mb. PUBLIC LEDGER thi; By JOHN T. BRITT, ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. Jne Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50 Six Months 75 37Adverti8ing rates reasonable and furnished on application. We are not responsible for the views of corres oondents unless so stated editorially. OXFORD, N. C - - MARCH 25, 1892 FOB governor: HON. S. B. ALEXANDER, OF MECKLENBURG. LIEUT-governor: HON. II A. DOUGH TON, OF ALLEGHANY. JUDGE JOIIX A. GIL.ME11 DAD. Judge John A. Gilmer died at 'his home in Greensboro after a linger ing illness on March 17th. Judge Gilmer was born in April, 1838. His father was Hon. John . uriuner, one or tne ablest con gressmen previous to the war and who achieved a national reputation. Judge Gilmer graduated with dis tinction at Chapel Hill in 1858 and read law at the Universitv of Yir- ginia. me war came on uerore ne Till 1 1 1 11 uau outaineu nis license ana ne en- rereu tne uoiiTeuerate service in i 111 f 1 I April, 18) 1, as second lieutenant of (Company B, of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina Infantry. On the organization of that regiment he was elected Major of the regiment, and as such commanded it at the battle of New Berne. In 1S63 he was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment, and commanded it until he was so severely wounded at Bristow station as to incapacitate him for further active dutv. He served with conspicuous gallantry 1 ill r 1 t ana eniovea tne connaence ana es teem of his officers and men. He came to the bar in 1865, and at once entered upon a lucrative practice. On the death of Hon. X 1 T'" I O l 1 jonn iverr, judge or tne superior court for that district, he was ap pointed by Governor Jarvis Judge of the Superior Court, and was sub sequently twice elected to the same position by the people. His old wound, however, gave him pain, and the long confinement on the bench auring tne sitting or tne court ag 1 II D ll gravated the trouble, and at length in the summer of 1889 he resigned his commission and resumed the practice of law. THE WHISKY TRUST SEXl AT I 1 l I 1 l 1 iow mat tne courts nave sus tained the laws against trusts in the cases of the Sugar and Standard Oil trusts, the Whisky Trust is the next 10 ue atLcicKeu. oeveiai orncers or this trust have been indicted in the United States District Court at Bos ton. Thev were arraigned on Sat urday, pleaded not guilty and March 30 was set for the trial to begin, the the defendants being held in heavy bail until that time. The Sugar Trust case in New York and the Standard Oil case in Ohio were tried under State laws, with a similar result in each case, a decision that the trust agreement was contrary both to law and the public welfare. These cases were fought stubbornly and vexatious delays interposed before final awards were made. The Whiskey Trust case IS orougilt Uliaer tne provisions of the Sherman anti-trust law, and whatever the result, it is likely to be some time before the case reaches final adjudication in the Supreme Court, to which it will doubtless be carried as the business of that court is, and has been for three years in arrears, danger however that a long time, There is no the case will not be thoroughly tried. According to this if it is possible to get after the Tobacco Trust it would do well to do so at once, in order that the tobacco farmers would not have to half starve more than 3 years before the heel of the despot i 1 t ni i r ine American looacco company was taken from their necks. We want to see the day rluwn when the farmers of this country will have an equal . shoving with that of the millionaires. The farmers do the work, but the monopolists touch the button, an,l all they have made drop into the big hole on Wall street. T . ' 1 T TTl 1 i uaviu u. Jim is strewing many mouldy political chestnuts through the South, as if he were a minstrel aggregation or a circus concert. He torn tne peopie or V irginia ror tne first time that theirs was the State 