THE SEMI-WEEKLY PUBLIC LED GEE. MISCELLANEOUS. COMBINED WITH G Pi EAT REFRACTING POWER. THEY AUK AS TRAXSPAHKST AND COLOR LESS AS LIGHT ITSELF. And for foftuffs of eniluranee to the eye eannot be excelled, enablim.' the wearer to read lor hours without fatiiiue. In fact, they are Perfect Sight PJUCSEUVEIiH. Testimonial from the leading physicians in the I'nited Stales, tjoveriior, senators, legislators, stockmen, men of note in all professions and in different branches of trade, bankers, mechanics etc., can he iiven who have had their sight mi proved hv their use. All Eyes Fitted, AND T1IK KIT GUARANTEED liV J. G. HALL, Oxford, N. 0. tWThepe glasses are not supplied to peddlers atflUyl,,i0- A.K.HAWKES. WHOLESALE DEPOTS: Atlanta, Georgia. Austin, Texas. THE OXFORD (COMMERCIAL AVENUE,) OPPOSITE BANK EH WAKEIIOUSE. Saddles, Harness, Collars, Collar Pads, Wagon and Uusrirv Whips. Uuiriry Robes, Saddle .Blank ets, Rubber ami Woolen Horse ('overs, Hitts. Buckles, Spurs. Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil, and all kinds horse iroods. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPE CIALTY. Also a pood stock Shoe Finding of all kinds. Prices Lower than ever before. Come and look before you buy. .Respectfully, 3 3. HALL, J I LoiiNEU KJO.) Manufacturers of FARM rAGONS rpoUACCO TRAYS ARM ACOAS, lOBACt'U JliAVS -AND- WAREHOUSE TRUCKS I RUCKS ; AKEllOUSK -DANVILLE, Va, We are prepared to do first-class work in car riage and buggy repairing at lowest prices. Write us for what you want and we will gladly quote yon the lowest prices for first-class work. maris-tjanl HAUrp l T AWUENCriT Altl lAWHENC-ll, (Successors to Hart, Lawrence & Cochran,) Oxford, N. C. 4 m Spring & Summer GOODS ! f GOODS ! OUll STOCK OF Dress noons RESS IJTOODS Dress ress G1 OODS JOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. "jyjOHAIRS, HENRIETTAS, CASII- mpres, Pobes, Plaid and Striped Novel ties, and all new things in Woolen Dress Fabrics, Fiouncings, Plain Checked and Striped White Goods in Iig Variety. JjT" Trimmings to mutch all Dress Goods. CI ENTS' TU UN 1 8 II I NO ( CENTS' X1 URNIHIIING VX OODS. )ODS. JECK WEAK, E. & W COLLARS and Cnffs, (Itot Iade); All the Latest, Styles. All the Latest Shapes in Still and Stra Hats. Handkerchiefs in endless variety. OUR OHOE TEPARTMENT t UR OlIOE Uepartment I JADIES' and GENTS' HAND-MADE Shoes, of the Rest Makes, besides Shoes of all grades and prices. MILLINERY!! jyjr ISS IDA NORWOOD, OF RALTI- raore, ft Milliner of Long Experience and Artistic. T?iSte, has charge of this Depart ment, and is prepared to supply our cus tomers with all the latest Fashions and Novelties of the Season. HART & LAWRENCE. mar28-l Saddle aid Harness House, Our Public Roads. It is a well known fact that Granville is far behind a large number of counties as to public roads. For years it has been said we had the worst roads of any county in the State. We are glad to see that steps are daily bring taken to relieve our county of that stigma, and the man who has shouldered such an enormous burden is A. W. Graham, Esq. His shoulders are broad and he is determined to stand up under it if the people will only prop him up sufticiciently with enough silver dollars to buy h rock crusher. When he has worked a b id piece of road he can at once macadlmiz- it, at d the people will have first-class roads travel over. We had the pleasure of accompanying Mr. Graham a few days since over that portion of the Oak Hill road that is re ceiving his attention, and found that great improvements had been made in the road bed by grading and ditching, besides re placing the old bridges that were always out of fix with large terra cotta pipe put down in such a manner as to make them perfectly solid. You could not detect any perceptable difference when you rode over them as they were so nicely put down. Where a ditch was large two of these pipes were usmi instead of one. In order that, more grading can be done at less expense Mr. Graham has just pur chased a 2 horse scraper on wheels which will be put in operation a soon as it ar rives. The iiftxt important thing Mr. Graham needs is a rock crusher, and we do not think that our citizens could in vest in anything that would bring more profit and greater benefits to the people of Oxford