fc If iJ',i,''ll,l,',l ' " ' " " "J''l"""lli"i' f"'"M mini itriKMliijufuMwli, ftrtnyu Myy nutA i.fa11 MliuMMiHlh - t,-fr , r - ( r .,r f ..,..f..((..., , r ( r . r ) .n) ; , ,. .... , " b - - , , VOM'MH 1 1 1 NO. 32. OXFORD, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1890. 1.50 PER ANNUM. JKV Al ) VI'! RT1SF.M WNTS. ROYALISU.' j Absolutely Pure. d tartar baking powder. Highest of I"1 . .. I v.: liriirnm.iiit I? Jin. A,.-: ap.J'.lly EDUCATIONAL. GRANVILLE -OX.FORD. X. o. THE advent term will BEGIN SEP 1 ttiiit.t'i 4 Full . p- ft' teachers, graduates M' -inn' of llif tu-t -iIum.is in tin- I nion. Music lalil'Ut l. Hi" Ni'H En,'l:md 'mi 'i'l A atoiv method. Le-M.ns iu sudd singing, iwicc a week, free to biiirm pupils. 'Jilt' ht-ulth of the school h:l- been nnsu rpased . tt :i. h. i if hoarding plipi I ha- heell kept from ein,s t,v -i, knc-r lor l hrce eou-eeut ive day? since it? ein I'lis-hirn-ii t . bu.-tot. tiiili.pn in the Eiuli-h course, lnathe niath Latin aim ali:-i hciuo. tie months. $s0. i i.r i ;lt. -i In;; lie- applv to ii:'.' -m .Mlsj! rl.Ah'Ki:. I rimipal. A THOUUVGH. I'liACTK'Ah INSTITUTION for hoth eeTf Open tlie entire year. I'enman ghip, Bookkeeping. Shorthanfl, Typewriting, Arithmetic. SpeMin?, English (tramniar, Hank ing and Correrpomlenre. Stmlenl ran enter at anytime. Plea-ant room. Good hoard in pri vate families for 3 and upwards. Gradtifttefi ai sisted to positions. Write for circular? to may3i'i-tf T. W. PATTON. Norfolk, Va. HAND SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL For Young Men and Boys, Offt-rs a full and tlmroueh course of -rn.lv nihil n Iiim It lilnl imir;it Jinil iilivsi- ........ ...... .............. ...... i .i t ch t'l'ititiine. Fxperihes moderate. lil- for I :it;i.lO'll'. ('APT. W. H. HAM), FREMONT, N. C Southern Female College t.'h'M-toiv d 1:-C) PETERSBURG, Va. 01-1) MR.iiXlA SCHOOL IX ITSIf 1$ City (t ii"ini;i. The very he-t teachers. Ci.iifj.'ibtc' C"oiue in ( lassies, science. Music and Ait. I.iiimratory. Lihrary and Heading Knoni. Hoirie life. Honor system. Course of lectures ieadiiiir educators. Po-t :rr.idirite course. A. hire--. AUTH1 I; K. DAVIS. A. M.. jyll-vim President. Kill! VOi'Ni; T A I I KS - OU.Nt, IADJKS Al) ll lTLE VJlULS. -HILLSPOIiO, X. c- rriih SIX 1 Y-'l llillll TEliM OF THE .MISSES l Xush and Ktdlock? Sclioid will com- rii.'iu f.. with reduced terms, September 4th. 1HJ. ' nculars on application. jyl-2m SOUTH BOSTON FEMALE INSTITUTE. r Pil K s E e 'j ii s Rss I )X W ILL P EC IX S EP- 1 tciiiher .i. l'Ki. Thorough instruction giveu " N-ieijc,-., Literature and Art. Location liealth I'lu nue-Mhlc and beautiful. Terms very mod Tr:lte. t,,r catahi-lie r.r further information, ap p,v t0 .1. P. SXEAD, Principal, South Boston, Va. T- student will have free access to the Web I.ifl.i..iVi,ter. jy8--irn GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. 7 lit .SEVENTY-FIRST SESSION OF THIS o 'V'1' kr;,wi Ii.titution will hecin on the7lh s" oi Au-ush P'.ki. In ad.tition to thorourh in-ur-TK.ij ,,, tll(. i.jt,.r,lrv c.invo, -j.ocial advant "7,a,le 'ti-'r,,cl in the departments of Instrn eiitid and ocrl Music. Elocution, Art. and ii,'"'"1 'I raiiiintr Charges moderate For cat- - J 1 , ill, U '.1 liO, I I I (Jreen-oiiro, N. C FEMALE INSTITUTE ! jl-- ION npEXS SEPT. :h, 1S!I0, WITH THE largest nnd finest corps of teachers the Insti in.' f CV,'r hll(1- Appointments of the Board il'r iiehirtn'tnt tq'ial to anv in the South. The CGurinrt patn,ent' under A,r Joseph Maclean, Charintt if lheJate June Musical festival, in vuarlotte, i8 the beet in the State. ie27 itY' w ATKINSON, Pbinoipal, ium gtarlotte, h, g, 11 ( ROYALiSU.' . . 