THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER MISCELLANEOUS. COMBINED WITH GREAT REFRACTING POWER. THEY ARK A9 TRANSPARENT AND COLOR- IJES3 AS TJGIIT ITSELF. And for poftnens of endurance to the eye? cannot be excelled, enablimr the wearer to read lor hours without fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect Sight PRESERVERS. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United States, governors, senators, legislators, stockmen, men of note in all professions and in different branches of trade, hankers, mechanics etc., can be given who have had their sight ini proved by their use. All Eyes Fitted, AND THE FIT GUARANTEED lt' J. G. HALL, Oxford, N. C. WTheae classes are not supplied to peddlers atanypriCe' A. K. IIAWKES. WHOLESALE DEPOTS: Atlanta, CJeorqia, Austin, Texas. THE OXFORD Saie anfl Harness House, (COMMERCIAL AVENUE,) OPPOSITE BANNER WAREHOUSE. Saddles, Harness, Collars, Collar Pads, Wagon and Buggy Whips, Buggy Robes, Saddle Blank ets, Rubber and Woolen Horse Covers, Bitts, Buckles, Spurs, Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil, and all kinds horse ecoods. HAND-MADE HARNESS A SPE CIALTY. Also a good stock Shoe Finding of all kinds. Prices Lower than ever before. Come and look before you buy. Respectfully, JOS S. HALL, TT7 X) TTORNER O SO V . J . JlIorner vo., Manufacturers of FARM "tTTAGONS rpOBACCO TkRAYS ARM AGONSa X OBACCO LRAYS AND- TV AREHOUSE AREHOUSE TRUCKS I RUCKS : DANVILLE, Va, We are prepared to do first-class work in car riage and buggy repairing at lowest prices. Write us for what you want and we will gladly quote you the lowest prices for first-class work. mani8-tjanl HART AR J- 1 T AWRENOT7 iX LawrencxL, (Successors to Hart, Lawrence & Cochran,) Oxford, N. C. m Spring & Slimmer 4 GOODS ! GOODS ! OUR stock of DRESS "lOODS RESS VJTOODS " DRESS OODS RESS VJfOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. M OH AIRS, HENRIETTAS, CASH- merea, Pobes, Plaid and Striped Novel ties, and all new things in Woolen Dress Fabrics, Flonncings, Plain Checked and Striped White Goods in Big Variety. J Trimmings to match all Dress Goods. GENTS' BURNISHING ENTS' X1 URNISIIING JT OODS. OODS. TECKWEAR, E. & Y. COLLARS and Cuffs, (Best Made); All the Latest Styles. All the Latest Shapes in Stiff and Strati Hats. Handkerchiefs in endless variety. OSS s HOE II OE DEPARTMENT f EPARTMENT JTADIES' and GENTS' HAND-MADE Shoes, of the Best Makes, besides Shoes of all grades and prices. MILLINERY!! jyjISS IDA NORWOOD, OF BALTI- more, a Milliner of Long Experience and Artistic Taste, has charge of this Depart ment, and is prepared to supply our cus tomers with all the latest Fashions and Novelties of the Season. HART & LAWRENCE. raar284 GRANVILLE COUMT THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND INTEREST PROTECTED, ITS What is CSoiitg- 011 in Different Sec lions as iatler-l ly Itio iullie Ledger llepwrters Views of Corres pondents. Af. DOINGS AT DABNEY. The Sabbath School at Harris' X Roads had children's day exercised Saturday morning. A number of the young folks visited Mr. S. D. Cullis's Saturday night, and had a pleasant time. Mr. and Mis J. E. Burroughs left Dab ney Tuesday evening for Abbeville, w here they will spend a few daTs. Mr. L. C. Paschal, of Florida, who is now visiting friends at Dabney, will wed one of Oxford's fairest young .adies some time next week. The hearse bearing the remains of Mr. John Hunt, who died at Kittrell Friday morning, passed through Dabney Satur day, followed by thirty carriages. Mr. John Smith claims to have killed a mammoth black snake Sunday night, which was disturbing his chickens. He says the snake has destroyed over thirty chickens and a large quantity of e:?gs for him this season. Moudaj' morning as Mr. King and his hands were coming down from Oxford one of the wheels of his car became loose and the car left the rails. Mr. King and the men were thrown forward upon the track, the car running up on them. No one was hurt save a few slight bruises, as ther were going up grade at the time. Had they been going down grade some of them would no doubt, have been killed. Tongs. FOR CLERK. Editor Leiger 1 have been greally pleased