THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER; MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. GRANVILLE COUNTY. ABOUT THE GOLDEN LEAF. HARDWARE. SCOTT5! EMULS1Q! CORES CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flash Producer. Many havo gained one pound pel day "by its use. Scott's 'Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypoplios 2liites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS RfSILK. Sold hf all Drttytjisi. SCOTT &, COWNE, Chemists. M.Y. SCVCN SEVENTEEN SEVENTY To cure lliliousncss, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, HI! 1)1 4 !i if COMBINED W IT ri (JllEAT REKRAOTlNv J POWER. THKY ARE AS TRANSl'A KENT AND COLOR LESS AS LIOUT ITS h I.E. . And for softness of endurance to 1 eyes cannot be excelled, enabling the v.'i'.ui i to lead Tor hours without fatigue. In fad, they are Perfect Sight PRESERVERS. Testimonials from (ho Ifiuli physicians in tin I'liiled States, nvi-nmrs, senalors. legislators, stockmen, men of note in all profession.; ami in dillcreiit branches of trade, Iwm.i'i's, mechanics etc., can he given who have had 1 iieir sight, iin proved lv their use. All Eyes Fitted, AM) THE KIT iUA FiANTKED BY G. HALL, Oxford, N. C. These glasses are not supplied to peddler? at any price. A K. IIAWKKS. WHOLESALE OEl'OTS: Atlanta, C h-okuia Aiistin, Tex .s. THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND INTEREST PROTECTED, ITS THE OXFORD lTse the K3I ALL Size (40 little Iieans to the bottle). They auk the most convenient. Suitable ix all Ages. l'rloe of either size, 35c. per Hottle. 7-17-70 PANEL SIZE. B & V fell M Miule for 4 cts. choppers or stxiups). J F.SMITH &C0.Makersof-'15ILE BEANS,'' ST. LOUIS MO. UQ MORE EYE-GLASSES mm WEAK more msmmssr eyes RHITCHELL'S -"4 A Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, & Restor ing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Grannlatians, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, AXD PROl'tCIN'a Ql UK RELIEF AND FLK31ASEM CIRfi. Also, equally t-nieacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers. Ferer Sores, TamarH, Suit Rheom, Barns, Piles, or wherever infiammation exists, JUITC2MS1jZ& inuy be used to advantage. Sold b? all Irursists at iiii Cent. firews , i si US' REST. WEST, 51HQMEEST Superior to all Sit'jsfilefes. for raising and mak-ng ligHL nutritions, 'eilthy. ad digestible Biscuits, Be'ad. Tea-Cake. Pies, Muffins, Waffles, lohnnv-Cake. Corn-Bread. 3hort-Cakc. Pot-Pies, Dumoli.iqs. Boiled Puddings, a:. J Buckwheat. Quarter-Pound Cans. G Cen's. Sold 1) all 'Grocers and Country M re:;ants. '' DREW MANUFACTURING CO.. EALTIMORc, MD For Sale by Job Osborn, Manufacturer's Agent, Oxford, N. C. .CUKES mat I XffiiW HUP" ',A' 25ChS For sale hy J. (. HALL, Oxp .rd, N. C FROI DESPAIR TO JOY. file Paltifnl Story of IjOV-ly I.ady, and How She l''iiiully Si-cured Hup. piness. Mrs. Morton D. Harlan, residing at No. 55 West 25th Street, New York City, has passed through a most wonderful experience. Mrs. Harlan had a -happy home and through her devotion to hi-r liome duties over-taxed v!v ";r si'L'"in. Mie nan ue ypres.sed l'eeLng-s, entire lack in life, and llnally lit. lii'j'lit. Mini mnm. daj'. Uion looking in the glass she saw dark l ircles under her eyes and loiind that she wits rowinr thinner antl losing all interest in life. Tins painful state of things continued lor months until finally she became bo weak she could not attend to her duties and was conlined to Iff Led the greater part of the time. One day Mrs. Harlan's very dear friend Mrs. Willard called and was amazed to see her Eo wan and laded. Two bright, hectic spots stood upon each cheek, her lips Mere blue, her face pinched and drawn, and there was a piteous look in her eyes. Mrs. Willard knew tins meant consumption njl her heart was touched 1 or her frit- ml. At her earnest request, tho use or an L.nnsn lcem edy lor consumption was tried. At the start, very little effect could be seen, so great an inroad had the dis ease made, but by desrees Mrs. Harlan bejrnu to regain bcr lost appetite, then her Strength, then her hope, then her health, and she is to day in perfect physical con dition, wholly as a result of the use of lir. Acker's Eng lish liemedy lor tonsump-ion. The les-on of this simple story should be plait to all. No man or woman can afford to neglecl those first symptoms of consumption, whicl Item s slight but which becomes so terribli ludes taken in time. This Greut Remedy ha B.. red the lives of hundreds of well known mei Hid women who vero on the verpe of therravl tVom cou-umption but who are well and happj to-day." lc is sold universally. For Sale by J. G. HALL, Druggist Ondfllo nnri TToniiGca Unnan OQUUIU QliU J Sill ' f ' (COMMETtCTAL AVENUE,) OPPOSITE 1JAN NEK WAKEIIOUSF Saddles, llarneps, Ccdlars, Collar Pads, Wagon and IJuyuy Whips, Buirgy loles, Saddle Ulank ets, Ruldser and Woolen Horse Covers, Bitts, Darkles, Spurs, Curry Comhs, Brushes, Harness Oil, and all kinds horse soods. HANDMADE HARNESS A SPE CIALTY. Also a good stock Shoe Finding of all kinds. Trices Lower than ever before. Come and look before you buy. Respectfully, JOS S. HALL, . X XloiiNEPt CV -vo9 Manufacturers of FARM TT7AOONS rpoKACCO TV KAYS ARM AtiOKS 1 OBACCO lRAYS A REHOUSE Wlinl is ftoingr 011 in liflereiit !er tioiiH sin ;alliei el ly I lie lublie I.edK'ei KeporlerN ViewN of 4'orre ItoiideiilM. AK FROM DUTCHVILLE. Uesolutions of Respect hv-Dutciiviixk Alliance. Whereas, On the 6th of April, 1S90, it was the pleasure of Ilim, that doeth all tilings well to take from us by death our esteemed brother, J. P. Adams, in the 615th year of his age. Ilesolved, That the members of Dutch ville Aliiince extend to the bereaved family of our brother our deepest sympa thies, ami would point them to that power from which all blessings come, for that comfort which alone can console us in our dislr. ss. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be. sent to the family of onrdep rted brother, and also to the Public Ledger with a request to publish tho same, and the Secretary spread them upon the min utes. A. II Fleming, ) T. .1. SMtTH, C Committee. II. T. AloouE, ) THE DOINGS OF OUR WAREHOUSE MEN. DEALERS AND SELLERS. AND- AKEHOl'SE rpRl'CKS I l RUCKS . DANVILLE, Ya.- We are prepared to do first-class work in car riage and buggy repairing at lowest, prices. Write us i'or what you want and we will gladly quote yoa the lowest prices for llrst-class work. mar2S-tjanl HIST AWRLNC 1 Ti 4 .i41iriixiSi j Snccesasor! to Hart, Lawrence iSt Cochran.) & L Hart, Lawren Oxford, N. O. Spring & Summer GOODS ! GOODS ! OUR STOCK OF Dress r-i RESS VJI 00ns OODS DRESS RESS 1 t)OI)S UOUDS IS NOW COM PLETE.- 11 OHAI11S, HENRIETTAS, CASH- meres. Pobes, Plaid and Striped Novel ties, and all new thintrs in Woolen Dress Fabrics, Fiouneings, Plain Checkpd and Striped White Goods in Rig Variety. ItSf" Trimmings to match all Dress Goods. EVENTS' 7 URN IS IT ING fi OODS. VJENTS' F URNISHING VToods. N J ECK WEAR, E. & W. COLLARS and Cuffs, (Best Made); All the Lvtest Styles. All the Latest Shapes in Stiff and Straw Hats. Handkerchiefs in endless variety. OUR QHOE TEPARTMENT t ur Oiioe JJepautment I FROM STOVAl L . Sassafras Fork Alliance, No. 591. Whereas, the approaching of conventions to nominate candidates for Congress from the different districts of the State will be lLdd in the near future, and being cogni z nit of the fact, that it is in direct viola tion of Alliance principles to lie swa3'ed or inllueneed by party, or to endorse for can lid ate, persons whose interest we believe to be antagonistic to ours, there fore be it Resolved 1st. By this Alliance, that w wish to be placed on record as favor ing a man, described by Old Fogy who will carry out our wishes and whose in terest has alwaj'S been identified with the laborer and farmer. Resolved 2nd. That we will not sup port a candidate who is in Riilroads, Monopolies, B. & L. Associations or a dealer in futures, and that when the prop er time comes we will aid in selecting such men as Vance, Polk, Alexander, McClammy, W. J. Green and last, but not least, Old Fogy. Resolved 3rd. That the 5th District can and will