. 5 k i!,.. OWn Iii Hi ktlUn Jt,a ilulllti iJm,Mk .A, A 'Midi A. Good. MEDIUM TO KI'.ACH miy paper The Farmers fpHTS OKCTKI.N 1 HIS rKt'TlOV VOLUME IV NO. 45. OXFOKD, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 69 1891, $1.50 PER ANNUM. ?' .." J. i- T y ... X J " ' ; - - . . - ..- -J f V- . . ' . 1 THE MEEKLY J 1 v .Z..:.: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advice to "Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cabtehsvili.s, April 26, 1836. Thia Trill certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for years from menstrual Irregularity, being treated without benefit by physicians, were at length completely cured by one bottlo of Bradneld's l-'emale Kesulater. Its effect is truly wonderful. J. W. Strange. Book to " WOMAN" " mailed FREE, which contains valuable Information on all female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, OA. JOE &A.X.E II Y ALL. DRUGGISTIS. PARIS -BROS. i W Save the Dollars '-PHIS MAN IS A TRUE PHILAN 1 thropist, for the Almighty Dollar represents all that makes life comforta ble and pleasant. In buying goods you should endeavor to make the dollars go as far as possible, for every dollar saved on purchases means an added comfort or luxury. i ou can save many dollars by tuivicff -roods from Paris Bros. ni"R CARRTES AH HIES ("R IN A M E J EIGHT 'piIERE 16 NO USE HALF DOING I. anything what we recommend, we recommend with all our might. It is not in the nature of things that our Bedford Cords, Flannel?, Broadcloths, Homespuns Tufted Goods, Henriettas, Tricots, &c. should fail to commend popular approval. They are up to the highest possible mark in riuality and below the lowest possible mark in cost to the purchaser. We have received a full line of rpiIIS WEEK. A WHOLE LOT OF 1 useful things come tooping In, beau tiful linen handkerchiefs, plain and em broidered, torchon laces; cotton, wool kid find lyle tbread gloves in ail shades; doylies, scarfs, table covers, counterpanes and lambrequin plush hy the yard. The ( KKAT V Treat I BLANKET 1 BLANKET s TOOK TOOK QTARTS AT LOW FIGURES THE 0 pair for double bod blankets, and f'lltows on up to the bigsrest and best bltnkets. Are yon thinking of heavier Under wear? "We were never in better shape to meet your need man, woman and child. We have some new elegancies in Furs. However, just one set of Chiaciiiuslla left. A lovely thing, cape and muff. But we iiave an assortment of the dainty, dashing li as and Collarettes in Seal Plush and Spanish Coque Feathers Fall Cloak Bargains ! A RE HERE IN THE NEWEST V shapes, very stylish and handsomely imide. We have decidedly the prettiest line of Capes and Fur Trimmed Jackets in the city and will undersell any one -All we ask is a trial. Judicious purchasers reap a fine har-v- s' at our great shoe sale Our stock is specially large, and now is thr tJme to 1 iy if you would get full benefit of the L've,:t bargains offered. We have shoes of every description, both ladies' g- nts' and children's. C ine to see us. ort.23. PARIS BROS. Notice. North Carolina. "Granville County In Superior Court William Smith, 1 v. vServiceby Publication Notice. Km ma Smith. ) The above named defendant Emma Smith will lake notice that an action, as entitled above, has tx en commenced in the Superior Court of Gran ville county to obtain a divorce from the bond i matrimony fr m sa'd Emma Smith, the de-I'-ndimt, on the ground? of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at January term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 5th Mon day hefore the 1st Monday in March, A. D., 1S92, at "the court house of soid county, in the town of oxford, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in paid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint. This iTth day fv--B,TT oct.3U. Clerk Superior Court. Money to Lend. TAM PREPARED TO MAKE LOANS ON farmland?. Only the best security taken. Terms easy. Will be glad to confer with parties fk'tsirins to borrow. ALEX. .T. FEILD, Attornev-nt-La w, Oxford, N. C. Office in Cooper Bank Building. AMERICAN HOTEL! COR. TWELFTH AND MAIN STS.,) RICHMOND, VA. A. D. ATKINSON. PROPRIETOR. Rates f3, 3-50 and $s per day. 8Pe.c1' "ee OrCotnmc-cU T8Teleri rewa-T TOWN AND COUNTY. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. mint Is Transpiring? A round and About Vs, in Town and (onnty- Tlie Movements and Ioinc of Peo ple Ton Know. Etc. The Board of County Commissioners were in session on Monday. Owing to the extreme dry weather the breaks of tobacco has been small this week- The sportsmen have been out in full force this week and many a bird has ceased to flutter. Messrs. J. C. Cooper & Sons con tinue to make inprovements to the Inte rior of their banking room. There are rumblings and. grumblings In the air, on account of some of the ac tions County Commissioners. It now begins to look as if the O. & C. L. Road would be built since Col Beasley was made President. Coi-peral Hugh Skinner, won the gold medal at the competitive drill of the Granville Grays on Monday night. "We suggest that the junction of the Oxford & Coast Line Railroad with the Durham & Northern road be called Beasley. The stemmery of Hancock, Moorman & Co., has been completed, and is a model of convenience. Mr. W. T. Clark the gentlemanly ouyer for the company, is happy. Enoueh subscribers have been ob tained for the establishment of a tele phore exchange in Oxford. Now for putting up the wires and let "hello cen tral" begin. On Saturday evening last Miss Mollie Horner gave an oyster supper to the Granville Institute young ladies and the Horner cadets. It is said to have been a most pleasant affair. Congress will meet in about a month and Baldy Williams will be there to look after the Interest of the farmers. We have great faith in him and feel sure he will do all in his power to relieve the peo ple. Mr. Alf Hobgood attended the Alii ance Rally at Buchanan, and was convert. ed to the grand cause, and exclaimed "I am with them tooth and toe nail, as they must have relief." Let the good work go forward. A very interesting series of meetings are now going on at the Methodist Church nightly. Rev. R. P. Troy, of Littleton, has thus far this week preached sermons that carried conviction to the heart of many weary sinners. Mr. B. F. Hester, chairman court house building committee, informs us that nothing will be done to the front of the building, and the people will have to continue to climb the old narrow stair ways to the court room. We have received the North Carolina ndustrial Joural published at Winston, i. C. It is under the management of Mr. Geo. Hart, and is well gotten up. It s a credit to the State and we hope it will be liberally patronized. Presto change ! The schedule on beO & II. road has been changed to make close connection at Henderson with the Raleigh & Gaston road. Did the move for building theO. & C. L. road have anything to do with it ? Of course it did. Oxford in the lead. Our buyers are anxious for tobacco and our warehouse- men- Messrs. iuuock cc miicueii, j.w Hunt, Beasley, Stem & Co., W. I.Wilkin son and R. V. Minor & Co., are just the ien to make all grades bring the cream f the market. A post office has been establish at Spikesburg Iron Mines, 3 miles from Adoniram, by the name of Seth, with rs. M. D. Rhodes as postmistress and Mr. Maurice Daniel assistant. This office will be a great convenience to the farmers of this section. The Alliance Plug Factory is now severely taxed to supply the demands for the splendid bi-ands of tobacco manufac tured by this company. More money has been added to the capital stock, and we hope it will ere long become the biggest enterprise of the kind in the State. Several routes have heen surveyed for the Oxford & Coast Line Railroad link to the Durham & Northern road, but we have not learned which one has been adopted. We feel sure that Col. Beasley will adopt the shortest and cheapest route, and locate the depot to the best in terest of the town. We have no fears about the manage ment of the financies of the Oxford & Coast Line Railroad as long they are in the hands of such men as Dr. II. C. Hern don and A. W. Graham, Eeq. They will undoubtedly look well to the interest of Oxford, and will build the link at the very lowest possible cost. Everybody should be on the lookout for bargains, and hence we invite your attention to the announcement of B. G. Medford, in another column. Lookout and don't forget that he will have grand opening sales at his new store in the Odd Fellows Building on Kingsbury place, Thursday and Friday Nov. 12th. and 18th. The Supreme Court has decided there isno error in case of Moore vs. Garner. Be sure and read sales of valuable property and land advertised elsewhere The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Medford died on Wednesday morning It was only two days old. We call the attention of our tobacco buyers and warehousemen to the adver tisement of the Modern Barn Company. This Company is now manufacturing hogsheads on a large scale and all orders will be filled on the shortest notice. Send in your orders. A treat in store: The Blumburg Concert Company will appear at the Opera House Tuesday night November 10. Some of the noted musicians of the country are with this troupe, and all lovers of good music will certainly miss a treat if they do not attend. They will be under the auspices of Oxford Lodge I. O. O. F. Mr. J. P. Stedman, the druggist, is now located in his new quarters on Col lege street, which is neat and tastefully fixed up. He has on hand a fresh line of goods in great variety and would be glad to serve you at the lowest possible prices, Prescriptions carefully compounded. We ask you to read his advertisement else where. Mr. F. B. Winbish bought a State failure warrant for $2.05 issued May 18S6 term of Granville Superior Court toChas Hicks col. It was properly issued and he asked the County Commissioners to order it paid which they declined to do, and Mr. Wimbish warrented them for the amount. It was tried before Squire S. V. Ellis, and Mr. Peace who represented the great Board plead the statute of limi tation. The students of our excellent schools attended the Exposition Thursday, Ox ford's day. The address of welcome was delivered by our honored mayor, A. A. Hicks, and responded to by our esteemed citizen, Dr. E. T. White. The K. & D. Road gave Oxford an extra train, and we thank Capt. J. A. White for his kindness in securing the train. He is a good offi cer and in every wayr worthy of the confi dence of his excellent company. "One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin " Diseases common to the race compel the search for a common remedy. It is found in Ajrer's Sarsaparilla, the rep utation of which is world-wide, having largely superceded every other blood medicine in use. JPor Sale. A good, full feather bed, with bolster and two pillows. Price $14.00. Also an excellent piano in good tune and order. Prise $100. Apply to Mrs. L. E. Amis, Stovall, N. C. Death of Mr. R. W. Booth. On Sunday morning last this gentle man after several weeks sickness passed away surrounded by his. immediate fami ly and a number of friends. He was a brother of Dr. J. W. Booth and Mr. R. E. Booth, of Tally Ho, Dr.S. D. Booth, of Oxford, Mr. J. T. Booth, of Greens, and Mr. M. L. Booth, of Virginia. He was 65 yTears old and removed from Virginia to near Tally Ho directly after the war and commenced merchandising at a place called Shoo Fly, which he continued for over 25 years, and succeeded in ac cumulating quite a competency. A few years ago he took up his residence in Ox ford, and settled just outside ot the cor poration on College street, and when he was not engaged in looking after his mercantile interest at Shoo Fly would devote his time on his farm near Oxford He was an honorable, upright gentleman and was a good citizen, and will be great ly missed in our community. The remains were interred in the new cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Services being con ducted by Rev. J. S. Hardaway. We extend to the family our condolence in this their sad hour of bereavement. Rheumatism Cnred in a Day. " Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Ox ford. Railroad Commission. Complaints have for some time been made regarding the failure of railway connections at Goldsboro. The railway commission issued the folio ving order to the Wilmington and Weldon railroads and the Richmond and Danville railway : You will take notice that whereas com plaint made on oath has been filed before the commission, and from other sources of information, that you fail to make close connection at the town of Golds boro, and whereas It further appears from said sworn complaint and other sources that said connection is practicable and necessary for the convenience, of the traveling public ; now therefore the board railway commissioners doth order that you and each of you make the desired connection "between Raleigh and Wil mington within ten days from the date of this order or show cause before the board of railway commissioners why said order has not been executed. F. O. Hoffman, editor