mfo PUBLIC LEI)GEK. OUR 3iEff YORK LKITLU. Koten of Interest 1'ickect up by a Oxonian. Editor Public Ledger : In your last number you say that Bob Inger soll is suing Rev. Tom Dixon for libel. I read it Rev. A. C. Dixon in one of the New York papers and your type were probably twisted. It is a way type have which nobody but us lellows who have to contend with them can appreciate. While Rev. A. C. Dixon is not as widely known as his youngest broth er, he is better known to our people, as he conducted a very successful protracted meeting in the Baptist Church in Oxford, several years ago. 1 heard Bob Ingersoll lecture on Myth and Miracle the other Sunday night. He spoke in the Broadway Theatre, one of the prettiest audi toriums in the city, and notwith standing the fact that full theatre prices were charged the house was' packed to over flowing. Old Bob is as bald-headed as his pictures represent him, and is taller than you might imagine; he is not exactly an eloquent man, nor has he a particularlv pleasant voice, yet one can not help paying attention to what he says. When he made fun of such things as Moses crossing the Red Sea, the audience laughed and applauded, but as he paused at the close of a beautifully worded sentence in which lie made a jest at the expense of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per that large house was as still as death. My views on religious subjects are the same now that they were before hearing the famous infidel. 5 5C 54 2f 5ji It is a study to listen to the ways in which a restaurant waiter will give a customer's order to the cook. I went into a cafe recently and or dered scrambled eggs, wheat cakes and coffee without cream. My order was interpreted to the party m the rear thus: u Scrambled two, brown the wheat, draw one and have it black.'" Thanks to my experience in giving people such little things as liquor arsenii et hydrargyri iodidi when they thought they were simply t i T'v "I i T getting uonovan s solution, l was able to keep my seat and eat unmur ingly what was set before me. One's knowledge and experience frequently comes in handy at very unexpected junctures. The political situation gets more and more interesting. Hill seems to be growing in popu larity among Southern Democrats, while the outer indications are that Cleveland's hold on the affection of those people is weakening. How honest men, who love honest government and who are Democrats, partly because they can't stand the trickery and knavery of the Repub licans, can desert a leader whose every utterance is pregnant with patriotism, honesty and devotion to principle, who is broad enough to have views on the great questions of the day and bold enough to express them, and rallv to the standard of a tricky politician, who is to-day more than any other man, responsible for the country being under Republican rule, who straddles great economical questions, who thwarts the will of the people with packed conventions and who would not hesitate to sacri fice any principle or any person to gratify his own personal ambition, is more than is comprehensible by intellect of your humble correspon dent. And he doen't expect to learn to "eat crow" in November either. F. B. Hays. New York March loth, 1892. Rheumatism and Syphilis yield readily to P. P P. (Pricklv Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.) Hlofhes, Old Sores, Uleers and all skin erup tions cured by P. P. P., the greatest blood puri fler of the age. Air. Henry Winter, formerly manager of the Savannah Brewery, says he had rheumatism of the heart for several years. Often he was unable to walk over a few blocks, his pain was so in tense; he had trouble to get his breath; he had physicians in Philadelphia, his former home, but the best professor in the university there could not give him relief. Coming here he saw P. P. P. advertised, tried two bottles, and is now a well man. His pain has left him and he can now walk all day. lie renders thanks to P. P. P., and says its workings are wonderful. For sale by J G. Hall. The State Agricultural Society has elected Hal. W. Ayer its cor responding secretary. Mr. Ayer is well known all over the State. He will take up the work April 1st. 9 Pi rrojnmncca Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consumption. Four docg tors gave me up, saying I could live but a ehoit time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles ; it has cured me, and thank God i am now a well and healthy woman.'' Trial bottles free at J. G, Hall's drug store ; reg ular size 50c. and $1.00. 