furnish such material to repie sent it and that this Alliance, acting in concert with all the countv. will be guided by the past record of its candidate, and as vote a unit. Resolved 4th. That these resolutions be sent to the Progressive Farmer and Oxford Public Ledger with the request to publish. S. J. Currin, President. R. A. Gill, .Secretary. rersonai l'arnraili Concerning' PrieesLarge Shipment from VIr KiniH, and Sonili Carolina and Jiasl em JVorlli C arolina. L. II. ElLs sold load at the Banner Tuesday for 11)4, 29, 40 and 16. j J. H. Lyon sold one load at Alliance Tuesday for 20, 28, 60 44, 35 and 2. J. W. Lyon sold at Alliance on ?fues day for 18, 25, 41, 39 J, 19J, and ho. S. P. Adcock sold load with Bullock & Mitchell Tuesday for 2:$f 39,and 14 J. W. Howell sold load with Clement & Bullock for 10, 16, 25J, 20, 27, and 36. W. M. Black well sold load with Clem ent & Bullock Tuesday for 11, 214, 40, and 18. J. T. Yancey sold load with Bullock & Mitchell Tuesday for 40, 19., 29, 39J, 195U and 65. It. S. d itcher turned up at the Alii auce on Tuesday and fold load for IS, 31, 50, 18 if 20 and 19. 5 Andrew Oakley sold load with Mead ows fe Wilkerson Wednesday for 15, 19, 25J. and 134'. Rufus Grissom sold load with Mead ows & Wiikerson Wednesday for 17, 29)4 4(i4 and 22b. F. M. Tumbeilake, sold load with Meadows t Wiikerson Tuesday for 10? 22, 20, 38, and 21i. W. T. Adams was at Alliance on Tuesday, and sold for 28, 21 4, 17;', 18V 24, 62, 50, 37, and 30. " ' ORDER OF SALES FOR APRIL. Q a o CO a c O O as a CO a a hi o c O J" ADIES' and GENTS' HAND-MADE Shoes, of the Best Makes, besides Shoes of all grades and prices. MILLINERY!! jyjISS IDA NORWOOD, OF BALTI- more, a Milliner of Long Experience and Artistic Taste, has charge of this Depart ment, and is prepared to supp'v our cus tomers with all the latest Fashions and Novelties of the Season. HART & LAWRENCE. mar28-l WHITE ROCK ALLIANCE. This excellent Alliance met at their Lodge Room Saturday at 10 o'clock, with President J. F. Cole in the chair. There were 75 members present, comprising the very best farmers of this section of the county. Several new petitions for mem bership were acted upon and five more of our farmer friends were initiated into the Alliance. At 12:30 o'clock the Alliance adjourned for dinner. In short time a large number baskets and boxes of provisions were gathered together and a tempting and sumptuous dinner spread and everybody invited to supply the wants of the inner man. The good people of this communi ty had bi ought enough to feed three times as many more people. Tlie crowd cer tainly enjoyed their dinner, and they had plent' of lemonade to drink during the day. After dinner the members reassembled, and several good speeches were made. President Cole introduced It W. Hob good, Esq., who was almost too full for ut' ranee, but he a made a few remarks, fu 1 of truth and encouragement to the brethren. He closed by introducing Capt. A. II. A. Williams, who was present, and came forward in his usual polite way a id made a capital speech right to the point, and everybody was highly pleased. I have known Capt. Baldy Williams for 25 years, and ho is a man of high charac ter and plenty of brains to hold any office under the NationalGovernment. We think tha he is the only man that can redeem the district from Rvdicalism. Mr. Graves Shotvvell was the next man to speak. He talk sound logic to the far mers about the many evils which over shadowed them, and self protection was the only relief. Mr. J. 11. Morris, one of the best fel lows in the world, was called on next to speak. He don't how to deny his friends and arose and vmade a remarkable goods speech. We expected the editor of the Public Ledger with us Saturday, but he failed to show up. We know h's heart wTas us as he is standing by the farmers like a man. Everybody who reads his paper is delighted with it. We wish it visited every home in Granville county. Reader if you are n t a subscriber take it, as it is the best piper ever published in Oxford- Alliasce. 1 o X...... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21.... . . . , 23..., 24..., ri9 i 26... 27.... S J m 30 .. 1 6 5 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 o 2 1 6 5 4 3 3 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 o 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 i 6 0 I 5 n 2 i 6 5 4 9 t i I 6 5 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 o 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 o o 1 SAMPLE FREE FIRE PROOF ROOFIJVCJ. .iv- ..,,.-. i win niinS upmjui it Mouse is me. If vou state size roof l(,f- lf U is not in onler J'0" cannot sell the jou siaie size root, house, nor rent it, nor live in it, nor get anyone to live in it fiee. There are all kinds of so-called roofs, hut inot of them are delusions. When they ouht to keep out snow and rain they don't; they just leak and make life wretched for you, while'your propurty in it-oi,n milieu. COKRES-1UI)K.(;E Is Invited. P A 1 1 T (in hhls.) W cents per gallon. A rooting that will stav whore it is nonlicd. ami will do yeoman's service while there, is made of ruhher and other 'materials hy the hid. Paint and Holing Co. of X. Y. City. It is a handsome -looking covering and more durable than any other, while it. is light, and perfectly tight. Any man who was as tight as one of these roofs would never get sober. Ruhher Roofing is adapted for flat or steep sin face, or may he laid ojvt old shingles, and can lie house, bam, shed, Arc, as , , , , . , , the materials are ready for use. V j H T Vl 1 It is as water-proof as an old toper's stomach, k-'I,1'-l I 1 1 1 . I i ils (Ire-proofness is truly sheolic, and it will last like a cake of cast-iron soap; vet the price is IM'I) lower than for roofs which don't'look so well nor ' I I ' J Write for Book circular of full particulars to 1-2 1 West. Broadway, N. Y. City. (Sent free if vou mention Pim.ic Lkix;i;r, and xhitr at y,,of.) !'' '.'." Ci 'quai-e le t. " SMITH PATENT TOBACCO I AilAfi ! I Mi!fewjT Jiff ;ni yea s by th lier.t Has been used and thoroughly tested lor Lite pr-t four y growers all over the united States. Send for testimonials. Tlie Only Successful Klpioliine. Manufactiued by VICTOR P. RICHARDSON, BAgents Wanted Every were m:i21-3m Janesville, Wis. 11 ft ii irl Li .'1 mm The superior merit of Ayer's f'heny Pectoral as an anodyne expectorant is due to a skillful combination of the; most powerful ingredients. Nothing like it has ever been attempted in pharmacy, and its success in the cure of pulmonary complaints is unparalle'ed. Wm. Deering's Mowers, Reapers and Cinders for sale bv J. F. Edwarysj 75,000 feet of lumber for sale by R. J. Mitchell. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. . TOBACCO TRANSPLANTER. The ahove cul shows Ihe Planter. A driver and two bovs plant V to 0 acres er rlav. Wall r i vi rv plant. Aluch hetter work than hand planting, and can plant whether wet or drv. No join nals to u, u out or packing wheels to ball up. Very simple, strong and durable; will last a" life-time. grower can afford, to plant, hy hand when a machine can he had. A Check-Rower Attachment can he had with the Tlanter, (at small extra charge) with lm h -n.-i rows can he made so as to cultivate both ways. - Machine fully warranted. Will plant cabbages, tomatoes, tree seedlings, etc. Send for lull l. -i na tive circular. Agent wanted where none are already appointed. W' SrfSSf n. a1" FULLER & JOHNSON MFG. CO., ' fob25-3m MADLSON, WIS. Petersburg Rail Road. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS OOINO SOOTH. Dated April 20, 1S!H). No. 23, Daily. No. 21 Dailv. Leave Petersburg I Leave Stoney Creek... Leave .larratt a Leave Bel Held Arrive VVeldon 10.10 A. Al. I :i-i5 P. At. 10.53 " 1 . . j 11.11 11.30 " 12.10 P. M. 4JT.0 P. M. 55.3 P. Al. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Weldon Leave Beliield Leave Jarratt's Leave Stoney Creek. Arrive Petersburg.. . No. 14, Daily. No. 78, Daily. 4.35 A. 5.13 ' 5.30 ' 5.4 ' C..22 ' AI. 3.