1 H mi CHARLOTTE CONDENSED NOTES OF THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. What i Tratispiriiii; ArwniKl and Altout lTs, in Tovih and Comity Tli 3Ieiiieut4 and Dailies of Peo ple You liuow. Etc. S; me of our merchants are receiving their fall goods The Cuuty Medical Society met in Oxford on Thursday. A protracted meeting commenced at the Methodist Church on Sundsy. Messi-9 B.I. Breed love and J. P. Can nady, two live farmers, were in town Frida'. Don't forget the grand excursion to Asheville to-moriow. Only $3 50 for the round trip. Mr. Willie Devin left this morning for Lexington ,Ky., to enter the University of that State. Mr. J. H. Carlisle, the capital mana ger of Electric- Light plant, is on a visit to Roanoke, Va. Our old friend Len. Lewis came across the line and spent a few dajs in Oxford the past week. Dr. S. H. Cannady and lady of Wilton have been spending several days with Rev. and Mrs. R. I. Devin. Pitt county has over 1.000 acres in tobacco this year, and there will be twice as much planted next year. The sale of Panacea Springs, b' Capt. John A. Williams was a big deal in real estate and don't you forget it. Up to Saturday Mr. J. M. Currin has cured fort7 -three barns of tobacco, and still has about thirty more to cure. We welcome safely back to Oxford the Misses Currin, after a most delightful visit to friends and relatives in Texas. We regret to learn that in the Stoall section six barns of tobacco were consum ed by fire. Mr. A. II. Gregory lost two. Mr. C. M. Hawkins, of Raleigh, wTio is largelj- interested iu the growth and prosperity of our town, spent the day here Friday. Mrs. W. A Davis, accompanied by her two little daughters, Willie and Mary are spending a short time at Chase City, va. Mrs. S A. Elliott now occupies the residence lately vacated by Mr. McNair, where she would be pleased to see all her friends. We learn that the boys at the Orphan Asylum continue to run away. They ought to know that they cannot follow Dr. Dix on to Greensboro. Rev. J . L. White, the most excellent pastor of the First Baptist Church, in Durham, will conduct a revival meeting in Oxford some time next month. The building for the mechanical de partment at the Agricultural and Me chanical college is ready for occupancy. Some of the equipments are in place. Oxford is growing more importaut every day as a shipping point. The mana ger of the Atlantic fe Danville Railroad wa3 in town Friday iu the interest of that road. Rev. R. H. Marsh, married at the Osborn House, August 30th. Mr. W.H. Morgan and Miss Florence Tunstall, both of Nottawaj' count' Va. It was a runaway match. Prof. F. P. Hobgood has rented the fine resilience of Mr. R. J. Aiken near the Methodist Church. Mr. Aiken has re moved to his dwelling near Rev. R I. Devin. The first bale of new cotton from Granville county, was sold at Franklinton N. C, August 28fh, at 10 cents and bought by that old cotton buyer, W. L. McGhee. The Land Improvement Company have contracted with Messrs. Hundley Bros, for the erection of six handsome cottages in South Oxford. Let the good work go on. Mr. Lawson Knott, of Hilliardston, was to see us yesterday. Mr. Knott has 40 acres in tobacco from which he will cure 80 barns, averaging from GOO to 700 pounds to the barn. Argonaut. Mr. Chas. G. Elliott, of Norfolk, Va., accompanied by his charming wife, have retiuned from Conley's Springs and after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooper, returned to Norfolk. Elder W. F. Perry, of Kentucky, a minister of the Disciples Church, preach ed at the Opera House Sunday morning. This denomination has a Sunday School already organized in Oxford, and will some future day build a church edifice. Mr. Lawson Knott, one of Granville's honored sons who is now farming in Nash couuty on a large scale, was in Oxford on Saturday. He has 80 barns of fine to bacco, for which he expects to reap a golden harvest- The genial and whole soulded E. O. Brausford, who has been on a successful business trip South, returned on FridayT He is one of our largest leaf dealers, and is exceedingly popular among the farmers as well as the girls. AVe are gratified to learn that the streets and aveuueson the property of the Land Improvement Company are being put in splendid condition by a largo force of hands. There is some beautiful build ing sites on this property. We had the pleasure of meeting in town Satin day some of our most worthy