f"rhtiJh t it it ana -tft-'f d y THE MEEKLY A Good MEDIUM TO V, K.VCH The Farmers THIS PAPER HAS A mo Circulation IN TJIK qviBAcro ti-:i.t. Jl Olt.WlO II0I.I. Low Rates TO Aflverlisers ! or 1 his T!:i"r!i; or The State!! VOLUME IV NO. 28. OXFORD, N. 0., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1891. $1.50 PER ANNUM. DO 6 rj0Jl ... v' jrwurrn wiBT untKT ait. -v x"v if" tn ' - ' - i z- . snr cj rnrxw u eaucA( k r GfitP&lQDGL COssilcDCPcf JqdDw ?7 y 2 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mothers friend $HSPArv INISHE& worth its yjesckt & gold. "Mothers' Friend." is worth its weight iti gold. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of her other children than she did altogether with her last, after having used four bottles of "Mothers' Friend." It is a blessing to expectant mothers, says a customer. HtNDEiiSON DALE, Carmi, 111. Having used two hottles my sixth child was born with no pain comparatively. Airs. L. O. Vaughan, Sheridan Lake, Col. Wonderful relieves much suffering. liira. M. M. Browstsr, Montgomery, Ala. Bent by express on rerpir-t of price. SI. 50 per bottle. BulJ by all diusfgiats. Book to mothers mailed free. Umaui'ikld Regulator Co.. Atlanta. Ga. New Attraction ! HAVE SOW IN STOCK A BEAl'Tl b'Vlu AND attractive line of the latest style Shirt Studs, Cuff Buttons, Jersey Pins, SCARF 11NS, 7"AT'H f I'Altl' 1 !N, All 11 V "MIA INS, MAINS, -3G0LD AND SILVER VATCHES!t BE SI KE Tt CA L I AM) EXAMINE THESE goods as they are of the latest patterns. Kememher 1 make a specialty of repairing watches ami jeweiry. W. i). LYNCH, apr.-.M. Alain Street Jeweler. HowTs Tlifs Forllialf! J. C. Fleming, '.nl pound. '0; Mtl.r.O; 115' hi. in) K. T. Crews, 177 itoiuuls.'s-.JM.r.li: 'l 13, --i:J.35; 155, iK r.n. Ill -. w II i Lilly SmitU.40ponii(is. s 1:1: is, at, SI, 1 ; lilw iir i J. K. Cnrrin, l')i) ponniis, sr.: 27-3, s:;r.r.O; 200, 2-J.50: -i UK --Jl 50; ir,r,. si!;.:,n: t-.7. si:J.r,i(; im, -4s; f.5, -i--": lrio, .:j7."nt: s-0: i:i. .-il.".. 1). I . Jaeksoi., 13 1 i)omuls. s.,r,: HO, U.:iO; 1(H), ti-i: 51, 41. sl7: :i7, sl-.7.", -Vi, .V, Vi, H); 1W, is,50; 1-10. sis. John Cash, -TJ oouihH, sin; mi, s:ai; M.. ?: t,s, lii.SS. Fleming & Lvon, 1 11 pomitls, :S; 20, 21."3, 25: t"2, $24.50. A. G. Flemiii:'. 21S pounds, sir,. 2:11, :17.r.0: 102, 5; til, -2C..r0: .VJ. ;-J0; 175. S17.75. i i E. T. Beck, 2:i' pounds, s:,0: Itil ?2S; :i7, ?-; oti, 17.25: 224, 15, 1 f., S25: 70. si 7. 25. vv A. 5ecK. ., pounds, Sl...)i); i, jjo; nt, S, 1S.25: tit;. sl.J.25. f 26: S5 V. d! Caiiady, 150 jonnds. Mi: 105, $ 10.50; liK). in. : i c;n- ie.. (It III Ml Airs. A. Beck, 25 uounds. S 12.50; 1, $25; 7C, j: 53, 18: 24, 12.25. R. H. Fleming, :,M pounds. s50: 2',0. $5.50; 1S2, f 24.50: 240, Sl'J.25: 175, sl5; 421, S45.50, 22:;, $40; W, 3fi: 25S, 17. D. N. Beck. 2i5 pounds, 55: 2S. 11 50; 75, 10.50; 5H, f34; Ii7. $2(1.50: 75, $1(1.25; 51. $15. Powell & Beck, 11U pounds, S51: 10. $:5!l; 117, $34.50; 17, $14.25. W. M. Bradford. 372 pounds, S43; 332, S23.50; 1W, $17; 100, $11.75; 2st;, $:V: 3d:i, $21.50:217, $15.25 Seahrook Dorsev, 1C.3. 3(i.50: 237, $20,50; 110, f 20: 190, $1(1.50: loft. $14.25. eBrins your Tobacco to us. We will get you the highest average. HUNT, COOPER & 00. -FROM- Tie BalBieb Plate Ice Factory i STHE BEST, PUKEST Alsl) COLDEST ICE made ty nature or art, wholesale and retail at rock bottom prices by .Tones & Powell, KALE I GIT, N. C, -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- GRAIN- FORAGE. SHINGLES. LATHS, COAL, WOOD, 3IILLFEED, &. rpiIOSE WHO WISH TO BUY WILL PLEASE J write for rices. Those who wish to sell please state quantity and prices. may S. II. ,J . c L & C OXFORD, N. (!.,- Cabinet Makers -AND- UPHOLSTERERS ! HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NICE line of pictures anil picture mould ings. Also carry a line of coflins. Any one in need of anything of the kind we would he pleased to have you call and see us. We will guarantee prices as low as any one. " apr-17-lino. KEEP COOL! FOR THE BEST- SODA WATER, SODA WATER, MILK SHAKES, MILK SHAKES, SHKRP.ERTS.&c, SH ERRKRTS, etc., CALL OX J. R. COUCH I CO., Next to the Postcffice. TOWN AND.. COUNTY. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. Wliat is Transpiring: Around and About ITs. In Town and 4'ounly The Movements and Ooinjrs of leo IIe You Know. T.tv. Mr. 1) C Devenish is on business trip North Oapt. A. Land is spent the week at Duffalo Springs. Mr. L. J. Fuller, of Berea, was in Ox ford Thursday. Mr. J. W. Downey, of Wilton, visited this ottice Wednesday. Mr. J. M. Phipps, of Hargrove, drop ped in to see us on Tuesday. A big colored excursion from Clarks ville struck Oxford on Thursday. The brick work on the Presbyterian church is going rapidly forward. Miss Mary Lynch is enjoying a moat delightful visit to friends in Loulsburg. Capt. W. II . White is now in Eastern Carolina in the interest of Panacea Water. One of Berea's substantial citizens, Mr. W. S. Lyon, spent Wednesday in town. Mr. K. II. McGulre after spending a fw days in Brunswick county, Va., is at home. We welcome home Mrs. E. H. Hicks who has been on a visit to her sister in Mississippi. Read advertisement of Prof. Frank P. Hobgood, offering for sale some fine Jersey cows. We had a pleasant call Monday from Mr. K. W. Harris and G. B. Harris of Henderson. John W. Hays Jr,. is now engaged in laying off the lots of West Oxford Land Improvement Co. Capt. J. li. Hunter, of Fishing Creek C. C. Wheeler of Dutchville visited the Ledger on Monday. Mr. W. II. Itagsdale, accompanied by his bright son Hugh, paid us a pleasant call on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Winston had a9 their guests this week Mrs. Dr. Noble and child, of Smithlield, N. O. Mr. Jack M. Gregory, the efficient book-keeper of Messrs. Davis & Gregory, left for Richmond on Wednesday. Mr. F. B. Hester, of Adonlram, ac" companied by his grandson Robt Butler' made us a pleasant visit on Thursday. Mr. James A. Crews was the first one to apply to Clerk W. A. Bobbitt for his Land Tax, which amounted to $50.40 Judge Winston heard two cases in Chambers on Saturday. One from Fay etteville and the other from Asheville. We take pleasure in welcoming to Oxford Miss Lula Rusnell, of St Louis, who is on a visit to Mr. & Mrs Jos. A. Webb. WTe enjoyed a pleasant visit Friday from Mr. P. G. Mayo, of Faulklaml, Pitt county. He is raising fine tobacco this yea The workmanship on the handsome residence of Mr. Henry Hunt in South Oxford is first-class, and is a credit to the conractor. Mrs. Capt. W. A. Robbitt. Mrs. Dr. Emtnitt, Miss Burch, and Col. C. M. Rof-rs have returned from a visit to Al eville. Col. R. J. Mitchell has his grist mill in operation and is prepared to furnish flour, mal, and shipp stuff. Read his a lvertisement. We call the attention of our readers t the advertisement of Chas. Goodwin, Rrcpriet r of R ileigh Marble Works, Raleigh, N. C. If you are looking for a fine tobacco farm call on D. N. Hunt, at the Alliance warehouse. Read his advertisement in another column. Messrs. Davis & Gregory, we learn, are hard at work in Richmond, getting ready to open their warehouse on July 7th, 8th, nth and 10th. We are pleased to see Mrs. T. T. Bobbitt and her charming children in Oxford again. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hunt. The real estate assessors Messrs A C. Parham, R. T. Smith and S. V. Ellis are hard at work in the country this week having finished In town. ('apt. W. A. Bobbitt, our efflo ient Su perior Court Clerk, with his competent assistant Mr. F. B. Wimbish, are quite busy making out claims for those entitled to the direct tax. ...The Mutual Annuity Insurance Co., of Staunton, Va., has established an office in Oxford for North and South Carolina Some of our most enterprising citizens are interested in this company. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bohbitt were in Oxford Wednesday and made A. Landis & Sons' headquarters, as they wanted to take advantage of the rare bargains now offered by these gentlemen. The prospects for a good tobacco crop in Granville i3 not very promisinf . Our readers will rind in another col umn the advertisement of Richmond Med ical College. This is one of the best insti tions of the kind in the South. We are gratified to learn that Dr. S. H. Cannady is building up a good prac tice in this section. We hear many compli ments paid him as a successful physician. The veteran Allianceman, W. O. Bob bitt, of Fishing Creek, was in town yes? terday, and informed us that Fairport Al liance will be here on Tuesday in full force. We were pleased to learn that Mrs. Bobbitt, wlto has been very sick, is improving. MESSRS. I1AVIS A.M ORI1GORY. Probable Ad van I suses to Kicliinoud oi Their Removal from Oxford. A special telegram to the Richmond Time says: The old saw. '.One's loss another's gain," never caaried with it more significance than in the removal of Messrs. Davis & Gregory from Oxford, N. C, to Richmond, Va-, and however unpleasant may be the admissson that in the loss of these progressive gentlemen from the business and social centers of Oxford their past history confirms the assertion that it was a black Friday night, not for Oxford but for Granville county, when they decided to change their base of operation. No section ever possessed men more thoroughly confederated with her every material interest, more alert to discern opportunities for profitable action and liberal in pushing the same to successful completion. They have been foremost and active in every enterprise that pro mised t enhance the advantages of their section. They have grown up with Oxford, witnessed and aided her every advancement. They had, in fact, become a part of her body politic to an extent that justifies our saying Oxford has sus tained a loss and Richmond enjoys a real boom at their coming. The time were opportune for a new de narture in the tobacco trade, and their adroit perception was not slow In taking in the situation. This is characteristic of their past history. They have ever been pioneers in business enterprises. Let us inquire what support they may reasonable expect from the farmers. As they have carried with them all their Oxford employes they will retain their Oxford patrons. They possess only the art of retaining old friends, but a magne tism that is constantly attracting new ones. Then it will be so manifest to the farmers' interest that they will be quick to see it. There will be a contagion among the planters to sell their tobacco at a warehouse where their merchaut does not buy it; and on a market where they have an equal showing with the speculator who has grown and fattened by doing what Messrs. Davis and Gregory are now doing for the farmer. Dyspepsia's victims are numbered by thousands. So are those who have been restored to healh by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rheumatism Cured in a I)y. " Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Ox ford. If yon are sick with any of the worst form9 of Dyspepsia. If yon are a doubting Thomas as to the efficacy of mineral waters write and let us send yoa certificates from some of the most emi nent physicians in North Carolina. They en dorse Panacea Water as but lew mineral waters in the world are endorsed. Send your order with $4 for a case. Panacea Spring fc Hotel Co., Oxford, N. C The Alliauee Dleetinsr at Coltlsboro. A general meeting of the Farmers' Alliance for Eastern Carolina was held at Qoldsboro on Saturday last. President Elias Carr presided. Addresses were de livered by Colonel Polk and Hon Thomas E. Watson, member of Congress from Georgia. Colonel Polk in the course of his remarks said, "If a Third party is es tablished In the South it will be because of the domineering, intolerant and un reasonable action of the politicians of our party. The Alliance is for its principles and will favor any man who is with us and oppose any one who is against us." Progress. It ia very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleas ing to the taste and to the eye.easily takem acceptable to the stomach and healthy in Its nature and eifVcts. Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. MILUSdi ! We have opened our Grist Mill, and commenced grinding wheat and corn. We would like to accommodate all who wish to patronize home enterprise, as we feel we can please the public. We have for sale flour, meal, bran and shipp stuff. R. J. MITCHELL. We have a large assortment of buggies at any price you want Come and see ug before you buy. maylfi. Owen, Barbour & Smith. Two splendid milk cows for sale by J. D. Williams at Fairport. ALLIANCEt MEETING. COME ONE. COME ALL, AND HELP ROLL ON THE ALLIANCE BALL. Don't Miss the Bis: Alliance Jollifiea tion to be Held In Oxford July 7th for this See t ion of ATc-iMi Carolina and Virgin i a. Col. L. L. Polk, Jere Simpson and other distinguished speakers will address the people on the great reform movement. Let everybody attend. The ladies are es pecially invited to attend and bring bas kets and let us have an old time jollifica tion. Reduced rates on railroads. THE DURHAM BRASS .BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC FOR THE OCCASION. Bring a basket or a box of something to eat and have a regular pic-nic. A Sale Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflamma tion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, etc.. etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bot tles free at J. G. Hall's Drugstore. Said a gentleman the other day, "Where do you s;et such earnest ami enthusiastic endorsements of your Panacea Water?" "Why from right aroand tke Springs and wherever the water has been sent. It is strong at home, and our people are proud of and delight in telling strangers of it miraculous cures." If you are afflicted send $4 and get a case to Panacea Spring & Hotel Co., Oxford. N. C. State Pensioners, Attention. Headquarters Pensioners? Association, General Order o 1. All North Carolina Pensioners who served in the Confederate Army and who are able to go into camp are requested to re port at Wrightsville Sound, near Wilming ton, on the 29th day of July. Transportation will be furnished male pensioners on all railroads in the State of North Carolina on their presenting a certificate to their nearest ticket agent or to the conductor of the train, certificate to be signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of their county, with the county seal attached, and certifying that their names are on the pension roll of their county. Present this notice to the agent or conductor with the certificate from the Clerk of the Court. Pensioners will be met on the arrival of the train in Wilmington, and carried to the camping ground free of charge. All those going into camp must be provided with three days rations and one blanket or quilt. For further information address, Adju tant, E. D. Hall, Wilmington, N. C. By order of the Ex. Com. Bucklen's ArnicaSalve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. G. Hall, Drug gist. The Durham Fertilizer Company. In our strictures upon the Durham Fer tilizer Company we stated what we did purely from a conscientious sense of duty, and with no intention to wrong them. Subsequent light, however, being thrown upon the case has eaused us to think the' have been misrepresented, and we give a full statement of the Company in this issue of our paper. The Farmers' Alliance of the State has a contract with this Company for the fur nishing of the Alliance with Guano, and we suppose they are able ami ready to take care of themselves in case of wrong doing without the Interference of those Interested in other brands of fertilizer. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by .1. G. Hall. Druggist, Oxford. Notice. This is to certify that I warn any one trading for any note, account or promise to pay in any way on me, unless I in per son agree to pay it. ITrnderson Tilley, Near Mangum's Store, Durham Co., N. C. Dr. G. W. Earle, Pickens S. C, writes: "1 recommend B. B. B. to a man who had suffered for years with a malignant ulcer on his leg, that seemed to resist all other treatment. After using four or five bot tles the ulcer began to heal and his leg is now sound and well." Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by J. G. Hall, Druggist. Oxford. j Thousands of children are saved from j disease and death every year by the timely J use of Shriner's Indiana vermifuge, the ; popular remedy. Only 25 cents a bottle, i For sale by J.G. Hall. Take Notice. All persons are hereby forewarned from harboring or employing Louis Hob- : good, colored, who has left my employ without anv provocation whatever. J. T. Danikl. June 24th, 1891. 