to hear that Capt. A. S. Peace would probably be the Democratic candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court. The party ought to jump at this opportunity ot honoring itself by honoring Capt. Peace. He is, as is well known, a gentleman of line intelligence, sterling integrity, well versed in the law (this position requires legal learning) and withal is popular with the masses. He has rendered much and valiant services to the party, having led its hosts to battle at times when there was no hope of victor'. Now that the party can and will win and needs a capable and efficient officer in this important office, it can certainly do no better than nominate Captain A. S. Peace. Let us make his nomination unanimous and then see that he is elected. This is written by one en tirely disinterested, without the knowl edge or consent of Capt. Peace. H. FROM STOVALL. Mk. Editor As the time is drawiug near for the nomination of county officers we very heartily endorse the action of the many friends of J. H. Morris, in urging him to become a candidate for Sheriff, as we think he is one of the best men in our county, and we hope he will get the nom ination, f i r we think this office cannot be tilled by any better man than Joe Morris, for he is widely known in our township as a noble and high toned gentleman, and we hope every reader of the Ledger in the county will support him in the nomina tion, for in him we recognize a true friend and brother Alliauceman, and that we need just such a man, and we heartily en dorse and recommend him as a suitable candidate for Sheriff, for us and all broth er Alliancemen to support. 11. Car load of sheet iron for tobacco flues for sale by J. F Edwards. A Fact AORTH knowing is that blood cli. V eases which all other remedies fail to cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Fresh confirma tion of this state ment comes to baud daily. Even such deep-seated and stubborn com plaints as Rheu matism, Rheuma tic Gout, and the like, are thorough ly eradicated by the use of this won derful alterative. Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th street, New York, certifies : " About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise-, meat in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months. I am pleased to say that it effected a com plete cure, and that I have since had no return of the disease." "Mrs. L,. A. Stark, Nashua, X. H., writes: "One year ago I was taken ill with rheumatism, being confined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debilitated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon re covering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." "I have taken a great deal of medi cine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I felt its beneficial' effects before I had quite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify that it is the best blood medicine I know of." Li. W. Ward, Sr., Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price $ 1 ; eix bottles, $5. Worth $5 a botilw. Complimentary. A Raleigh gentleman who visited Ox ford on Sunday last in a communication to the Visitor says many kind things about Oxford,and the many imp' ovements that are going on, iucluding the big boom of the Land Improvement Company and concludes with the following: We heard but little of politicial matters, but it was apparent that Oxford is much "tickled" at the compliments recently received at the hands of conventions. It is not, we hope, infringing upon our strict neutrali ty to say that the people are enthusiastic over the nomination of their favorite for Congress, and will give him a most cor dial support. In a word the good people of Granville, than whom there are none better in the land, have ample cause to be proud of their beautiful county seat destined, as it is, at no distant day, to rank among the most progiessive cities in our fair Southland. Ayer's Hair yigor has long held the first place, as a hair-dressing, in the esti mation of the public. Ladies find that this preparation gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and gsntlemen use it to prevent baldness and cure humors in the scalp. Large