and Granville county than a judicious investment in a Rock Crusher. It has been fully demonstrated that any town that has good rouls leading to it is prosperous, and the farmers do not have to ruin their teams and break up their wagons to market their crops. Thus good roads confer manifold blessings on every class of the community, and on no class more than the farmers who haul their to bacco to market. We suppose the town and county commissioners could with propriety unite in an investment of this kind. Wh it do you think about it, gen tlemen ? For SssJo or ItMit. Three hundred and fifty-nine (;5fl) acres of land in Wake county near Wake Forest College, well adapted to the production of Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat and Oats. Applj' at this i-tlice. au22 lm. Commendable Move. We are gratified that the Town Com missioners are rid. I big our streets of the swarm of colored wenches that take pos session of our thoroughfares as soon as it is dark. The new law wont into effect Saturday night and now our ladies and gentlemen can walk the streets without being forced to hear all kinds of vile lan guage. Another set of hard cases, which are white, were hauled up before Mayor Smith, Saturday evening and fined for disturbing the peace and quiet of the good colored citizen3 of the Camtown neigh borhood. The little racket these women indulged in swelled the town treasury $9G. A widow, with long experience in both public and private sshools, desires a situ ation to teach in a school or private fam ily. References exchanged. Address "Teacher," 1828 Lanvale St., Raltimore, Maryland. A Graceful Reply. We thank Brother Manning for his characteristic reply to our article last week. His kindly words for Oxford ex pressed in his reply shows that his soul is not bound up in any "pent up Utica," and although we did with hurried pencil say something about his being a "little jealous," we retract even the slightest insinuation of jealously on his part. No Brother Manning in all seriousness and candor we gladly acquit you of even the slighest jealousy, and if possible will read your Gold Leaf ideas with more pleasure thinever. Your paper is a credit to yourself, and the go-ahead and pro gressive town of Henderson in whose prosperity we rejoice. Snow's Patent Tobacco Hangers for sale by Owen, Barbour & Smith. The Celebrated Panacea Water. The grandest remedy for dyspepsia, chronic darrlma. scrofula, eczema, piles, etc. Superb for weak and puny children. The great and appetizer and blood puri-tier- Sold at the Oxford g Stores. If your druggist does not keep it sornl $4 for a case f. o. b. at Ltttleton, N. C. to John A. Williams, head agency for U. S. A.. Oxford, N. C. Don't read! Don't think! Don't be lieve! Now, are you better? You wo men who think that pacent medicines are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro scription the biggest humbug of the whole (because it's best known of all) does your lack-of-faith cure come? It is very easy to "don't" in this world. Suspicion always comes more easily than confidence. But doubt little faith never made a sick woman well and the "Favor ite Prescription" has cured thousands of delicate, weak women, which makes us think that our "Prescription" is better than your "don't believe." We're both honest. Let 11s come together. You try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do as represented, you get your in one' again. Where proof's so easy, can 3'ou afford to doubt. Little but active are Dr. Pieice's Pleas and Pellets. Best Liver Pills made; gentle, yet thor ough. They regulate and invigorate the liver, stomach and bowels. Too Public Ledger 4 months for 50 cents. Oxford Female Seminary. We champion the patronage of home industries aid institutions, and in 'this connection would call the attention of the people of this section to the Oxford Fe rn tie Seminary as an educational institu tion of unsurpassed advantages, now un d.?r the able administration of Prof. N. Penick, a gentleman of the most envious intellectual attainments and social polish. The organization of every department of the school is equal to that of any in the country, and is presided over by a corps of ladies of much' reputed fitness in every respect for their duties as teachers. Education