7- U7 Azzxfe-- jb) 'JmUs THE WEEKLY I "VS. ff.- SUBSCRIBE ! UK riKfl l.ATIOX OF NY i'aim: u in THK rorN'TlK ' liUANYILLK. VYAl (N AN H VANl i:, jN X II I II CARO LINA. AXI MEt'K 1 i:.S lU'WO and- HAL lFAX COUNTIES, N VIIHMN1A. VOLUME III D NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I EAPQUARTERQ II EA DQ U ARTE KO -Ft) K- HIGH PRICE MEADOWS' WAREHOUSE, -OXFORD. X. C- HUNT, COOPER & CO., -PROPRIETORS. - 1)EAD 4 ND T)E CONVINCED 1 EAD iVXD 1 JE VOXVINCED. WK HAVE MADE THE FOLLOWING SALES IN THE FAST FEW DAYS: .1. M. Beck r24 pounds at r."; ."ij'.S at iJ44 at 40; 300 at 30; 335 fit 23: 107 at .'11. Total 2440 pounds. Averaged $12.10; bringing $l,020.7r. Alexanpku Bird 29G pounds at 45; 117 at 00; 3S at 24.50; 115 at 17. Aver aired .33 49. D. T. Jackson lrT pounds at 40.50; 154 at 05;l!s at 27 50; 100 at 21.25; 70 at 15.75; 110 at 12 50; 05 at 11; making 800 pounds, at an average of 27 .(0 $200 41. ('. K. Hester 0:15 pounds at 47 50; 358 at 25; 11 at 20; 255 at 19 75; 140 at 11.75; 170 at 10 25. Total, 1,404 pounds. Average 21.00; bringing $072 20. 111 E PI' ELI SIT Til E ABOVE TO H()W THE FARMERS WHAT GOO 11 TOBACCO IS BRINGING; ALSO TO PROVE TO THEM THAT HUNT, COOPER & CO. ARE THE MEN TO SKI.L THEIR TOBACCO FOR THEM. COME TO SEE US AND WE WILL Ito YOU LIKEWISE. Hunt, Cooper & Co. septlO :5m. Want 9 to Make SOME Holiday Presents! I HAVE IN STOCK JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR Christmas or Hew Year Gills. COME AND SEE THE IIEAUTIFIL ASSORT MENT 15EFORE IT IS ALL PICKED OVER AT T I A r YNCTI'S JEWELRY O TORE 1 J J iYNCH'S ft EW Ef.R Y OToRE. -IT CONSISTS OF- WATCHES. BOTH GOLD AND SILVER. CLOCKS FROM $1 TO $40. TLEGANT OILYEItWARE, X"" EKLA(.' ES. I. EG ANT OILVERWARE, l ECKLACKS, RINGS OF LATEST PATTERNS 1 N- SET, PLAIN AND EXOAGEMKXT ! LSO A NICE ASSORTMENT OF CIIIL iVclren's Rings. Ileautiful line of Bracelets and Ladies' Vest and Fob Chain. A big lint' of Spectacles of best quality, with steel. old and silver riins, at bottom fisruies. Re sure to call and examine my stock before yon bay as I v ill in.ike it to your interest to do so. I)t;PAIKIXp OI'KCIAl.TV f liKI'AIKINVjr 1Y Ol'l-XJALTl . If your watch is out of repair brinir it rijrht silfiiu' and I will put it In tirst-class order and warrant it for Pi months. All kinds of jewelry unruled at reasonable charge- and satisfaction L'tiaranteed. Your trade earnestly solicited. Come A'Runnincr THE TIME IS GETTING SHORT XMflS IS NEAR AT HAND ! 1ON'T DELAY SEND ORDERS NOW, ' OH COME EARLY ROY NOW,OFTE Huy Early cSc Lcii e WHEN EARLY Pl'RCIIASES ARE SOLD. A lare stock to select from- all order lllled promptly, enough for nil, at OVERTON'O "1 ROCERA7" VERTON'O VXROCER 1 , H I L LS BO R O ST I i E ET. A U, KINDS OF SUPPLIES, SUCH hh Fine Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Urd, Fine Butter and Cheese, Canned 'fds. Pig Feet, Pickles, Spices, Ship yldf, Mackerel, Salt, Molasses, Vinegar, K1fl, Oat Meal, Buckwheat. kc. Also of the OIIEAPEKT STOCKS OF SI"ES AND H ci ix 1 wa r. i Ox fo rcJ - - VOI R TRADE IS EARNESTLY SO- licited, and all goods sold at Lowest "usslble prices. Don't forget the place HCapt. White's old etand. derl2 2m S7 Z!IZZZZIIIZ!ZIIIIZZIIZZZI " 1 ' mimmir- : NO. 51. TOWN AND COUNTY. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. What i Transpiring: Aronnd and About I'. 111 Town ami Comity TI10 Iovemoiiti ami loinus of I'eo Ilo Yon Know. Ktc. There has been good breaks of tobac co this week. There are five inmates of the Soldiers Home in Raleigh and seven applications n file. The very neat and attractive cottage nf yr. W. Z. Mitchell on Broad street is nearl3' completed. A movement will be made to secure State aid for the Soldiers' Home in Ral eigh. Tt is thought the Legislature will iirant it. It is true that Mrs. Simpkins had a heavy fall last week at the Opera House, but that is nothing to compare with the fall in the price of Overton's. Some one got very