THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER. THE LATEST NEWS. WHAT IS TRANSPIRING AT HOM AND ABROAD. .MhIici-m of liil4'rMl From All Ioinlw Il'irl4l in Our I-:x'1ihii,!. Hiv ing a J4ii4rnl Sj iioi 4f 4'iiitou Kvilw. Three -livlit paiiliquake shocks werr felt at S:nat.n;i Sun.lay evening. The Legislative. Evetutivo and ci:il AppiojiriMtinn 1 ill whs passed in the House without division. The Supremo Court has decided thai State laws prtn hlinii for lle seizure ol liquors hrouv'ht int.. a State in original parkaires are unconstitutional. Asheville's working nun have held a meeting and nuaniinously delared in favor of a resolution that they will not work more than 9 hours a day. About 1000 packing house employees in Chicago have deeided to o on strike unless they are granted eight hour as o day a work. The Com pi roller of Currency has an tlioiized the Peoples' National Hank of "Winston, N . C, to begin business, with a capital of $100,000. It i stated that the capital for the new Bank of Pomento to be established in the ciiv of Mexico, has been practically s,i uiel. This institution has 25,000,)OO nominal capital, one fifth paid in. A rue in Sandy Creek, New York, des troy eil the TJulkly Opera House block, with contents, loss 25,000, insurance i?Q CA0: Pr. N Coi-vh. drnj stre and j...t . otiW. J..-s y;oiHi, inutant ? .0io: .1. 1.. .Iiih..p. Sandy 1 1 t -1, h'ss on furni i".'ihiii. fl, - Kai no-i s' .VHiancr-. in I'.'iclriuau - .!;,! V. .Miss.M!!-;. has SIl'.S l it r-.! f.-.O.OM- TO start ft bank. i-'ioios .ne nljo beh. raiseil with which to build au elevator at St. .Joseph, in which tln-y can store their whettt until they can get such price for it as they desire. ; The heaviest hail storm on- record j passed over Hiltiinore on Sunday after -n 'ii ; some of the stones measured more than two inches in diameter ami weighed more than four ounces; great damage ; was done, and it is prob.dde that a mini- j her of people were injured. ! Seven persons were drowned, ner j liolling Fort, Miss., Saturday night, in j attempting to escape from a burning mill; together with many others they had t ken refuge in the will from t'.e tioo.l ; the building was surrounded by water seven feet deep. Young Dr. 15. A. Capehart is building up a good practice in Washington City. He is the son of Mr. Baldy Capehart, of Vance county, ami a nephew of Dr. Cape hart, of Avoca. He has patented a new and convenient pocket book which is meeting with a large sale, and which is a veitised in the Century. The friends of ex-Congressman W. I?. Cox; ot J'aleigh, regret to hear that his son, Pierre Iiayard, who is a student in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, is in the Roosevelt hospi td, suffering from a fall down an area way on the southeast corner of 9th avenue and 52d street. Sam Jones preached three sermons in Charlotte on Sunday to immense au diences, in the afternoon sermon he de clared the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence as founded on a myth and nothing but a drunken frolic; at night he apologized for making this statement, and said he would stamp the feathers out of the Philadelphia people, who had im io ed upon him, when he got back there. The brake rod of an engine attached to a passenger train on the Chesapeake te Ohio li.dlroad, in Virginia got out of place on Sunday, which rendered the air brake useless, and the train dashed off at the rate of eighty miles an hour; the roof of the depot in Staunton was torn away, and a Pullman car overturned, which resulted in the death of one lady and the serious injury of another; a num. br of persons were severely cut and bruised. The Times Democrat