Times, Rocky Mount, Va., writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Baim is the best ap petizer and tonic for delicate people I ever saw. it actea use a cnarm in my case." TRAVELING AROUND. Paragraphic Mention of People Who are Coming and Going-. Mr. Buck Gregory, of Stovall, visited Oxford on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thorp, of Berea visited Oxford Monday. Mrs. H. G. Cooper and children are on a visit to Augusta, Ga. Mr. R. W. Clay, the genial merchant of Clay, was in Oxford on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Kronheimer, of The Day, spent Thursday at the Exposition. Mr. B. Jones, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ida, was in Oxford on Tuesday. Mr. John M. Taylor, of Richmond, Va., and old Oxford boy, was in Oxford Tuesday. Mr. E. B. Allsbrook, of Scotland Neck, has accepted a position with B. G. Medford as clerk. Gov. Holt has appointed Major W. A. Bobbitt Lt.-Colonel of the 3rd Regi ment of the State Guard. Our worthy young Mayor, Mr. A. A. Hicks, was confined to his room Sunday and Monday with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tilley of Moriah, Person county, were in Oxford Saturday and honored ns with a short visit. Prof. W. H. P. Jenkins, spent Mon day and Tuesday in Oxford. Of course he had school business on the brain. We are glad to learn that Capt. W. II. Snow, who was seriously ill some weeks ago, at his home in High Point, is nearly well. . Mr. Matt Ragland, who left Granville 18 years ago and located in Forsyth coun ty is on visit with his family to his broth ers near Oxford. Capt. R. V. Minor was quite sick several days during the past week, but he is all right now, and ready and willing to sell tobacco at the highest prices. We had the pleasure of meeting in our office on Monday Messrs. B. F. Win ston and J. L. Pittard, two of the substan tial farmers of the Adoniram section. Miss Nannie Blan ton, of Virginia, opened a school in the White Rock Alli ance building on Monday last. She is an accomplished lady as well as fine teacher. Mr. Joseph Rowlett, of Virginia, and Miss Lillie Booth were married on Wed nesday. Owing to the recent death of Mr. Booth only a few friends witnessed the ceremony. Miss Hal lie Land is is now teaching art at Morganton, and Miss Anna Landis is teaching school at Buchanan. Both of these young ladies are daughters of Capt. A. Landis, and we wish them every suc cess. Mr. Robt. Daniel and Miss Jennie, the amiable daughter of our estimated friend Mr. W. IT. Smith, of Tar River Academy, were married on Thursday by Rev. C. A. Jenkins. May peace and hap pihess be their lot in life. -Quite a number of our farmers were in Oxford on Monday- They were W. A. Parham, C F. Crews, J. B. Parham, Sea- brook Dorsey, b. H. Longmire, W. T. Allen, B. I.Breedlove, W. T. Adams, Leroy Elliott, J. P. Mize, P. H. Royster, F. Currin, W. W. Hart, E.C.Allen, W. Howell, Sam Knott, Fielding Knott, M. Phipps, C. L. Moss, S. D. Bragg R. J. Jeffreys, Nat Daniel, Geo. B. Daniel L. Pittard, John W. Rhodes, Maurice Daniel, John Bragg, Zack Daniel. Improve the nutritive functions of the scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and thus keep the hair from falling and becoming gray. Oxford A Coast Line Railroad. At a meeting of the citizens of Oxford on a riaay nignt last in regara to tne building of the Coast Line Railroad Capt. A. W. Graham, one of tne committee committee, made a plain statement as to what had been done by the President, and board of directors and the construction appointed by said board of directors. It clearly demonstrated that every safeguard had been thrown around the building of the link to Durham & Northern and no money would be paid out until every part of the contract was complied with. Mr. Graham's statement was wTell received and was heartily applauded several times, as he showed conclusively that he had nothing to conceal and was truly working for the best interest of the town. We congratulate the board of directors upon securing tne aid oi joi. w. r. Beasley in carrying forward the plans and making arrangements for building and operating of the road. We frankly say he is the "right man in the right place," which he will be sure to prove when the road is completed. Buchlen'g Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cuts- Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains uorns, ana an ok in jiiruptiuiis, auu pu itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. G. Hall, Drug gist. Oxford Jk Henderson Railroad Co. Oxford, N. C, Oct. 9th, 1801. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will be held at Oxford, N. C, Monday, Nov. 9th, 1891. J. A. White, oct.16 4w. Secretary. AT Able Discussions on Sunday Work Dinner, Ac. (fhool Saturday, October 31st, was a bff day for Oxford circuit. The Sunday-School Conference met at Bethel at 10 o'clock. W. S. Hester, President, presided. The Conference was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Bumpass, of Oxford. After singing the dsscussions of the day i were taken up. "What is the proper wrk of the Sunday-school ?" Discussed byfH. E. Overton, D N. Hunt and S. H. Longnire! The next subject was, "If a Sunday.:hool goes into winter quarters who s to blame?" Discussed by W. O. Bfbbitt and Charles F. Crews. The nexf wa 'Has the catechism any place in the Sun day-schools of to-day ?" Discussed by J P. Hunt and Dr. W. S. Black. These brethren all delivered their speeches well. They spoke short and to the point. ,!fhey showed a willingness to. discharge as best they could the duties that had beeA put upon them. There were presenjj the choirs from the different churches ofi the circuit, and between speeches one clss at the time would make very fine iusic. Every now and then some little by or girl from the different schools woi'i re cite a nice piece of poetry or somfhing prepared for the occasion. Little-'Cora Smith, a sweet little girl of aboufour years from Salem school, deserves social mention for singing two pieces to ti de light of the audience. The children "from Bethel said their pieces well. Dinner was announced In due time and every body was fed till they wanted no more. After one hour the crowd re-assembled for service. Reports were made frosi the different schools by the Superintendents. The Rev, Mr. Bumpass made a splendid talk on Sunday-school work, after vfhich was the election of officers. J. P. Hurl wa3 elected President and Chas. F. jews vice-President and Secretary. Thrnext Sunday-school Conference will be htd at Hermon. The singing was all sphidid. A solo by Miss Mattie Crews was :om plimwnted on every hand. The Bathel class under Prof. Patterson made very fine music indeed, but I think it was de cided that the Gray Rock class made the finest. Everything passed off very nicely and we think there was much good done for the Sunday-school cause. I Children Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle actionl and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, jfhen in need of a laxative and If the fathfc! or mother be costive or bilious the ?nost gratifying results follow its use, soJ that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Authorized to Institute Suit. At a large meeting of the citizens of Oxford at the Opera House on Friday night the following resolutions was ifitro duced by Dr. L. C Taylor was unanimous ly passed. j "That Mayor A. A. Hicks be iosjguct ed to institute suit on behalf of the :;2wn of Oxford for the recovery of poisfsion of the Oxford & Henderson Railn-Ja : the Richmond & Danville Railroad Conpany having forfetted its right to it." At a meet of the B ard of Town Com missioners on Monday the City Attorney and Mayor were instructed to examine with the acvisability of bringing suit for violation of contract on the part cif the Oxford & Henderson Railroad Coinfany For the cure of headache, constip:ion, stomach and liver troubles, and a de rangements of the digestive and assimi lative organs, Ayer's Pills are invalAM". Being sugar-coated, they are pleasaM t to take, always reliable, and retain theig vir tues in any climate. f The Accident at Danville. Danville, Va., Nov. 2. At 5 :45 o'clock this morning the outgoing freight train on the Richmond and Danville Railroad collided with coal cars, which were eiag pushed by a shifting engine. The .pul sion occurred on the iron bridge across, the Dan river, and the shock was so reat that one.span of the bride was kncked off the abutment carrying with itl'our cars, all of which fell forty feet intthe river below. The water was shadow, however, and the engine was not entirely submerged. J. P. Wingate, engineer, had his right arm broken and was cut about the head ; J. E. Royal, conductor, h&4 