dry Saturday night and broke into the Beer Bottling House and drank all the' wanted, and no doubt stored some away for Sunday. Senator John B. Gordon joined the Farmers' Alliance last Tuesday, and the ceremonies attendant upon his initiation were conducted in a solemn form. Roy, the youngest son of Mr. Lester Wright, while riding his velocipede a few days ago tumbled and fell on his right arm breaking it just above the elbow. The only case where it can be tolera ted is where the young man having gone to see her several nights in the week in sists on holding an extra session Sunday afternoon. The Business Agency of the State Farmers' Alliance during the first year of its existence did a business of $324,700, and expects to double this amount the second year. The dwelling house occupied by a Mr. Latta, on the plantation of Mr. Z. W. Hampton near Flat River, was consumed by fire on Sunday last. Loss ft, 000. In sured for i$ r.oo. Julian lngJe, son of Rev. Mr. Ingle, of Henderson, who is attending the cele brated Horner School had the misfortune to badly sprain one of ankles on Friday while playing. "Hints for Christmas" is a leading topic of the day. As the season draws near the average head of a numerous family will receive "hints" of a much im pressive nature. Near Henrietta Mills, in" Rutherford count-, Holloway Wall shot and. killed his wife, dangerously wounding her brother and then put an end to his own life on Tuesday. The annual meeting of stockholders of Oxford iV. Olarksville Road took place in Oxford Wednesday. Colonel A. B. Andrews, the distinguished railroad man of North Carolina, was preseut. Mr. J. M. Howeil, a highly esteemed oil gentleman of Fishing Creek township, died at his home on Saturday. He was 84 years of age, and was the grandfather f .Mr J. Walter Howell. The water work question is being discussed before our worthy town com missi. mers by different Northern compa nies. We trust the- w ill move cautiously in the matter and we believe they will. Granville Superior Court added two more to the force of the Penitentiary last week One was a woman frr infanticide and the other for larceny. Sheriff Rogers took them to their new home on Friday. Rittenhouse, the private secretary of Colonel Polk, has played an underhand ed game wLi h has t aused a great deal of friction in the order He has been ex posed and will have to step down and out. A wedding took pi ice in Pennsboro, W. Va., a few days ago, the combined ages of the bride and groom being 171 years. The bride Mrs. Martha Dickin son aged 80, and the groom Norman Cal houn was 91. The ladies of the Methodist Church assisted by others who are not members of the congregation presented Mrs. W. L. Cunninggin with a handsome quilt artis tically made out of velvet and silk as a token of their high esteem. Overton, the Grocer, says his large and well selected stock must be sold, and we advise our readers to give him a call. Mi. Overton as well s,sthe polite Mr. Neal will wait on you with that urbanity char acteristic with all true Virginians. J. H. Carlisle has a cow that furnish ed his family of 0 with all tne milk and butter he used for Ihe year and Mrs. Car lisle sold $78 worth of milk besides; and killed on Friday a pig 13 months old that weighed 400 pounds even. Rev. Baylus Cade, who has just taken mPCDOOD charge of the Progressive Farmer says sure and give W. D. Lynch a call as he that paper "will not urge Alliance men haa a beautiful assortment of gold and who are pledged to Vance to vote against silver watches, clocks, bracelets, silver him, and that ary man who would thus ' ware, and all the novelties in plain and violate pledges would prove himself ut- set rings, which will be sold at the very terly unworthy of the confidence of his lowest possible price. Read his adver-fellow-cit'zen?." tlsement elsewhere. OXFORD, N. C, O3 On The large addition to the Drus store j of Mr. J. G. Hall is nearly completed. j