50 barrels home made flour for sale by R. J. Mitchell. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE FINE TOBACCO ? IF SO CALL ON T. D. CLEMENT AND BUY THE CELEBRATED n FERTILIZER Which stands unrivall ed as a producer. Place your or- ders now. mch.25 A BIG THING ! I have a store full of Dry Goods, Shoes, Cloth ing, Notions, &c, which must be sold at some price, so come along everybody and get them. Having bought the entire stock of goods of B. G. Medford at 55 cts. on the dollar, we will sell same under New York cost. No" merchant in Ox- lord ever offered such inducements before. L. E. WEIGHT & CO. Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OF THE Su perior Court "f Granville county to me is sued as commissioner in the case of R. T. Pittard and others against Sallie Pittard and others. I will sell to the highest bidder, at the conrt house door in the town of Oxford, on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 1802, the following tracts of land : One tract of land m Oak Hill township, adjoin ing the lands of K. E. Yancy, R. A. Loyd, the Va. State line. Mrs. Louis G. Smith and others, con taining 360 acres more or less Second tract in Oak Hill and partly in Sassafras Fork townships. known as the Allen tract, adjoining the Va. State line James Uallenan, K. G. Huchanan, Tom Rowan Pittard and others, containing 198 acres more or less. Terms of sale, one-third cash. balance in twelve months with interest on de ferred payment from day of sale, March 18th, 1S92. It. T PITTARD, Commissioner. A. W. Graham. Att"y. "march 25. I. H. STEGALL'S -NEW- GROCERY STORE, Next door to the Postoffice, OXFORD, N. C. Has in stock a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods, JAKES. FRUITS, CIG5RS J TOBACCO.' Give me a eall and I will sell yon goods at bot- torn figures. Yours to please, I. II. ST EG ALL. FONTENOY. My highly brd Trotting Stallion Fontcnoy Will make the season of 1892 at hit farm near Oxford. Terms reasonable. For information. pedigree, &c, address W. C. REED, ieo. atMftno. Oxford, N. U. and Whiskey Habitfc cured at home with- j y U ticillars sent FREE. ai R Xf U'Al 1 1 T v7 ir rv OntDft'n. V,nrnr nf n-, r. Atlanta. Oa. OSice 104V Whitehall 8fc N p USINEJJ IIiZEB FIR7VYS OF A Brooks & Company, Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We make a specialty of Shoes, Hats aod Flour. Will not be downed on prices. We cater to the farmer's trade. Call and examine our stock in the Alliance Ware house. J. V. Rice, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Do yvu want to insure your property or life. He represents the largest Fire, Life and Accident Companies. Office over Bank of Oxford. Mrs. John T. Britt, FASHIONABLE MILLiNER and dealer in NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, Next door to Bank of Oxford, Hillsboro St. C. D. OSBORN, PROPRIETOR OSBORN HOTEL. Rates reasonable. Good table. Com fortable Rooms, and Sample Rooms for Commercial Tourists. Hillsboro Street. John G. Hall, Headquarters for SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. PAPER, ENVELOPES, BOX PAPER, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, WRITING PADS, &c. Main Street. W. D. Edwards, THE ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER, Brinkley's Old Stand. Good work and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. Prices to. suit the times. Brown & Jones, Dealers in HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, &c. First-class goods at lowest possible prices. All orders meet with prompt at tention. Modern Tobacco Barn, Manufacturers of BARNS, STICKS, BASKETS, &c, for curing tobacco. Also of the celebrated brands of smok ing tobacco Snow's Cool Smoke, Modern Barn and Dixy Darling. Q,. E. Rawls, Hillsboro St., Headquarters for bargains and low prices in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND HATS. Call and see us. M. Oppenheimer, Stalls No. 9 and 11, BEEF, PORK SAUSAGE, MUTTON, LAMB, Etc. Fresh fish when in season. Always the best in the market. JOB PRINTING ! IF YOU NEED Posters, Programs, Dodgers, or A NEWSPAPER PRINTED, The Public Ledger is now head quarters for such work and will duplicate any bill with something: off. Give us a trial as we guarantee first- class work and perfect satisfaction. DIRECTORS , N. T. W. Jackson, Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS, &c. birst-class Bakery attached and fresh bread and cakes always on hand. Com mercial Avenue. R. W. Lassiter, REAL ESTATE AGENT. 