THE PUBLIC LEDGER. PUBLIC LEDGER ANNOUNCEMENT. (Hi 1 I I i 1 Now Is Your Criein e -TO GET THE- 0 FOR THE- ok YEAR OXFORD, N. C. FEB 12 1892. nounced the action of S. B. Alex ander and A. H. A. William in vot ing for Mr. Crisp for Speaker of the House because he had declared in a speech made in Georgia that he did ECHOS FROM THE PEOPLE. not endorse the Treasury plan. several others were called on to speak. Two or three colored men responded with a few remarks. An executive committee of five was ap pointed to meet at Henderson the 30th and ten delegates were elected to a county convention at Hender son the 15th. Toxgs. NEWS FROM DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF GRANVILLE COM NTY. What is Going on In Different Sec tions as Gathered by the Pnblic Ledger Reporter! Views of Corres pondents, dc. CREEDMOOR CULLINGS. JAMES RHODES, COLORED, LODGED IN JAIL FOR BARN BURNING. Benj. L. Hester, of Dutchville township, received a capias from the authorities of Franklin conntv for one James Rhodes, colored, last Tuesday, charged with barn burn ing near Louisburg. Rhodes fled from Franklin last Octobei and was hiding around near Bowling's moun tain. Hester after receiving the ca pias caught the said Rhodes about 24 hours later and at once took him to Franklin county ivhere he was safely lodged in jail at Louisburg. DEXTER DOTS. SOME NEWS OP INTEREST FROM THIS PLACE- Death has again visited our midst and taken little Sammie, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis. We were glad to see our friend Mr. R. F. Rice in town last week. He is visiting his father, brothers and sister near here. We think that Mr. C. F. Crews would make a good man for Regis ter of Deeds and we also think he Going to ths Ball This Evening? By EOBEET 0. V. MEYERS. Copyright, 1891, by American Press Associa tion.! I. 5 ! -1 I:; 1 I would appreciate what the public He carried Rhodes 38 miles through might give him. 'Oh, Tom Jardine!" Miss, Cathcart entered the drawing room in evening dress and a very per turbed frame of mind. Her brother fol lowed her in like physical and mental habiliments. "There's no use cutting up so rough about it, Evvy," he said. "I'm in no end of a scrape as it is." "You certainly have done your best to get into trouble," she returned, "and as usual one man's trouble means several the country alone. Best of all for Hester there is $200 reward bv the State fr the capture of Rhodes. . - s-M ,. Think the btate had Detter pay everv constable $100 a vear extra besides their usual fees. Many ser- the officer has to do and get Mr. Watson was in town last week vices nothing. C. BULLOCK BREEZES. women s "But how am I to get out of it?" ho asked helplessly. 'TTrTr lilro o. man Vinf. iat'' clio wiixx tue GAPeuiaiiuu ut awnmB omein fanning herself vigorously. cnurcn an organ, we nope ne win "That's all right, tint you are a succeed in selling to them as he can woman, and a woman has resources." fviTi r.d nrm "Mother is a woman. Why don't you go to nerr" They hayo been speaking ot get- "Mother!" he repeated. "She would ting some of the public school money be so flustered she'd never think of any to teach a free school here, but we PS J?nt recriminations for me Be . , -n i? -i i ,r sides, HiV, you are m sometmng or my -AND t Your Neighbor to do Likewise ! io OFFER WILL CLOSE MARCH t -lis will he oae of the most important po ll years vvifchia tlie history of the country it e duty of every good citizen to keep : ill o l. 7 i u it. State and National affairs and PUBLIC LEDGER from now until ay of January, 1893, at the low price rv ol ' subscribers who are in arrears and t u to date reap the benefit of the reduc n. uiiivi along everybody and subscribe to y uunty paper. We will give you value re uci in furnishing a first-class newspaper. ,,We asK. each one of our old subscribers to ni: it their especial business to get us ONE 0 BSCKIBER and thus aid us in building up a i -class newsDa rer in Granville. Friends, we u.