stock Wagon and Buggy material for sale at J. F. Ed wares'. Blue Viiir Copper Mines. Mr. W. linker, of Raker City, Granville County, called to see us on Wednesday, and reports a very flattering outlook for the mining interests of his section. He will leave to day for Pennsylvania in the interest of his company. Prof, Woods, of Missouri, a mineralogist of large experf ence, has put the concentrating machinery at the mines in first class condition, and good results are now being made in that line. A large force of hands are now at work sinking the main shaft of the mine 300 feet deeper, and splendid results will naturally follow. They haye also made an important dis covery of a large vein of iron ore, and a force of hands are now engaged in open ing up the mine. This ore has already been tested and is classed with the very best, having assayed 67 per cent. Good board, fire-wood, oil 'etc., for $15 per month, near Oxford Female Seminary and Horner School. Apply at this office. Buy the lightning fruit jar, the best in use from J. F. Edwards Remember Time and Place. You should remember the 20th day of August as one of great importance to you, for on that day there will be sold, in the growing town of Roxboro, 100 beautiful as well as valuable lots. Excursion trains will be run from Lynchburg and Durham and an immense crowd will be in Rox boro. These lots are conveniently and admirably located, and streets have been laid off and nicely graded, giving side walks to each lot. Roxboro is in one of the finest tobacco sections in the State. This is a fine opportunity for investment. No danger of a relapse, for Roxboro has a sure, steady, healthy growth, with a bright future. There is a good demand in Rox boro for houses at this time. See adver tisement elsewhere. Dr. C. D. H. Fort has just received a fresh supply of Mayo'a Vapor, ror pain less extraction of teeth. Bring your orders for tobacco flues to J. F. Edwards. Par Excellence! We are always glad to mention through the columns of the Public Ledger, any thing that will tend to the advancement of our public schools or the encourage ment of the teachers. We are led to this remark by a conversation which we had with Prof. W. II. P. Jenkins, our most worthy Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, a few days ago, when he took occa sion to compliment in the highest degree, Miss Lucy M. Stuart, who presides over the public school at Bullock, saying that "she was more thoroughly up on the new methods of teaching, and with all, one of the best informed persons he had ever examined." For Sale An elegant new Brussels Carpet, two large for my house, Apply at once to Dr. J. M. Hays. ... It Rubber Belting and Packing at J. F. Edwards'. l"rienls of tlie Orphanage. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company will sell parties attending the annual meeting Friends of the Orphanage round tsip tickets to 1 homasville, N. C, July 28 to 30 inclusive, good returning until and including August 2, 1890, at fol lowing rates from points named: From Charlotte $2.60, Salisbury $1.20, Greens boro .90, Winston Salem $2.10, Durham $2.60, Raleigh $3.40, Henderson $3.85, Selma $4 05, Goldsboro $4 40. Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Large stock of Iron Age Cultivators and Double Shovel Plows for sale by J. F. Edwards. Large stoc k Paints and Oils at J. F. Ed wards'. Oak Ridge Institute. We note with pride the increasing popularity of Oak Ridge Institute in Guilford county, N. C. Its enrollment during the scholastic year of '89 90, reached 267. This places it in the lead among Southern schools. The reasons are plain for this unprecedented prosper ity. It combines cheapness and thor oughness with splendid new buildings and furniiure, while beauty and health fullness of location, it is unsurpassed. See advertisement please. ABOUT THE GOLDEN LEAF. THE DOINGS OF OUR WAREHOUSE MEN. DEALERS AND SELLERS. Personal Paragraphs Concerning Prices Large Shipments from Vir ginia and South Carolina and East ern Worth Carolina. R. I. Mulchi sold load at Alliance Friday for 35, 29, and 24. J. F. Currin sold load at Alliance Tuesday for 22J, 27, 32 and 25. Walker & Woods sold load at Banner for 10, 50, 24, 29, 40, 13, and 29 N." A. Norwood sold load at Alliance on Tuesday for 16, 30, 25, and 11. E. T. Chappel sold at Alliance on Tuesday for 2&M, 40, 25, 29, and 223. T. N. Oakley sold one load at Alli ance Friday, for 35,' 17)4, 25, 25, and 2iy2. G. T. Peace sold load at Banner Wed nesday for 35, 40, 16K 25, 12, 20, anu- 24- I R. A. Daniel sold with Meadows Sf Wilkinson one load 19 33, 40, 51, ami Walker and Clay sold load at Banner Tuesday for 19, 29, 12, 40. 