1 VOU'UK III NO. 'Ml OXFORD, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER lfi, 1890. $l.-)0 PER ANNUM. - ' ,FAV ,v ! ) V !! UT1 SF-M KNTS. fitj Ifti Absolutely Pure. :! iijki'i-' powder. Hi ltIi t of i i. .! !i. I', s. Government Ke- 3i ,1. l.MV.'HU F1 jSuTlllN ? OlXCEEDkJ LIKE SUCCESS. 'i 'ho ri'nn liADAM'S yi-s. -M I i;o 15 K KILLER is the --" ni-t wonderful medicine. f .tj -S ,-?ij-.7 i h. i-:ni.' it has never I if'J''i tVled in any instance, no I n; :'tiT w hat the disease, i& if 4 'v"in i t: ri;c v to the a -implest disease known jJ'Ci-f-l t" the human sjstom. S&JjJ?'' J The scientific men of to day claim and prove that J evi ry disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AN IV adam s Microoc ' IT1 IV'J Exterminate- the Microbe and drives ihem out of The v-tein. and when that '.- done .n cannot Li'. c Hi a. He or pain. No mailer what the dis eSj... whether a -imi.l.- ea-e r .l .da rial Fever or a cniiiiin.it i.-n of di-ewe-. we cure them all at. t'uf Miiae time, as wo treat ail diseases const itu tiouaiiy. A-thma. Consiioipt ion. ':it;ri'li, lironclii tis, KiieuniatUm, Kidney anil Liver Iis ease. CliilKaiid I'evcr. !' niale Trnuliles, in All It Forms, ami, in l-'aer, Kn'ry IMs eae Known to tlie Human system. BETAKE OF FRAUD C I) ULENT IMITATIONQ See that ur Trade-Mark (same as above) ap pears (Hi -:li h jug. SeL.l t..r !.... k Jli- te.ry of the Microbe Killer," given a way by J. G. HALL, Druggist, Sole Ajvi,? fur i tCu-d and Granville County. EDUCATIONAL. THE-!v GRANVILLE -oi-oRM. N. O. Tlli. A f i liN I' TERM WILL BEGIN SEP 1 t .-in i ..-! ! Pall ,-or;is of leaehers, graduates "1 -"in,- ,,' 1 ho,. Is in the I'n ion. M itsic ':iii-lit !m t h . - cw England nnsefvalory method. L ..I,- m -i-.i,t -inging, twice a week, free to )i ilm jillpi U .'' lV:di h tin- -( in. .d has been unsurpassed. Nil t. ,.., ,,r ti.,a-i!iiig pupil lias h.-cn kept from i.Li-i- h - i . i ; 1 1 - - for thre.- eiii-i-cutive days since '-1:iM!-lilii.-l,t. H'.-.nl, iiiitnni in tin- KiiL'lih course, mathe-nwic-. Latin and -. I it lien ies, live months, &N0. i-'.r - 1 1 1 . - i . . - a j.pl v to -.'in Ailssi; t 'LAKKE. J'rincipal. 'iiioKoi -iii, i'i;ac:tk:al institution fur hi.th ,-T,.. open the entire year, renman ehip, 13(!(.kl;e. j,iij''. Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic. Spcllimr, J:ii'dish Grammar, Bank ar.d Correspondence. Students can enter at any time. l'le.iant rooms, (iood hoard in pri V!ite familiiisi for and upwards. Graduates as sisted to positions. Write for circulars to mayiii tf T w ATTON, Norfolk, Va. Uhtm SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL ; For Young Men and Boys, (jj VI Off. r-i a full and lliorontrli eon j! (f Mm ly anil a lica It lit 11 1 moral and lJW cal li a'm'mjr. Kxien.-es modcratt lIs-iV Wvite for Catalogue. onrpe of plnhi- te. mm CAl'T. "W. 11. HAND, FREMONT. N . C The North Carolina College OF Agriculture & Mechanic Arts yil.L LKOIX ITS SECOND SESSION SEPT. v.i rt 1 ' '"' '"'w l:t'Lre shoj buildings for Iiati, "' " """" v',m,l will be ready for occu tliori " iri""' '" 1 '" ''"'part merits arc equipped for .j. ""'-'ii v ork. K v poises are less than in any tbr- F ,',"11'"r-' existence. Many members of mini revimillJ class are already employed at re iress ve salarie- For further paiticulars ad ,;., .. Alexakdeb O. Holla day, Pres., aa"5 IUleig;h4 It. C. Ri ci CONDENSED NOTES OF THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. Wliat is TraiiNpiriiis: Aroiml and A buut lTs, m Town and County Tlio lovements and Doing's of Peo ple You linow. Kte. The protracted meeting at the Mel odist Church will be continued. Mr. G. P. Fleming now has the pleas ure of pla'ing with a "bouncing baby iMVy-." Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Taylor and chil dren are on a visit to relatives in Frank linton. Gov. Vance spok to a large crowd of enthuiastic farmers inGoldsboro on Satur day last. Mr. D'Orsey Jones, and family are now snugly located at the Irwin House for the winter. Mrs. Judge Davis, who has been on a visit to Mrs. R. W. Lassiter Jr., has re turned to Louisburg. Mr. J. A. Roberts, of Richmond, Va , will take the road in the interest of the Panacea Springs Co. V. 11. P. Jenkins, the best Superin tendent of Public Schools in the State, was in town Friday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Beasle will be glad to learn that they are rapidly improving. Rev. J. R. Moose, who has been as sisting Mr. J. F. Edwards for several months, has returned to Trinity College to continue his studies. Mr. T. D. Crawford, returned from Ocala, Fla., on Thursday, and was warmly received by his friends. Messrs. J. E. Howell, and B. G. Med ford who have North laying in big fall stock of goods have returned. One of the big things for Oxford in the near future is the building cf the cotton factory at the Orphan Asylum. Miss Carrie Mitchell, who ha3 been absent some time visiting friends, in Ral eigh and elsewhere, returned home Satur day. Nash count' was represented Thurs day on our market by Messrs. J. P. Elli nor, H. W. Gorham, R. H. Moore and W. P. Davis. Major and Mrs. T. B. Venable, after an absence of several weeks at Buffalo Springs, 'have returned home greatly im proved in health. Mis Rose Wood, a graduate of Lit tletr.n Female College, has become one of Bro. Daniel's assistants on the staff of the State Chronicle. Mrs.Graham B.Royster, of Buchanan, who has been spending some time at Rockbridge Allem Springs, has returned some what improved. The State Republican Executive Com. mittee met in Raleigh to day. It will elect a secretary. This will bring up the Mott-Evans fued agfin. R. L. Clark, the rabbitt foot man of B?rea, was on the breaks Friday and sold some new tobacco at splendid prices at the Alliance. The front of the new Alliance Ware house, will when completed, do credit to any city. We congratulate Capt. Spencer upon the admirable taste displayed. Mr. B. F. Taylor, in trying to save some of his future on Friday had his left hand badly burned. He lost a part of his furniture and all the kitchen outfit. Miss Rachel Blythe, a Cherokee In dian, who was educated at the Orphan Asylum, will enter the business college at Raleigh to learn short hand, telegraphy &c. We welcome to Oxford, Mr. P. H. Mayo, of Pitt county, who has cast his lot with us. Mr. Mayo, is a young man of means, and will buy tobacco on our market. Rev. C. A. Jenkins, will assist Prof. Penick in his large school this season. We are pleased to note this as Mr. Jenkins is one of the most accomplished gentlemen in the State. Mr. T. H. Collins is turning out some neat and tasty job printiog,and all in need of first-class work at moderate prices would do well to consult him before go ing elsewhere He is located in the Public Ledger office. Messrs. J. R. Renn, R J. Woody, W. II. Cutts, Alfred Sherman, G. B Royster, T. C. Rogers, J. F Currin, J. L. Adcock, J. S. H(.bgood. L. A. Royster, E. C. Allen, J. F. Cann&dy, W. 0. Allen and C L. Moss, of this county were in attendance upon, the big tobacco sales Friday. A wealthy northern gentleman, Mr. Bostwick, has proposed to give $2 for for every $1 subscribed in North Caro lina, for the further endowment of Wake Forest College. Mr. J. T. Regan, says since here turned to the country he has cured some fine tobacco, caught.Jhree foxes, and twenty-seven opossunis. He is a regular tricycle on a move. Our young friend Mr. W. R. Beasley Jr., left on Friday for Ocala, Fla , to make it his future home. He is one of our most worthy young men, and we wish him good luck In his new home. The last chance ! Embrace it ! The books of the Land Improvement Company will close Thursday night and unless 3Tou buy stock at once you will miss a rare chance for a good investment. We are gratified to learn that jroung Plato Durham will continue as book keep er for the Orphan Asylum for another year. He is a bright young man and has many warm friends in