- . -. . - .. ' L , -? . r v " THE MEEKLY rcsVK pp 11 ' volume: v no. 27. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1892. $1.50 PER ANNUM. Ktm PATENT MEDICINES, &o. The Cure For Scrofula was once supposed to be the touch of royalty. To-day, many grateful people know that the "sovereign remedy" is Ayer'3 Sarsaparilla. This powerful altera tive extirpates "the evil" by thoroughly eliminating all the strumous poison from tha Mood. Consumption, catarrh, and various other physical as well as mental maladies, have their origin in SCROFULA When hereditary, this disease manifests it self in childhood by glandular swellings, running sores, swollen joints, and general feebleness of body. Administer Ayer's Sarsa parilla on appearance of the first symptoms. " My little girl was troubled with a painful scrofulous swelling under one of her arms. The physician being unable to effect a cure, 1 gave her one bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and the swelling disappeared." W. F. Kennedy, McFarland's, Va. "I was cured of scrofula by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." J. C. Berry, Deerfield, Mo. I was troubled with a sore hand for over two years. Being assured the case was scrofula, I took six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ami was cured." II. Ilinkins, Riverton, Neb. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; si ; bottles, $5. Barters - ana Buggies ! OWKN, BAIIUOUK & SMITH want your trade and will suit you if you want a buggy, cart, ear ring, ladies' phaeton, farm wagon or anything in the vehicle line. Twelve Different etyles of buggies now in stock to select from any grade or style you want. It will pay to get our price?. How is This ? We have sold nearly four cars of Old Hickory Wagons all warranted. Our repair bill has not beeu V of one per cent. This speaks for itself. No other wagons as a class are as good. It pays to buy the best. However we will sell as cheap as any one can. We Sell the best paints. L. A M. pure prepared paints are the best on the market and sold only on guarantee. We keep a full stock of lead, oils and varnishes. We will be glad to make an es timate For You if you are going to need anything in this line The Best for the last. The McCormick Mowers are the tjf-t ever put in the field. We have a sample in ttook. See how simple it is compared to others claimed to be a.- good. The McCormick Mowers, KeuptTri and Binders are acknowledged to be the best by all unbiased judges. We are agents for them and will give the very best terms and prices. Do You want a cook stove ? See nir "New Lee" and ''banner (Jirr' there are none better. Would like to show you our stock. We are anxious for your trndt and will do our best to make it to your interest to deal with us. Yours truly, Oil, BARBOUR & SMITH. ,"o bones brohen i . wn ;, the. K;iho corset. It can't t!- done. They're made, of Km.u :iVli Knho can't break. - :iy re warranted for a w. Tin.-ii there's another ponil -the eyelets. They're loops at eoruet lace, soft, but t-,Vil:'-di, that won't rust or cut the laces. If the Kabo corset doesn't Sll't, after a week or two's 'ear, just return it and get your money. A. LANDIS & SONS. march 25-6m. IQQ A1PENINGS. THE PASSING LOCAL EVENTS OF THE DAY. Wlinl l Trtiiiiriiic Aronnd ami AImmK. Vh, la Town and County TIm Movement ami Doings of Peo ple Yon Know. Etc. Schemes are in process of hatch ing" to somewhat stir up things in Oxford. Tobacco is frenching a little, it is reported. Unusually fine wheat ami corn crops. Edwards & Winston continue to ship large quantities of tobacco flues to South Carolina. There is a large number of good Alliancemen in the county who say they cannot support Cleveland. About the dullest business in town is the marriage license busi ness, says Register of Deeds Daniel. Judge R. W. Winstoia is contrib uting a series of papers on "Talk About Law" to the Biblical Recor der. We hear of several families com ing to Oxford to; reside this fall, so that the children can attend our schools. It is strange to see people hug ging fires on the 5th of July in this part of the country. They did it Tuesday.. Mr. B. H. Cosart requests us to deny the report that he is a candi date for the nomination of Register of Deeds, or any other office. The County Alliance will meet in Oxford on Thursday, the 14th inst, A full attendance is desired as busi ness of importancewill be transacted. The young Oxford boys defeated the Fishing Creek baseball club in a game at Demerit's Cross-roads Satur day afternoon by a score f 20 to 13. Mr. J. E. Jones, of Mt. Energy, killetl a Crane a few days ago in bis fish pond G feet G inches high, and from tip to tip of each wing; measured 71 feet. There was. an extremely heavy rain in the Minor Mill neighborhood Thursday night. It washed the lands considerably doing some damage to the crops. The Granville Grays had a com petitive drill Monday night, and the honor of wearing the gold, medal as the best drilled man in the company was bestowed on A. R. TJsry. We have received a catalogue of the Wilson (N. C.) Collegiate Insti tute. Miss Annie Hamme, of Gran ville, will be in charge of the instru mental music classes the next session, . The Colored Orphan Asylum will celebrate its anniversary on the 20th of. this month. Congressman Cheatham, of the second district of North Carolina, will deliver an ad dress. Revenue collector White has re ports of tlte seizure by deputy col lector Woody, near Oak Hill, Gi'an ville county, of an illicit distillery, no claimants for which 'havejjbeen discovered. The Rev. Mr. Hudson, the cele brated evangelist of Richmond, Va., will begin a series of meeting Virgi lina, Va., on the 10th inst, under the auspices of the Florence Avenue Baptist at that place. Rev. J. M. Horner read a valu ble paper on "The Reading of Homer1' before the Teacher's Assem bly at Morehead Citj last. Friday. It was a most interesting, instructive and scholarly address a correspon dent writes. A subscriber tells us that our esteemed friends W. W. Hart, of Oak Hill, and George B. Daniel, of WalnutGrove,have the office bee buz, zing in their straw hats, and will not decline the nomination for Registei of Deeds at the hands of the dear people. A bear