is a subject that is engaging the attention of all people and of what ever class, the advantages of which are so great in our country, that it has become a necessity to those who wish to enter with success the competitions of life. Here is an institute at which for a moderate cost, your daughter can acquire those advant ages which make her an ornament to so ciety and prepare them for the successful administration of any and all duties en cumbent upon them. New Orleans, La., Oct. 23 1889. Wm. Ratlam, M. Iv. : Sir I cheerfully testify as to the cura tive powers of your medicine. Having been a sufferer from weak lungs, bronchial affection and indigestion, after taking three gallons of Microbe Killer all of the above symtoms have entirely disappeared. Yours etc., Tuos. L. Davis, Janitor Howard Memorial Library. For sale bv J. G. Hall Druggist, Main Street, Oxford, N. C. Democrats Waking' lTI According to appointment the Demo, crats of Salem precinct met last Saturday and organized a Democratic Club. The following ofl-icers were elected: Charles F. Crews, President; W. T. Nash, Sec'y; N. G. Crews, Treasurer. The President made some appropriate remarks in telling the aim and object of the meeting. Capt. Charles Lewis was present and made a rousing speech in the interest of the Democratic party and of Salem prectnet. Several gentlemen made speeches looking to the interest of the party in that portion of the county. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- : ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by .1. G. Hall, Druggist, Oxford. Our Canidate for Surveyor. Young Edwin Green is the son of John Blount Green, and thus sired he could not help from being a competent county surveyor. Public Ledger. Young Edwin Green, the son of his dad, In the county of Granville is the latest fad . He wants to be survej'or mighty bad, And thinks he will get it in place of a rad, Though young Edwin Green, no claim ever had, Except the mere fact that he's son of his dad. North State. We carry a big stock of Buggies and Carts. Prices to suit all. Come and see. Owen, Barbour & Smith. Rates Republican State Convention. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company will sell parties attending the Republican State Convention tickets to Raleigh, N. C, and return at the follow ing ratet for the rountrip from points named. Tickets on sale August 2oth to 28th inclusive, good until and including August 31st 1890 : From Charlotte, 7.45 Salisbury, 0.30, Greensboro, 4.30, Winston' Salem, 5.G0, Durham, 1.65, Oxford, 3.15" Selma, 1.G5, Goldsboro, 2.75. Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. We want a show at 3'our trade when anything in our line is wanted. Owen, Barbour & Smith. A Correction. Mr. II. W. Kronheimer, Editor of Day: In a card of mine in the Vum.ic Ledger of Aug. 22, there is an error. How it oc curred I do not know. It may be my fault or the printer, but I hasten to cor rect it. I am reported as saying "delin quent poll tax payer." I intended to say delinquent poll tax lister." I will make the correction in the Puijlic Ledger the first opportunity for I will not knowingly do any one injustice. I amorry the error occurred. N. B. Cannady. A lot of second hand Buggies, Wagons and Carts, for sale cheap, at Owen, Bar bour & Smith's. The next candidate for literary honors of the historico-superuatural school is said to be a son of Sir Etlwin Arnold, ilr. E. L. Arnold. His story is entitled "The Wonderful Ad ventures of Phra, the Phoenician." John Huntington and his son, W. T. R. Huntington, of Cleveland, own two of the best watches in the world. They are dupli cates and were ordered by tho senior Hunt ington in 1SS1 in Geneva, Switzerland. Tennyson has a horror of the biographer. He keeps no diary and has destroyed his cor respondence and all records of it. He is re ported to have said to a friend recently: "When I am dead I will take good care they shall not rip me up like a pig." Tlie IMilnit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. -King's New Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and mjr parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 2G lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it.' Free trial bottles at J. G. Hall's Drug Store. Regular