Alexandria, La., special says: L ist Saturday night in this parish, about twenty-two miles west of Alexandria, a young man, aged fourteen, named James 15erry Johnson was killed, and two others F. M. Mitchell and James liichie, wounded. Clay Stewart and Thomas Gentry, charged with the homi cide, were brought here Sunday night and jailed. Stewart had recently married and the young men concluded the3' would rhivari him and his bride. They were fired on by Stewart with the result men tioned. Take your county paper, and keep up with what is going on around you. Are you made miser.ible hv Indigestion, Con etipation, Di.incf.-, Loss of AppeTite, Vollow bkin? Shiloh's in n jtositi ve cure. Davis, Thomas & Co. THAT HACKING COl (iIl can he so quickly cured by Shiloh's t'ure. We guanmtee it. Dav is. Thomas fe Co. VliOVW WHOOI'INtJ roroil and Bronchitis mifleitiHtely. relieved hy Shiloh's t'ure. Davth, Thomas Co. For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh's rorous 1'laster'. price 25 cents. Davis, Thomss & Co. Shiloh's Cure will Immediately remove Croup V hoopmy Couyh and lironchitis. Davis Thomas A Co. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. Davis, Thomas & Co. A Nasal Injector free w ith each bottle of Shi loh's Catarrh Pemedy. Price 50 cents Davis Thomas & Co. For Dyspepsia and Liver Oomplaiut vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vi ,Uzm, U neyer fails to cure. dayis.Thokas a go, MISCELLANEOUS. A Fact WORTH knowing is that blood dis eases which all other remedies fail to cure, yield to Ayer's S.irsu pari 11a. Fresh confirma tion of this state ment conies to hand daily. Even such deep-seared and stubborn com plaints as Rheu matism, Rheuma tic (Jout, and the. like, are thorough ly eradicated by the useof this won derful alterative. Mrs. It. Trying Doiljre, 110 Vec l'."th street. New York, cert i ties : " About two years ago. after suffering' for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to w alk only with great discomforr, and having tried various remedies, inehnling mineral waters, whhoiir relief. I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that, a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by Taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial f this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months. I am pleased to say that ir effected a com plete cure, and that T have since had no return of the disease." Mrs. L. A. Stark. Nashua. N. TL, writes: "One year ago I was taken ill with rheumatism, being confined to my house six months. J came out of the sickness very much debilitated, with no appetite, and. my system disordered in every w ay. 1 commenced t use Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon re covering my usual health. 1 cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." "I have tak&n a great deal of medi cine, lir.t nothing lias done mo an nmc'i p-n.f as Ayer's Snrsaporilla. I f.-lr its u-MinVtai nV.r& l.ei'-.r I had it- : 1 1 i T. .'i- ale; 1 tii- L. v- litSI !( I- :i ii.-ii. - I U notv 'I'. s s PC.F.PAliKO BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass I'ru-e $1 ; eis Lot Urn, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. CAUTION Take no shoes unless W. L. Donclai' name and nrice are stamped on the bottom. If the dealer cannot supply you, send direct to factory, enclosing advertised price. W. L. DOUGLAS QUAE FOR 40 OmiVC GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy L,aced Grain and Creed moor "Waterproof. . . . Best in the world. Examine his S5.00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOI. 4.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. 