettevilJo has returned. Mr. M. F. Hart, of Hart A: Lawrence, j is now North buying a large stock of spring goods. We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. .lames Faucet t, of Fishing ( 'reek township. Our warehousemen and farmers have been made happy this week. (Jood juices and good tobacco. We publish elsewhere the full pro ceedings of the meeting- of the farmers at Stem's on the 1-1 th. Mr. James, one of the members of the American Tobacco Company, was on the breaks Wednesday. Miss Iiettie Brooks, daughter of the late Prof. W. T. lirooks, died at her home at Wake Forest on the lSth. Mrs. Emma Lj nch, and Mrs. John T. Uritt are now at their sewing room and are prepared to make dresses. Three incendiary fires have recently occurred in the town of lioek- Mount, and the people are greatlj- excited. Major T. I. Venale and Messrs. (Jraham &c Winston have had the porch of their respective ollices recovered. Messrs. W. II. Walters, P. J. Jeflreys and I). L. Moss, three energetic young farmers, were on the breaks Tuesday. - We had a pleasant call on Tuesday from Dr. S. H. (Jniinady, of Wilton one of (jlrauville's most promising j'oung men. Mr. J. I. Knight, one of the pros perous farmers of the ,Southside,had some very fine tobacco on our market Tuesday. Mr. Hugh Davis, of Parish Pros., is now entertaining the grippe in fust class rstyle. We hope it will be of short dura tion. The Irwin Place has now an elegant pha ton, which is used for transporting uest free of charge to and from the depot. A large number of farmers from Mecklenburg and Charlotte counties, Va., were on our breaks Tuesday and Wed nesday. Last week there died at the poor house in Wake a man named Medlin, sab I to be the oldest man in the cotiuty. Age 101. The Excelsior Literary Society gave a charming entertainment in the chapel of the Orphan Asylum on Thursday even ing last. John Bailey, the old veteran sexton, of St. Stephen's Church, has recovered from his severe sickness and is at his post of duty again. A good second hand 12 horse power engine for sale very low, in good order. Apply r write, to W. D. Amis A; Co. Blue Wing N. C. t Mr. Harry Pannell, the Iron Paint .man, is now engage with a force of hands in putting some of the roofs of our stores in good condition. A telegram has been received in Ral eigh from Scotland Neck announcing that the wife of Pev. J. D. Ilufham was dying at her home there. Mr. T. I. Chandler, an excellent farmer from Mecklenburg Va., sold some tobacco at, very satisfactory prices on our market Wednesday. The best Cooking Stoves made are sold by Owen, Barbour A; Smith. Be sure to call and examine them. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY Mrs. J. H. Allen, of Wilson, who has been visiting the families of ('apt. A. II. A. Williams and Mr. J. C. Cooper, return ed home on Wednesday. I Bullock 6c Mitchell's break on Wed nesday average $25 all around. Hurrah for the Oxford robacco market. We are still leading all our competitions. There were 0,140 criminal cases tried at spring terms of the courts in the State in 1SS9, and of these 51 were for capital crimes. Of the latter 4 were sen tenced. We have received a communication headfd "The Medical Department," with out the name of the writer. We will publish the same if he will kindly fur nish his name. We had the pleasure of meeting Dr. T. B. Lawrence, of Mt. Energy, on the breaks Tuesday. It. seems that he is not only a capital physician, but a lino tobac co raiser besides. We furnish our readers with an 8 page paper to-day. Among the most im portant features is the illustrated page in commemoration of the birthday at the father of our country. We give our readers a communication on the trust, written by Mr. T. V. Allen, Secrrtaiy of the Alliance Convention held in Oxford some time since, written to I the Chtm City Progress. 1 A large number of Person farmers ! were on our breaks Tuesday. Anion"- ' j them we noticed ;laj. J . P. Vancy, Hon. Washington Peed, W. W. Adcock, A. B. Tilley, and J. (J. Lunsford. AVe are pleased to learn that lhe eastern counties are not in as bad condi tion as was lirst reported, and the depres sion which prevailed a couple of months ago is to a great extent removed. Owen, Barbour As Smith have just received a large number of most excellent corn planters. They will sow the guano, plant the corn and cver it up. Examine it, farmer friends, and be convinced of its merits. Mr. W. E. Owen, of the firm of Owen, Barbour & Smith, spent a few days in town this week. He informed us that work oh his mammoth warehouse would commence as soon as there was no danger of a freeze. Cross