THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER. THE LATEST NEWS. lOO LOTS O WHAT IS TRANSPIRING AT HOME H AND ABROAD. :JYT: EOXBOEO, IbT CJ SO O o .r o! lutervt From All l'oints KeiorlMl in Our Kx-linn:eH, ilv "iitf h iH.oral" f Current j;'lil"- General .John C. Fremont died in New v0ik July 1:5 . , n entire South Carolina town had no census taken. arin Kmope. U K:ins:is City and Omaha Sunday the tb'ermonu'tvr went up to 104. nitrhed hsittle occurs between two f jtinns at Ysleta, Texas. One man killed. Senators Sherman, Teller and other Kepuhlh rtn Senators denounce the Force bljbe silver hill has passed the Senate an,! goes to the President for his signa- tUTwo trains collided near Pdoomington, Illinois, on the VMh and ten people were killed. IHlhs, 1V:i, had a million dollar fire on Tu.Hl:iy. P.ninswick, Ga., followed Spain hHri put a prohibitory duty on the Importation of American Hour into her West India possessions. A white man has been arrested at Dan ville Va , for making a i rininal assault li mvn daughter upon Abiakeman on the Norfolk and Caro lina railroad dies from injuries received while coupling freight cars. A cottage on Classon avenue, Brooklyn, X V.. lia been leased to a negro, and the Eeuhlis threaten to move away. A woman at Fair Haven, Vt., murdered her two children, a girl 17 and a boy 0, set tire to the house and cut her throat. It is the purpose of the Republicans in Congress to pass a reapportionment bill under the new census at the present ses sion A collision on the Chesapeake & Ohio road causes the death of one of the fire men and a tramp stealing a ride on the trucks. Detective J. W. Napier, who was out with warrants for members of the Hat field part) in West Virginia, has been as iassin.'tted. Little Canada, a village of 500 inhabi tants near St. Paul, Minnesota., was badly wrecked by a cyclone, and one entire family were blown into Lake Oervaissee. The gag law rule of the. Senate .Repub lican Caucus Committee is very ingeni ously constructed, but will effectually cut off debate so that the Election bill may be passed. ew York Democrats acknowledge the necessity for a solid Democratic front in the coming elections, and a movement for a union between Tammany and the Coun ty Democracy is on foot. Mark J. Sullivan, for neglecting to per form the cuties of census enumerator at Portland, Maine, after he was appointed, has been found guilty and held for $1,000 in the United States Court. The campaign in South Carolina is get ting hotter as the days roll by. A con vention at Columbia declared that Tilman shall not he Governor. Anti Tilman clubs are to be formed all over the State. Hanlan, Teemer, Ilosmer and Wise will accepts the challege of the Fries of Buf falo, New York, to roar them a 4 oared race for r,hoo, and the championship of the world as soon as the details can be ar ranged. At Social Cirrle, da., James Harrison, colnifd, attempted to outrage Mrs. Sarah Williams. He was captured and carried to a mill pond and has not been heard of since. He is no doubt at the bottom of the pond. After all Gov. Niehol's veto of the Lot tery bill holds goods because a member of the Senate named Fisher Smith died before the lottery men could get him to the (handier to cast his vote for the bill. Death pre vented the veto from being over ridden. A riot occurred a few days ago at Star's mill pond near GriMin, Oa., in which four negroes were killed and six wounded. Was caused by a dispute between a white man &nd a nei.',io. There were over o00 peo 11? on the ground and it a wonder that more people were not killed. lib haul Heed, 1G year old son of John Heed, who lives 4 miles from Charlotte, met w ith his death by a singular accident Satiuday. He was ploughing a field and on reaching a small ditch the horse jump ed it, throwing the plow handles against the boy a stomach. The boy was knocked senseless, in which he continued until death tiiat night. A terrible cyclone struck Lake City, Minnesota, the 13th just before dark. Everyone in doors were killed number ing ''ix) An excursion boat was on the ke iVkin was capsized with over 200 on bom-. j. A large number of children &id nearly every body on board were drowned. A large amount of property as destroyed. At last accounts about 80 dies had been recovered from the lake. It w as only la9t week a cyclone passed over 8 Prtioa of Iowa and 700 people were killed. Ringing Noises In the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing JUi.rt, are caused by catarrh, that exceed disagreeable and very common disease, c-f smell or hearing also result from bio"""' Hou(1's Sarsaparilla, the great . a Iufler, is a peculiarly successful rem- lne h thU disease which n cures by Purify Bar v blood- lf yu suffer from catarrh, try s Sarsaparilia, the peculiar mictae. 