farmers. Messrs. A. E. Bobl.itt, T. A. Riggs, B. F. Hest-r, J. P. Mize, Stephen Jones, Fielding Knott, W. H. Tillotson, S. W. and S. T. Dickers, n. The Oxford Land and Improvement Company, are liberal with their money. They have olfered 1,250 and a site to each of the Methodii-t, Baptist, Episcopal, raid Presbyterian churches, if they will build churches on their property. So successful have the tobacco farm ers been inE tstern Carolina this year that there will be a large increase of acreage next year. It is now estimated that in Edgecombe county alone there will le over ten thousand acres in tobacco next year. The new Storage Warehouse, which will soon b completed, will be a good thing for Oxford. It is strictly a home enterprise and has some of our best, busi ness men at its head. Messrs J- B. Roller and T. D. Waller will have charge of the house. Honesty is golden, and the man who starts out on the perilous sea of life should have honesty at the helm else his bark will dash against the breakers of the heaving ocean of temptation, and ruin, wreck and eternal darkness shall be his reward. We are more than pleased to learn that Mr. D'Orsey Jones, succeeded in se curing a piize house, and will remove f Oxford soon. Mr. Jones is a most lib eral buyer, and will be a great addition to our market. We extend to him a most cordial welcome. We are gratified to learn that the R. & D- R. R. Co., have awarded the con tract for building the passenger stations at Henderson and Oxford to Messrs. Hundley Bros. We feel sure the work will be done well, as these gentlemen are first-class contractors. We are highly pleased to learn that fine cures of tobacco has been made in the Salem neighborhood. Mr.D. W. Hart, cured two barns the past week in sixty six hours, and the color is said to be fine Tliis is quick time, as we are informed it generally takes eighty hours to cure a barn. The Board of County Ccmmissioners were in session Monday. Mr. T. D. Wal ler, L. G. Smith, and T. J. Smith, were present. A small amount of business was transacted. Mr. Walter Clement was elect ed Registrar for South Oxford, in place of Mr. E..T. Rawlins who decided not to serve. After working hard for several months Capt. Rufus Amis captured two positions in the Republican part'. He was a delegate to the State Convention and was elected by that body as one of State Executive Committee. If his own county had not gone back on him he would now be running for Congress instead of Force Bill Negro Hater Brower. The Durham Consolidated Land Im provement Company was organized in Durham Friday with a capital of $1,000, 000. The Company has 815 acres lying partly within and partly without the town. The officers are : Col. J. S. Carr, Presi dent ; Col. A. B. Andrews, Vice President; Secretary and Treasurer, R. II. Wright, Esq., formerly of Granville. Mr. John Yancy, Jr., a successful operator in real estate, will be general manager, so says the Globe. We are always glad to chronicle the promotion of any of our worthy colored citizens. Grant T.Foster, who took the census in Oxford township, and done his work in such an admirable manner, has received the appointment of a $000 clerk ship in the Census Bureau at Washington City. He is one of the most polite as well as the best educated colored man in the couuty. Supt. Webb, sajs out of 200 census enumerators appointed in this dis trict, Grant T. Foster excelled them all. This is a very high compliment, and we congratulate him upon his appointment. NEWS ABOUT THE STATE. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. s A General Epitome of Iteceiit Occur rences Around and Ahout Vh. From the Mountains to the Sea, as Culled from our State Papers. Think of it! One million dollars has been invested in Winston during the past six months. The capacity of the roller mill which Col. T. M. Holt is to erect at Haw River is to be 50 barrels per day. Buncombe county Alliance memorial izes the Legislature to increase the pay of jurors from $1.50 to $2 per day. There is estimated to have been 10, 000 present at the Hickory Grove camp meeting in Mecklenburg county Sunday. There is fear that Mr. Frank L. Bond, the oldest citizen of Tarboro, has com mitted suieide by jumping into Tar river. Mr. Murray Marshall died Friday near Brassfield, of paralysis, and was buried ! Saturday at Bethesda church by the Alli ance The High Point Canning Co. are run ning nearly all the time and are packing 50 to 100 bushel of tomatoes per-day, be sides apples, beans, etc. The Pepper Mining Company, of Dan bury, have just disposed of ten batches of their iron mines to a syndicate composed of English, New York and North Caro lina capitalists. The price paid was $50, 000. W. H. Worth, State business agent of the Farmers' Alliance, is buying no jute, but is supplying sub Alliances with im mense quantities of sugar sacks and sack ing. He says the cotton bagging is too light. The "cannon-ball" train on the Rich mond & Danville Railroad between Wash ington and Atlanta will be put on about Octoler 1, and will run a fast schedule It w-'ll stop at only six points between the two places. The family of Sam Cohen, of Golds horo including the servants and number ing 13, were taken suddenly ill the other day, as if suffering from poison. The cause of the sickness is unaccounted for. None of them died. The Murphy Bulletin asks us to "think of it ! Hundreds of acres of land in the county known to have been cultivated 47 consecutive years in Indian corn without change, and yet produce good crops with out use of fertilizer." Lenoir Topic says: A cow belonging to W. H. Calloway has dropped two calves, this summer which came just a month apart from one another. The first one came in June and the last one exactly a month afte to a day. A man named Pendleton was killed near Mineral Bluff, Cherokee county, last Tuesday evening while working in a meadow. He was shot with four balls penetrating the head, because he had re ported some blockaders. Peg Leg Williams says late in October he will berin to move the negroes South ward. He wants 5,000 families for Ar kansas and Texas, and 20,000 for the Yozoo delta. Williams has a list of the addresses of 22.000 negroes whom he has carried South. The Charlotte News has found a cat. with a wooden leg. This cat trotted into a store in that city, and had not long been there before they noticed a peculiar thumping noise every time the cat moved across the floor. An examination showed that the cat's right hind leg had been cut off, and that a neatly fitted wooden leg had been provided as a substitute. Brother London's Record tells us that Chatham comes to the front with the champion snake story, and claims to have discovered the famous hydraheaded mon ster of ancient mythology. At any rate our county boasts of a two headed snake, found by Mr. John G. Clark, of ITadley township, and brought to the Record's ! musenm. It has two separate and perfect ' heads, and can use either or both at the same time. Now come again with your snakes ! Advance sheets of the August crop bul letin issued by the State Agricultural De partment and known as the industrial is sue is out. In it is published every year a full list of all the cotton and woolen mills in the State and all the manufactu ring plants of other kinds. The list this ! year shows that there are 128 cotton and woolen mills in the State, over 114 last year. The increase in the number of to bacco factories, silk factories, etc., is much greater. There are now 27 annual fairs in the State. a bk; sale maiu:. Panacea Springs Sold - Honulit by a Wealthy Syndicate, The biggest real estate transfer that has been made in North Carolina of country property that has been made in many a year has just been effected by our most worthy townsman Capt. John A.Williams. The valuable Panacea property was sold by him on Wednesday for a big pile of money, but the inatvellous properties of the water isU'-h th: t it is eonsi iered by a large number V people as one. of the most remarkable springs in the world. The fame of I bis celebrated Spring will soon be soundrfl in all civilized