35, 50 an 22M- J E. Sherman sold load with Davis S Gregory Tuesday for 18, 20, 24, 30, 23 and 11. Walker & Beasley sold load at Ban ner Tuesday for 22, 45, 33, 30, 50, 24, 14, and 10. L. V. Peace sold load at Bullock fc Mitchell Tuesday for 18,40,30,56,48. 30, and 17. S. L. Elliott sold with Meadows & Wilkinson Friday for 35, 26, 48, 29 1, 21M and 16. J. .1. Lawson and son sold load with Meadows &, Wilkinson Friday for 21, 20, 44, and 31. i J. C. Currin sold load with Meadows & Wilkinson Tuesday for 29, 42, 42. 4 IK, 23, and 14. Boyd & Robinson sold load a few days ago with Davis & Gregor' for llf, 15, 22 1, 30 and 16. J John Nelson, of Person, sold loaji with Meadows & Wilkinson Friday far 36, 25, 46i, 56, and 36. L. F. Lucas sold shipment with Dayis & Gregory a few days ago for 13, 20,35, 14. 11. 12i, 27, 25, 17 and 21. Dyspepsia. Makes the lives of many people miserable,? and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,! heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu-i larity of the bowels, are; some of the more common! Distress After Eating symptoms. Dyspepsia doesl not get well of itself. It requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood?s Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and othei organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- . . toms removes the sympa- HlGaCrl thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. Ij had but little appetite, and what I did eat; Heart burn distressed me, or did nrie little good. In an hoiu after eating I would expe-, rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling.j as though I had not eaten anything. My trou- ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,! which is that of a painter, and from being! more or less shut up in a SOUT 1 room with fresh paint. Last spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOITiaCli rilla took three bottles. It did me immense amount of good. It gave me an? appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced.' George A, Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by aU druggists. $1 ; six for 5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar LEGAIj notices. Wanted ! A In ENERGETIC MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS Clothing or Tailoring, to represent ub in Ox ford and vicinity, as Sales Agent. Splendid fall and TV inter assortment now ready. WANAMAKER fe BROWN,: Philadelphia, Pa. pgpThe Largest Clothing and Merchant Tailor ing House in America. jyi8-2t Notice of Dissolution. THE FIRM OF M. F. LOONAM te CO., HAS been dissolved by the withdrawal of W. F. Rogers from said firm. The business w ill be con tinued by M. F. Loonam who assumes all the in debtedness of said firm. All persons indebted to said firm will call and settle with M. F. Loonam. W F. ROGERS. M. F. LOONAM. July 2, 1890. julv4-4w Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE SUPJS rior Court of Granville County, directed Jo the undersigned, in the case of W. H. Ballard ad others vs. W. P. White, we will seil to the high est bidder for cash, at the Court House door n the town of Oxford, on the 1th day of Aug., 180, a tract of land in Brassfields township in said comity adjoining the lands of J. B. Floyd, Her.;y Moss, Let: Jenkins and others, jaeing the laid conveyed by Betts, assignee, to W. W. Gresin, on April 30, 1886, by deed recorded on page 55, book 25, of the records in office of Registerlnf Deeds of Granville county. Terms of sale Y3 eah, balance in 12 months, title reserved until pur chase money is paid. C.M.COOKE, 5 A. W. GRAHAM, f je20-lm-f Commissioners! Notice of Seizure, j THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES OF PERScl'J al property were seized by me for violation of Section 31G;, Revised Statutes of the UnitL'd States: 2 stills and fixtures seized at Club Lake, Persun County, N. C. Nov. 28, 18s.t. 1 copper still seized at Roxboro, Person Coun ty, N. C, Dec. lt, 19. 