Mr. Willie Howell has returned from a visit to the booming town of Talapoo sa, Ga. Lookout ! Hart& Lawrence will give special bargains in millinery for the next 30 days. - Mr. S. H. Smith returned on Tuesday from a several days visit to his "best girl" in Virginia. Mr. H. M. Rogers, of Brownsville, brought two colored people to jail Friday for stealing. Mrs. Sol W. Cooper and children are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, at Norfolk, Va. Mr. W. A. Davis, who has been con fined to the house several days with a se vere cold is out again. Mrs. Lewis Amis, of Stovall, spent several days in Oxford this week with Col. and Mrs. J. S. Amis. A most delightful German was par ticipated in by our young people at Ar mory Hall last Friday night. When yeu start out to trade buy good from those merchants who help sustain your county paper. Don't forget this ! Revs. W. L. Cunninggim and J. H. Hall are in attendance upon the Metho dise Conference now in session at Wilson. The steam drying brick house of the Messrs. Hundley Bros, caught fire Wed nesday, but the flames were soon put out. Mr. F. B. Hays, who so gracefully presided over the columns of the Day last week surrendered to the chief editor on Monday. Capt.W.A. Bobbitt is rapidly catching on to his duties as Clerk, and we predict he will make as eflicieht officer as Gran ville has had for years. Oxford's two policemen, Messrs.Renn and Leach, are now clothed in regular city uniform, but they have not caught on to the art of slinging the "billy." We welcome Mr. Z. W. Lyon and family to Oxford. What is Berea's loss is Oxford's gain. Mr. Lyon will join his brother, Mr. W.T. Lyon, in the leaf trade. Mr. J. A. Roberts has been very suc cessful in selling stock in the large Cot ton Factory to be erected on the property of the Oxford Land Improvement Co. The residence of Capt. R. P. Hughes was the scene of a most enjoyable affair last Friday night. The Misses Hughes entertained their friends in a handsome manner. If you want to make any friend a present of a fine pocket knife or razor Owen, Barbour & Smith is the place to get them, Gregory says these goods are gilt edge. The excellent managers of the Opera House have booked for December 26th, the Madame Fry Conceit Company of Boston. It is said to be a fine musical organization. The county has published its finan cial statement, but at last accounts noth ing had been heard from that of the town. It is about time it made its appearance as it has had seven months rest in a pigeon hole. Capt. W. II. Snow, Supt. of Modern Barn Company, has patented a new tor bacco granulator. This Company will re move from High Point to Oxford first of the year and occupy the mammoth build ing in South Oxford. Brassfield's is coming to the front early with big hogs. Wm Gilliam killed one a few days ago that weighed 368 lbs. John Shadrick 2 that tipped the beam at 312 and 417, and George H. Hays one that halted at the 352 notch . Can any other neighborhood in Granville beat this? Capt. W. A. Bobbitt and Lieut. B. S Royster attended the election of officers of the 3rd Regiment State Guard at Greensboro last week. All the old offi ces were re-elected. We congratulate Majoi Lanier upon his re-election as we believe he ranks among the best officers in the State. Everybody should be at the Opera House Friday night to see the charming story of " Little Lord Fauntleroy" render ed by the Harry Lindley Company. Mr. Lindley Is a splendid comedian and is ably supported by Miss Allia Halfordand a good company. Now is the time to buy your reserved seats at J. G. Hall's Drug Store. Mr. Simpson Latta, one of the lead ing citizens of the Berea section, and Miss Fannie Morgan, a most excellent and ac complished young lady, were joined to gether as one on Sunday morning last at Mt. Zion Church, by Rev. C. A. Jenkins. The best wishes pf Public Ledger at tend Mr. and Mrs. Latta in their journey through life. In