nations for from the enormous number of testi monials that C'lpt. Williams has received from those w&o used the water it cer taiuly has curative powers of unequaled virtxies in diseases of the most terrible form. In this and other States there are a large number of people who say that they owe their lives to the justly celebra ted Panacea Water. In North Carolina there are persons as in various sections of other States wjio regard the Panacea Wa ter as of priceless value. Through the great energy )f Cr.pt. Williams its fame has spread l'n ju pole to pole. It is good nf ivs to our people that the head managefjiont of the sale of the water will be carried on in Oxford on a grand and mammoth scale. Arrangements are now on foot for getting this water ship ped in tremendous quantities to all mints of the comp.its. We are informed by the President of the Company, Mr.C. M. Hawkins, of Raleigh, that it will be one of the grandest and largest industries in the South. Everybody has been congratulating Capt. John Wfilliatns on his great success in m iking thfs big sale, The Paneeia Spring Company of Ox ford is compiled of the following officers: C. M. Hawlins, President; II. C. Hern don, Treasurer, N. A. Gregory ,gSecretary. C. M. Hawliris, W. A. Davis, and W. C. Reed compos?" the Executive Committee. Mr. II. Hunt, Cashier of the Bank of Oxford, is a member of the Company. It will be seen that this company is composed of ix live, energetic and enter prising business men, all of whom are residents of Oxford except Mr.C. M. Haw kins, and we begin to feel that we have a right to claim him as he has with business foresight apd appreciation seen that Ox ford has a l'.iairnilicent future, and lie has had the gritho back up his judgement by putting dovti "the stamps" and helping us in building .Oxford up. We thank him as a citizen of Oxford for the interest he has shown in our town Now let everybody talk Oxford push Oxford, and make it the most prosperous town in North Caro lina. "It goes iglit to the spot," said an old gentleman, Nvho found great benefit in Ayer's Sarsfiparilla. He was right. De rangement f the stomach, liver, and kid neys are ml-re speedily remedied by this medicine ti in by any other. It reaches the trouble Ijirectlv. Hendersons Xew Itailroad. It was ou pleasure to meet in Oxford Friday Mr. fl . R. Young, President of the new railro;l whic h will be built from Henderson t Sf.andhope, Nash county. He informejl us that the road was an as sured fact, nd would prove the greatest boom that Henderson has yet received. The townships through which it is pro posed to run the railroad have agreed to vote upon a proposition to issue bonds for the following amounts: Shocco township in Warren- $25,000; Fork township, in same county, $20,000; (Vntreville town ship, in Frknklin, $20,000; Cedar Rock; $15 000; Castalia, $10,000; Ilillardston, $25,000. Horner School. A preparatory class will be started on Monday, September 1st. Boys entering this class will be taken at reduced rat' s j Apply for terms. ' Settlement of SheritT Itogrers. j On Saturday, August 30ih, Col. C. M. i Rogers, Sheriff of Granville county, set- tied in full with T. D. Waller, Chairman ! of Board Commissioners, for the year 1880, as follows: County Tax,.. S 21 373 52 State Ttix 11,038 07 School fax 8,952 23 Road Tn 2,304 35 Toud, $12,008 16 This shows that Sheriff Rogers has made a good officers and knows no man in ; the discharge of hiB duties. In advanced aged the declining powers are wonderfully refreshed by Hood's Sar saparilla. It really does "ma&e the weak strong." EDUCATIONAL. LURAY FEMALE INSTITUTE LURAY, VA. REV. II. M. WIIAKTOX, I. I. President of the Corporation. f. 31. IIARtaiOVi, A. 31.. Principal. The next session will l;exiu on W'of'nesdnv, the 10th of September, ls'.i:. Instruction will he riven in n full collegiate course of study, ineludinir Music and Art. De partment diplomas and (iii lorn-is of full trradiia tion awarded on conditions specified iu ti e cata logue. The Family is composed of ei;:ht experi enced