and White, ex-President and Cashier of the wrecked State National Bank, according to the decision of the Supreme Court, will now begin to serve their long terms at hard labor on the pub lic roads of Wake bounty. Deputy Marshall Woody was in town Wednesday, looking after the interest of the Government. He advises the illicit distillers to cease their operations if they wish to escape the law and not have their property distroyed besides. Uev. Thomas Dixon, the bright young preacher who is winning snch a reputa tion in New York, has accepted an invi tation to deliver the annual address at Wake Forest College at the next com mencement. He is a graduate of that college. - Bev. J. P. Pritchard, the father of Rev. Dr. T. II. Pritchard, died in Crocket, Texas, on the 11th, after a lingering ill ness of manj' weeks. He was a native of Charleston, S. C, was educated in England and would have been eight-four years old the 12th of next April. The stockholders of the (Jranville County Farmers' Alliance Warehouse Company will have a meeting in Oxford, 5th Monday in March. It will be a meet ing of great importance and all stockhold ers are urged to be present. I). C. White, President. We are gratified to learn that the infant child of Mr. E. K. Howard whom the nurse gave laudanum Sunday night to make it sleep, has almost entirely re j covered. It was a narrow escape, and but tor the prompt action of Mr. Howard in summoning Dr. Booth, who used all the skill at his command and after long hours succeeded in restoring the child, it would have continued to sleep forever. Any style of vehicle made to order by Owen, Barbour & Smith. The best Corn Planters on the market at Owen. Barbour As Smith. M. L. Coley sold a load at the Centre Wednesday for 45,:57, 2S),2fiJ, 40, 17, 20, :58, 37 and 27. Joseph Turner sold a load with Meadows As Wilkinson Wednesday for 13, 25, 41,00,07 and 35. Mitchell As B. sold a load with Mead ows As Wilkinson Tuesday for 10i, 43, 5S, 01, 32, 47 and 30. J. B. Knight sold a load with Mead ows As Wilkinson Tuesday for 10 if, 22, 3C, 54, 27M, 20, 32, 27 and 17. MORNING, FEBRUARY FARMERS VS. PHYSICIANS. FARMERS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATION OF STEMS AND VICINITY. Proceedings ol (lie Meeting- Held on lie Mill of February Resolution, 'oiiMi(utioii and Ity-I.aws Adopted Kleetion of Officer. Kte. We give below the proceedings of a mass meeting of farmers and citizens, held at Stems on the 14th of February, to take further steps in regard to the action of the .Jranville County Medical Society. The meeting was called to order by Mr. J.W.Brown, who explained its object; and Mr. R. B. Beasley was chosen tem porary chairman, and J. W. Brown was requested to act as secretary. On motion of D. C. Farrabow, M. C. Washington was elected president; Rat ford Gooch vice president; J. W. Brown secretary; and I). C. Farrabow treasurer. An advisory committee consisting of L. j Y. Jones, J. L. Ilaskins and C. L. East-! wood was appointed, and J. E. Duncan, Jas. Wheeler, W. T. Roberts, T. II. Stems, T.J.Wheeler, D.M.Roberts and T. L. Jones were constituted a canvassing com mittee. The following resolutions, constitution and by-laws were then read and adopted : Resolved 1. That we appoint a conimit j tee of seven discreet citizens to canvass for subscriptions to the capital stock of ! said association and report to a called meeting, for the purpose of employing a ; competent and skilled physician or physi ; cians, whose duties will be hereinafter described. ; Resolved 2. That this association shall ! raise a sufficient sum of money to employ I a competent and skilled physician or phy ! sicians, and that he shall go to every call, as far as practical, in the bounds of this association, giving subscribers the pref erence. And he shall also carry such medicine as is usually carried by physi cians, and he shall charge and collect, if practical, only one dollar ($1.00) for ordi nary visits and only two-fifths of the pres ent fee for extraordinary visits, and he shall keep a book and enter every visit, to whom, and who has paid and who has i not paid, and he shall exhibit the same to j the treasurer quarterly on oath, j Resolved 3. That the treasurer shall j j collect and pay to the physician or phy- j sicians the deficiency that may appear on ! his or their books. j Resolved 4. That all visits paid for by ! subscribers shall be a credit on their sub- j sorptions to the amount of their sub- ! scription. After then to pay as others. Resolved 5. In the final settlement the defieiencj', if any, shall be paid by scale ing the outstanding subscriptions. Resolved