-vd your aid and call on you to go to work and assist in putting: the PU.BL.iU LJUUJbt in every reading home in the county. The question now is will vou heln us ? We believe you will as no truer recmle ever lived than the farmers of Granville county, and we have their every in terest at heart and will continue to do all we can to foster and encourage everything that tends to benefit them. Subscriptions can be handed to the following genu emen who will forward tnem to tne eauor: J. N. FULLER, B rea, N. C, L A HOYS l ER, AJ. niram, N. C J E. BURROUGHS. Dabney, N. C, IS AO HARRIS, Tar River, NV C. W A PAR HAM, Watkins, N. C, J W. HARRIS, Wilton, N. C, R. W. CLAY, Clay, N. C, G. T. SIKES, Grissom, N. C, J T. BULLOCK, Mt. Energy, N. C, S. O. LYON, Crppdmoor. N. C, A L. GOOCH, DxW, N. C, S. T. PARROTT, Hesters, N. C, J. P. BECK, Becks, N. C , C. D. BRITT, Franklinton, N. C, J. P. THOMAS, Hampton, N. C, J. H.OOOCH, Stem, N. C, J. A. WALLER, Knap of Ree33, N. C, DR. W. W. COZART, Dutchville, 1ST. C. E. L. ALLEN, Hargrove, . C, A. A. LYON, Lyons, N. C L. A. W1LKINS, Wilkins, N. C, M. L. COLY, Cozart, N. C, N. H. FLEMING, Northside, N. C, T. W. STOVALL, Stovall, N. C, J. G. PITTARD, Bullock, N. C, S. M EVANS, Satterwhite, N. 0., R. W. DO vVNEY, Buchanan N. C, J. K. CLEMENT, Brownesville, N. C, B. F. FRAZIER, Whetstone, N. C, R. M. JEFFREYS, Skipwith, Va., Q. D. PITTARD, Setb, N. C, W. RAKER, Blue Wing, N. C. MARRIAGE OF MR. JAMES NEWTON AND MISS L.TJCRETIA LAWSON. Senator Vilas and Col. John H. Knight, of Wisconsin, arrived at the residence of Mr. Thos. R. Carring ton on Friday night of last week for the purpose ot shooting quail. Sen ator Vilas returned to Washington City on Tuesday, leaving Col. Knight to spend several days longer. - We reerret exceedingly to an- .1 1 i 1 O I V X nounce the aearn oi one or our Dest and most valued citizens, Mr. Wm. Davis, Sr. After an illness of sev eral days, he died on Sunday morn ing and was buried at his residence on Mondav. His death is a sad loss to our whole communitv and we ex tend our sincere sympathy to the be reaved family. Married, on the night of the 3rd of Februarv. at the residence of the - r bride's father, Miss Lucretia Lawson to Mr. James Newton, of Mecklen bnr? countv. Va. Quite a hand- o ' ' - some entertainment was given on the evening ot the marriage by Mr. J. J, Lawson, and on the following day Mr. and Mrs. Newton accompa nied by their many friends and rela tives left for their home in Virginia, where a large dining was given by relatives of Mr. Newton. We wish Hunt would not sign the petition. We are glad to learn that Joe, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks, who has been quite sick for some time, is rapidly improving under the most excellent treatment of Dr. Royster. There were a great many around Dexter with the overseers making their report to the road supervisors at Salem. They all reported their roads good. We are glad to hear that Salem township has good roads. Rats. DUTCHVILLE DRIFTINGS. DUTCHVIILE7S PUBLIC SCHOOL PER- fix yourself." "I am in no trouble that I am aware of, except this that you have thrust upon us," she said. "You are in love," retorted he. "Thanks for the old synonym." "But you will be a good sister and try to help me?" "What sort of a wedding present are you going to give me?" Anything you want, from a sewing machine to a brownstone house." "The usual promise of futurity. Se riously, Ralph," she said, "do I know all about this matter? From college you go abroad. Mamma gives you a letter to her old friend, the Marquis de Mer veilleau, whom you found in his old chateau in one of the provinces" "Without an idea of th3 English lan- SONALS, &C. Master Willie Suit is attending school at Durham. Messrs. Green & Lyon, of Lyon, 1 111 1 i are closing out tneir stocK or goods at cost. Miss Bettie Green and Miss Nan- T A 1 nie .uyon are teacning our schools at Dutchville. Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Thomasson and children, of Tar River, have . ii it been visiting relatives m this sec tion. We have been informed by Mr. E. F. Beck that he saw a hawk killed on Neuse river that measured 5 feet them great happiness and success in 7 inches from tip to tip. their new home. Trump. DABNEY DOINGS. A THIRD PARTY MEETING OUR PUB LIC SCHOOL. Mrs. Bettie Lea and Miss Eula Watkins, of Durham, who have been visiting friends at Dutchville, re turned home Friday accompanied by Miss Percy Beasley. Dutchville is not far behind is not rar oenma on Our town is still improving in the bif? pis as ye miffht suppose, as Mr. ... i i" - way ot planting shade and ornamen- A G Fleming killed 4 .hat averaged tal trees. 