teachers. A hiLrh standard of scholarship will be maintained, and thoroughness sought in all departments of work. The discipline is that of a well ordered home - the hi-",ith and conduct of pupils receiving eareful ait en: ion. The situation of the school is one of the most delightful in Viririnia, the climate salubrious, and the valley and mountain scenery around Luray of unsurpassed beauty. The buildings, urn-rounded with well shaded grounds, occupy an elevated sile in a quiet part of the town. They are now, imposing in appear ance, and admirably adapted to the purpose for which they are used. The accommodat ions, for boarders are of a su perior character. The niajority of the rooms are for two pupils each. They are carpeted and hand somely furnished with everything necessary for the comfort of their occup.-nns. There are Baptist. Methodist, Lutheran and Episcopal churches in the town. Depot, with tel egraph and express ollices, a short distance from the Institute. Mrs. 8. D. Twitty. for the last four years Early Principal of Oxford Female Seminary, Oxford. JV. C, will occupy a similar position iu the Luray Institute next session. Tkums For. Nine Months: Board, furnished room, fuel, lights, tuition in entire collegiate course, medical attention and medicines, ftlt'.".(0. Music and Art extra. For catalogues containing full information, ap ply to the Principal. jyls-til TtoimlBB Female GolMe ! -THOMASVILLF, N. C. A CO' LHOE OF HIGH ( HADE, I-Olt YOUNG ladies. First-class in all its appointments. In the healthiest and most accessible part of the State. For catalogue, descriptive of board, tuition, course of study, etc., address FRANK II. CURTIS, President. Military TIIOMASVILLE, N. O. AIIIOIIIiIK INKTITI'TION OF LEARNING, for b'vs and young men. I'ndersame man agement as Thomasvilie Fe-nale College, but en tirely separate as to hoarding. Fits young men for business or college. For full information send for catalogue. FRANK II. OF RT IS, President. jy2-2-2m ATTTMIHANV TMQTTTTlTfi I ROANOKE, VA. C. F. .TA3IKS. It. A., I. I., Principal. A. S. II. 1SKISTOW. li. A.. JOS. IE. LO, IL A., Assistants. A FIRST-CLASS II Hill SCHOOL FOR BO S and young men. Handsome buildings, en tirely new and well equipped, on the heights oyei'lookiug Roanoke. Pure water, pure air and healthful location. Buildings heated by steam and supplied with bath-rooms. Full corps of ex perienced teachers. Students prepared for ad vanced classes of College or University, or ror business life. Send for catalogue, to PRINCIPAL ALLEGHANY INSTITUTE. jylS-m Roanoke, Va. Peace Institute ' RALEIGH, N. C. f QTH ANNUAL SESSION I5KGINS SLPTLM 1 0 ber :j, IS'.IO. Thorough iu "all its methods. Complete in its equipments. Steam h'-al. Gas and Klcctric Lights. Experienced Teachers. Good Fare. From Rov. G. C. Rankin, D. 1). "There is no man living to whom I would pre fer to trust my daughters for religious and scho lastic training than To my honored and faithful friend. Professor Jas. Dinwiddie." BgSend for catalogue. JAS. DINWIDDIE. M. A., Principal, ie3 4m La.e of University of Vmrmi Davidson College, MECKLE'BUHG CO., X. ('. Sept. 11 ,'SQ, to June 11, '91. rpHK MASTER'S COURSE, J rpHK BACHELOR S COURSE, JL rpilE SCIENCE COURSE. X TTM.EOTRIO COURSE. lJ J BUSINESS COURSE. Studies in English. Science, and in the Bible are given due prominence. For catalogue, ad dress the President, jyS-2m Rhv. J. I. SHEARER, D.D., LL.I). Gllis of Virginia ! etii RICHMOND. t"91) SESSION COMMENCES OCTOBER 1, lrfK). Continues six months. For further infor mation write for catalogue. J. S. DORSEY CULLEN, jyl-Sm Prof, of Surgery. Dean oi Faculty. Hi Point Female College ! HIGH POINT, N. C. rpiIE NEXT ANNUAL SESSION WILL OPEN I on the last Wednesday in August. Advant ages better and expenses lower than ever. The Kastalian. a literary quarterly, and the annual catalogue give full "partic nlars about the town, the buildings, and everything pertaining to the institution. Write for copies of each to REV. J. N. STALLINGS, President, jy8-3ra - Higb Folnt, N. G. cai u