1 copper still and 15 bushels meal seized at Olive Hill, Person County, N. C, Dec. 24, 1889. 1 still cap and worm, lti beer stands and 1 tub, seized in Dutchville township, Granville County, N. C., Jan. 8, 1890. 1 barrel whiskey (25 gals.) seized in Oxford, N. (!., May 27, 1890, for being under proof, in viola tion of Internal Revenue laws. 1 barrel whiskey (44 gals.) seized in Oxford, N. C, May 27, 1890, for being under proof, in viola tion of Internal Revenue laws. Any person claiming any interest in said prop erty is hereby notified to appear before me and make claim thereto within 30 days from this date and show cmse whv the said property ehall not be forfeited to the United States. Given under my hand and seal at office this 24th day of June, 1890. . A. WHITE, je2T-lmf Collector 4th Dist. Raleigh, N, C, COUIT CALENDAP, Rule I. Suitors and witnesses will not attend until the day on whir h their cases are set. Witnesses in cases on Motion Docket will not attend fit 8,11. Rule II. The Motion Docket will be called peremptorily ou Saturdav of the first week, and may be taken up at such other times ks the Court may order. Rule III. Cases not reached on the day for which they are set will e0 over until the succeeding day, and take place at the head of that day'cal endar; then if not reached they will stand continued FIRST WEEK-CIVIL CAUSES JURY CASES. Friday, July 35th, 1890. Number 39 Sam Amis vs. Fanny Amis. 42 S. W. Mitchell vs. Willie Thorp. " 48 Tnni Carver vs. Lucy Carver. 56 -W. II. Tillotson vs. M. A. Freeborn. 65 W. H. Tillotson vs. C. M. Rogers, sheriff, &c. " 78 Rosetta Page vs. Dock Page. Saturday, July 26th, 1S90. 27 Fielding Knott vs. B. E. Parham. " 35 L. D. Tuck vs. J. A. Norwood. 41 W. W. Brummitt vs. R. H. McGuire. " 43 Lula G. Allen vs Stephen Wilkerson. 54 Sue A. Watkins vs. L. B. & C. A. Tuck. " 61 Annie Smith vs. Henderson Smith. " 66 Ann McCaddin vs. Addison McCaddin. " 69 Nancy Thorp vs. Charles Thorp. 72- R. J. Mitchell vs. James Sharkie. Monday, July 2Sth, 1890. 8 John A. Cheatham vs. W. A. Bobhitt. 4 24 Moses Carey vs. W. J. Carey. " 26 Peterson Thorp, Executor, vs. W. W. Green et al. " 44 Wm. B. Crews vs. Durham & Northern Railroid Co. " 50 Wm.T. Adams vs. Durham & Mrutbern Railroad Co. " 58 Narcissa E. Jeffreys vs. L. H. Bullock, AduiU'tor, &c. " 67Cenith Hays vs. R. A. Tunstall. 79 -A. Landis vs. Carrie Mitchell. " 81 Board Commissioners of Oxford vs. W. A. Davis et al. Tuesday, July S9, 1S90. " 6- J. M. B. Hunt et al vs. Thos. B. Venable, Executor, &c. " 13 James I. Moore vs. Robert Garner's Administrator. 32 J. W. Perry & Co. vs. J. H. A. Parham. " 36 J. H. A. Parham vs. T. W. Stovall. " 55 Robert Tunstall vs. Richard Cobb. 60 Robert Tunstall vs. Richard Cobb. 70 John H. Wimbish & wife vs. Mary L. Hargrove, Ex'(rix,etc. 71 E.O. Taylor, Adm'r of &c. vs. Mary L. Hargrove, Ex'trixetc! 75 A. J. Johnson vs. W. VV. Cozart. Wednesday. July 30th, 1890. 47 John R. Taylor & wife vs. Q. T. Sikes. " 16 Robert Gilliam & wife vs. Geo. W. Watkins, Adm's, &c. " 33 E. J. Forbish, Adm'r, &c. vs. H. A. Bullock et al. " 38 Leonard H. Bullock vs. Bank of Oxford. 49 Perry & Patterson vs. Duncan Bragg. " 62 Wm.Cheatham & wife vs People's IS & L. Ass.of Oxford et al. 64 W. J. Norwood vs. Burgen Mathews. " 73 B. S. Royster, Adm'r. &c. vs. G. B. Royster, Adm's, &c. " 77 Lula Hedgepeth vs. Turner Hedg-epeth. 80 W. T. Townes & Co. vs. CharlesM. Fleming et al. Thursday, July 31st. 1890. " 45 Thos. D. Clement, Adm'r, etc vs. W. V. Cozart, Adm'r, etc. 51 W. R. Kivett vs. B. II. Cozart. " 52 VV. R. Kivett vs. B. H. Cozart. " 53 W. R. Kivett vs. B H. Cozart. 57 B. II. Cozart vs V. R Kivett. 76 C. M. Rogers, sheriff vs. Robert Allen. " 82--Enoch Thorp vs. Amanda Oakley. 83 A. N. Bank of S. Va. vs. i. H. McGuire. MOTION DOCKET. Number 1 Thos. S. Royster vs. W. M. Sneed. it t. ( t u ( it ( t t( it 11 (i ( 2 B'd Corn's Granville Co. vs. R. G. Sneed. 3 John G. Jones vs. R S. Burnett. 