(15 P 3.42 3.5S 4.20 5.1 H) M. All trains run solid Weldon to Washington. E. T. D. MYERS, Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. rpAKEL: rpiiTi f EAixil Aakeo JLnrL LeaIJ ; S. S. Haithcock &! Co. t -. Have in stock an elegant line ol DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY. &c. Nice lot fishing tackle at. I. F. Edwards. Large stock Paints and Oils at J. F. Edwards'. McCormick Harvesters, Mowers and Ra-kes sold by Owen, Barbour & Smith. Bring your orders for tobacco flues to J. F. Edwards, PWe are making a special drive in the best brands of Cigars; viz: "J M M " "PR1NCECS ROYAL'1 3 and 7." Try them if you want a good smoke. BEST BRANDS CHEWING TOBACCO. Don't forget that we haye a fresh stock of gal; den seeds i And if you need a prescription carefujiiy and ac curately compounded, day or night, be: sure and call on us. "Choice line of Confectioneries always os band. isjf25-6w - IWO'"' mel; at the game time, antiroly free from nauseating and debilitating consequences following the use of that mineral. , I very cheerfully recommend your NOLAN DINE for the diseases enumerated on your circulars, and am convinced, from persoual benefit derived from its use, that it must become a standard family lm dic.ine TA?I?PtaT1Slie in tne verr lliM estimate I place on NOLANOINE, and trust it will he universale known and be, as it should be, the means of taking the place of mineral preparations for that class or' diseases in which it has proved so successful and already trained such a reputation. Hoping that NOLANBIXE may reach all persons suffering from bilious derangement and prostration from chronic, diseases, I am, Very respectf ullv vonrs, JOHN W. C S.RDWEL.,. Chills and l over. Fleet, Kixo and Qi eex Oorvrv, Ya., . . January 31, 1S8T. I was afflicted with chills and fever during the fall of last year. I could stop them with quinine, but they wouldn't stay stopped. Thev would return the r,t!i 14th, 21st or 28th days. A friend t;ave me par: of a bottle of NOLANDINE. I ue.i it according to di rections, and haven't had a chill since. Am in good health and weigh as much or more than r ever did E.S.WILSON. "Civer Iiivijroralor. - . , . IficnMoxn, Ya. DearStrl very cheerfully testify to the unexcelled ?ttli;'iVy 80 fr as Uy experience extends, of N'OLAN lil.Nhaa an alterative and liver invigorator In it. own case it hits proven a most cllicient n-niedv, anil yet been free from the Injurious effects so often fol lowing the use of other medicines. F. II. ALFRIENI). Blood Poisoning; Hk umond, Y,., Jul' I:!, 1--7. J. TV. JnJmMon, Proprietor Xobuuline: Dear Sir I have taken your NOLANIHXK for lnh ltual constipation of eight years standing, durintf which timi: 1 have trh-d manv preparations, hut I'll! not receive any relief until I used your prepamtioi!, for which I have received immediate and pennant-!.. henelits. Was also sull'ering with malarial ami hi i poisoning, i am now free from all suelu-omplieaiioii-! and, am happy to say, en joying exceptioiiallv ;'." ' nealth. Yours truly, J. Ti. DOWPRN, Proprietor of Dowdeu's Dental 1 lui l Derasig'ement of the I.iver. Ricii.Moxn, Ya., July, l--". This Is to certify that I have known of the superior qualities of JOHNSTONS YKOKTAI'.LK N 1 1 . A N DINK lor the past ten years, and during that time, ui iiiti rvals, have had occasion to use it in person and s.i my family, and have always found it a sure cure derangement of the liver and kidneys, indigest.' headache, ,c and a good touie. L.C.DAVIS SOI North Fit tli hire, :. Ielicate Females. 412 Eas r Bkoad Sr., Rn iimon o. . J. TV. Johnnton.- I feci it hut just to recommend vonr valuahh i;'- ;-icin-, NOLAN DINK, for any trouhle caused hv (.!' pid liver, or constipation produced by morphine any drug used to subdue pain. As a tonic: lor leu -o 3 it is unsurpassed-. The ahove you are heartily welcome to use in way you deem best, and 1 will personally tell an v. hat it will do on application. Respectfully, MRS. A. E. ANTIION " jlannfaetnrcdby ;.theNOL ANDINE C OMPANY, Richmond. V i. -s u ; Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. For sale bv J. G Hall, S. S, X Haithcock & Co., Davis, Thomaa & Co., and Furman & Hays,

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