I I ? ' - VOLUME V NO. 1. FURNITURE, DRY OOODS. &c. Absolutely Pure. A cream oi tartar baling powder. Highest all in leavening strength. Latest D. S. Govern ment Food Report. Bargains in Furniture ! Will remove to Co zart Block on or about February 1st. In the meantime, to reduce stock, I offer goods at extremely low prices. Special bargains in Sideboards, Parlor and Chamber Suits. You will find it to your interest to give me an early call. Thanking you for past patronage, I ask a con tinuance of your favor and will always try to merit same by giving valuable goods at the lowest possible prices. JOS. A. WEBB, THE FURNIURE DEALER. A BIG THING ! I have a store full of Dry Goods, Shoes, Cloth ing, Notions, &c, which must be sold at some price, so come along everybody and get them. Having bought the entire stock of goods of B. G. Medford at 60 cts. on the dollar, we will sell same under New York cost. No merchant in Ox ford ever offered such inducements before. . L. E. WRIGHT & CO. PlanfBeT Fertilizer ! ' I have in 100 pound sacks the STAB AI OWL BRANDS, S well known for its good productive qualities among our .farmers. Now is the tike to supply yourselves. Call and see me. R. H. McGuire. OXFORD, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. What is Transpiring Around and About Us, In Town and County The Movements and Doing's of Peo ple You Know. Etc. This is a bad time of the year to be short. Try to get along without a mortgage this year. The doctors and druggists are reaping a harvest. Let ua look to tha future with renew ed courage. First it was called fever and ague, then malara, now it's the grip. The first twelve days of January are said to indicate what kind of weather each of the twelve months will bring. Almanancs for 1892 are flowing in upon us in abunlance, but they don't seem to have any effect on the weather. The members of the Methodist and Baptist Churches pounded their pastors. Rev's. R. F. Bumpass and J. S. Harda way last week. Owing to the decision of the Su preme court the merchants will this year have to list and pay the tax on purchases, which they consider so odious. In view of the fact that thirty seven million babies are born every year it must make the heart of a mother glad and proud that her's is the prettiest and best of them all. Grip has become much more fash ionable than the influenza was in its most sneezing days, but, all things con sidered, trie old complaint could knock a man into state of mugy misery and sniveling just as effectually as can the new one. Returning from their wedding trip, Said Fondle to his wife, "What duties of our partnership Will you conduct, my life ?" Her loving eyes she on him bent And whispered softly, "Dear, You take the business manage m-mt And I will be cashier." In this country most of us have a fair showing. The chances of the average mortal to make a success of life here are at least better than they are In any other part of this vale of tears. Let us be grate ful for that and tiy to show that the pearls of providence have not in this case been cast before swine. Hon. Baldy Williams was placed on the Committeee on Public Building and Grounds, and Manufacture by Speak er Crisp. He spent the holidays at home suffering with a severe ease of grippe, but we are pleased to state that he has so far recovered as to be able to return to Washington and was present at the re assembling of Congress. The painful intelligence has reached Raleigh that Dr. Eugene Grissom, late of this city, but now of Denver Colorado, is an inmate under treatment in the Insane Asylum in the latter city. This indeed sad news to the many friends of Dr. Grissom in North Carolina, who most sincerely hope that his affliction may be of a tempoary character. Visitor. The men who build up towns are the men who have sense enough to know that advertising pays, and public spirit enough to ample support the paper which is advancing their interest and promoting the prosperity of their town. Those who kill a town are the mossbacks, who don't think advertising pays, but who are will ing to let a paper work for them as long as somebody else will support it. At the recent election of officers of Oxford Lodge, No. 103, I. O. O. F., held in their hall on December 29, 1891, the following officers were elected : Capt. J. A. White, N. G.; Dr. J. M. Hays, V. G. ; R. J- Daniel, Recording Secretary ; J. A Renn, Financial Secretary; J. F. Edwards, Treasurer. The new officers for Allen Encampment, No. 21, are ,.