sizes 50c. and $LQQ A Bis: Pic-Itfic. A correspondent from Huntsboro i says, the people of Salem and Dabneyl Alli ance, together with other Alliances, ipieak of consolidating and giving a granfl Ipic nic at Dabney about the 26th of Setf-m-ber. It will be held in the interest )f&he Farmers' Alliance and the Democratic - party. If these plans are cariieli out Salem will choose the two favorite! sons of our own county, Congressman A.fli. A Williams and Judge Root W. Wins on to address the large crowd on that day. The editor of the Puijlic Ledger will not be slighted. Hon. C. F. Crews, of Salem All; afire, will be expected to make some ret arks, or at least to iutroduce fome of ot Ox ford speakers. Our friends Oscar ancy, Buck Crews and the writer will e on hand; among other duties we will h ive ti perform the most important to us ili be to enjoy the sumptuous spread on the table. whatever is BuckleuS Arnica Sal ve. The best salve in the world fof Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, atfd pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 2 cent per box. For sale by J. G. Hall, Drug cist. ; TS the "ideal" Hair-dressing. lt,re I stores the color to ray hair ; promotes a fresh and vigorous growth ; prev?-nts the format i oii of dandruff; makes the hair soft ami silken; arid imparts a deli cate but lasting per fume. "Several months 'ago my liair jeom lueneed fallingT.out, and in a few v eks my head was a!ilost bald- I tried rianv remedies, but they did no good. I ijnal ly bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of theron tents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recomi.-end your preparation as the best, itif the world " T. Munday, Sharon GrovesKy. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor r a number of years, and it. has always pven me .satisfaction. It is an excellent dess ing, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures its vigorous growth.sbnd keeps the scalp white ami cleaii" Mary A Jackson, Salem, Mass. ; it "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for promoting the growth of the hair, and think it. iineqnaled. For restoring the hair t o its original color, and for a dress ing, it cannot be surpassed." Mrs Geo. La Fever, Eaton Rap-ids, Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most, excel lent preparation for the hair, I speak of it from my own experience. Its' use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy ami soft The Vipor is also a cure for dandruff." J. YT l?oven, Editor "Enquirer," McArthur, Oluf). " I have used Ayer's Hair Vig'jj' for the past two years, and found it at? it is represented to be. It restores the Natu ral color to gray hair, causes thclhair to grow freelv, and keeps it sofjj and pliant." Mis M. V. Day, Cohoes, Is. Y. "My father, at about the age of fifty, lost ail the hair from the top of his lead After one month's trial of Ayer's fllair Vigor the hair began coining, ail, in three months, he had a fine growth of hair of the natural color " P. J. Ctflleii, Saratoga Springs, Is. . Ayer's Hair Vig PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, fiass. Sold by Druggists ar.d Perfumers. LEGAL. NOTICES. Administrator's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRATOR on the estate of Mis. Desdemonia Green, de ceased, not ice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the said Mrs. Desdemonia Green to make immediate payment and settlement; and all persons holding claim? against said estate will present them for payment on or before the 5th day of August, 1M1, or this notiri;will oe plead in bar of their recovery. i ; 15. S. ROVSTER, Administrator aug.Vlmt of Mrs. Desdemonia Green.-Dec'd. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION jrN THE estate of Ilartmann II off, deceased having been granted to me on the 6th day of AmS -..ISJHI, 1 hereby not if j all persons indebted to sa,l! estate to come forward and pay the same at Since, or steps will be taken to force payment: a!iall per sons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to me at once, and if not presented before Auer. Ls'.n, this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 2oth day of Aug.. IStiO. B. S. ROYSTER, augSt; fiwt Adm'r Ilartmann Hon, pee'd. . Sale of Land. ON MONDAY, Oth OCTOBER, 1800, As COM missioner of the Court in the speeiaj! proceed ing entitled "L. G. Smith, Executor cii -Richard Thorp, deceased, against Richard ThCKri, an in fant,1'' I will offer for sale at the Court Iojise door in Oxford. N. O., a tract of land lying ii fak Hill township. Granville county. North canjilyia, con taining about. it acres, called the Puckeft Place, adjoining the lands of R. W. Lassiter, .hi, on the North, Richard Thorp on the South, !!. Rnm pass on the East and It. W. Winston on!te West Sale made to pay debts of the said tebt;Jtr, Rich ard Thorp Terms of sale eay. I f R. W. Winston, A. W. GKApfAM, an "20 lmt Attorney. Commii-iiouer. Notice. r Y VIRTUE OF AN OKDER OF STJFE- rior Court, to ns directed, in caniefentitled 'W. W. Cozart, et. al., Exparte," we vil: sell to the highest bidder at the Court House , door in Oxford, on Monday, September 1, ls'.to, all that certain tract of laiid situated in Tally ISo town ship, Granville County, known as Ihe J. O. Cozart place. Said land will be sold in lots to:suit the convenience of purchasers. Terms, ane-third cash, balance on six and twelve months' time, with interest bearing bonds, title retailed until purchase money is paid in full. J A. W. GRAIiAM, N. LUNSKOffD, angS-lmt Commissioners. Auction Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CO','pERRED on the nndersigned by a decree olf Granville Superior Court, made at the July terin thereof, in a case therein pending, entitled A. II. A. Williams vs. Len. II. Bullock, administrator of B. F. Bullock, deceased, et al." we wilf sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court Iouse door in Oxford, on loiulay. September $. 1H90. one certain lot of land in the town oflAford, in said Granville county, situate on Ora'ii e street, adjoining the lands of D. Y. Cooper, Mrs. T. L. Hargrove and others, containing one-'acre more or less, on which there is a two story dwelling house, said lot known as the Jenkins" lot. This lot was sold on June 13th, by the undersigned. A ten per cent, bid having been placed on amount at which it was struck of, it is again to be sold by order of the Superior Court. H. T. W ATKINS, B. F. BULLOCK, , Henderson,, N. C, Aug. H. lmt Comre. Heir Vigipr Avers i MISCELLANEOUS. SAMPIE FREE TIRE PROOF ROOFLVfi. The most imnnrtant If you state size roof, f001 J1 u 18 J'.ot 1,1 you cannot sell the T here are all kinds of so-called roofs, but mot ol them nre delusions. When they oudt to ke.-i out mow and rain they don't; they just leak ..nil make lite wretched for you, while jour property is heinr rumpd. A rooting that will stay where it is applied, nrai will do yeoman's service while there, is n.ade of rubber and other materials by the lud. Faint and Kofing Co. of N. Y. City. It is a handsoine-lonk-mg covering and more durable than any other while it is light and perfectly tight. Anvmpii who was as tight as one of these roof- would never get sober. Rubber Roofing is adapted for flat or steep nr. face, or may be laid nrer old shinsrles. and .m l,e n;ijui:u uy nujuuuv on iiouse. oaru, sneu. &c. as the materials are ready for use. It is as water-proof as an old toper's stomach its fire-proofness is truly sheolic, and it will last like a cake of cast -Iron soap: vet ihe price is lower than for roofs which don't" look so well nor last so long, nor keep out the water as well. Write for Hook circular of full particulars to 4-2 West Broadway, N. Y. City. (Sent free if you mention Public Ledger, and state size of roof ) PAINT (in bbls.) 60 ceuts per gallon. Dr. A. Trent Clarke, of South Boston, r Va. lias something: to say. Read : s I have used your vegetable preparation, NOLAN DINE, and lind it a valuable agent iu the treatment of functional diseases of the liver. Its actiou on that organ and all secreting glands is equal to that of calomel, and, to my mind, the only yet discovered substitute for this time-honored remedy. It is, fur thermore, entirely free from constitutional effects too often observed from the use of mercurials; ana, in many cases, where mercurials have been incau tiously administered, I have witnessed the beneficial results of NOLA.NDINE in eliminating and modifying the most distressing symptoms. 