G. That if the physician or physicians have collected more monej' than we agreed to pay him the overplus shall go into the treasury. Resolved 7. That the unpaid visits on the physician's book or books shall go into the hands of a committee appointed by the president for collection, and the proceeds thereof to be paid into the treas ury. Resolved 8. That in case said physician or physicians should be disabled from any cause that it shall be his dut' to sup ply his place if in his power so to do, or report to the president at once. Resolved 9. That a copy of these reso lutions bs sent to the Puui.ic Ledoek and Progressive Farmer for publication. Constitution and liv-I.atvs. State of Nokth Caroi.ixa, Granville County. article i. The name of this society shall lie the Farmers' and Citizens' Association of Stems and Vicinity. ARTICLE II. The object of this Association shall be to employ medical service on as reasona ble terms as practical for the Association. ARTICLE IIT. The members of this Association shall consist of all who subscribe to the capital stock. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 1. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-Presi-dent, Secretary, and Treasurer. There shall also be elected three advisors, to ad viseith the President, Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer. They shall hold their offices for twelve months from the 14th day of February, 1S90, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Pres ident to preside at the meetings of the Association, to preserve order, to appoint snch committees as he may from time to time deem necessary, and perform such other duties as parliamentary usages may require. 21, 1800. Sec. 5). The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and assist as he maj- require. AllTICI.E v. Sec. 1. The Secretary shall keep a cor rect record of the proceedings of each meeting and such other correspondence as the Pt esideut may direct. Sec. 2. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive all moneys due the Association, and examine the physician or physicians' books and report, and settle with the physician or physicians quar terly and report to the Association, and the Treasurer shall receive for his ser vices? one dollar ($1.00) per day while settling. r Set:, ii. The Treasurer shall be required to gie bond and approved security for all moneys that shall come into his hands and for the faithful performance of all his duties. t ATITICLE VI. Sec 1. The officers of this Association shall jbe elected on the second Friday in h ebnlary annually, by ballot, a majority preselit voting. Sec 2. This Association shall meet quarterly on the second Friday in May, August and November, at Stems, or such other place as may lie determined by the Association. AllTICI.E VII. Proposed amendments shall require a two-thirds vote, subject to parliamentary rules, and shall be in writing at least three months before it shall be acted on by the Association. After the meeting adjourned a sub scription list was handed around and about six hundred dollars was subscribed in a (short time. The subscription list readsithus: "We, the members of the Farmers and Citizens Association of Stems and Hcinity do hereby waive the home stead nnd all exemption laws, and prom ise to pay the sums annexed to our names, whertlunto we affix our hands and seals." It is signed by man and wife. I Fuljl stock Buggies and Carts at Owen, Barbo-ur As Smith. Twenty tons Plow castings, 500 plows, genuine Dixie, AVatt, Farmers' Friend and Imperial turning Plows and Malta double and single shovel Plows at Owen, Bar bour A: Smith. A Xeiv IJu.ver on Our farkel. Our already excellent corp of leaf deal- ers has recently been greatly augmented by the addition of Mr. E. O. Billy, who has acquired a big reputation as one of the most liberal buyers in the State. He was on our breaks Tuesday, and the way he stood up to a pile of tobacco and bid against the old veterans was astonishing to behbld. He bid lively and seemed to want al the fine tobacco he could goblde up. Efery pile nearly was knocked off to E. C Billy, who gave our buyers some good ppint in the art of bidding. This; gentleman created considerable excitement among the farmers and nu merous inquiries were made, such as: "Who is he ! Where did he come from ! May he stay here forever as long as he continues to pay $10, 50, 00 and 70 for tobacco !" One fellow was particularly enthusias tic overi Mr. E. O. Billy and threw his hat among the rafters of the warehouse and exclaimed: "I want to get to that fellow with the light coat on and hug him good! He is