your rounds for Christinas and Holidays presents jve advise you to be FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. SI DO'S MlwCBtPE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. LARGE AMOUNT OF IMPORTANT BUS INESS TRANSACTED. j Proceccllll.s of tUe Boarti wf county Commissioners at tliei- Regular 3Ionthly meeting- Heltl ,,!ecemter 1st. 2nd, 3r1 and 4h. The newly elected Board of County Commissioners after being duly sworn in met in session and transacted the follow ing business. Present, T. D. Waller, chairman, L. G. Smith, J. F. Cannady, M. Blalock, G. B. Royster. , Upon motion of L. G. Smith, T. D. Wal ler was re-elected chairman of the said Board for the ensuing year. That, L. A. Blankenshfp be sent to the county poor house. That W. E. Bullock be allowed to list his property in Dutchville township at single rates. That all unmarried women be allowed to list their property at single rates. That G. G. Ellison be allowed to list his property in Oak Hill township at sin gle rates. That Henry Royster of Oxford town ship have rebate on poll f-rroneously list ed, 1890. That Dennis Walker have rebate on poll erroneously listed, 1890, $2.21. That L. S. Elliott, constable elect Oak Hill township, be allowed until first Mon day in January, 1891, to give his official bond . That II . Kersey be allowed to list at double rates in Oxford township one poll and property, 1890. That Squire Hicks be placed on outside pauper list at $1.00 per month from date. That Caroline Venable be allowed to go to poor house. That Tabby Marrow be allowed to go to poor house. That A. J. Davis, of Brassfield town ship, have rebate on poll erroneously listed, 1890. That Wash Betts be and is hereby ap pointed janitor by the month from Dec. 1, 1890. That W. M. Bullock be allowed to list one poll at single rates, Oxford township. That W. O. Bobbitt be and is hereby appointed constable for Fishing Creek township to fill the place made vacant by the refusal of E. N. Williams, constable elest to qualify. That Mrs. A. A. Davis, executrix, be allowed to list property in Walnut Grove township at single rate. That whereas, S. W. Cooper, Treasurer elect has given his bond and duly quali fied as County Treasurer, that H. C. Hern don, late Treasurer, be notified to turn over all funds, paper, &c, belonging to said county to said S. W. Cooper, and that Board make settlement with said Hern don as soon as possible. That A. W. Graham, Esq., be and is hereby elected attorney for this Board for one year from date. That the salary of A. W. Graham, at torney, ba fixed at $100.00 per year. That County pay $7.00 for printed deed book for R. of D., L. G. Smith voting in the negative. That D. S. Gooch be allowed to list at double rate one poll and property, Wal nut Grove township, 1890. That Dr. E. T. White be allowed to list at single rate one poll and property in Oxford township, also wife's property, error. That in future all parties desiring to deal in spirituous liquors be required to give 20 days' notice at 3 public places be fore applying to thia Board for license. That T. D. Waller be and is hereby ap pointed a committee of one to contract at lowest price for the publication of the county exhibit. That the R. of D. put all delinquents on the Sheriff's book at double rates, re turned by T. D. Waller, chairman. That White and Hunt as executors be allowed to list Hunt estate at single rates, valued at $1,00050 acres. That the oath of J. A. Taylor, deputy sheriff for J. A. Crews, Jr:, Sheriff, be ac cepted. Sheriff C. M. Rogers made the follow ing report of collections for the month of November for 1890 taxes : State tax, $1,805.35 School tax, 1,575.58 County tax, 2,232.31 Road tax, 560.95 Total, $6,174 22 That the following report be spread upon these minutes. Honorable Board County Commissioners of Granville coun ty, North Carolina, I beg leave to make this my report of insolvents collected during the