7,000 acres of land for sale in Gran ville, Person and Vance in lots to suit purchasers. Office over Bank of Oxford. J. S. Hall, . THE SEWING MACHINE MAN, Odd Fellows' Temnle, The place to buy any make of Machine you may desire. Call and get a first class machine. Sold for cash or install ment. B. S. Royster, GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Cooper Building Up-stairs. Prompt attention to all business. C. J. Gregory, Manager. C. J. WARD, Dealer in FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTION ERIES, FRUITS, CIGARS, &c. Usry Building, : College Street. W. C. Thaxton, MERCHANDISE BROKER. Can save you money br giving me your orders. Office in StorogA Warehouse. S. W. Parker, Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, SHINGLES, LATHS AND COW HAIR. Yard at Richmond & Danville Depot. A. W. Graham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in the courts of Orange, Dur ham, Person and Vance counties and Su preme Court of State. Public Ledger Office Does Job Printing such as BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS,NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, TAGS, POSTERS, &c, &c, At the lowest possible prices. Ronton & Bullock, Manufacturers of HARNESS AND SADDLES. We sell home-made Harness cheaper than they have ever before been sold in Oxford as cheap as Northern or "West ern machine work e also carry a full line of Wbips, Collars, Robes, &c. A call solicited. Minor Building, Commer mercial Avenue. JOB PRINTING! REMEMBER THAT TOU CAN GET - . Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Cards, &c, &c, Printed in first class style, and at BED ROCK PRICES at the Pub lic Lgdger office. Give us a trial and be convinced; All orders by mail receive prompt attention. HARDWARE, &c. J. F. EDWARDS. THOS. W. WINSTON. Edwards & Winston. HARD W A R E OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, TINWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, BLASTING POWDER, &c. FULL LINE FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Plows. Dixie, Farmers Friend and Boss, one and two horse. Axes, Grub Hoes, Mattocks, Picks. Shov els, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Lawn Mowers, &c. Smith's Straw Cutters and repairs, Corn Shelt ers, Belting, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Brushes, &c. Cook Stoves. Excelsior and other reliable Cook Stores at prices to suit the hard times. Fnll line of stove repairs. Buggies. We sell Randolph Buggies, which is one of the prettiest and best Buggies sold on this market. Full line of other high grade Bugyies and new styles. Road Carts, Surries and Carriages. Wagons. White Hickory Wagons, Nissen Tobacco Wag ons, North Carolina "Wagons, Wheel Barrows. Full stock Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement, Cow Hair, fec. Double Shovel Tlows, Colters and Iron Age Cultivators. Tin Roofing, Guttering, Gun and Lockemith ing, Ac, done. Give us a call, we will be pleased to quote prices and show goods. We guarantee to sell as low as any one. We have too many buggies. Will sell at re dnced prices for the next HO days. It will pay every man in need of a buggy, wagon or cart to see us. Nissen Wagons ordered'when customers want one. Truly yours, EDWARDS & WISTON. J no. C. Wilkerson, DURHAM, N. P., Dealer In Granite & Hurl Monuments, All Kinds Of FINK RUSTIC WORK, HE A.D STONES, ETC. Iron Fencing futnished to order. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, both in price and style. Give me a call before you buy, or write for designs and prices to JNO. C. WILKERSON, mch.l8-3m. Durham, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A, A. HICKS, Attorney at Law and Notary Vtiblie OXFORD, N. C, and T. HICKS, Attorney-at-Law, HENDERSON, N. C. Will practice together in the Courts of Granville Vance, Franklin, and Warren Counties, and in all matters requiring their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent, and faithful atten tion to business to deserve and receive a portio of the law business of this section. s, IX. CANNADT, M. I., OXFORD, N. C, Offers his professional services to the people o Oxford a d surrounding country. Office nver Hall's drug store. Residence at R. I. Devin's. "JJR. J. E. WYCIIE, Dental Surgeon, OXFORD. N. C. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Rooms in Hkbkdok Bank Building. gTRATHORN A WARWICK, Attorneys-at-Law, Will practice in the courts of Granville, Per son and Caswell county. Offlce at Col. HajCFt old law ofilce. fknTo. BfsipiisSifi

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