a dandy, you bet, must hold power ful big orders for tobacco and have a mint of money behind him." When he threw his hat up it distut bed the slumbers of the buyers pet owl, who straightened his ears and looked down in such a manner as if to say, "what's up, boys ?" and no doubt would have had something to say about being disturbed in his morning snoose, but he caught the eye of Abe Strause and "mum was the word." An old darkey stood by antl listened to the various comments made by those who gathered around the buyers was heard to exclaimed, "Whar tlat vidual come frum any how ? He is de wus man after bacco ever been in dis neck of de woods, for tie lord he is, surh !" Carload Farm Wagons at Owen, Bar bour As Smith. See the Disc Harrows at Owen, Barbour As Smith. i . Tlie Xejv Home Fair. The iiichmond As .Danville Railroad will seb, parties attending the Fish Fair at New flerne, N. C, round trip tickets to that point at the following low rates : Tickets m sale February 22nd 23rd 4th 25th 20th, 27th and 28th, good returning until and including March 2nd ls0" From Ca..nrlotte,fi7.80, Greensboro; f0 io Durham.. $4.75. KalKri, ' ' Salem, ,0.65, Oxford, $5.n a8.,. R;ites from intermediate points in same proportion. $1.50 PER ANNUM. ABOUT THE (iOLDKX LEAF. THE DOINGS OF OUR WAREHOUSE MEN. DEALERS AND SELLERS. Personal Paragraphs Concerning Prices Large Shipments from Vir giiiia antl South Carolina anil East ern Xorfh Carolina. G. W. Dean sold a load Tuesday at the Alliance for 25, 40 and 55. J. F. Aiken sold a load at the Banner Tuesday for 3GJ, 40, 00 and 24J. J. M.Thomasson sold a load Tuesday at the Banner for 25, 45, 50 and 25. C. M. Rogers sold a load Wednesday at the Centre for 25, 42, 30 and 10. R. J. Jeffreys sold a load Tuesday at the Banner for 31 J, 40, 30 and 17. H. L. Waller sold a load Wednesday at the Centre for 33, 24), 00, 45 and 30. II. T. Knott sold a load Tuesday at the Alliance for 2GJ, 27i, 35 and 42- W. R. Walters sold a load Tuesday at te Alliance for 2G, 27, 30 and 50. W. (J. B.ilioek sold a load Tuesday at the Alliance for 22, 28, 41and47. Lewis Gregory sold a load at the Old (Jranville Tuesday for 27, 27, 55, 40 and ')(. J.P. Beck sold a load at the Banner Tuesday for 31, 02J, 25, 07.02,38 and 38; . J. T. Yancy sold a load with Davis As Gregory Tuesday for 30, 34. 40 and 2G. J. F. Currin sold a load Tuesday at the Alliance for 32, :!2, 37, 47 and 55. Check $000. Hays As Chad wick sold a load at the Centre Wednesday for 14, G0,;47, 37, 24, 32 and 27J. W. W. Adcock sold one load with Davis & Gregory Tuesday for 32, 28, Af and 23. Yancey As Pool sold a load with Davis As Gregory Tuesday for 20, 30, 20, 34 , 44, 59 and 20. Grissom As Hicks sold a load Tues day at the Old Granville for 17), 25, 45, 51 J, 28 and 25. J. E. Jones sold a load at the Old Granville Wednestlay for 28, 37 44, 18, 2G, ir)4 and 12. II. Wheeler sold a load at the Old Granville Wednesday for 15, 25, 30, 44, 25 and 14. R. II. Pleasant sold a load with Da vis As Gregory Tuesday for 23), 35, 41, 27 and 22. S. R. Puckett sold a big load with Meadows As Wilkinson Tuesday for 20,44 00, 28, 17, 28. 55, 33, 25, 28, 48', 30, 21 and 10. His check amounted to $050.00. oxroitn tokacco market. Corrected eini-vcekly by NV. A. Bobbin. J Oxford, N. C, Feb. 20, 1800. The receipts for the week have been very heavy. There has been a consider able quantity of line to fancy wrappers which sold for high prices. Upon the whole tobacco has been higher. There has been an advance on all grades. The farmers have been unanimously well pleased with prices, and the present high prices ought to have a tendency to cause the farmers to rush in their tobacco as they cannot hope for any better prices. Common smokers and fillers are higher than they have been for several years. There seems to be a heavy demand just now for all grades of tobacco and it would be well for the farmers to bear this in mind and market their tobacco as soon as possible. SMOKERS. Common $ 4 00( 0.00 Medium 0.00) 9 00 Good 9.00&12.00 Fine 12.0010.00 CUTTEUS. Common 15.00 18.00 Medium 18.0020 00 Good 20.00(25.00 Fine 25.00fc30.00 Fancy 30.00(35.00 FILLERS. Common 4.00 0.00 Medium G.()0 0.00 Good 9.0012.00 Fine 12 00(10.00 Wit A ITERS. Common Medium 20.00 (30.00 30.00(40.00 10.0050.00 50.00 fix 00 00 00.0075.00 (iood Fine Fancy Prices firm on all grades. ORDER OF SALES FOR FEBRUARY. S a 2 S 2 2 0 S rj ej qj r- Q . C3 Q Q 21 5 0 12 3 4 22 4 5 0 1 2 3 23 3 4 5 0 1 2 24 2 3 4 5 0 1 'H 1 2 3 4 5 6 5? 0 1 2 S 4 5 il 5 6 12 3 4 4 5 6 12 3 ; t I i - - - ,. J . I .. , ,J :.. S- ...-..'

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