1 will add, iu regard to your Fever and Ague Preparation, that I prescribed it for my mother, who had been a sufferer from chills and fever for twelve months. She had taken quinine until it had ceased to have any effect on her. One-half bottle of NOLANDINK relieved her entirely of the chills and restored her to good health. I cheerfully recommend a trial of NOLANDINE to tue profession, believing that it will stand their test. Very truly yours, A. TRKSTT CLARKE, M. D. Malaria. Office Chesapeake axd Ohio Railway Co., . Richmond, Va., March 1, 1S85. J I lived on lower James river for eiht vpr. in thp malarial district. My system was thoroughly charged with this deadly poison. I exhausted the usually pre scribed and domestic remedies without any benefit. I was Induced to try JOHNSTON'S VEGETABLE NOLANDINE. Before using two bottles my liver was aroused from its long torpor, and am now enjoy ing the best of health. My wife and children derived the same benefits from KOLAN DINE. J. A. WYATT. jjnfjLCturedhy tjiejNQLl ANDIN!E COMPANY, ''''""'" Vi.ri..i,. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $n. For snle by G. Hall, S. S. Haithcock & Co., Davis, Thomas & Co., and Furinan fc Hays. M (J J V-f I K M I ,c AtiiMBRitL mh3 .to PATAPm FT HHP. INC MTTK 1 illlll PERFECTON IN FLOUR. Our Patent Roller Flours are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAINABLE. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, The Premier Flour of America, Is Unsurpassed for Bread, Biscuit or Pastry. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, ROLANDO CHOICE PATENT PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, BALDWIN FAMILY, MAPLETON FAMILY. C. A. GAMBRILL MANUFACTURING CO., 214 COMMERCE ST., BALTIMORE, Wh Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, WARDROBES, BUREAUS, SIOEBOAEDS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, DESKS, CHAIRS, LOUNGES, &c. And respectfully urge you, if you need anything of the kind, to call and see my stock. PRICeS KRE MHY DOIaZN, WHILE THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS ARE WAY UP. Furniture sold for cash or on installments. Joseph A. Webb, Commercial Ave. The Furniture Dealer. DURHAM MARBLE WORKS ! MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Keith anil Guile Monuments, TomDstones, Tails, file !Pirie work a Specialty. Cemetery Work Neatly Executed. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE ON APPLICATION. JW31-1J MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. 0. C0RRES rONHEXCE Invited, th SHEATIIIXG l'Al'ER 1000 Blood Poison from Vaerinatiou Cured -,r . Richmond , Va., Novtmbor i-.-j Mf. Joseph W. Johnston: i Dear Sir Having been a sufferer for the la-i ix; -a years with blood poison, caused from uni.uie "v;-" used in vaccination, which covered iny f.ujv large ulcers and caused me to suiter jir1,,i'iiv ihi night with the most intolerable Itching, 1 c..ii,aiu-i doctors, both allopathic and honueopiithic, and took: medicine from them, and also tried gewral dni -rt kinds of medicine thuthat had been recoiiiuit-ujcato me, without relief. Was induced by a friend ur iii;a with whom 1 was talking this summer about i i,', adv, to try MOLANUlN.E. I did so, and co vinced, before 1 had finished taking one bottu-, tut l had gotten the medicine that 1 needed. Have taken live bottles of NOLANDINK, and am glad tu aay my blood has been thoroughly puriued and my t Mini ici ion and appetite has improved. My weight in3 in creased fifteen (15) pounds since I commented lo take your valuable NOLAN DINE, and 1 would jdadh rec ommend NOLANDINE to anyone suftn Hit? "witii blood poison. Auy information' that you or aiivoue else may desire in regard to my case 1 will be uj to furnish at ay time. Wishing you sucitw, I remain, i'ours respectfully, RICHARD W.JONh At otliceof John T. Goddin corner of Kleventn a,ad Bank Streets, Richmond,' Va. Bilious Derangement. Rk'hmoxd, Va., May, 1". I can cheerfully recommend JOHNSTON'S KUE TABLE NOLAN DIN E to any one suffering rr..iu liver or kidney complaints and bilious dei-aneineLt of the system. Its prompt and permanent aeti,ii iu my case affords me pleasure to recommend it to oth. similarly affected. CHARLES p. ShLDhN, Hardware Merchant, formerly with Singer fcewlcg- Machine Co. THE PREMIER FLOUR OF AMERICA. ESTABLTSIIED-t-1774. UVU A MJJ KJ jLVLLJ vJ LJLUUUt