month of Nov., 18901889 taxes : Road Tally Ho, 13 Oxford,- 134 Brassfield, 13) Walnut G.,19 Tally Ho, 16 State .09 .09 .09 .44 .21 School 1-12K 1.12X 1.27 1.18 Co Tot 1.10$2.45 1.37 2.72 1.10 2.45 1.57 3.47 1.27 2.82 Total, $13.91 C. M. Rooers, Sheriff. GENERAL COUNTY ORDERS ALLOWED. R. S. Buchanan, building bridge across Mt. Creek, $ 100 00 Ben J. Davis, burying child, J. G. Shotwell, registering names W.G.T.S.', W. II. Ragsdaie, registering names O. II. T. S , J. R. Walteis, registering 00 199 5 97 12 24 12,54 60:10 408 418 names T. H. T. S , R. J. Daniel, R. of D., services as Clerk to Board, &c, W. F. Rogers, feeding prisoners month November, 1890, R. W. Lassiter, C. S. C, copying election returns, seals, fcc, n. M. Rogers, conveying Ab Clark to county jail, H. M. Rogers, waiting on grand jury 5 days, B. D. Howard, registering 232 names in T. H. T. S., W. O. Bobbitt, registering 249 names in F. C. T. S., W. T. Clement, registering 494 names in O. T. S , L. B. Dixon, work done on bridge and lumber furnished same, Walker Jones, services as jauitor month November, 1890, M. Blalock, 4 days services as Conimisdion-r and mileage to date, J. T. Britt, printing court calen dar, J. T. Britt, publishing county ex hibit and publishing 4 inser tions of same, T. H, Collins, stationery furnish ed county, R. II. Hobgood, feeding jury No vember term, 1890, O. W. Conway, registering 420 names November elect ion, 1890, 80 8!) 5 4 SO 10 00 6 06 7 47 14 82 50 13 00 9 00 4 00 60 00 4 00 14 00 13 Edwards Bronghton, 1 book furnished R. of D. office, J. F. Edwards, merchandise fur nished county, T. L. 11) well & .Bro, blankets, fcc, furnished county, Graham" fc Winston, services as attorneys, C. II. Bryan, registering 328 names Nov. election, 1890, S. D. Booth, medical services for county, W. T. Hockaday, registering 240 names Nov. election, 1890, W. II. Smith, Sheriff Vance Co., conveying A. "Marrow to Gran ville Co. jail, C. M. Rogers, Sheriff, summoning jury, fcc, Nov. term, 1890, R. A. Gill, registering 180 names November election, 1890, J. K. Clement, repairingbridges in Sassafras Fork T S , W.T. Hunt, mattresses and blank ets furnished jail, J. G. Hail, ledger furnished Co., F. B Hays, registering 415 names November '"election, 1890. M. L. Winston, registering 231 names Nov. election, 18JK), Haywood Alston,waiting on L. A. Blankenship, C. M. Rogers, Sheriff , conveying L.A.Blankenship to poor house, Furman & Hays, medicine fur nished prisoners in jail, W. W. Jones, stationery furnished county, G. II. Faucett, registering 174 names Nov. election, L. O. Bryan, 1 days' services to Co , laying off public road, Sam Ellington, conveying Robt. Chavis to jail, L. G. Smith, wood furnished 00 8 03 3 75 25 60 9 84 5 00 7 20 1 60 20 40 10 30 4 f 0 4 0 12 45 8 0 1 m 2 o 2 05 5 50 1 M court house, cutting same, Ac, L. Thomas, stationery furnished C. S. C. office, J. D. Til ley, registering 385 names Nov. election, 1890, S. W. Parker, coal furnished Co. jR, C. F. Crews, registering 293 names Nov. election, 1890, II. W. Day, hire of buggv to go after witness, T. D. Waller, services as Com missioner and settling with Co. Treasurer, PAUPER ORDERS ALLOWED. Ed Jeff, eys, cash paid out supt. Bob Baker, Jno. P. Stedman, medicine fur nished pauper, H. C. Cogwell, coffin furnished pauper, 2 m 11 r r In) i i6 :o '4 SO 40 2 C) Z. W.Allen, superintending poor house months Oct.. and Nov., 168 .8 The following named constables-elect presented their respective bonds which were approved and accepted and the oath of office to each was in due form admin istered: B. L. Hester, H. C. Hockaday, 2. A. Renn, coroner, J. B. V. Tunstall, H. Crews, Jr., S. V. Ellis, W. O. Bobbift, J. Wheeler. 1 tiq.