Oxford. This week Messrs. Hundley Bros, will commence work on the "Modern Barn factory and the six dwellings houses to be built in South Oxford on the lots of the Land Improvement Company. Mr. T. M. Washington, who has been quite sick at Stems, for several weeks, has recovered and was in Oxford on Fri day He informed us that he lost a good barn of tobacco on Thursday, night. We were pleased to see Mr. T. D. Clement attending the sale Friday. He has entirely recovered from his sickness, and was in the best of spirits, as the far mers had realized splendid prices for their tobacco. We are informed by the neighbors of Mr. Leroy Elliott, who bought the 'Dev in place" near Adoniram last year, that he wrill make enough tobacco this year to pay for the land. We believe $1800 was the price paid. ' Mr. C. L. Paxton, and his most ex cellent lady, who have lived in Oxford several months, returned to Buffalo Springs, Va , on Thursday. Mr. Paxton who bought sumac in Oxford, will locate in Danville and engage in the tobacco trade. Mr. J- P. Stedman, who bought out the drug store of Messrs Davis, Thomas & Co., is busy overhauling everything, and the store begins to present a handsome appearance. We trust our people will be stow a liberal patronage upon this gentle man. Sheriff C. M. Rogers, had the misfor tune to severty sprain his left ankle on Friday while getting out of his buggy at his residence. He will in all probabilty be hobbling' around for some time, but we wish him as rapid recovery as possible. We want our readers to be sure and pay attention to what A. Max h?s to say in another column. He has a splendid assortment, of all kinds of goods which he will sell at the lowest possible prices. He means business and says the goods must go at gome price. Call and see for yourself. If we cannot have a brass band in Ox ford, old Granville is not behind, as one has been organized at the thriving village of Stems. They are under the instruction of Mr. Nelson of M.onroe, and are making rapid progress. We hope they will be far advanced enough to make music on the coming campaign. Every tissue of the bodr, every bone muscle and organ, is made stronger and more healthful by the use of Hood's Sar saparilla. A CARD. Oxford, N. C, August 27 I take pleasure in declaring myself a candidate, and doing so I most earnestly solicit the support of every one whether white or black rich or poor, young or old ; whether Democrat or Republican, Prohibitionist or independent ; whether in favor of wa terworks or what not. I assure you that if I am honored with your vote, I will work for the interest of every such one. In other wTords, I will prove to you that I am the right man in the right place. Now to the point. If you are in need of a Wagon Platform, Dray or even a Buggy, you cannot do better than call on me'. And if you want any kind of repair ing done, whether wood work, blacksmith-in-, painting or trimming, I am confident that it will be decidedly to your interest to come to see me. I use material unsurpassed by any one in this place, if not superior. Any work entrusted to me will receive prompt atten tion. , Satisfaction guaranteed both as to work iocl pricp Thankful for past favors and soliciting a continuance, I am yours ready to serve, B. F. Taylor. p s My shop is next to the new Alli ance Warehouse, in the rear of Messrs. OweD, Barbour & Smith's andJ.F. ia w aids' hardware stores. NEWS ABOUT THE STATE. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. A General Epitome of Iteeent Occur, rences Around and About lTs. From tlie Mountains to the Sea, :is Culled from our State Papers. There are now sixty-three pupils en rolled at the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Raleigh. The Border Exposition of the Carolines is the name of the fair to be held at Max ton October 21-24 inclusive. It is learned that 30,000 tons of the Farmers' Alliance fertilizer, made at Durham, were sold last season. A negro who owns thirty acres of land adioinintr the Phreniv oil well in Greens boro has refused an offer of $15,000 for it. Mrs. Bo3rd,the postmistress at Biles ville, charged with robbing the mails of registered letters, has been bound over to the Federal Court in the sum of $1,00. Dr. J.F. Rogers was instantly killed the 11th, near Alexander, Buncombe county, by W. F. Boyd. Boyd did the act in self defense. Rogers received three pistol shots in the head. Mrs. Geo.W. Kidder, of Wilmiugton,has been appointed Lacy Manager from North Carolina at the Columbian Exposition to be held at Chicago in 1892. An excellent selection, we learn. Charles M. Busbee, Deputy Grand Sire and Rev. J. H. Cordon, and J. G. Brown, Grand Representative, are attending the meeting of the sovereign lodge of Odd Fellows at Topeka, Kansas. News of another horrible accident in a cotton gin was received a few days ago near Dudley, Wayne county. Mr. Cullen Hatch, aged twenty one, while feeding a cottin gin, came in too close proximity with the saw and almost instantly his arm was wrenched off. During the Fife meeting at Newton, there were 500 conversions. Four of these were distillers, who immediately closed up their business The people of Newton showed their appreciation of Mr. Fife's services by presenting him with a cheek for $735. Durham Sept. 12, celebrated the com pletion of the Lynchburg and Durham railroad with pomp and splendor. The occasion was honored by a number of Virginia's most distinguished statesmen, and prominent business men and officers of the road, who came to Durham on a special train. A warrant was issued at Raleigh Wed nesday for W. W . Sellars, postmaster at Lebanon, Columbus county, N. C. The charges against Sellars are embezzlement and false returns of cancellation of stamps, and he is behind $2,000, most of which he stole from the postal fund and from the proceeds of the sale of stamps. In the county east of Asheville, N. C, Sept. 11 considerable excitement has been caused by the appearance of smoke rising from the seven peaks of the Swallow Range of mountains. The smoke is a continuation through the day and some times rises to the height of 350 feet. People who have visited the place declare i)right tohaceA that downs the world for that there is sulphur in abundance rising coior an(j flavor. The cry of the auction from the mountains, and that the mist of eers were nearly all day, as all six sulphurious gas, after rising to a certain j of our mammouth warehourses had good height, forms into intensely black smoke, treats. Oi-r excellent warehousemen The smoking peaks were noticed for the ; were aji -m g0(n trim, the buyers anxious first time two years ago and continued two I for. tobacco to fill the large orders they weeks. After that nothing more was have on han,ii and the bidding was spirited observed until the 9th of last September, ! an(j lively. Crews, Stark, Blackley and when it appeared again, continuing three I Meadows, the best team of auctioneers in weeks. It appeared for the third time about two weeks ago and still continues. A Remarkable Case from Illinois. "I suffered for five years with Mercurial j Rheumatism, which was the result of pot ! ash and mercurial treatment by physicians for constitutional Blood Poison. They not ; only failed to cure me but made me a ; physical wreck and my life a burden. I j then commenced taking Swift's Specific j (S. S. S.), and after using a few bottles ; was entirely cured of the Rheumatism, j which the doctors Drought on ny tneir remedies, and the Blood Poison which they failed to cure. I cheerfully commend S. S. S. to any one similarly afflicted." John H. Lyles, Sorento, HI. No Trace Ieft. Mr. and Mrs. Li tell, of Huntingburg, : and in this city, but with no benelicial Ind., say: "That about one year ago, i results from their prescriptions. About their little girl was entirely cured of an 1 the fust of September she commenced annoying eruption of the skin and a local 1 using the Mivrobe Killer, and since that blood disorder, by the use of three bottles ! time has never had a return of the parox of S. S. S. There is no trace of the skin j ysms, and her general health has been disease left, and the blood has been in s correspondingly improved. I can cheer nerfect order ever since, and the general fully recommend the Microbe Killer to health of the child was never as goou as now. inev will rase pleasure in sins wil ing any letters regarding the child's case." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. FOOIjIXO THE COLORED FF.OPl,l. Tlie White licpultlieans liave deter mined to L,e;gvethe Aero Out. The great he.als of the Republican patty met in Oxford on Saturday. The rendezvous was the Court House, anil you had to give a Mack sign with the word doi" as a pass word to gain admittance. The "dicky bird" informed us that the Boss, the great hi.th chief of the wigwam, presided over the dark element which wes full of thunder nd lightning against tlie piile faces who were on the war path for all the ofllces. But as they have not got manhood enough to stand up for their rights they are compelled to have a pale face lead them around by the nose, so Col. C. M. Rogers was. re-elected chief of tie black wa-riors.' It is said that they had a regular v."- danl'e and the tomakawks j vme tongues; lieiv thick and last, ami it was Tuougnt at oyie time lie would have to call on his brother pale faces to protect him, but he smiled a few times saying to himself, "Well, these fellows have studied hard for a wTeek preparing red hot kick ing speeches, and as soon as they blow off steam they '11 be all right." The Colonel cairied out his program, it having been juranged before hand that no time should be set for calling the convention on account of colored kickers. Under these, circumstances of course they could not agree upon the time, and finally left it to big Chief to proclaim the date. We opine that it will be called just before the election as the Colonel has found that som of his warrors are clam oring for someiof the fat places in the tribe, and b' tiis meat's they will not have time to pif, out a ticket against that alreadj' agreed n, says the "dicky bird," which is as follows: Sheriff C. f. Rogers. Clerk R. WjrLassiter. Register WII. Purvey. Senate J. Brown, and for the House W. K. -Jenkins md Dr. Sikes. As usual thef vhite manipulators of the colored people -were peen Saturday on the side walks, in j the Court House, and in the middle of the streets with theirbugles close to the ears of the colored brethren telling thorn tljat they are the only persons suitable for svrh and such an office. They are working the racket fine on the colored man. Look out the pale face will get the coon whemthe convention is held and and poor Ephr'am will continue on with out an office! 'Watch out and see if we are not right ! The use of calomel for derangement of the liver has rfdned man' a fine constitu tion. Those yvho, for similar troubles, have tried Ayr-r's Pills testify to their ef ficacy in thoroughly remedying the mala dy, without injury to the system. For Sitle or Rent. Two hundred and fifty-nine (250) acres of land in Wake county near Wake Forest College, well adapted to the production of Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat and Oats. Apply at this office. aug22-lm. itch cared in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by T. G. Hall, Druggist, Oxford. A lilts Bay. Friday was a big tobacco day in Oxford as our ffrme'--s rolled in from every dir ection with ' matron loads of Granville the State, made our farmers smile as they rolled out upenthe air the splendid prices paid for their tobacco. Louisville, Ky., March 12, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer, Co., Nashville, Te in : I Gentlemen A member of my family ; has been nlfiicted with asthma for several ! years, the attacks recuning from time to time, as is usual with this disease. In May or June of last