4 T. B. Kings'bury vs. J. C. Cooper, trustee. 5 Samuel H. Perry vs. W. T. Adums. 7 Sallie H. Royster et al, ex-parte. 9 W. II. Ballard vs. Wiilis Rowe. 10 J. R. Gay et al, vs. A. L. Davis, adm'r, &c. 11 Jos. G. Lewis vs Sylvester Johnson. 12 Bank of Oxford vs. B ibbitt and Hines. 14 L. C. Edwards vs. Archibald Kearney. 15-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-25-28-29-30-31-34-37-40-46-59-63-68-74- -J. A. Cheatham vs. B. F. Cheatham. -County Board of Education vs. State Board of Education. -D. N. Daton vs. B. H. Cozart. -Lula G. Allen vs. John H. Royster, et al. -J. L. Sandford vs J. D. Puryear. -W. H. Ballard vs. W. P. White. -D. C. Farabow vs. Elizabeth Green, et al. -John R. Taylor and wife vs. W. D. Kimball et al. -E. J. Forbish, adm'r, &c, vs. Lawson Forsjth, et al. -Sandy Kittrell vs. Mary G. Kittrell. -B. S. Royster adm'r. vs. Ann Christmas. -A. B. Andrews vs. W. J. Robards. -L. A. Past hall, adm'r, &c, vs. Judith W. Hanison. -Calvin Waller vs. William Bowling. -J. F. Rogers, et al, vs. Bank of Oxford. -A. Y. Dement vs. B. S. Royster, adm'r. -A. H. A. Williams vs. L. H. Bullock, adm'r, &c. -h. Woodliff, adm'r, &c, vs. Sarah J. Bragg, et al. WOOTTON'S PATENT WIRE TOBACCO HANGERS ARE THE BEST, SIMPLEST AND CHEAPEST WIRE HANGERS IN THE MARKET. Cure the Leaves Only. We claim that these hangere are cheaper than any other; are detachable, and any number can be used per stick; insure a uniform barn of to bacco; more tobacco can be cured per barn; to bacco brings better prices; does not brui-e; stalk is nor cured, saving fuel and time Any bam can be used. Sample eent with pamphlet for 5 cents postage. Inquire for them of your storekeeper or agent. If they do not keep them send to us. AGENTS WANTED. Tobacco Hanger MTi Co. je3-3m Houston, Halifax Co., Va. J. D. tJrinkley, Artist in Instantaneous PHOTOGRAPHV HOTOGRAPH A PHOTOGRAPH V HOTOGRAPH 1 -OXFORD, N. C- F INEST WORK- ieS -LOWEST FIGURE Remember 1 make enlarging a special feature in my business. Bring me that old tintype, ria- fuerreotype, old faded photo, or whatever it may e, and have it enlarged. ATS. T. Lyon, Agent for --TALLEr "VfUTUAT - V ALLE i I 1VL UTU A J. -INSURANCE COMPANY.- OXFORD, N. C. This is one of the safest and most reliable Life insurance Companies doing business in the State. If you desire to take out a policy be sure to give me a call, as it will be money in your pocket. AMERICAN HOTEL! (COR. TWELFTH AND MAIN STS.,) RICHMOND, VA. fl. D. ATKINSON. PROPRIETOR. Rates $3, $3.50 nd $8 per day. Special rates for Commerci&i Trajeieri. fefc35-ij " vs. v . H. Garner, adm'r, et al. " vs. vs. To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take J the eafe and certain remedy, jJ OB 0 1 Use the Size (40 little Beans to the bottle), thby ake the most convenient- fc iittlle tar all Agea- Price of eitlier size, S5c. per Bottle. KISSING Mailed for 4 cts. (co PHOTOQRAVURE PANEL SIZ- a. (co&peri &r stacks). J.F.SMITH &, CO.Makersof 'BILE BEANS, ST. 10UIS Mi. PUREST. CHEAPEST. STOUTEST Superior to all Substitutes, for raising anJ making light, nutritious, healthy, ai.d digestible Biscuits, Bread. tea-Cake, Pies, Muffins. Watties, Johnny-Cake, Corn-Bread. Short-Cake, Put-PicS, Dumplings, Boiled Puddings, and Buck!. eat. Quarter-Pound Cans. & Cents. SolJ bi an Grocers and Country M -rchants. OBEW MANUFACTURING CO., BALTIMORE, MO For Sale by Job Osborn, Manufacturer's Agent, Oxford, H. C m mor LOSTorFATXINO MAKHOOO HQeneral and NEKV0U3 LfBlIIX f I ! IWeakness of Body and Mi&d, dtt LUof Error or Exoei.e in Old or Tousf. BebBtt, iicbl HASHOOU folly Bestorod. How to ealarga &trMtWlUK,lJSBEYi.OFSDOR.AJi8APART0 BoCI. Absolutely BflllBB HOXS TREATMENT Bni ia Bea Ufy fron SO BUUs tad 4relga Cooatrts. rH Uau JiaMriptlo Book, i,!atloa ad proof fr Addrts CHifi MEDiCAU CO., BUFFALO,. V. Mind wandering cured. Booki Itsarnei ia one nuiiug. Testimonials from pans ui mo fciutra. '-"----iiiEE, Sfcnt ou application to r'"'- . - ..... . I . , . . . M...bnu.'l i.. fUD cured at home with- out pain. Book of par- ticulars sent rBEfe. r i wnni.r.EY.M.D. Atlanta, G. OMce myz Wiiifefcsul h V Sm UE3 Wl rrrinjinnnpn I I f 1 IN ,;

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