3.5I I'OLTCK AND FARMERS' SHOE. S3.SO EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 'i.95 & 'J W01MUN05IES SHOES. S2.00 and 1.75 HOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made In Congress. Button and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES LAFDigs. 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. W. I. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sold by E.T. RAWLINS MAIN STREET OXFORD, N. C. janlO-Ora T OOK at tliese pictures What do you want shoes " tor f tu look w . ell on the loot, or to look well '.vlien held in the hand ? The .Tames Means $3 Shoe will not please spend thrifts. We t not claim that it is the most Mulish shoe ever snlil : what we to claim is, that no hlioe of any price, having its durability, can compare with it iii style, finish, ami perfection of tit. Kverv genuine pair is stamped plainly on the sole JAMES MEANS' $3 SHOE. If the name is not spelled exactly as yon see it here, the shoes are only imitations of our .'lames Means $;Shoe, which is the original .Shoe. These shoes are made in Lace, Button and Congress, with extra quality elastics. If you have heen disap pointed by the imitations of our goods, that must makt you all the more anxious to eet the genuine. TAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston Full .tines of the above shoes for sale bv HART & LAWRENCE -AND B. F. KRONHEIMER. fen25-ly Baldwin Avalon FERTILIZER COMPANY'S ODGRLGSS Tobacco Fertilizer. This hrand of Tobacco Fertilizer "Baldwin Avalon Animoniatcd Dissolved Bones," made with a "Basic Slair" base, and is without any offensive jmell. It is the highest prrade fertilizer on the market and can he pold for a less price. Manufactured hy the Baldwin-Avalon Fertilizer Company, Richmond, Va. Orders for the poods or letters of enquiry ad dressed to the Company will receive prompt at tention. ALFRED 11. JAMES, Secretary and Treasurer, fehl8-3m Richmond, Va. H. 7Vy- LKNI6R, WITH Frank M. Baker & Co. (ESTABTSnED 1858.) Successors to RAMSAY, BAKER & CO., IMPORTERS AND .TOBBKRS OF Que ens ware, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, &c. 823 W. Baltimore St. and 320 German St.. Baltimore, Md, arsaparilla C..v.. MISCELLANEOUS. We Do Not Try -TO SOAR AS HTGH- Above Our Competitors -AS THE- T 1 Ifl W if EAGLE A ) ove T 1 1 e E ei r 1 1 , RUT WE I0 CLAIAI TO II AVE CIW0N THE CONFIDENCES OF THE PEOILK OF GRK VILLE by Fair Dealiutr, anil we intend to hold it. as Urn as Honest, Upright and Square Business Transactions are appre ciated. - IMPROVE MtlIi l'1'EAKANCE : xMi'ROVE J OIK 1 ViM'EARANCE ! A little thin?: hre and there ahh d r VMi'if toiiet lnfdei ft i!-M.! IMPISOVKMKNT. J l f.'SS (loons. Th . t' y I f 'ln;ir in s,al-li f I MVS.-' (Jtimis? ran lin! a sel---ti 'ii ihat em lr;ifes .'Vt-rytlii iir new -inti desirable, and such things as Linings, Buttons, Silk, Twist, Hooks and Ees and Whalebone, can be had according toyoar wants. Embroideries. Exquisite patterns, all widths, in Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg-. Skirting and Flouncing in endless vsiriety. Kid Gloves. Did anybody ever see such a splendid assortment ? All lengths and shades. Shoes. We have the styles and quali ties just to suit you, (in hand or machine made). Our ladies' shoes were manufac tured expressly for our trade and cannot be beat. Gents' Furnishing Goods. We have the latest style Shiits, Collars, Cuffs, Cra vats, etc. If you want a nice nobby "straw hat or a tine felt hat, we are sure to please you, so come and see for yourself. We carry a large line of Trunks, Grip Sacks, China and Japanese Matting cheaper than you have ever ie.'ii Carpets and Rugs, Door Mats, Crockery and Glass Ware, which must