- J. A Renn, CP.; C. J- Gregory, H.P.; Mayor A. A- Hicks, S. W., W. G. Griffin, j W W. T. Clement, Scribe; R. W. Day, Financial Scribe; S. W. Cooper, Treasurer. N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1892. Grand Lodge of Masons meet in Ral eigh on the evening of the 12th inst. Rev. Jesse Cunninggiin held Quarter ly Meeting in the M.E. Church Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Brown & Jones now occupy the store vacated by B. G. Medford in the Odd Fellow building. Mr. Ike Stegall has opened a nice stock of groceries in the store formerly occupied by Coucli & Co. Mrs.' T. II . Christie died at her home near the Orphan Asylum on Wednesday December 30th, after a short sickness of the grippe. The furniture man, Mr. J. A. Webb, has rented from Mr. J. T. Cozart the store room lately occupied by Ben. Overton and will move about the 1st of February. The Eastern District Public School opened on Monday with Miss Nellie Fai son in charge. She is a neice of Mrs. T. L. Hargrove and is well equipped for her duties. On Monday December 21st, Mr. George Tilley, died near Hampton, in the 71st year. He raised a family of 10 children and live to see them all grown. His wife survives him. Through the generosity of a number of citizens lead by the clever Mr. Alf Hobgood, the inmates of the poor house were made to enjoy a most sumptuous dinner on the 30th of December. Miss Sallie Harris, aged G8 years, died suddenly last week with apoplexy at the residence of Mr. E- C. Harris, in Fishing Crek township. She was a good women and has gone to her re ward. We ask our business men to remem ber whenever they need any job printing of any kind to give us a share of their work as we will execute it as neatly and as cheap as any other house. We guar antee satisfaction. The dear children of the Baptist Sunday school enjoyed themselves in a happy manner on Thursda evening, as they were tendered a supper at the Oxford Female Seminary by the members of that beloved denomination. John Littlejohn, a most worthy and industrious colored man, who is employed by Messrs. Bullock & Mitchell, had a cannon cracker to explode in his hand Christmas which lacerated it in a dread ful manner blowing off a middle finger. Mr. Geo. Pittard, agent for Messrs. Rife and Logan, of Pennsylvania, has obtained leases and option on about 1000 acres of land near Knap of Reeds and will commence operations in a few days getting out iron ore, and other minerals It is a source of great pleasure to us to learn that the Allance Plug Tobacco Factory under the management of Dr. A. J. Dalby, Secretary of the Company, is selling daily large quantities of their superior bands of chewing and smoKing tobacco. We would be glad to receive a share of your job printing as we are prepared to do all kinds as cheap as any one ard trust you will remember us when you need any cards, billheads, letterheads, tags, posters, statesments, bills &c. Give us a trial. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mitchell are now occupying their handsome and eommo dious residence on Broad street. The contractors were Messrs. Hundley Bros., and they have given Mr. Mitchell entire satisfaction in the construction of his residence. We happened to be at the postoffice a few days ago in company with Mr. Derernish, the Secretary of the Modern Tobacco Barn and saw him open a letter from Florida which contained an order for 5 barns and to send an expert curer with them. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion has rented one of the store rooms on Main street belonging to Dr. E. T. White whi h is now being nicely papered and other wise improved. It will be ready for occupancy in a few days. The As sociation has a large membership and we trust it will continue to increase until every young man in town is brought into its fold. V3 PERSONAL SAYINGS. OF PEOPLE IN AND OUT TOWN, OF THE Brief Mention or the Movements of Your Friends and Acquaintances who Visited You and Whom You are Visiting-. Representative W. T. Adams, was in Oxford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barnett, of Chase City, spent Saturday and Sunday in Ox ford. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Hays have as their guest, Mrs. Holly, of Chowan county. She is the mother of Mrs. Hays. Mr. J. P. Stedman, the excellent College street druggist, has with him Mr. Michel McCoy, late of Durham. Mr. W. P. Stradley, of Waco, Texas, left his South-western home to spend the holidays with his parents in Oxford. Mr. E. W. Harper, our foreman, spent the holidays with his parents at Warren ton. Our bright young attorney, Mr. J. T. Strayhorn and family spent the holidays with relatives in the good old town of Hillsboro. Mr. L. R. Hunt, who has been quite sick for some days at the residence of Mr. S. W. Parker, has so far recovered as to be able to be out again". We are pleased to note the improve ment of Mrs. Thomas Harris, of Fishing Creek township, who has been seriously ill during the past two weeks. We regret to learn of the seVere illness of Mrs. Thos. Winston and Miss Mary Taylor. We trust they will ere many days be restored to health. J. F. Woody was in town on Tuesday and says he lately destroyed three stills in Durham and Person counties. Lookout boys as he has his eye now on Granville. Oak Ridge captured another Gran ville boy, Mr. F. B. Blalock , son of Mr. Milton Blalock, member of the Board of County Commissioners, left for that in stitution of learning on Monday. Last Friday we had pleasant visits from Mr. John Stem, accompanied by Mrs, Frank Stem, of Stem; Mr. J. P. Bradsher, of Tar River; Mr. Abner Newton, of Wilton; and Capt. J. B. Hnn ter, of