1 ll T O IT' P IT of Washington, of Jefferson and Madison. He informed them that Jefferson had written the Constitu tion and that Washington was the Father of his Country, and he got nfp pnnnrrli Iipoit rd nti'f nrlovs ci'nL- OH eilOUgU Heavy platitudes tO Sink n pnnal bnnt . As hi nlwrws Wn flip TVi"rl line nnfliinrr r ttie Case, U,la 13. lias llOtning tO snv about m v livino- rmp;Hnn r j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHAT YOU WANT IN j I y Line. GUANO, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CARTS, CARRIAGES, Cheap For Cash ! Q- Guano from $23 50 to $27.00 per 2,000 pounds, in car lots, for the cash. Rusrgies from $25 to $110. Good stock of Fine Buggies on hand. Very cheap ro cash purchasers. Wagons, complete with double box bodies and spring seats, from $30 to $60. Carts from $10 to $100. Carriages from $135 to $1,000. Special orders lor jobs not in stock, made for a small commission. All goods as I represent them to be. Come and see me before purchasing. Thanks for innst favnrs Offip.pi in t.hn Minor Warehouse, Oxford, N. C. mch25-2m THOS. D. CLEMENT. Wm. Hunter, (L. Hunter, Manager) UNDERTAKER -OXFORD, N. C. From $2 to $25 sved by getting your S From us when needed. I am also prepared to do all kinds of A. T-ST-NTTim TTTT1T7' KJ j3l.D1.XM ill JL W WJXi. a.v,i of aaiKu, vviiT, naaH tbi in m "VSffiS gin e,sewhere- FCJ VflllD QTQtFP UATTTWQ9 COFFINS AND CASKET .10 iuuii uiuni raiumu : IF SO CALL ON JOHN G. HALL, OXFORD, N. C, And Buy The GLASSES PAT? JULY 1S2 1873. guaranteed or money refunded. feb.4-ly. Executor's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS DAY qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Granville county, as executor of the last will and testament of James Pleasants, de ceased, hereby notifies all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased fo make immediate payment; and those holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before March 4tn, it;, or nis nonce win De pleaded m bar of their recovery. JOHN W HUNT, Executor of James Pleasants, deceased. March 1st, 1892. Administratrix's Notice HASS.rIu?oYt.IeFif ?AA: V. Minor, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. Per sons holding claims against said estate will pre sent the same to me for payment on or before tne 9th day of March, 1893, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. March 9th, 1S92. JULIA B. MINOR, Admx. of R. V. Minor, deceased. -J o The Old Original Romedy Leads. fcnrk peojile should uot ba deceived by pret. mieis wn t.alx about "MicrobI," "germs' Vbaecilir', c, to sell their pre- patations, thus preventing people from buying the original tested medicine. til 3 3 4 If! t T r t V . . a "iiauam s ,uicrooe iviuer" is wnat you need, it is now, and tor years has been making IVWtfH tlirAQ f-Kon oil Vav dies combined. Investigate it before i iiivriv; Lii'iii (in muni ruin- H,r:, S u?VI ceived LEGAL NOTICES. Sale of Land. TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER J conferred on me by a certain mortgage, ex- ecuiea oy Bryant casn ana nis wiie jn. a. cash, to me on tne 31st ol March, 1887. and duly regis tered in book 25, page 183 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville county, 1 will sell to tne mgnest Didder, tor cash, at public outcry. on the premises, on Monday, April 4th, 1892, at va o ciock m. a tract oi land m untchville town ship, near Green's station, on the O. & C. rail road, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Bryant ash, and .Lorenzo Walker and others, containing 17 acres. Terms cash. T. B. BRLNKLEY, mch.4-'4w-pd. Mortgagee. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION WITH the will annexed npon the estate of the late Emeline B. Harris having this d ay been granted !? me..?y the Clerk of the Superior Court of Miuuniic vuuutj) uunti- in ucicuj given til all persons indebted to said estate must make im- mediate payment to me, and all persons holding claims against said estate must present them to l me or my attorney. A. W. Graham, within one ycai from this date or this notice will be plead in oar oi tneir recovery. WILLIAM H. LYON, Admr. cum testamento annexe March, 9th, 1892. Execution Sale. TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER KJ of an execution now in my hands, issuiner irom tne superior court oi uranxine county upon a certain inugment wnerem Harris, Uooch & Co, are plaintiffs and W, D. Pleasants is defendant. 1 will sell by public auction, at the court house door m Oxtord, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1892, all the right, title and interest of W. D. Pleasants in and to the tract of land upon which the late James Pleasants lived, adjoining Wil liam .Pleasants, Bank's toad,Henry W.liawa and Mrs. cannady and Henry Kichardson and con taining 104 acres more or less, The interest of said W. D. Pleasants is one-third of said tract of land after the termination of the life estate of the widow of said James Pleasants. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. J. A. CREWS, March 1st, 1892. Sheriff Granville Co. Commissioner's Sale. TTUDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHOR KJ ity vested m us by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Granville county, entitled Mary F. Grissom, executrix of Charles W. Gris- som, asrainas Eli Tippett, we will sell by public auction, at the court house door in Oxford, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1892, the tract of lana described m the complaint m said action. near Bethel church, adjoining Charles W. Gris som and others upon which said JSli Tippet now resides, it Demg tne land wnich sud Charles W. Grissom contracted to sell to said Eli Tippet, containing fifty acres. Terms of sale cash. Time 1Z o'clock m. March 1st, 1892. A. W. GRAHAM, A. A. HICKS, Commissioners. Trustee's Sale. DY VIRTUE OF A DEED AND TRUST EXE- cuted to me by R. fl. Freeman and wife on the 26th day of February, 1S91, and duly recorded m Kegister's omce in Book 34, paere 1U3, I will sell at the court house door, in the town of Ox ford, Granville county, N. C, on Monday, 21st day of March, 1892, at 12 m.to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Brassneld townsnip, adjoining the lands of J. B. Floyd and others, it being the lot or tract of land drawn by the said It. 11. Freeman in a divis ion of his father's estate, containing 26 acres. S. V. xuLLlS, Feb. 15, 1892. Trustee. Sale of Land. B Y VIRTUE OF A DEED IN TRUST EXE- cuted by E. C. Coley to A. C. Zollicoffer, on the 25th day of October, 1888. and duly recorded on page 496, book 28, of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville county, I will sell to tne highest bidder, lor cash, at the court house door in Oxford, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1892, a tract of land in Dntchville township, uranville county, containing 1U7X acres, inherited by E. C. Coley from his father Richard Coley and particularly deeedbed in said deed in trust. j. B. KUiBTJSK, Feb, 27, 1892. Assignee. Land Sale. TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SUPE L ."or Court of GranviCe county in a certain special proceeding entitled S. b. Haithcock and L.ucy A. Haithcock his wife, plaintiffs, against shanks, 85 wiii SL b'puwic auction' house door in Oxford, on Monday, the 21st day of March, 1892, that valuable tract of land in Sas safras Fork township, belonging to the estate of the late William Shanks, situate on the uak inn road about two miles from stovaii, on ors Batiste and Tamise Cloths, Camel Hairs, Lediord Cords in en i?h. 