1 I 3fai3u8aBsasfeert3fc "' V&Kxir je " .J-- r". ,f August -20tl", 1890 These lots are conveniently and beauti fully located, and streets have been laid olT and nicely graded, giving sidewalks to each lot. Koxboro is the county seat of Person, situated in one of the finest tobac co sections in North Carolina, midway be tween Durham and South Hoston, on the Durham & Lynchburg Kailroad, where the projected road from Greensboro, to con nect with the Atlantic & Danville railroad, crosses. Roxboro has a population of four or five hundred, '7 stores, and others being MISCELLANEOUS. We Do Not Try -to soar as nmn- Above Our Competitors AS THE- Above Ttie Eartla, r.UT WE DO CLAIM TO IT AVE 1W0N THE CONFIDENCES OF THE PEOPLE OF GRANVILLE by Fair Dealing, and we intend to hold it as long as Honest, Upright and Square Business Transactions are appre ciated. IMPROVE Al PROVE 7-OUR . OUR APPEARANCE ! PPEARANCE ! A little thing here and there added to your toilet makes a decided IMPROVEMENT. Dress Goods. Those of you who are in search of Dress Goods can find a selec tion that embraces everything new and desirable, and such things as Linings, Buttons, Silk, Twist, Hooks and Eyes and Whalebone, can be had according to your wants. Embroideries. Exquisite patterns, all widths, in Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg. Skirting and Flouncing in endless variety. Kid Gloves. Did anybody ever see such a splendid assortment ? All lengths and shades. Shoes. We have the styles and quali ties just to suit you, (in hand or machine made). Our ladies' shoes were manufac tured expressly for our trade and cannot be beat. Gents' Furnishing Goods. We have the latest style Shiits, Collars, Cuffs, Cra vats, etc. I f you want a nice nobby straw hat or a fine felt hat, we are sure to please you, so come and see for yourself. We carry a large line of Trunks, Grip Sacks, China and Japanese Matting cheaper than you have ever seen Carpets and Rugs, Door Mats, Crockery and Glass Ware, which must be sold at greatly re duced prices. We are determined to sell, and, as our prices are ridiculously low, we consider this your opportunity to buy at a saving PARIS BROS., apr22-6m Opposite Court Bouse. EAGLE ts S555j erected, 2 drug stores, 2 milliner7 stores, 2 carriage factories, 1 harness and saddle factory, 3 repairing shops, 1 flouriDg mill, 1 saw mill, 2 tobacco factories already built, and the Farmers' Alliance are mak ing arrangements to build a very large to bacco factory, 1 large brick warehouse for the sale of leaf tobacco is nearing comple tion, and others to be built, and several prize houses will be erected in time for handling the 1890 crop. We do not claim that Roxboro will be a RICHMOND BTJSINES DIRECTORY. LOUIS RICH & CO., S TENCIL CUTTERS RUBBE I UBBEAL OTAM 13 I "IITOHKEKC OTAMX I YV OUKEKU AND S , SEAL ENGRAVER WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 110! AIA1N STREET, RICHMOND, VA j an 31 -6m T. C. HICKS, WITH J8!iN A. KSi5Z WHOLESALE CANDIEQ ANDIEO AND J.MiUITQ 1 RU1TIO. 1306 AIALN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. jan31-6m G. W. DAVIS, THE LEADING . R OF RICHMOND. 827 BROAD STREET, NEAR 9TII. st PREMIUM AT THE VIRGINIA EXPOSITION.53& Visit his gallery and you will be pleased. jan31-t;m J. H. BROWN, PROPRIETOR CAPITOL MARBLE 5 GRANITE WORKS Cor. A1AIN and MADISON STREETS, RICHMOND, Va. MONUMENTAL ARCHITECT "T AND BUILDE-TV. STATUARY AND RUSTIC WORK A SPECIALTT. fSPHeadstones and all cemetery work done at short notice and at lowest prices. Tiles, Alantles and job work promptly attended to. jan31-(im T. C. BAIN, Trustee, FOR H. M. SSSH & CO., BOX 8, RICHMOND, Va.. Atanufactnrers of Smith's Genuine Straw Cut ter, Smith's Patent Well Fixtures, Planters, Ele vators and Tobacco Shapes. Correspondence Invited. jan31-(im J. W. RANDOLPH I ENGLISH, 1302 & 1304 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, Va., PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS and BLANK BOt)K MANUFACTURERS. Having the largest assortment in the Southern States, "we ofler unusual inducements to' purchasers of LAW AND SCHOOL BOOKS, MEDICAL, THE OLOGY. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY', TRAV ELS, NOVELS, POETRY, SCIENCE, MISCELLANY, CON FEDERATE AND RARE WORKS, Etc. Old Books and Pamphlets Bought for Cash, or taken in Exchange. jan31-ly ST. CLAIRE HOTEL, Corner Ninth .and Grace Streets, RICHMOND, VA. mi TTtnl 4V,vnta nnnn thf bpniltiful CaD- A lie auuiciiun-i nw.ivi' r . Aiovatpii rpmrnl ana iasniona- iui jrariv iiv viv ble portion of the city. Strictly First-class in ALL ITS APPOINTSJUJSJN is. Rates $2.00 and 2.50 per day. C. G. PETITT, Proprietor, Late of BollingbrooK Hotel, Petersburg, Va. B, t. WILKINSON, Chesterfield Co., Va. J I H i O T I O I G I R I A I P I II I E I I II i O I T j O j G I R I A f P I II I E Hi a. REAM E;5 2. j 3 I H I tS - ' . - "S. T T 7J'1 7t v fMOREH EAD V 'hi Ft at n i - s. 03 98 97 At Auction magic city, but do believe, owing to the advantages of the location, that it will grow and increase far beyond many places that have formed large land and improve ment companies, and are being boomed as the coming cities of the nation, where land is being sold at fancy prices. In fact, Roxboro has the foundation upon which to build, superior to many of these places. Remember, these lots have not been sold to stock companies at high prices, so PROFESSION AL. D It. J. E. WYCHE, DENTAL SURGEON, OXFORD, N. C. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Rooms in Herndon Bank Building TM. HAYS, M. I., OXFORD, N. C, Offers to the Public liis Services as Prac titioner of Medicine in All of its liranclies. prOffice in Herndon Block, No. 3. Office nours tromw until 10 a. m. C, I. II. FORT, M. !., I. D. S., OXFORD, N. C, Respectfully solicits the patronage of the peo ple of Granville county. He is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work in a satisfactory manner. Office in old CooDer Buildinp-, up stairs. J. T. STRAY HCjRN . W. M. WARLICK. gTRAYIIORX VARLirK, Attorrieys-at-Ivaw, Will practice in the Courts of Granville, Person and Caswell Counties. Office at Col. Hargrove's old law office. jyl-ly A. HICKS, Attorney at ILaw ami Xotary Public OXFORD, N. C, and T. HICKS, Attorney-at-Law, HENDERSON, N. C. Will practice together in the Courts of Granville Vance, Franklin, and Warren Counties, and in all matters requiring their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent, and faithful atten tion to business to deserve and receive a portion of the law business of this section. Alex. J. Feild. JpEII.1) A ROYSTER, Bev. S. Royster Attorneys at Law, OXFORD, N. C. Office: No. 4 Herndon Block, No. 3. SCOTPS EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Diseases CURES Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the -Hypophos-phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists, 8CQTT DOWNS, ChmlstvltjY - ' r ' - Aifi i v ; I Z9 VIS I Z? 1 16. fiAvVt-E NUEj if of rf I 1 .,. I i 5" 19. 61' feSXR EE 8: August you will have the chance of becoming the original purchaser and get in on the ground floor. This is a fine opportunity for an invest ment. No danger of a relapse, for Rox boro has a sure, steady, healthy growth, with a bright future. There is a good demand in Roxboro for houses at this time. ESF'Be sure to attend the sale, or you may regret your lost opportunity. Special trains will be run from Lynch MISCELLANEOUS. Uorft All Come HT 0NC YOU CAN BUY ANY LADIES' COST I $2.75 Slipper at $1.75 $2.50 Slipper at $1.65 Yoli may have any Gent's Straw Hat in the house at Cost. Big stock on hand, and I need the room they occupy. Reduction to take effect July 15. Yours to command, B T Retwlins. Can't charge goods, at these prices. 196 jj7 SUKBWnVEJ U I la M l I gaAV PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. PERFECTION Our Patent Roller Flours are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAINABLE. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, The Premier Flour of America, Is Unsurpassed for Bread, Biscuit or Pastry. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, ROLANDO CHOICE PATENT PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT, BALDWIN FAMILY, G. A. OainU 1 - - . s--tr W v V, -fifty, we N tit SOtli, 1890. burg and Durham, on the morning of the 20th, to accommodate all wishing to at tend the sale, or isit Roxboro, at reduced rates. HIEverybc.dy is invited to go. Terms of Sale: One-half cash ; balance in twelve months. For further particulars call on, or ad dress W. W. KITCHEN, Esq , at Rox boro, N. C , or the undersigned, at Dur ham, N. C. II. A. REAMS, Attorney. SLIPPER 1N THE HQUSE flI COST I 1 $2.25 Slipper at $1.50 1 $2.00 Slipper at $1.25 though, rr THE PREMIER FLOUR OF AMERICA. ESTABLISHED 1774. IN FLOUR. ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, MAPLETON FAMILY. Mailac rarm GofflDany 214 COMMERCE ST., BALTIMORE, MD: