.-' '' " '"' ' ' " '' "'" ' " "" ' "r" ' 11 .... ... .i.ii... -in ., ... , - . J. ... . .... -"V, THIS PAVER has A i:l; TMM.WCO 1)111. oi:. t o 1 i .ii'. Low Rates ; ' ' ' ' . . ... i VOLUME IV F8Q I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. hfm3tmvus Doctors' Bill I'-" i p.uii 31 ilolbi!-? il.: -t.-ir hill for my wifa fin? one yenr. u:i ono hiittki or Bradtleld's ', Female Ket.tilafor it..: h -r :i;or. t.Loa tlian ,k8U ilio nii.Tit'i:i. f ii-1 (!.!! tfikKii l'i-'l,ii'.. ' ,!.M-;i T. GOTT, dtrmi, HI. Have rv. ft'-"r-ii uri-i-..-; n y fop ypjirs-been tPfeat-.i by f ho t ; ': i y si-'iaiTs without re , Jiet' - Brad'neld's -...!, Regulator did mo J more jj'oou tl ;n liv nihoe r'-iMdit'jj. -: ; Mm. KLI..1 I) AX 1:3, Churiotttf. N. O. Have tio 1 Braiifietd's Female Regulator and i oaa recomnii'iiil it t. sill mv ir-fius. Misfi C. B. W 1 Kill' 'li H, lienver, Col. t Pkahfift i) k;-:.'.f I AluK C., Atlanta, da. f Sold by ail Icru&'g'usts. l'ricc, $i.uo per bottle. cw Attraction ! II :tll i HI' line '!' I ll.- lal i--! -! !e Shirt Studs, 1 1 Cuff Buttons, i Jersey Pins, H L('AIit' I 1NS. W'ATi'ii 1 HA INS. , Pt'.U.'K I INS, AMU V IIAINS. klCOLD AND SILVER VATCHES !C a " K S l ;K TO i Al.l. AND EXAMINE THESE II !'uint- .-is ! hev :iTl- of i hi- l:itc-i natti-i us. i l;.-i:ii-m ln r 1 liiaki- a -pi-ci.-i ll v i.l' rt-iiairing '.Val-hi-s ami u w. iri . W. 1). l.YM'U. a;r.M-!. Alain Sliia-t .IcucIit. IHoyv Is This For IliMii ! 8 -I. ('. Fii-mlmr. '! im.!!m!-. s.'hi: ::it::. yriC.Mi; 115 f V. S. i:.- k. Vi iioui.c!-. sti: l:;t. -r.: :-.(;. sll. .4 :1!. '1'. I'rru-. i;; ji.iiin.l-. s-.-s. ;,!): 1:!, StJtJ.i".: l.Vi. 5J.:;"., '.o: 1 T.. s-jti. .: 1 7'.'. .-'II. ) Lillv Siuitii. in iiiuiKt-, s V,: !-'.. SI, 'lt..-jr,'; In--, si 7 v!.",. .1. F. (.'iin-iii. l:in jimni.!-. ' 1.1: -Jl-.', s:!.1..10: f--j-i.r.u: -j-io. .:.: l.i.i. si ;..-,: i-.'T. si::..io: ins, is: f?;... s: p;o. s::t..-.: 1 si: sll. I . '1'. .lai-ksn ii. i:U i. ...:). t-. s.M: :hi. s n.r.n: liMl. ri. s-ii: -U. sit: sl-i.l.V -il-, ?r.-i. i::t, B S-JS..'.n; (II. Sl. .:..hii Ca!i. -Jit: ihii;I!!-. s !': 110. s:;.: si:, s-.Ht: s. 4 Ftriiiins.' A: Lv.m. 1 11 poiimis, '!: '2K s.'J.I: 21:5. -.'.1: f,-j, S JJ....I. X A. . Flfiniii-.'. 51sim.iiii.Is. s II. -.'.'il. :!7..10; HK. -2.l: .(..".(: .15. nr.. si7.Tr.. K. T. Beck. :;:: immiimU. s.ih: ic.I, s-.'N: :5T. s-.1: .Hi. : 17.5.1: 5-Jt. s 1.1. 1 S5.1; In. s 17 5.1. U". A. H.'ck. -r.i lii.iinil-. SI7..1H: 7, slii; 157, '1'. 1. t'ana.l v. I.'.n in.nn.l-. s 111: nr.. slii.r.tt; jmt. i'i: 7i'.. S5 !.."..: sr.. Sir.: '.'!. sln.r.u. Mr?. A. Koi k. "J.;:; i;iiit". si.'.r.n: 155, '5.1: 7i, 55(1: I:!. -IS; - 1. S15.51. Y: K. H. F l. iniiiL'. ::'.! ih.iuhI-. s.IU: 5''o. s:;.l..Hi: 1s5. lt54.r.n: 5ln. sl'i.v-1: 171.' sl.1: !51. s 1.1 .Hi. 2-'::. Slit: J:..;. :;.;: 5.1s. sit. L. N. Bi-i k. ;:, ;ioini,!. s.11: 5s. s 11 .Hi: 7.1. s !0. .11): s::-l: t;r. S5;.10:'71. sMi.5.1: 11. sll. f P..('!l .t B.-rk. 1 ...iiinK s.li: in?, s.'i'.i: 117, -14. all: 17. si 1.5... U'. .M. lir.iill'i.nl. ::; j.:in.l-. s :',: :;::. s5'!..HI: W. S17: loo. sll. 71: s :;.".: ::i::. s' l.r.ii: 517. sl.1.5.1 St-ai.ro.ik I..r-cv. 1 ''.:;. s:;.i.."..i: -,'.:7. s-.'o..1ii: 11". '$5ii: inn. s1i;..1m; imi. s; j 53rBniir your Toiv.rco to us. We v. ill et u uie ri ir u. s t a v.-rai'i-. UNT, COOPEIl & CO. -F!M .IT - ills Raleigh Plate to Factory IS THE liFS'J', I'i i:est and coldest ice Jl inaile l.y liatuii- or art. whole-ali- anil retail .it ro. k bottom j.ri. . by Tories cc Powell, JiALEKill, C, WHOLESALE !EALEltS IN GRAIN. FORAGE. SHINGLES. LATHS, coal. wood, .m i llfeei). a .-. Those who wish to i;i y will please writ.' lor j.ri.i'S. Tliosi' win. wish to sell I'lfasi- -t a1 ' .j iian i i : y a ml rii cs. may S. 1 1. ,l c: U NCI OXFORD, N. ('.,- Cabinet Makers AND- UPHOLSTERERS HAVR .U'ST KKCKIX IOD A NICK lin lit' jiio.t.nrcs nnil i-t.iir vnoulil ngs. Also can y :i line of cn'iinn. Any one in nefid f ;invt!iiii; of .ho kiinl we .voulii he pleiis'i! to 1i:ivh you cull ami see us. We will tt;u:ir;uit'. prices :is low as any om. :ipr.!7-1 nio. !!! COOL! FOK Till: P.KST SODA WATC!:, SODA WATKU, Ml LIC SHANKS, MILK SHAKKS, SIIKKIJEIITS, if., SHKKUEKTS, CALL ON J. R. COUCH & CO.. Next to the Postoffice. NO. 24. TOWN AND COUNTY. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. WInU Is Transpiring; Around and AImmiI l. in Town nnd 'oiinly 'I'iie MuifinriiU null UuIiikh of Peo lle Titn Know. Ktc. Mr. Thomas L'sry and W. P.Lyon calle.l on th I'ur.i.ie JEiviF.K this week. Mrs. Dr. J. 15. Williams ami Mrs. Job jOslioi n returned from a visit to Asheville. We exceedingly regret to learn of the si -k n ess ot Kev. !. T. Watkins, at bis home near Adoniraiu. M iss Crews has returned from (iieenslioro Female College and is at her home near Tar Kiver. Charming young ladies, flowers and gallant young men have reigned supreme in Oxford this week. Messrs. C. X. Ellington, E. ii. Elling ton and l. L. lheedlove, of Franklin county, aid us a visit on Tuesday. (.'apt. A. .1. Smith, who has charge of Messrs. Hundley Bros.' force of hands, is now at work on the Presbyterian church. The march of improvement continues in South Oxford. The Modern Barn Co. and the Knitting Mills are making things hum. Mr. H. P. Dillard, one of the old cit iens of Brassrield, was in Oxford Mon day. Twelve years have elapsed since his last visit. Mr. A. S. Peace qualified as Com missioner on Tuesday morning, and we congratulate the county upon his induc tion into office. Mr. 1). B. Nicholson, of Clinton, a prominent law yer ami Assistant Clerk to the House of Representatives, visited Oxford on Tuesday. The Modern Barn Co. will ship 100, 000 tobacco sticks this week besides an immense quantity of baskets. This is a big institution for Oxford. Major N. A. Gregoiy, W. A. Davis, Ernest Parham, Willie Eandis and .1. B. Floyd atteuded the dedication services at Grove Hill on Sundaj' last. Mr. ifc Mrs. J. F. Cole, accompanied by their three pretty little daughters, of Satterwhite, and Mr. J. K. O-Brien, of Dutchville, visted us on Thursday. Kev. J. A. George, the Armenian, lectured at the Baptist church on Sunday morning upon the modes and customs of the people to a large audience. Quite a sum was contributed. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Green of Stem, spent Saturdtiy in Oxford. This was the first visit Mrs. Green has made to the town in 12 years. She remarked that the "court house was the only familiar look ing building she saw." Messrs. J. S. Pool, J. II. House, II. E. Crews, J. M. Phipps, J. H. Painter, J. I). Davis, AV. II. Ragsdale, T. G. Cottrell, .1. B. Hunter,.!. D. AYilliams, AVm. Goss and Senator G. L. Allen paid us a visitor Monday. We are always glad to see our friends at any time. The Granville Female Institute Com mencement will be held June 10th and 11th. AVe thank Miss Bettie Clark, the able principal for an invitation to be present. The order of exercises show that great care has been taken in the training of the pupils, and our people will enjoy two evenings in a most pleas ant manner. If you are in any way afflicted we urge you to read the unqualified endorse ment of the greatest mineral water that llows out of the ground, which is Pana cea of course. Preserve the supplement and ponder over what some of the very befit people of North Carolina say about the wonderful cures it has effected. Try it by all means. We had a most agreeable visit from Mr. AV. Raker, of Raker City, this week. He gives most Mattering reports of the output of magnificent ore from the Blue AVing copper mines which is now being put on the market. New capital is being invested and the facilities will be greatly increased. Hurrah for Northern Gran ville and her mining interest! Drs.J. M. llays.S.D. Booth ana G.A. Coggeshall returned Saturday from the Medical Convention at Asheville. Ox ford captured the secretaryship again, and we believe no better selection could have been made, as Dr. Hays is in every way worthy of the honor bestowed. Dr. Cheatham, of Henderson, was elected President, and we congratulate this gen tleman upon his election to the Presi dency. It seems that the hunting season is still on. Mr. Tom Hunt happened to go out into his woods and struck up with a gang of squirrels. He watched them for a while and saw them all go into a small hollow where he could get to them. He could not allow the opportunity ;to pass, and built a flro and smoked them out. As they would come down he killed them and continued this until 6 squirrels lay dead at his feet. It was not a good day for squirrels either. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1891. J3y -17(0) qqf (BDDDDt5y Our town has been run over with vis itors all the week. The Horner School commencement to-night (Thursday) and Friday night. Mr. P. G . Roberts, of Mecklenburg, and J. E. Roberts, of Charlotte counties, Va., called to see us Wednesday. They sold tobacco with Davis fc Gregory. The immense frame three story build ing of the Horner School is now up. It will be of attractive design and will be an ornament to Horner Heights when completed. One of the special features of the Greensboro College Commencement was the marriage of Mr. W. B. Lee to Miss Mamie Fontville. It was at the conclu sion of the last Grand Concei t when Men delsohns wedding march struck up and the bride and groom, with attendants, en tered and were united in marriage by Dr. Dixon. It was a pretty scene, and one of joy and happiness. The congratulations and presents were many. Trials took place before Mayor Smith and Squire S. V. Ellis Tuesday and Wed nesday of a most disreputable character. Such disgraceful acts and bare effrontery has no parallel we believe in the history of Oxford, and is almost universally con demned by our citizens. The law has the participants in limbo and we hope will extend to its furtherest limit. The affair is so dirty and filthy in its nature that we cannot pollute our columns with it. The farmers rolled in Friday amid the rain and mud and sold tobacco at very good prices. We shook hands with the following gentlemen on the breaks: W. T. Overton, Zack Daniel, T. B. Dan iel, Ed. N. Crews, A. J. Dickerson, Henry Hester, J. ii. Pruitt, S. T. Dickerson, AV. M. Nelson, Bnfus llobgood, F. H. Fra zier, Ed. Pruitt, A. H. Frazier, B. F. Hester, J. H. Longmire, .1. B. Parham, B. Hicks, W. Brummiit, J. M. Phipps, W. A Jones, B. I. Breedlove, J. W. Davis, M. Dixon, R. E. Callis, A. C. Parham, Maurice Daniel, W. A. Beck and A. A. Lyon. Spasmodic, convulsions are frequently caused by worms gnawing at the vitals; therefore, at the first indications of worms, Shriner's Indian Vermifuge should be administered according to di rections. For sale by J. G. Hall. Sunday at the Met uodit Cttnrfli. There was a large congregation at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning, and Rev. R. F. Bumpass discussed in an able manner the text "Cast thy bread upon the water, for thou shalt find it after many days." Among the many proofs brought to bear upon the subject, he said that Peter Doub of this State, wrote a small tract which found its way to Mis souri and fell into the hands of the late Bishop Marvin which brought him to Christ, and through his preaching many weary sinner had found a blessed Savior. He said those who were engaged in the great work of the Sunday School were laying the foundation for the indwelling of God's love within the hearts of the young people. The singing was of a high order as the chois is now composed of good material. Miss Eva Minor presides gracefully at the organ while Messrs. James AVhite and AV. C. Thaxton accompany with cornets. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Croup, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is garan teed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at J. G. Hall's Drug Store. Large size 50c. aud $100. Tuesday a Iti&' Dit.Y Oxford market is again on the boom and large breaks of the golden weed at each one of our big warehouses. The auctioneers were in good tune and they made it bring every cent that could be gotten with the permission of the trust. The farmers are posted on the prices lim ited as their pockets have suffered for want of dollars on account of it. Amrng the large number of farmers present Tuesday were J.J. Renn, J. L. Clay, J. J. Meadows, John Lawrence, W. H. Tillot son, J B Watson, S II Moss, R T Crews, A A Crews, S D Bragg, Roy Currin, C F Crews, W J Badgett, J F Currin, J S llobgood, J D Wilkerson, L V Peace, J M Ellington, John Elliott, and B F Hes ter. Kheiiuiat ism Cured in a Day. " Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious: It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by J . G. Ilall, druggist, Ox ford. Owen, Barbour & Smith have a full and well selectad stock of hardware, plows and castings. They will appreci ate your trade and deal fair with you. AVe have a large assortment of buggies at any price you want. Come and see us before you buy. may 15. Owen, Barbour & Smith. AROUND GRANVILLE. THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND ITS INTEREST PROTECTED, What in Hoiiif; on In Iift'erent Sec tions act fathered by the Public Ledger Report em Views of Corres pondents, Ar. A'OICE FROM BROAVNSVILLE. Mr. Editor: Please allow me a few words in your valuable paper. After learning Trumps objection to the "Stock Law" as published in the Puhltc Leix;f:u of last week it strengthens what 1 have for a long time been made to believe, that any man who would let Ids stock run at. large when it was against the law, and swears he will not pay when they are im pounded 1 must say is very small man, and letting out his part of "original sin." After having my crop damaged by stock belonging to my neighbor for four or five years to a considerable extent and receiv ing only about $1 85, as near as I can re collect, and that for impounding. I must agree with trump and say I dislike it be cause it gives me a chance to find out the smallness of my tellow man, and live in hopes of it hopes of it being repealed that I may raise sheep on other farmers grass and not others raise their stork on my wheat and oats as seems to have been the case, R. M. Pittakd. DABNEY DOINGS. Mrs. Horace Ellington is very low with consumption. The grass hopper is doing considerable damage to tobacco. In some instances whole lots have been eaten up. Our public school has closed and the small boy can give his whole time to things that call his attention birds nests, frogs, green fruit, &c. The closing exercises of Miss Lillie Hays' school came off at Poplar Creek Monday night. We understand it was a very nice affair. AVe were not present. Mr. and Mrs. AV. E. Swain visited Lib erty last week. Mr. Swain preached the annual sermon at the academy at that place. They returned Saturday evening. The Rev. 11. R. Michaux, well known in this section, having once been pastor of the M. P. church at this place, paid our people a visit recently. He is now agent for the American Bible Society. The ladies of this sectien have lately been paying their attention to Oxford, lookiug after the duck of a bat and fine fabrics for summer wear. This is due to the advertisements seen in the Public Ledger. Mr. AV. H. Hester sailed into town a few days ago in a buggy to make some purchases. His horse was moored to a tree and after having placed several bun dles in the buggy he stepped back into the store when the borse broke loose from his moorings and scud down the Henderson road as though driven by a cyclone; the bundles shifted lively and were finally thrown overboard in crossing the wake of the train. Half a mile be low town the buggy stood on its beam ends and finally capsized and went to to tal wreck. Tonos. BULLOCK BREEZES. Mr. G. H. Faucette was in Milton this week. We regret exceedingly to hear of the severe illness of our neighbor Mr. Holmes. Miss Mary Carrington left last Tues day on a visit to relatives and friends in South Boston, Va. Mr. Harry Watkins has returned from a visit of several days to bis sister Mrs. John Morton, of Charlotte county, Va. Mrs Mamie Watkins and Mrs James Daniel are losing their fowls in great quantities with cholera. The prolonged rainy spell has been very unfavorable for raising young fowls, consequently they will be very scarce this season. Tobacco in large quantities has been shipped from here this week to Oxford and other markets. The warm, damp spell has made it difficult to keep tobacco from injuring in the bulk unless proper care and trouble is taken with it. AVe have had constant and heavy rains for more than ten days and the streams have been very much swollen in this sec tion. Farmers have found it as much too wet for farm work in the past week as they found it too dry before. Tobacco plants that have been set out are being injured by cut worms and flies, so the i poor farmers have little encouragement for a crop. I see in the Pubi.tc Ledger and Dur ham papers advertisements of Mrs. Lewis E. Amis for summer boarders. "Belle vue" is one of the loveliest country homes in this whole community, and Airs Amis possesses the rare talent of making every body feel perfectly at home. AVith such a charming companion as Mrs! Amis, such a lovely home, such fruit and the many other advantages that Bellevue can af ford any one may consider themselves fortunate to secure such a summer resort. Trump. STOAALL SHORT STOPS. Captain A. Landis was in our village a few days ago. Miss Lute IS. Royster, of Bullock's, is visiting here. Mrs. J. A. Stradley, of Oxford, visited our town during the past, week. The arm. and hammer brand soda man was here a few days ago advertising his soda by giving it away to the people. That, "handsome" gentleman from Sto vall, who was in Oxford some days ago returned home safely ami wears his honors with becoming dignity. Bishop Lyman preached here last week to a large and appreciative congregation. The choir from Oxford assisted in ren dering the music which was grand and; inspiring. A large crowd was here on Sunday last attending the Baptist Sunday School In stitute. Much to the regret of the con gregation there was no preacher present, though wo had some tine speeches from several of the brethren. Arrangement will soon be made with a vejy renowned teacher to open a school in our midst. This is a good point aud we are confident a large school can be easily built up. Truly the people of Stovall and vicinity are elated at this move. Our people are greatly pleased at the selection of Capt A. S. Peace for County Commissioner. He is very popular in this part of Granville. We are fnformed the magistrates did a just thing in asking the Commissioners to patronize the coun ty paper whenever anything is to be pub lished that concerns the people. Every good citi.eu is interested in the paper, asa it is battling hard for the prosperity of3 Oxford and Granville county, and should be liberally patronized. GltTP. WILTON WHISPERINGS. Miss Patty Lyon visited Oxford on Monday. Our farmers are hard at work since the water reused to fall. ; Mr. AV. P. Lyon is making improve ments to his dwelling by the addition of another room. AVheat and corn is looking well. It is said that Mr. Adieus Morris has finest lot of wheat near his house in the neighbor hood. He is one of our best farmers and really lives at home. AVe are glad to see that Mr. John El liott, a thrifty farmer of Fishing Creek, is making improvements to his dwelling house. lie has made it longer and run it up two stories, and when completed will be one of the neatest places on the road. It seems that the county commissioners have lost sight of the fact that the county paper should be sustained for its devotion to thecause of good government,and for its true devotion to the rights of the people, We are glad that the magistrates of the county Monday took action in this mat ter, requesting the Board to put that which concerns the taxpayers in the county paper, and it will meet with the hearty approval of the people. What is being done about the Oxford & Coast Line Railroad ? AVhy not make a survey and see which is the best as well as the cheapest route, putting as many miles in the county as can be got and go to work on the road. A large number of our people will contribute to the enter prise. The road can be built from AVil ton to Franklinton at a small cost as to grading and open up a fine trade for Ox ford. Let the officers of the road make a move all along the line and we believe they will receive encouragement. The new Church at Grove Hill, in Brasslield Township, was dedicated last Sunday. Rev. Dr. Nash, an able divine of Raleigh, preaching the sermon. The chursh is the handsomest in the county, not accepting the town of Oxford in mak ing this assertion. Much credit is duea the popular pastor, Rev. Mr. Pell, in hav- HIL tM clyliU tli iiiiit; in lutein jnvuct wi a wj, ricii , 5 l - 1 7 . -. . . 1. ... ml.., WOrSIlip. Ill oiuei id aiiow nuau uuc zealous christian man can accomplish, backed up by faithful workers, he raised all the contributions for this purpose in the immediate neighborhood, with the exception of less than ten dollars. The attendance was unusually large, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties contribu ting to the assemblage, and the dinner was a credit to the thrifty section in which the church is located. Rev. John Jenkins, brother of Prof. W. II. P. Jen kins, now of Warren, preached an excel lent sermon in the afternoon. The sing- ing was good and greatly enjoyed by all present. AVe rejoice with our Methodist: brethren of Grove Hill, and hope to see other sections and denominations emulate their worthy example. Vigor and Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the tody by Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood Is purified, en riched, and vitalized, and carries health In stead of disease to every organ. The stomach Is toned and strengthened, the appetite re stored. The kidneys and liver are roused and invigorated. The brain Is refreshed, the: miad made clear and ready for work. Iry it.; $1.50 MEETING OF MAGISTRATES IN JOINT SESSION WITH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. ij t A Large dumber of Magistrates Pres. nit Taxes Fixed at TO Cents Itoad Tax for Oxford Township A. S Peaf Elected Commissioner Hoard of Education Elect ed-500 for Coun ty Kxhibit. On Monday last the Board of Magis trates and County Commissioners met in joint session to levy taxes, and elect a Board of Education. We dare say that ao county in the State can show a more intelligent set of Magistrates than those assembled in the court house on Monday, and the utmost harmony prevailed. Mr. J. G. Shotwell presided with his usual dignity and ability. lie is one of the coming young farmers of Northern Granville, and is a man possessing sound judgment and elegant traits of character Mr. R. J. Daniel, Register of Deeds, rcted as Secretary, and when he called 't;he roll the different townships were rep- Resented by the following Magistrates: Fishing "Creek W. A. Parham, II. A Taylor, W. D. Blackly, E. C. Montague, ii. W. Bryan. S Brassfield J. L. Adcock, W. P. Lyon, -.V. P. White, J. I). Davis, E. J. Jenkins Dutchville J. D. Tilly, AV. T. Adams, L. Coley. '. Tally Ho W. II. Smith,.!. AV. Brown, 'f. II. Webb, J. R. AValters. Walnut Grove J. G. Shotwell, B. F Hester, R. W. llobgood. Oak Hill AV. S. Eakes, J. S. Pool. M S. Daniel, B. T. AVinston. Sassafras Fork B. F. Frazier, AVilkins Stovall. Oxford A. C. Parham, R.J. Mitchell, W. F. Rogers, S. V. Ellis, II. T. Hughes, N. II. AVhitlield, T. J. Averett. Salem J. B. Parham, Amos Dean, C F. Crews, J. R. AVilson, A. L. Gooch. The first business that came up was the election of a commissioner in place of Mr. L. G. Smith, resigned. Col. R. J Mitchell nominated Capt. A. S. Peace, and different magistrates (whose names we failed to get) nominated M. L. Coley, T. D. Clement, E. C. Harris, AV. L. Mitch ell and I. N. Day. Capt. Peace was elected by a large majority, who will make the county an efficient and pains taking official, and we congratulate the Magistrates upon the selection ef this gentleman. I The tax levy recommended by the Board of Commissioners through their chairman, Mr. T. D. AValler, was approved and is as follows: State tax, on each $100 worth of real and personal property, 25 cents ; pensions, 3 cents ; and poll 9 cents. School, 15 cents ; on poll, f 1.44. Gen erai county taxes, 23;r;j cents; support of poor, 47?4 cents. Schedule B. and C. same as that of State. AVork house, 3 cents, and 10 cents on poll. Oxford and Salem railroad tax on $100 worth of property, 7 cents; on poll, 22 x2 cents. A road tax ot 11 cents on $100 worth of property and 23 cents on poll was levied ,'upon Oxford township, which was peti- tioned for by a majority of the Magistrates of said township in ac cordance with an act of the last Legisla ture. AVe think this is an exhorbitant tax for the purpose of piling mud up in the middle of the roads to be made im passable in the winter, unless a rock crusher is purchased and the roads that are worked macadamized. Enough money has already been thrown away on the roads leading to town by not having a rock crusher to do the work in an effi cient manner. The question of appropriating money to get up a suitable display of the great resources of Granville at the Southern Exposition to be held at Raleigh October and November, as recommended by Gov. Holt and endorsed by President Carr, of the State Alliance, as will be seen by ref erence to another column, was taken up. Mr. A. AV. Graham, explained it in full to the Board. Capt. John A. Williams made an earnest appeal in behalf of the many . , mi , resources that Granville possesses, and ' poke of the many advantages that would result by a good exhibit as it would be the means of bringing capital to our midst. Capt. J. B. Hunter spoke of the vast amount of minerals that was in Fishing Creek and was highly in favor of some thing being done to bring Granville min erals to the front. Col. R. J. Mitchell said he was opposed to appropriating any money for an exhibition, and thought the ones interested in the minerals should pay for their own exhibit instead of it coming out of the county. Mr. B. F. Hester was enthuslasttc for an appropriation, and did not wish to see dishonor brought upon the county by not being represented at the great Exposition in Raleigh. Mr. C. W. Bryan arose and moved that f 500 be appropriated for the purpose of an exhibit of the resources of Granville county at the Southern Exposition at Ral eigh which was carried. On motion a committee of two from each township was appointed to attend to said exhibit, as follows: Fishing Creek.sJ. B. Hunter and C. W. (Continued on fourth page.) PER ANNUAL MISCELLANEOTj s. mm (3 Absolutely Pure. A cream ot tartar baking powder. HiL'tic-l ot all in leavening strength. L.tlcM V. S. Oovern ment Food Report. apri ly Sold by K. W. Jones, Oxford, N. ( MO. 0. "" WHITE'S !Pasliiciifal.I; FRED DAY'S OI.l) STAND, : 1 1 1 f.f.s 1:0 III! ST. REALIZING Til K ItKl l'l I! E.M K NTS () ! ' 'I' 1 1 I S Heetion for a larger mid belter aMoi I in. n' ot' Spring Millinery Goods than lin y have li.nl hen tol'ore, I have made very heavy pii reha-i s Ihis seanon, and can eonlident ly say t hat I now ha.e the largest and be-t stoek of EVER BROUGHT TO OXFOIfl). VK Jl A 10 uleo necured Die service" of one of I lie be-1 milliner in this county, M iss Sallie K. Nolan, of Baltimore. Will sell at the same low price-. I have always chanted and w it h 1 w ice I lie si o. i. , and the bent millinerv talent to be bad, I will guarantee entire satisfaction in every particular. CALL ALL, AM) 17XAMINI0 ni l! (JTOI'lil ND JliXA.MINK I H li O'l'UCK. Dross Making DeDarlmont ! I HAVE ADDED A I) II ESS MAKING I HO I' A 1 ." I tnent to my nusim ss, w hich w iil be in charge of Mrs. N. G. Leonard, an experieii"ed r, - . maker and cutter of Halt irnoie. 1 solicit tin patronage of the ladies. Dresses made up in handsome style, and satisfaction assured. mch27. AIRS. O. O. WHITE. Work for the Killer of High Prices ! NHWSE! NIVSt'::::K! WE HAVE OPENED I T IN' THE rOOI'EK old stand, corner of Hillshoro and ..Mam streets, with a full line of General -:- Merchandise, CONSISTING OF DRY AND FARCY GOBI, Notions, Shoes and Hats. MY STOCK 13 NEW AND CLEAN I PROPOSE TO SELL AS LOW AS A M s can afford to do, and I mean to do a I. ,1; mate, (quare business. All I ark the pepe- j to give nie a trial. J shall make trood ail I prom ise. We Don't Credit You DOES NOT IMPLY LACK OK CON in your honesty, but we know t In cash system is right and best, for all. ID 10: .in i ,' nestly extend to all who pay cash for t totradewitb us and enjoy the bend nystein. A lot of people buy on habit. To all such we invite you trial, feeling assured you w ill be breaking loose from such liai.it-. t mi to nil. 1 11 - ;:i; 1 - a ! lor Vou rs an x ion- to mch-rr. L. 10. WIMi.ll T .V ' ' 1. 13. 1 . TAYLOR, Oxford, X. C, At A N L' I' A CT L'KKl! V F REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL KINDS OF AA7"ooclwork, BlacksiTiitliiiiir, I3aintirii", tS:c o- TRIMMING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. ANY ONE IN NEED OF A 1-IKHiSE W'AGGN will tind it to their interest, to examine my Ptock before buying elsewhere. I use m ite rial luuBurpasBd by any. Give me 3 trial. Satis faction guaranteed. mehiiV-Ow, a on I Wops, it J S!

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