37f; Mr. Joel Lvon one that weighed A beautiful grove is being planted 449; Dr. Cozart one that weighed at the mineral springs and other im- the rise of 300; Mr. Leb Clark two nrovements are going forward. about 9 months old that weighed - TVio, addition to Mr. J. E. about 200 each; and Mrs. Jane Suit A- J-L V "V it - I &.,wmuai tnrA i ftnmn fltH fttir one mat was so large sue did not I 111 I 1 lUit' L tJ kj I. V k V ' -w-w w w . I adds much to the looks and conven- propose to weigh it. ience of both store and hall. Some of our citizens are becoming Our public school will open Mon- so bewildered in matters of politics A- day, the 15th, with Mrs. S D. Callis ao fooov Mra. flallis' ronntation I asked one erood tarmer the other Cl O LtVlX VI. " ' X I as a teacher is too well known to re- day if he was a Democrat or a Re quire further remarks. publican. He replied that he did iAn a. r nniflK nASLP.AA. not know what he was, and my opm- ble and moral village was visited by AO " . cvavpI dvnp.fl,tps of the Third nartv. same condition. it may oe They drifted in quietly like a cloud en election day comes they will V, Snnth-flflst. and e aDie ro ueuuie wiiai tjiey aie. "You offered to teach it to him." "I gave him a lesson every day for six months." "And what were those lessons, oh, shade of Addison?" "I only did it for a piece of fun," sighed the young man. "It was his in nocence he knew me to be fresh from college, and he took me for a savant, au authority on the gift of tongues. He did not know that in college we do not con- public fine ourselves to the classics, so long as athletics help us to our degree." "You mean fellow, you taught him all the slang phrases you knew, and he thinks them the most elegant English." "I tell you," peevishly cried Ralph, "I did it all in fun." " 'One man's meat,' " said his sister. "Well, you did not know there was a daughter in the case." "Oh, yes, I did," quickly responded Ralph. "But she was away from home, and I had no idea of ever meeting her. When my six months were up, and I went into Germany, the marquis had Marie come home, and for several months more he taught her as. I had taught him." "All the slang he had imbibed from you. When you went again to see him you met Marie, and at once fell in love with her." "She is divine!" "Of course. I am divine to Tom, I hope. The upshot of it was that you proposed and were accspted, and the marquis at once insisted upon bringing Marie to visit us, you having enthused him with your description of our insti tutions. Marie is certainly charming and she has brought a marvelous set of gowns with her from the atelier of Felix. She has been in her room this hour past, preparing for Mrs. Montgom ery's ball, which, en passant, is to be a coming were as quietly received as neither the people of the village or surround- ing country knew ot their coming. About 3 o'clock quite a crowd hav ing collected all repaired to the school house. Mr. Isham Bobbitt was made chairman of the meeting And Mr. H. Hicks secretarv. Mr. Zack Garrett took the floor and ad dressed the meeting, setting forth its objects and the necessity for a Hard Times. Third party with the Ocala demands a or 3 d wemnga and 2 or 8 store houses. as their olatf or m. Mr, ttarrett de John A. Williams. that they don't know what they are. particularly smart function. "Mother has not met them, tnenr' said Ralph. "Oh, I remember; she was dressing when they came. What will she say when she hears them talk?" "They may use French," suggested his sister, twirling her bracelets in a nervous fashion. "You forget," cried Ralph, "how elated the marquis is over his newly ac quired English he refuses to use any French since he set his foot on American soil, and insists that Marie shall do as he does. And he has a horror of argot or slang, deprecates its use in France. That made it all the funnier for me, to teach him our own, giving Emerson and other polite writers as authority, while he inveighed against the ruin of his own language by the gamin talk of Parisian streets." "French slang yes, I remember some of it. Did this child of the boulevards tell you that the Parisian will tell you a man 'has not caught cold in his eyes' when he is not to be cheated? That one who is self opinionated 'does not use his CQXTXNUED OH SEVENTH TAGS. The Old Original Remedy Leads. Sick people should not be deceived by pretenders who talk about "Microbl," "germs", "baccilli", &c, to sell their pre natations. thus preventing: people from buying the original tested medicine. "Kadam's Microbe Killer" is wnat you need. It is now, and for years has been making more cures than all other reme dies combined. Investigate it before trifling with your health. Read their advertisement in this paper. Don't be de ceived.

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