be sold at greatly re duced prices. We are determined to sell, and, as our prices are ridiculously low, we consider this your opportunity to buy at a saving. PARIS BROS., apr22-rm Opposite Court, House. --F!!R A G5KD OR SEE OR WRITE TO MANLY T l)AMOS L r0.y AIS'LY lJ lYAMOS 4X VJO., 903 Main Street, IIichmond, Va. BANJOS, (JUITAUS, VIOLINS. An Honest Piano at an Honest Price. We are prepared to please everybody rich or poor. Spe cial discount to teachers, schools, churches and preachers. We represent and have constantly on hand Knabe, Oalilcr, Kveritt. lieluiiii.n;, New Kn 'laiid, Mavsliall & ciuU-ll, anil Otlicr I'iaiios. Packard, llyer Hug-lies, liririg-euort, ami Other Orpins. Slieet Music and Hooks a Specialty Cata logues Free. Ahvavs a fine stock of Second-hand Pianos, of the best makes, for sale at your own price. apr22-tf Piano TOBKCCO FERTILilZER. HIGH GRADE QUICK RELIABLE. m Farmers endorse it. m w it tells In Tlie FIELD and on tlie WAREHOUSE FLOOR. S. W. TRAYERS & CO. AGENTS WANTED. PHIC2S REDUCED. Write for Testimonials and Prices. A OENTS. J. M. Gvejrovv, Oxford; Stem; Lyon '& Co., Lyonsville; v rninnir3 FOR FIBERS OF THE 1 till r griculfuraS Ohsmicals of All Elinds. Descriptive pamphlet, POINTS ABOUT FERTILIZERS, mailed FREE. W.S. POWELL, Fertilizer Fiflanufacturer, ' 217 AUD 219 DOVLY'S 7IIARFj BALTIMORE, I4D, ' MISCELLANEOUS. Cheap Insurance -AND- U In Anaust, lslil. the Northwestern Mutual Life Insuraio-e Conipnnv, of Wisconsin, issued Ordi nary Life Policy No. licit;, for S1.000. on the life of A hra ha in Levy, of the well known firm of Messrs. Levy A: Davis, Richmond. Va., at an annual pre mium of For the first nine years the dividends, with one exception, were used in cash to reduce his pre miums or to purchase temporary insurance. Since 1S70 they have leen applied to purchase full-paid additions to tin-policv. The results to date t December, ISs'i,. art. follows: Twenty-nine payments -". of p2:!A)2 Less cash dividends to 1870 JlC.TO Total outlay on policy in 20 years or an average annual payment of $21.75, which, compounded at six (Co p"er cent, interest for ! years, amounts to $t,ti!l7.7i. In event of death before next anniversary t Au Lrust. l.siio.t Mr. Lew's lu-irs would receive in cash: Amount of policy '. $1,000 Amount of dividend additions ti.s2 And one post-mortem dividend (estimated) 20 Making a total of $1,702 which is $1.24 in excess of premiums paid in 2! years compounded at six i; per cent, interest (nearly $3 for every $1 paid the company), besides insurance for twenty-nine years. In December, ISIU Mr. Lew took out another policy for $2,000 on the Ten-Payment Life Plan at an annual premium of $101.10. which was paid in full at a total cost of $722.7'.(, on which cash divi dends have since been paid amounting to $3fi!.24, thus reducing the net cash outlay for $2,000 paid up insurance to $353.55. It will thus be seen that Mr. Levy had good rea sons for writing in November, 1S7S: -My only re gret now is that. I did not take out my policies foi a larger amount, as I look upon the North weptem as the best, company ii the country, and -honlu "( conclude to takf out another policy it. will h' in tti Northwestern."" t Dividends oil! le :iho e j !i-y conl inn-liiiMiig lite, with an addi tioii.ii dividend at'!t de:th.i Mr. L-'vy ti.-- -! iiif !' -rt I l"o-i 1 ii i .-. .i pi i n v I ri i; ingoiit t w o i t itn;i I polii'ies in t he coin nn . ltli ttie.-e l:ic;ji iiefore I ll 111. who Will deny ttiai Mr. l.-y iin- 'Vh.-;i i n-tl r.i nee" ;(u) 1 1 rt lo:ele ''."iimi i n x est liien 1 .