his right arm and left leg broken ; ft'. C. McKinney, fireman, was cut abouthe body and injured. internally; v"ill Quizenburry, brakesman, had bothegs broken. The Old Original Remedy I.eaf. Sick people should not be deceivt by pretenders who talk about "Mlcr bl," "germs", "baccilli", &c, to sell their pre patations, thus preventing people from buying the . original tested medicine. "Radam's Microbe Killer" is whHt .you need. It is now, and for years bits lyieen making more cures than all othef reme dies combined. Investigate it bfore trifling with your healthv Read fielr advertisement in this paper. Don't b de ceived. - ' S Pianos for Sale. Six pianos and one organ, recftitly tuned and put in thorough repair, f hey may be bought on tne installment '-lan" They are to be seen in the store ne it to A. Landis & Sons. Call and get a bar gain. 1. llOBOOOO. In my absence B. S. Royster will iive prices. nov.S-xw. SUNDAY-SCHOOL, CONFERENCE RKTIIEE. i EW ALLIANCE PIC-NIC. PEACE, MASSEY AND WILLIAMS MAKE SPLENDID SPEECHES. Larue Crowd Present- Unbounded Hospitality of the People of this Fa vored Section-Good Day's Work for the Cause of Reform. Wednesday was a beautiful day and in company with Mr. Alf Hobgood, the truly live, hustling representative of the Old Reliable Meadows Warehouse, we atten ded the Alliance Pic-Nic at Enon. The weather was fair and balmy, and the kind, hospitable people of this highly favored section of our county turned out en masse tc welcome the speakers on that day, who were joined by a large number from Ox ford. There was a large number of the fair ladies present who have a great deal do with.making almost anything a success in this country with smiles of encourage ment in the great battle for ireedom in this country. We say God bless the no ble, devoted women of county and coun. try. A. S. Peace, Esq., the County Lecturer, was master of ceremonies and opened the proceedings by submitting some sensible and patriotic remarks. Mr. Peace Is al ways happy on such occasions, and we never knew him more felicitous than at this time. His speech was brimful of sound substantial reasons for financial re form in this country, and the farmers were determined to have it. District Lecturer P. H. Massey was the next speaker and entertained the large audience most handsomely. He has a magnificent voice. He speaks distinctly and is one of the most attractive lecturers that has spoken in this county, and we congratulate the Farmers' Alliance upon their admirable selection of District Lec turer. He is small in statue but he cer tainly gets there, and is thorougly posted on the great principles of the Alliance. He presents his facts in an effective way; impresses his hearers that he is in earnest his statements. He produced strong ar guments in favor of the farmers taking a hand in the affairs in this country. His anecdotes are appropriate, and especially the "coon story" about Wall street ghouls and the Alliance demands which com pletely captured the crowd. After Mr. Massey concluded his ad dress dinner was announced by Mr. John P. Cannady. The large number of ladies who-graced the occasion superintended the dinner. The tables were abundantly laden with opossum, chicken, turkey ,ham, lamb, beef, breads, potatoes, cakes and pies of many varieties, pickles, in fact al most everything that goes to make up a first-class dinner. Mr. Peace paid the ta ble did not indicate hard times. We never attended a pic nic where the refreshments were more elegantly prepared and clever ly served served .When wereached one cor ner of the table near a giant oak and after being supplied with a fine piece of opos" sum we stepped back near the tree and found ourselves in the midst of a delega tion of the fat men's club who had taken a lean on the tree composed of Joe Par ham, W. J. Badgett, Red Fox Crews, J. R. Currin, C. L Moss, W. L. Mitchell and B. F. Hester. We met with a Learty welcome and we all certainly did justice to the tempting viands. If Uncle Mon roe Thomasson had been there the crowd would have been complete. One of the masticators said from amount of good eatings he had destroyed he ought to be as large as Joe Currin. Dinner over the next speaker was Hon. A. H. Williams, Congressman elec-, from this district. Capt. Williams never ap peared to greater advantage. The audi ence was anxious to hear him on the na tional issues, and was squarely with the people in their demands for relief from the plutocratism of Wall street. He spoke with power and effect. We heard many compliment his speech and pronounce It one of the best they ever heard him mafce. This ended a grand a day for Alliance. As we go to press (Thursday afternoon) the good people are enjoying a like feast Clay,and we are sorry we could not attend. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint Eradicates Corns, Bunions and Warts where all other remedies fail. A DIsflKured Countenance. Many people who would scarcely notice an armless or legless man will instantly detect and remark on any blemish of the human face, and dive into all sorts of speculations as to its cause and attendant circumstances. If you doubt this asser tion become possessed of a discolored optic and note how much attention it will Invite. A black eye Is generally avoida ble, but blotches, pimples and other scrof ulous and eruptive marks steal upon us without warning, and are frequently the first intimation of the fact that our blood is going wrong. A prompt and systematic use of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) will purify the blood, cleanse the skin and give back to the face nature's familiar, ruddy signs of health. Get it of your druggist. Every one should use P. P. P., because at this season nearly every one needs a good med'eine to purify, vitalize and en ilch the blood. For sale by J. G. Hall. Why do you wear the Patent Sole Shoes? Because it excludes dust and water, and wears better than any other.' Graham Flour for sale by R. J. Mitchell. Any lady wishing to subscribe or renew subscription to the Ladies' Home Jour nal can do so 'without charge for stamp or regist.erin2, by sending the subscrip- tion price ($1) to Mrs. Louts E. Ami3. MISCELLANEOUS. P0UBEB Absolutely Pure. a cream oi tartar Dating p all In leavening strength. L owder. Highest of atest U. 8. Govern- ment Food Report. Will You Please Visit My NEW DRUG STORE When You Are In Oxford? In addition to a full line of Drngs aid Fall Mm IHAVK MANY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL goods suitable for wedding and other preH ents. These only need to be seen to bo admired. LAMPS A ND T AMP fS OODS, AMPS xlND J-JAMP VTOODS, CONFECTIONERIES AND FRUITS, STA tionery. Silverware. Grass and Clover Seeds reliable and true to name. Spices of all kinds no adulteration. PRESCRIPTIONS. X FAMILY RECIPES Prepared from the Best of Drugs, John P. Stedman, Proprietor Oxford Drug Store, USRY BUILDING, - OPPOSITE OLD STAND. Edwards & Winston, Oxford, N. C, 'fflipa Hp 'pi!; ipil'i I In WM W A1 RE STILL IN THE STRONG CURRENT for trade and are now offerinsj at lowest possible prices the following goods which are nrst-ciass: Hardware. Stoves, Heating and Cooking, and all repairs for same kept on hand. Large stock Axes, Grub hoes, Picks, Ames' Shovels, Spades, Forks, Po tato Diggers, Rakes, Trace Chains, Log Chains, Cow Chains, Barb Wire Fencing, &c. Tinware, Crockery, etc. Larg'e stock Tinware and Limp Goods. Large etock Crockery from a 5 cent Glass to $W China Set. Guns and Pistols. New lot Pistols, Breech Loading Gnns and Muzzle Loaders at astonishingly low prices. Big stock loaded and empty slfells and wads; in fact, sporting goods of all kinds. Builders' Material. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Terra Cotta Piping, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Buggies and Wagons. pnt! n nil II ft " t f lift l! - r Jnst received new stock Wagons, one and two horse. We warrant these wagons to give satis faction and the prices are right. Nice stock of Buggies and Carts which must be sold at once as we have too large stock. Buggy and Wagon Material. Farming Implements. Dixie Plows and Castings, Boss Plows and Castings, Farmers Friend Plows and Castings, bmitn s Cutters, and In fact everything in the way of farming implements. Housekeepers' Goods. Sewing Machines, Rogers Knives and Forks, Carving Sets, &c. Choice line of goods suitable for bridal presents. Belting. Largest Stock of Rubber and Leather Beltino- ,u te wuniy; in lact, every tiling in the Hard- ware line. Pumps of all kinds. Powder9 fr Dupont's Porting and Blasting 5,n?5eivel car load beBt 150 to 10 test Red ana White Oil, and can supply merchant at low est wholesale prices.

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