'i$.0 annSy?Cao?Lrt JESSE tire'iy new styles, Chevrons and Lightning Styles, Henriettas in blacks mg about one hundred and thirty acres. This is a tine opportunity tor a person desiring to pur uiic uuuui iuuiiv iui a, wci cuii urjciuut: vj uui- chase a small iarm. Terms one-hall cash and balance in twelve months. Title retained till purchase money is paid. Time of sale, 12 m. A. A. HICKS, Feb, 17, 1S92. Commissioner. Notice of Land Sale. B Y VIRTPE OF A CERTAIN MORTGAGE executed to George Tilly, deceased, by S, W. Mitchell and Frances Mitchell on the 10th day of Sept., 1S85, on record in the office of the Kegiste'' ol Deeds ol Granville county in book 21, page 122, we shall, at the court house door in Oxford, on Monday, the 4th day or April, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, in order to satisfy the indebtedness by said mortgage secured, the tract '1 land in Tally Ho township, said connty. known a the Robert O'Briant place, containing one hundred acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of James Wheeler on the feouth, c. H. Gooch on the West and North and Solomon Hardee on the East. Sale at 12 o'clock a. m. This, Feb. 20, 1891. GEORGE TILLEY, ; Mortgagee. W. A. MALONE, R. C. TILLEY, W. D. TILLEY, Ex'rs of George Tilley, dee'd. Notice. T Y VIRTUE OF A DEED IN TRUST EXECU JL ted by Adolphus Roberts and Bettie Rob- erts to me on the 28th day of February, 1888, to ecure their indebtedness to tfridgers T. win- ston. I will sell to the nignest Didder, lor casn, at the court house door in Oxford, on Monday, tho 4th Hoir rf Arril 1892. thnt. lot of land in the town of oxford, on the worth side or id ins ooro i ' " " v ' ' ' . I -A. X I 1 4. - 4-1, . Ir- or I fL't?ft auu nuuwu unit ui iu.r- vyi auii iui, ou- i li'ininp1 I'eter Kovster ana otners. icrms oi sale cash. K. w . vvirsbluiN, lrustee. ByA-w- Graham-Att,y Feb. 27, 1892. Administrator's jn otice. HAVING THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS AD mlnistrator upon tho estate of S. E. De ment, deceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to come forward ana make settlement at one ; all persons holding claims aeamst said estate will present the same to me for payment on or before the 23rd day of Februiry, 1893, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. February 23rd. 18M2. A. A. Hicks, Att'y. Administrator. A LANDIS & SONS' A .LANDIS & OXFORD, N. C March ist, 1892. We have received and offer I'll! I i'iiim WB'iHMHk TT jTrTi HND DRESS Ever seen in Oxford. Our 5,000 yards of Hamburg Edgings 60 cents. Big- bargains. 3 000 yards of beautiful Outing Cloths at 10 and 12-J cents. 25 pieces, fast colors, Ohambray Ginghams. 2.000 yards beautiful Pine Apple Tissues as pre!ty as China Silks in all colors. 1,000 yards China Silks. 1,000 yards Persian Laws and 2,500 yards Plain, Striped and dies from 10 to 40 cents. NEW STYLE in all the new Satin Dutchess, Henrietta Surahs. Molina Cloths. Beiges in all col- anH colors ann maiiv other new styles too tecuous to mention. UOI1 t i rt . , - tail to can ana examine our new SPECIAL ! 10,000 yards Ginghams at 8 and 10 cents. A large lot of plain, checked and striped Muslins. 50 pieces of dot'ed Swi.s. 100 pieces of checked and striped Muslins. Big bargains. 10, 12, and 16 2-5 cents. Qne beautiful assortment of J orchon Laces. Pillow Case and other Fancy Laces. Party Uress Goods, Chiffons, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handker chiefs. Nottingham Laces and Black Silk Flounungs. Will close out at less ihan present New York cost. 1 000 yards Dress Trimmings- sufQ. oil nrat.t.v n.nfl desirable. ' r -y v - . 5,000 yards Hamburg Edgings and Lacos at less-than N. Y. cost. 5,000 yards Black Silk Net Flouncings for dresses and dress trim . , , , m miners at less man cost, l liese 1 - - . , i 1 1 1 vtrxv iaBiJi"auic uxaxo cowij. a Unro of rt J n t Vmwick-mps A large s ock of real torchons. striped idia un. s. 1,000 yards Cotton Challies at 4i 10,000 yards best Ginghams at 8 A. LANDIS S SOWS. ADVERTISEMENT. SONS, for cash the largest stock of jf" !' !i-'t GOOD specialties are as follows : i at 5, G, 8, 10, m, 18, 20, 25, 30 to Mulls. Plaid East Black Lawns and Organ DRESS GOODS shades as follows block. i Braids. Gimps, Passamentries and 2rooas ire aecidcaiv ciioap ana are 1 T -III I 1 w i r.)PP9 u llvv Ii iminmncr ttP. Aprons and Dress Checks, plain and rents. ami 10 cents.