-";"" For further iiit'ormatioii addros John 1. Cakv & Sox, Ceneral Agents for Va. and N. C, Ui htnond, Va. II. K. Ki.i.ysox, Hesident Trustee. N. 15. Active, Reliable Canvassers (none others) wanted for Virginia and North Carolina. apr22-1 m lih'lummtl Dispute), Aot 24, "S'.t. r oods! TVY ( OODS! VTOODS! 1)IY VJTOODS S! JL7RY The old and reliable firm of Hamilton Easier & Sons OF BALTIMORE, Invite your attention to their extensive stock of DI?Y GOODS, The magnitude and variety of which will be fully appreciated upon a personal examination, which we solicit. They are larie IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN GOODS, Their buyer visiting Europe twice a year to make purchases direct from manufacturers. By so do ing:, they retail goods ar the wholesale dealers to importers in New York. We deal only in Dey Goons, and aim to sell only such articles as we believe will prove of ijon'd value to the purchaser. Samples will be cnt when requested, if about the prices wanted, colors preferred, &c. are plainly named. The price, in plain figures, is marked on every article sold by us, from which no abatement is made, unless to wholesale purchasers. Their di He rent, departments include the follow ing class of goods : Low and Medium-priced Dress Goods. Fine Dress Goods and Mourning Goods. Plain and Fancy Colored Silks. Black Silks, Velvets and Plush. Ladies' and Misses' Wraps, Jackets, Ulsters and Shawls. Laces, Embroideries, Edgings, Flouncings, In sertiugs and Fancy .Muslins. Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Salines, Cheviots. Cretoiies, Notions, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Plaid Muslin, Ladies', JWisses' and Roys" Hosiery and Underwear. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, In Gloves, Half-Hose, Tiess" Scarfs, Suspenders, Merino, Gau.e and All-Wool Underwear. HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, In immense varieties, including Linen and Cot ton Sheetings, Domestic Cotton Goods of all kinds, '1 able Damasks. Napkins, Towels, Towel ing by the yard, Blankets, guilts. Art. Squares, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Table and Piano Cov ers, Floor .Mattings, Woolen Goods for Mini's and Boys' Wear, in :J-4 and 0-4 widths. Fancv and Plain Black. We might add to the above, ;but will only say, that no house in the United States can show a better class of goods ( very few as good), and the extent and variety will enable purchasers to make a satisfactory selection. HAMILTON EASXEI! & SONS, 2:), 25, 27 E. BALTIMOliE ST., mar28-8m Near Light Street. Importers and Manufacturers, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 1 M. L. Coley, Cozavt; Gooch & lioocti, 1). 1. Cooper, Henderson. -- -. a e l mar28-2m FARMERS' fiLLISNQE. uuuu invebLineiii TAjX SALE ! Let the following parties take notice tliathe lands listed bv them in GraiivilVe County, for taxes for i the year 1SS0, due and unpaid by them, have been this day levied on, and in accordance with the Statute in such easos made and provided, will be sold at the Court House door in Oxford on the ."th dav of Mav, I 1800, and he days following, if not i sold before, said sale beginning at at 1 1 o'clock a. m. FISIIINO CKEEK TOWNSniP. Ityant, A. A, 1 a-re land, Dement, A. J., 0 acres land, Kearsey, Hawkins, (S acres land, Lemay, Rattler, 7r acres land, Lyon, Ella, 2 acres land, Minor, L. A., Miss 5S acres land, Parharn, E. 400 acres land, Turner, C. acres land, Weaver, S. t 4 acres land, Williams, , 48 acres land, 3 2T 4 a.v o:i 2 17 5 12 18 74 4 i)0 17 1 82 , 102 0 in 1 2:i 6 00 Curtis, S. J.,! acres land, Harris, Mrs.J. M., 14 acres land, Johnson, W.jXelson, 20 acres land. Montague, irs. J. E., (Q1 acres land,4 0:i Williams, D. J. ii., 40 acres land, Bo :J4 1 04 P.TtjvSSFTED TOWNSHIP. Cook, Mrs. ifell, 51 acres land, Currin, T. Of, i0 acres land, Davis, J. N?100 acres land, Emory, F. 1 r7 and 15 acres land, Freeman, Mss Mary, 20 acres land, Freeman, Mfs. E. 11., KK5 acres land, Johnson Mi. M. P., i7 acres, Loyd, Miss Gallic, i:-:j acres land, Levister, G.D., 212 acres land, Mitchell, Tliomas, 72 acres land, McGee, Mrsf Patcv, 80 acres bind. May, TVttj ff., Iio'acres land. 10 02 5 85 1 03 4 00 2 54 4 50 6 04 9 46 2 o 0 5H 1 'M o; : u v 4 0 14 5 10 liogers, .1. I. .2 acres Turner. ('. p. roTe-S intHi, Tbat i itigton. M. T.. ;:! w.vf Tipitt, bluT 'i tor re. lam!. W'heelis. M .' VV., 5o :M es l.ii.d," Veargau, Da)", Jr.. !o ;cres l;m!, !hu-kinill, (,'to , 40 :wivs lruol, Dement, C. !!., Estate, i0 acres land, Dement, John, 10 acres land, Westley, Gajrrett, 10 acres, Jones, Franjc, 8 acres, DUTCIIVIIXE TOWNSlIfP. 92 ,1 .-v . I. 90 5 32 $5 19 5 07 4 07 6 12 4 08 5 32 12 84 7 00 Bullock, H. A., 128 acres land, Chappell, A. 11., 100 acres land, Forsyth, James, 47 acres, Forsyth, Wllie, 95 acres, Forsyth, E.v, 47 acres, Forsyth, H.!L., 00 acres, Forsyth, T.fC., 100 acres, Forsyth, DiJ., 102 acres, Green, W? H. A:, N. T. Ex. of 'gliomas Green, 5-J02 acres, Gill, G. G., fc 7 acres, Davis, J. K, 25 acres, Suit, W. Jrf, 28 acres, Sharon, E. 28 acres, .-" 14 03 95 83 TiLLY HO TOWNSHIP. Goocli & Bpinett, HX) acres laud, Hampton, (J. G., 82 acrfs, Mangurn, Vf. P., 92 & "72 acres, McGee, Mis liecky,53 acres, Oakley, C. 58 acres, - ct I 10 59 til O - Mark ham Foster, Trus., 103 acres, 6 53 Mitchell, bj W ., Guard., 140 acres, White, Tout, 30 acres, Tuck, E.J. 1 22 acres, Wright, J. f ., 100 acres, SASSAFRAS FORK TOWNSHIP. Barnett, Woodson, 60 acres land, Jenkins, W K , 317 acres, Sneed, ll.Gi, Agt., 85 acres, Sneed, R. G , Agt., 315 acres. Shank, II. -t., Adm'r, 130-acres, TimberlakK F. M., 100 acres, Watkius, fi A , 975 acres, Ileggie, J. M., 45 & 100 acres, Faucett, T.'tA., 627 acres, Gregory, CIA., Agt., 2700 acres, Clock, J. Ft 124 acres land, s Griftln. G. (state, 121 acres land, Harris Bro i 500 acres land, Hays, J. Wf 220 acres land, Parham, J.sltl. A., 1 town lot, Satterwhitefestate, 400 acres land, "WAIiNHT GROVE TOWNSHIP. Day & Meaflows, acre land, Mangum, rm., 75 acres, Sweaney &Meadows, 1 acre, Wood, Mis,4 Mary Ann, 94 acres, Thorp,Dr.m.Ex.P. Thorp acres, si'AK II I LI . TOWNSHIP. Allen, MrsL- J., acres land, Betts, Edward, 3 acres, Jones, Mrs.? Susan J., 266 acres, Seat, W. llf, 49 acres, Tuck, Clenl, 10 acres, lloyster, Bi B., 9 acres, West, G. Ss 1888, 10 acres, West, G. Si, 1889. 10 acres, Jackson, T. E., 50 acres, 1 oyster, Bolam, Estate, 3 acres ; OXFORD TOWNSHIP. Anderson, William, 25 acres land, Anderson, .jlla, yz acre land, Alston, liolaetta, 2 acres, BreedloveJ. W., 127 acres, Crews, W.'ll. Jr., 15 acres, Green, Kuius, 1 town lot, Glover, Harris, 1 town lot, Gill, II. T , 212 acres, Gregory, N. A., Guard , 2000 acres, Harris, Henry, 38 acres, Hester, Arther, 3 acres, Hit ks, H. X., 1 town lot, Hunt, Junius, 2 acres, Hart, Shepard 6 acres, Hines, Mm. L. T., 1 town lot, Hester, I);iniel, 84 acres, Jones, J (., Agt., 2 town lots, Kivett, Mrs. W. !., 2 town lots, Kivett, A. E., town lots, Lyon, Lillie D , 1 town lot, Littlejohn, John, 1 town lot, Moss. Willis, 1 town lot, Overby, Mark, 20 acres, Overby, Sam, 1 town lot, Overby, Jordan, 53 J4 acres, Richmond, I. C, 1 town lot, Royster, B. L., 85 acres, Royster, J, W., acre, Satterwhi?, Mrs. S. J., 64 acres, Turner. L; B., 1 town lot, Taylor, Wplliam, acre, Tinsley, Jlimes, acres, WilliamsxJohn, 1 town lot, 4 58 4 90 1 06 7 50 $2 01 7 00 2 4(i 12 20 4 09 7 44 34 52 7 93 25 14 15 34 ? 8 10 4 16 24 50 9 80 3 26 19 60 4 90 2 15 4 09 2 44 112 52 $1 77 2 88 6 53 2 13 2 87 2 57 46 46 2 45 41 24 8 56 1 15 6 36 4 55 9 07 72 54 3 33 6 22 1 46 3 87 7 25 70 14 51 25 63 5 44 8 49 7 31 7 43 1 48 3 42 3 63 817 18 76 4 55 4 14 3 63 3 63 2 08 4 68 Wilson, Jl W., 14M acres, 3 63 Wimbish.SMrs. A. C, two town lots, 31 17 Cawthorn; W. D.1 town lot, Kearsey, Hawkins, 26 acres, AndersonArametta, 2 acres, Cohen, R.J , acre, Christmas, Tom, i acre, Harris, Jackson, 7 acres, Hart, Osborn, 10 acres, Royster, Lewis, 6 acres, Smith, J W., 3 acres, Taylor, Tawell, acre, Taylor, Richmond, acre, Royster, Lfevy, 4 acres, 3 4 53 49 9 05 5 44 64 1 09 1 81 9 05 82 3 62 91 1 83 Robertson. K. o. 1 town lot, C. M. ROGERS, SherUt. April 4, 18j39, PROFESSIONAL,. R. J. K. WYC'IIE, DENTAL SURGEON, OXFORD, N. C. Pure Nitrons OxideGas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. ItOOVS IX IIeRNDON BASK P.m.TlIKG. lf. HAYS, M. !.. OXFORD, N. C, Offers to the Public liis Services as Prac titioner of Medicine in All ol" it Jlranclies. "Office in Herndon Pdock, No. 3. Office hours from 9 until 10 a. m. Q n. ir. fort, ar. i. i. s., OXFORD, N. C, Respectfully solicits the patronage of the peo ple of Oranville county. He is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work in a satisfactory manner. Office in old t'ooner Hnildin. tu Mail's. A. 1IICKN, Attorney at Law aitfl Notary Public OXFORD, N. C, aud 'J' T. KS, Attorriey-at-Law, HENDKRSON, N. C. Will practice together in the Courts of Granville Vance, Franklin, ami Warren Counties, and in all matters requiring their joint attention. We hope hy prompt, diligent, and faiihful atten tion to business to deserve and receive a portion of the law business of this section. Alex. J. Feilij. Bet. B. Rotster Attorneys eit Tfiw. OXF"RD. N. O. Oili : lleiri i.M. r; N.. H. Ii I.MOh. N. !., A .MtiimI'N-(iifvr :tin) iitirlt-r." I" i:iini ,i t-'.n-n ii-- niiii VI ill lUH.-lwtierv. II ..r in?.i-l,inrry promptl y repaired and forwarded by freight or ei pres. New and second-liand Engines always on hand Buggies, Carts, Guano and building lots. The very best and latest styles of Buggies and Carts. (No Cincinnati work on hand.) Fertil izers of the best brands. Cerealites for top dres sing grass, clover and oats. Fine for forcing vegetables,and the very thing for flowers. Give me a call. Thos. D. Clement, apr4-tf at Old Granville Warehouse. THE MODERN" TOBACCO BARN. i THE MODERN TOBACCO BARN COMPANY, of High Point, N. C, are prepared to fur nish the only stick yt devised that will distribute tobacco leaves in a curing barn in such a manner that each leaf can get the same amount of heat and air on every side at the same time, and insures a uniform cure, the mechanic has done the distribution, the opera tor has little to do with it nor can he crowd the tobacco in the barn if he tries. There are now One Milion Sticks in use in three States, 200,000 4 feet sticks in the common log barn on tier poles, and have given entire satisfaction, as a thousand testi monials will sho -v and hundreds will 9 X 9 testify that the use a . 1 1 S 01 tlie sucks one season has doub- 6 led the value of their crop. The 7 sticks and baskets together furnish 5s the farmer with Z the most complete 5 .a. -1 outht yet devisea m to save all the leaves grown in -his field and mak- S ing them market- r able at the high- , est figures. The Modern Barn complete is the best plan in the world to cure and handle tobacco, and the next best thing is the Modern Barn Sticks on tier poles in the log barn tTLiberal discounts given to Farmers' Clubs and the Farmers' Alliance in Virginia, North and South" Carolina. Correspondence Solicited. Address IV. H. SNOW, Supt. Modern Barn Co., High Point. N. 0, Foi Sale f