2w. ! A BOLD STROKE FOR RICHMOND Davis A Ciresrory, of Oxford, Will Slove Their Business to Virg ff in ias Capital. Yes, it was a bold stroke for Richmond when she played her cards to catch such big warehouse game as the firm of Davis & Gregory, of Oxford. But the city by the James played well and she won and the event is of far more importance than most people will, at first thought attri bute to it. And it is & sad dav for Oxford wbjeu this enterprising firm shall go away. Ir years Davis & Gregory have been ISie most aggressive and successful ware housemen in the State. There has been no end to their push and enthusiasm. In loose sales they have led all their com petitors and in Oxford every citizen would point to the firm of Davis & Greg ory with pride and exclaim: "See what pluck and push will do." But to the facts: Through the efforts of Mr. Milton Cayce, of the Allen fe GInter firm and Mr. James N. Boyd, the large bright buyer, Messrs. Davis & Gregory have decided to remove to Richmond and open the planters Warehouse, corner Cary and 15th streets, and to conduct there the warehouse business in the good old North Carolina way. Their openlutr sales will be July 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. That the venture will be a success gues without dispute. Messrs. Davis & Greg ory are personal friends of the betst planters in a dozen or more of the leading tobacco counties in the State. They have a trade which will follow them wherever they go. This vast trade they will carry with them to Richmond, and it is easy to see the benefits which must accrue to that market by their removal there. Wa are sorry to loose such enterprising meu from the Old North State. We are proud of them and the tobacco trade of the en tire state rejoiced at their success. But what must be our loss is Richmond's gain. Messrs. Davis & Gregory will put new life into the loose sale business there. They will draw tobacco there from the best planters in four Statesj, North and South Carol int. and the twf Virginias. We congratulate Richmond upon this bold and aggressive step for ward and wish Messrs. Davis fc Gregory the largest success in their newT home. Southern Tobacro JourniJ. Heed The Warning. It is not infrequently the case thai itching pimples and irritating "cat boils;' are the forerunners of larger boils, or th more serious carbuncles. Invariably Nature puts out her danger signals, and they should be heeded at once. The pimples and litte boils show that the blood is not in a good condition anl nature is trying to relieve the systenj. A few doses of Swift's Specific at thfs juncture will accomplish wonders. Tlia eruption will be healed and the system cleansed of its impurities. The modera paraphrase of the old saying, "A stitch ila time," etc , is that "Timely stitches wijl save nine pairs of breeches " The modeija form has a touch of humor that does ndt modify the truth of it. In that vein, w? may say that a course of Swift's Specilfo prevents ills terrific. J J The Editor Sold. We were walking home a few nigh?s; ago, and when near the Female Seminal we saw what we took to be a black snake glide across the side walk in front of us. We at once went to work with a vim on the supposed reptile.but failing to maka an impression we stopped and it continued to move on its course. We did not like to be outdone so we started to work again when some bright lasses on Jthe steps of the residence of Mr. J. M. Currn laughed and at once found out that v!e were the victim of a joke. Bowing polite ly to the fair little one we continued )i-r journey home. AVe were not the only victim. A colored man happeued along and discovered the same thing and followed after the black string attached to a white one, hollowing at the top of his voice, "Look out dere children dere comes a whopping black snake right in yer gate " The girls had no end of fun that night as some of the people run while others fought manfully that black string. Erysipelas. I. L. lrvin, of Thomas ville, Ga., says he was lHicted with Ery sipelas for ten years and was only ciyred when P. P. P. was used. 'l Tetter, Saltrhenm and Cancer are sill cured by P. P. P. The effects on thVee diseases are peiceptible after the ivst bottle of P. P. P. was usd. Randall Pope, the retired dauggiM: of Madison. Fla., says P. P. P. is the best al terative in the market, and he has han dled and sold all the sarsapariilas and blood medicines that were advertised. Als'OTHKR CURE KOR RHEUMATISM. Lake City, Fla P. P. P. Mn'fg t o., Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen I had Rheumatism for over six years,' and last May was taken down and confined to my bed. My legs and feet were badly swollen and the color of a red apple, and I was in a fearful con- dition. 1 heard of I . f. i'. (i TicKiy Asii, Poke Root and Potassium), and after ; seeing what the ingredients were as tne lormuia is on tne noiue i uuuuuucu w try it, and after taking three small bot tles was able to so down town and attend to my business, and I must say that I fetl like another man. Am now taking th'a large size, and to-day I lelievethat I will soon be as likely as any man of sixty-one years of age can expect to be. A. C. Lang. For sals by J. G. Hall, druggbt. NORTH CAROLINA. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. A General Epitome of Recent Oecnr rences Around and About Us, From theMo mi tains to the Sea, as Culled from our State Papers. Hon. John M. Morning died at Pitts boro June 25th of heart failure or neural gia of the heart. Mr. Morning represen ted Chatham county several times in the Legislature and was Speaker of the House in 1879. A Charlottee, N. C, special says: Dr Copse, a prominent citizen of Cabarrus county, was found dead in his cart Wed nesday evening in the road. He had oeen a suuerer witn a Ulaease and was taking opium, and it is supposed that he took an overdose and died from it. Mrs. Holland, an aged lady living in Scotland Neck, was killed by a horse Wednesday. She saw the horse about to pass through a gate, and went to drive him away. The horse turned suddenly and kicked her, striking her on the side of the head. She died from the wound. The Norfolk Virginian says: North Carolina Masons, litte Nortli State Demo- rots. understood the eternal fitness of se lecting their best men for office. Demon stration: Mr. William Simpson, an old and esteemed friend, has been appointed to succeed the late Air. I), rs. Waltt as grand treasurer of the State Grand Lodge of Masons." The Raleigh correspondent of the Wil mington Messenger says the Commis sioners of Agriculture and the Secretary t the board spent Wednesday at the ex position grounds, whre they assigned snace for the ebhibits to be made by the various districts. The first, second, fifth, eighth and ninth districts have thus far secured space for exhibits. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company have listed for municipal, State and county taxation In New Hanover property placed at a valuation of over $900,000. This a purely voluntary act.lt having been decided by the highest judi cial tribunal of the country, the Supreme Court of the United States, that this cor poration, under its charter, is absolutely exempt from all taxation. A fight in a negro bar-room at lieids ville, Tuesday came near terminating se riously, a arunKen negro attacked a crippled boy that lives In the bar and re fused to leave when ordered by the pro prietor, who immediately let In on him with a volley of bottles, one of which, filled with whiskey, broke when it struck him on the neck, inflicting a very bad wound. It is announced that R. H. Wright, who formerly a member of the firm of W. Duke, Sons & Co., will bring a suit against the Dukes for the recovery of about $40,000. About three or four years ago Wright sold his interest in the con cern to the other partners, and he claims that the recent Bonsack trial against the Dukes at Charlotte revealed that there were certain assets which he knew noth ing about at the time he sold out. Our Old Fire Company. "That was a gay old company that we belonged to, Joe, away back in '68, when you and 1. 'ran with the machine.' Do you remember that big fire in Hotel Row, one freezing night, when fifteen people were pulled out of their burning rooms and came down the ladder in their night clothes; and how' Dick' Greene brought down two 'kids' at once one in his arms, the other slung to his back? Poor' Dick'! lie got the catarrh dreadfully, from so much exposure, and suffered from it five jears or more. We thougut once he was going in consumption, sure. But, finally, he heard of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and tried it, and it cured him up as sound as a Mint. I tell you, Joe, that catarrh remedy is a great thing. It saved as good a man and as brave a fireman as ever trod shoe leather." Wolf at the Door Unawares. Our regular coorrespondent, II. B. J., who wrote of the big trees on the South side of Tar river a few weeks ago, tells us that the 36 feet circumference oak-tree mentioned has since succumbed to the ravages of storm. In its fall the adjoin ing garden of one half an acre In extent I was completely uprooted. At the root of this monarch or tne loiest was rouna a den filled with chicken bones and feathers Brer 'Possom made good his escape. Don't Feel Well. And yet you aro not sick enough to con sult a doctor, or you refrain from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself and friends we will tell you just what you need. Tt is Hood's Sarsaparilal which will lift you out of that uncertain uncomfortable, dangerous condition, into a state of good health, confidence and cheerfulness. You've Idea how potent this peculiar medicine Is In cases like vours. A Correction. In making up the Land Tax list it will be seen that an extract from the Rich mond Dispatch about Prof. Hobgood got mixed with it. Of course the reader will discover it, but we desire to call attention to the mistake. ft : MISCELLANEOUS. J RR0YAL JSfto.l i J mm. Absolutely Puro. A cream ol tartar bating powder. Ilitrhestof all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Oovcrn- ment Food Report. aprS!)-ly Sold by K. W. Jones, Oxford, N. C. MRS. 0. 0. WHITE'S F"j?i s t i o n 1 e LIMY Establisliiiicri t, FRED DAY'S OLD STAND, : II I LT.SliOUO ST. r)KALIZINU THE REQUIREMENTS OK THIS l section for a larger and better assortment of Spring Millinery Goods than they have had here tofore, 1 have made very heavy purchases this season, and can conlldenlly say that 1 now have the largest and best stock of IjyBR BROUGHT TO OXFOIfl). WE HAVE U also secured the services of one of the best milliner in this county. Miss SaMie K. Nolan, of Baltimore. Will sell at the same low prices 1 have always charged and with twice the stock, and the best millinerv talent to be had, I will guarantee entire satisfaction in every part icular. CALL A NH XT' X AMINE 17R OTOCK t ALL AND lliXAMINE UlJH OTOCKi Dress Ming IMimlral ! I HAVE ADDED A DltESS MAKING DEl'AHT meut to my Diisincss, which will be in charge of Mrs. N. G. Leonard, an experienced dress maker and cutter of Baltimore. 1 solicit, the patronage of the ladies. Dresses made up In handsome style, and satisfact ion assured. mch27. MRS. O. O. WHITE. Work for the Killer of High Prices ! NIYVSt'oKE! NSWSEm-'K! WE I1AVK OPENED UI' IN THE COOI'EK old stand, corner of Hillsboro and Alain streets, with a full line of General-:-Merchandise, CONSISTING OF DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Notions, Shoes and Hats. MY STOCK 13 NEW AND CLEAN ! I PROPOSE TO SELL AS LOW AS A MAN can afford to do, and I mean to do a legiti mate, square business. All 1 ask the people is to give me a trial. I shall make good all 1 prom ise. We Don't Credit You DOES NOT IMPLY LACK OF CONFIDENCE in your honesty, but we know the one price cash system is right and best for all. We ear nestly extend to all who pay cash for their goods to trade with us and enjoy the benefits of our system. A lot of people buy on time through habit. To all such we invite you to give us a trial, feeling assured you will be amply paid fur Dreamnc loose irom sucn nanus. Yours anxious to please, mch27. L. E. WRIGHT 0b CO. (hire Ds Your Ear For a Few MINUTIiS ! AND WK WILL TELL YOU WHERE TO G ET vour Horse Millinery this year. The ad vice costs yon nothing, but If taken will save you money, ir you wish a good set of BUGGY HARNESS, -;- - WAGON HARNESS, Collars, Whips, SADDLES. BLANKETS, ROBES, IC. CALL ON MOORE, DAY & CO., In the basement formerly nsed by Hughes' bar ber shop. HARNESS, BOTH BUGGY AND WAGON, made to order, and rermiriiir ilnnn ini.n, nt. ly. We Invite everyoody to calf and examine onr new toct. Yours to count on. mcli7. iloORK. 1AY & CO. M

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