year, 1889, these at ! tacks became almo t continuous, hardly a j day or night passed without suffering from i the distressing attack? until I became j alarmed on account of the loss of sleep ! and the severity of the disease, fearing a : general declilne of the health I consulted i several eminent physicians in New York j au asmmauc suunna. Yours, etc., J G. Gtjthrif., 422 W. Main St. For sale by J. G. Hall, Druggist, Main Street, Oxford, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Be ure H you have made tip your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below: e " In one store where I went to buy Flood's Sarsaparilla the cleric triedtoinftu.ee me buy their own instead of Hood's; he told me their's would last longer; that 1 might take it on ten days' trial; that if I did not like it I need not pay anything, etc. 15ut lie could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so mxich good that I wonder at myself sometimes; and my friends frequently speak of it." Mrs. Ella A. G.off, Cl Terrace Street, Boston- arsaparilla Boldby all druggists. $1 ; six for 5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothec;u-ies, Lowell. Mass. SCO Doses One Dollar EDUCATIONAL. Tiiomasville Female College ! TIIOMASVILLE, N. C. ACOLLISOK OF IIIOH GRADE, FOR YOUNG ladies. First-class in all its appointments. In the healthiest and moft accetiinle part of the State. For catalogue, descriptive of board, tuition, course of study, etc., address FRANK II. CURTIS, President. Military Academy TIIOMASVILLE, N. C. A HIGHER INSTITUTION OF LEARNING, for boy? and younij men. Under same man agement as Thomasville Female Colkge, but en tirely separate as to hoarding. Fits young; mea for business or college. For full information send for catalogue. FRANK II. CURTIS, jv2"2-2m President. ALLEGHANY INSTITUTE! ROANOKE, VA. '. F. JAMES, Ii. A., T. !., Principal. A. S. II. KKIKTOW. It. A., I JOS. It. J.OXii. It. A., f Assistants. A FIRST-CLASS 11 Hi I SCHOOL FOR P.OYS and young men. Handsome buildings, en tirely ncv and well equipped, on the lii-ights oyerlookiiig Roanoke. Pure waler, pure air and healthful local ion. Buildings heated by steam and supplied with ha I li-i ooms. Full corps" of ex perienced teachers. Students piepnied for ad vanced clnsse of College or University, or for business life. Send for catalogue, to PRINCIPAL ALLEGIIANV: INS'i ITUTE, jyl.S-Sm Roanoke, Va. PEACiHlfUTE RALEIGH, N. C. IQTH ANNUAL SESSION 15EGINS SEPTEM lO her 3. ls'.Hl. Thorough in all its methods. Complete in its equipments. Steam heat. Gas and Electric Lights. Experienced Teachers. Good Fare. From liev. (5. C. Rankin, D. D. "There is no man living to whom I would pre fer to trust my daughters for religious and scho lastic t raining than to my honored and faithful friend. Professor Jas. Dimviddie." j?Send for catalogue. JAS. DINWIDDiE, M. A., Principal, io3 4m Late of University of Virginia. Davidson College, MECKLENIiUKG CO., N. C Sept. If 90, to June 11, '91. TH1IE MASTER'S COURSE. JL rpilE BACHELOR S COURSE, JL riMIE SCIENCE COURSE, E ELECTRIC COURSE. P, )USINESS COURSE. Studies in English. Science, and in the Bible are given din; prominence. For catalogue, ad dress the President, jy25-2m Rkv. J. B. SHEARER, D.D., LL.D. MeQical College of Virginia I RICHMOND. "OD SESSION COMMENCES OCTOBER 1, 1S90. Continues six months. For further infor mation write for catalogue. J. S. DOUSEY CULLEN, jy4-3m Prof, of Surgery, Dean oi Faculty. Virginia Military Institute -LEXINGTON, VA. -TOND YEAR. STATE MILITARY, SC1EN- & tific and Technical School. Thorough Courses in general and applied. Chemistry, and in Enginerring. Confer? degree of graduate in Academic Course, also degrees of Bachelor of Science and Civil Engineer in Technical Courses. All expenses, including clothing and incidentals, provided at rate of $3fi.(J0 per month, as an aver ape for the four years, exclusive of outfit. Ij25-2m QE1, SCOTT SIUPP, Bnp't, Hoods ! i IV : 1 i )) " IWI IM