Fairport. The very efficient book keeper of Messrs. Bullock & Mitchell, Mr. Will Gulick, spent the holidays in Washington City on a visit to his father, Major W B. Gullick, who holds and important posi tion In the Navy Department. -We were glad tD see in Oxford dur ing the holidays Mr. Thos. B. Jeffreys, the polite and painstaking buyer of the American Tobacco Company at Rocky Mount. Their interest are in safe hands and the company can count on Tom every time. Mr. Rufus Bobbitt and family are again residents of Oxford, and oc3upy Dr. Couch's residence near the Female Seminary. We are glad to have among us this estimable gentleman and family. Mr. Bobbitt is connected with the Centre Warehouse. We . regret to lose from our midst Mr. Allen Thomas, who has so pleasant ly served the public at Mr. John Hall's drug store. He has taken up his abode in the live town of Durham, and is with our old friend P. W. Vaughan, one of the best druggist in the State. Messrs. L. E. Cooper, Jack M. Greg ory, J.M.Taylor, Jimmie Brogden and B. E. Parham of Richmond; (where was B. P. Thorp) S. M. Bobbitt and G. L. W. Pegram, of Rocky Mount; J. Crawford Biggs, F. P. Hobgood Jr., and H. O. Furman, spent the holidays in Oxford. We enjoyed pleasant visits on Mon day from that sterling christian gentle man, Rev. J. B. Floyd, and Mr. W. P. Lyon, a practical farmer of Wilton; Mr. T. T. Hicks, a talented and prominent lawyer of Henderson; Mr. A. C. Parham, member of the Court House Building Committee ; the veteran Democ ratic Alii anceman Capt. W. O. Bobbitt; Mr. T.'T. Bobbitt, tha best known and most success ful hat drummer of the South, $1.50 PER ANNUM. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Ldvics to Womeh If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR GA.RTERSVTXii.ii3, April 28, 1886. This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for years from Menstrual Irregularity, being treated without benefit by physicians, were at length completely cured by one bottl of Bradiield's Female Regulator. It effect is truly wonderful. J . W. Strange. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contain valuable information on all female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, CA. j?OJZ SJLIiJE HZ DS, UQ GISTS Will You Please Visit My NEW DRUG STORE When You Are In Oxford? In addition to a full line of Drugs ana Patent Medicines I HAVE MANY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL goods suitable for wedding and other 'pres ents. These only need to be seen to be admired. LAMPS A ND X AMP (Ti OODS AMPS i.ND 1AMP VJT OODS CONFECTIONERIES AND FRUITS, STA tionery, Silverware, Grass and Clover Seeds reliable and true to name. Spices of ill kinda no adulteration. PRESCRIPTIONS X FAMILY RECIPES Prepared from the Best of Drugs. John P. Stedman, Proprietor Oxford Drug Store, USRY BUILDING, - OPPOSITE OLD STAND . R ADAM'S ADAM'S M ICliOBE ICRORE KILLER ILLEH CUKES ALTj DISEASES. Because all diseases are the result of fermentation and decay, caused by living microbes in the human system, and whatever rem edy will purify the blood by removing the cause of disease and build up the health and strength of the patient, is the one to use. Radam13 Microbe Killer Is nature's remedy, and is the greatest boon ever given to mankind, hence the spurious imitations which follow in the path of its wonderful cures of Consumption, Catarrh. Debility, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Bowel, Bladder, Skin and all other diseases which are quickly and permanently cured by this never failing compound which has done more for suffering humanity than all the prescriptions of poisonous drugs, nostrums, so called proprietary medicines, &c, all put to gether, because it removes the cause of disease and insures health. Thousands of voluntary cer tificates of almost miraculous cures attest these facts, and demonstrate to the world that Wm. Radam, the Great Pioneer in hi i Wonderful Dis covery, has gone far ahead of all other explores in scientific fields, and has demonstrated, beyond a doubt that no disease can exist without a dis ordered system, and his superb remedy stands at the front because it is THE ORIGINAL AND OLD RELIABLE Microbe Killera palatable remedy which cures diseases by arresting decay and placing the sys tem in a natural and healthy condition. Investigate the merits of this wonderful health giving discovery which hs stood the test and cured thousands of all manner of disease; and be ware of all other so-called germ or microbe de stroyers, which are often thus advertised to sell their otherwise worthless mixtures, and which are but imitators of this great wonder working remedy. Por full particulars and certificates of wonder ful cures, address J. O. HALL, gfent, -OXFORD, N. C. Granville -:- Institute ! The Spring term will begin Jan. 21, 1892. Full collegiate course. Special advantages in Lan guage, Music, Art, Social aud Physical Culture, (Delsarte S stem). Board and tuition 'n Academic Department for five months $80. For catalogue, apply to MISS CLARK, Prin. Granville Institute, Oxford, N C.