-.1 n.linnrned to meet 1st Monditv in Jan., 1891. R. J. Daniel, R. of D. and Clerk to Board. Peculiar In the combination, proportion, and prepara tion of its ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparill accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. Peculiar in its good name at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad,:" peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has ac-. tained, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most suc- cessful medicine for purifying the blood, giying strength, and creating an appetite. $1.50 urn NORTH CAROLINA. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. A General Epitome or Recent Oecnr rences Around and About lTs, From tne Mountains to the Sea, as Culled from our State Papers. The Statesville Milling Company is erecting a large roller mill. A bank is soon to he established at Maxton, N. C, by home capitalists. Welborn Bros., of Davidson county, raised 635 bushels of corn on 10 acres. Mr. Mack Killebrew, of Edgecombe, realized $500 from two acres in tobacco. Mrs. Leith, the wife of the new pastor of the Methodist Church at Salisbury, is a consin to ex President Cleveland. The Sanford Express is in favor of the Australian ballot and wants the next Legislature to pass it the first thing. The Statesville Landmark declares that one of Iredell's farmers killed a hog last week which pulled the beam at nearly 500 pounds. Raleigh is to have another $150,000 cotton factory. One hundred and eigh teen thousand dollars of the capitai have been subscribed. Poor man! The farm of Stephen J. Daniels, of Greene county, was sold under execution and he put a pistol ball through his heait Tuesday. Mr. Milton Brown, of Salisbury last week sold a dog to Mr. P. Lorrillard Jr. of New York for the handsome sum of $450. Valuable dog flesh. The Asheville Citizen reports $1,135 collected for the entertainment of the delegates to the Southern Inter-State Immigration Convention. Will Daws, living near Toisnot, had his left arm cut off in a gin a few days ago. His arm was cought in the gin and in stantly severed from his body. During the eighteen months ending July 1st, 1890, 10,427 persons were tried ' tor criminal offences in this State. There were of this number 3,318 convictions. Mr. Robert Haydn has resigned his position as managing editor of the Char lotte Chronicle, to take effect in January, and will accept a position in Baltimore. Mr. R. Frank Bright's residence, in Vance township about nine miles from Kinston, was destroyed by fire Monday night. Loss about $3000; insured for $1,500. The Mt. Holly News saj?s statistics show that, notwithstanding the poor crops last year in this State, more was given for religious purposes than ever before. Prof. Eugene C. Branson, seperinten dent of Athens public school (a Raleigh boy) has been given a present of $200 by his board of trustees and a six weeks vacation. The elected Republican Superior Court Clerk of Craven county could not give bond, so he is in the soup and Mr. Wm M. Watson, the Democratic nominee, has got the grin on him Thad Folkes bad been hanged by a jury of Judge Lynch the kind of folkes Thad did not wish to meet. It will be recalled that he murdered Captain Yuncey at Keysville, Va. In the Federal court Josiah Stancill formerly postmaster at Snlma, was con- ) victed of opening and rifling registered letters. He was one of Jno. Wanamaker's appointees and was arrested some time ago. Sent to penitentiary for 2 years. Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox, whose death at Washington is reported by telegraph, was born in Greene conuty, N. C. in 1826, his father having been a merchant at Snow Hill. He met with an accident at Washington a few nights ago and died from his injuries. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, wife of a well known farmer of Burdette, ten miles east of Charlotte, suffered a horrible death from burning Dec. 6. While passing a fire place in the house her dress caught, and before the fire could be extinguished her clothing burned off and death had re lieved her of her sufferings. She was 55 years old. The case of the American Fertilizer com pany against the State Commisioner of Agriculture was heard, and decided againet the commissioner. A decree was issued perpetually enjoining the com niissioner from collecting license tax on fertilizer sold in this State. The com missioner appealed to the Supreme Court of the Uuited States. I j Dnputy Marshal Patterson, with Messrs. i Walkt-r and Steele, went into Stokes ounty last week j-.nd demolished hrf two sf ills and poured out 1,800 gallons of beer, but gt no spirits. The fruit still was found near Walnut Cove" and sup posed to belong to Bill Isham ; the other was the Brow or Mountain and owned by Rufe Southron. The nioon-shiners made their escape. A first-class exteusion top .phaeton, but little used, for sale at a brrgain. dec5. Owen, Barbour fc Smith. FEn NARY -TO ALL L. MEN TO Rt. THE PUBLIC. . CANNOT P.E KX CELLED AS AN" AD VERTISING MEDI UM. TRY US AND BE CONVINCED. PER ANNUM. 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Absolutely Pure. A cream ot tartar baking powder. IliirhePt r f all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Ke port, Aug. 17, 1889. apr2it-ly Sold by R. W. Jones, Oxford, X. C. John P. Stedman, DRUGGIST A xrv TiirAIiMACI.srri RCGGISl ilNU AT U A 14 31 A CIS X We have endeavored to make our stock complete in all lines, buying only the best goods that money could purchase. It is unnecessary to mention any one or even a large number of drugs we have tried to lay in everything called for by our trode. Fancy Articles ! We have a beautiful line of these goods and only ask that you call and see them. Our prices are the lowest. CIGARS, About fifteen brands. Snuffs five d;f ferent manufacturers supply us. CIGBRETTES ! 'CIGARETTES ! IGARETTES ! VIGARE TTKS ! We buy these in large quantities and if you are a dealer can sell you at factory prices. GliowiDgi Ming Tobaccos. Eight brands of the former and two of the latter. We can suit the most, fastid ious. Confectioneries and Fruits in season and out of season. Our candies are the best made. Paper, Envelopes, Inks, Pencils, Spices, Cooking Soda, Flavoring Extracts of our own manufacture and guaranteed the eqnal of any made. War ranted pure and strong. Bakingf Powder ! Royal and Patnpsco. With every box of baking powder we w ill give you a sam ple bottle of our flavoring extracts va nilla or lemon. We are anxious to intro duce them. CLOVER SEED, Blue Stone and Spir its of turpentine in any quantity desired. JMr. S. S. Haithcock is with us and will be pleased to jee bis old customers. Physicians who furnish their own medicines would do well to see us. PRESCRIPTIONS "COMPOUNDED RESCRIPTITNS Vj()M FO UN DEI) BY COMPETENT PHARMACISTS. S! Jgp-Patent Medicines for every ill that flesh is heir. NOTHING othinUt OUCCEEDO OUCCEEDO LIKE SUCCESS. The reapon KADAJl'S MICROBE KILLKK is most wonderful medicine, its because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the simplest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of to day claim and prove that every disease is -CAUSED BY MICROBES,- -AND- Radam's Microbe Killc Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done yu cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the dis ease, whether a simple case of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them ail at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitu tionally. Asthma, Consumption, t'af sirrli, ISroix-lii-tis, Iihemnatism, Kidney ami l.iv r I)is ease, Chills ami Fever, l''inal Trim l.i. s. in All Its Forms, ami, in Fact, Kvt ry Dis ease Known to the Human S.y..tcm. DEWAKE OF Al'I) i I L'LENT IMITATIONS See that onr Trade-Mark (same as above) ap pears on each jujr. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer, " given away by J. G. HALL, Druggist, Sole Agent for Oxford and Oranville County. DLr J RROYALEoXkir jk 4 1 mi 111 , . if mv U J UU LzJ Lan Afl Lamp Gobq rj

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