and dog fight took place on market square Friday after noon. Three dogs were set on the bear, but bruin was more than a match for them and vanquished them with ease. A hundred or more people looked on and howled with dolifrht. Miss Lillian Penick. a most charming- and popular young lady formerly of the Oxford Female Semi nary and recently instructor at the Wilson Collegiate Institute, was married to Mr. Herbert Ronntree,of Wilson, June 29. The marriage took place at Culpepper,. Va. An educational meeting will be held at Herman Church Sativrday, the 10th inst. The following gen tlemen will be present ami deliver addresses: Rev. Messrs. W. S. Black, V. A. Sharpe and R. F. Bumpass, and Mr. J. T. Strayhorn. W. J. Stem, of the Meadows Warehouse, has a very fuie bird dog that has learned the art catching moles. Last Friday he caught one, Saturday two, and Sunday four. He is the kind of do?r to have around on a plantation. An interesting Missionary meet ing" was held at Shady Grove last Saturday in connection with the 3rd Quarterly Conference of the Oxford Circuit. Fine addresses were made by Rev. J. A. Civnninggim, D. D., and Revs. V, A. Sharpe and R. F. Bumpass. The regular protracted meeting is beingr there this week. Ouk Ilitlge Institute. This institution has just closed its 40th year having had an enrollment of 300 students. This school has had a phenominal growth, probably be cause it was the first school in the State that combined with a thorough classical course of study a practical business department. In point of building's and appliances it is the best equipped school of its kind in the South. See advertisement else where. HiS Irian Potatoes. Mr. S. V. Ellis has come to the front with big average on Irish po tatoes. He has laid on our table five all from one vine, that weighed ilb each. J. E. Duncan stepped in and remarked that he gathered enough from one hill to feed eight people. About this time Jessie Pitchford ap peared upon the scene and added that he could eat. atone meal all the potatoes from any nine vines in the county. Old "Red Fox" was; stand ing near by straightened himself up, at the same stroking his beard, ex claimed: "You would have a big job on hand unless they were planted the wrong time of the moon and had no potatoes on them." When it comes to raising- big Irish potatoes, however, . W. J. Stem claims the honors, and it looks that way. He surprised us Wednesday morning' by bringing us G averaging 9s ounces each in weight. All came from the same vine, and besides the hill contained 12 smaller ones rang ing in size from a hickory nut down. Buck as a farmer and as a ware houseman is at the front. Ex-Congressman F. M. Simmons was elected Wednesday chairman of the Democratic State executive committee. PERSONAL SAYINGS. OF PEOPLE IN AND OUT OF THE TOWN. Brief Mention of the Movements of You Friends and Aequaiutauees wlio Visited You anil Whom You aire Visiting-. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ad cock, of Tar River, were in town Monday. John H. Webb and daughters, of Stem, were the guests of John Webb on Sunday. Mrs. J. A. White, of Durham, spent Sunday in Oxford the guest of Mrs. J. C. Horner. Misses Mary Bell and Nannie Gregory have returned from a trip to Asheville, N. C. R. W. Harris and family, of Wilton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Dr. I). C. White. Judge R. W. Winston and Prof. J. C. Horner are spending several days at Buffalo Springs. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brooks, ac companied by their two daughters, visited this office on Wednesday. Mrs. N. M. Ferrebee and chil dren are at M. A. Gregory's, near Stovall, to spend the heated term. W. T. Meadows and Frank Reams, of Durham, John W. Stovall and J. J. Davis, of Stovall, spent the 4th in Oxford. Messrs. John Morgan, of Vance, and W. O. Bobbitt and D. G. Hob good dropped in Saturday to discuss politics. Rev. J. M. Horner left Mon day to spend several weeks, at More head City, Atlanta, Saratoga and other places. W. S. Hundley, who has been absent several months looking after his saw mill near Petersburg, Va., is home again. Mrs. A. H. A. Williams and daughter, Miss Lucy, spent Sunday in town, and returned to their sum mer home near Stovall on Monday. A. B. Spencer, who . has been Hundley Bros, several years, has found employment at Newport News, Va., and will spend some time there. Mr. Manly B. Jones, who has been a resident of Oxford for over 25 years, left with his family Tuesday for Winston where they wTill make their home. Dr. G. A. Coggeshall, W. C. Reed and W. J. Boykin left Monday morning for Morehead City, to rep resent Oxford at the meeting of the North Carolina Tobacco Association. Dr. J. E. Wyche returned Sat urday from Morehead City, and he brought back with him the shell of the big turtle caught by his party. The turtle, it turn out, weighed 200 pounds instead of J03 as first repor ted. Warren Overby, Jr., of Hunt ington, W. Va., is the welcome guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Willis for several days. It has been three years since he was in Oxford, and his friends no doubt are pleased to have him with them again. Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Green, of Dexter, were in Oxford Monday, and we enjoyed a short visit from Mi . Green. He is one of the thrifty far mers of Vance. He informed us that he had thrashed out his wheat and made twelve bushels to each one seeded. A battle at Homestead, Pa., be tween the Carnegie Mills strikers and Pinkerton detectives occurred Wednesday, resulting in the killing of 11 workmen and 9 detectives. 18 detectives and 21 workmen were badly wounded. FURNITURE, DRY GOODS, &c. lO In) Absolutely Pure. A cream ol tartar baking powder. Highest 01 all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Govern ment Food Keriort. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N, Y. Three - Things THAT AHE CERTAIN ! Two of them are natural consequences, Death and Taxes. The other moat im portant one just now, is that L. E. WRIGHT & CO. Are now supplying the people with Dry Goods as low as any man can sell them in North Carolina, but you must not for get that all goods are C. O. D. Bargains await you and now Is the time to gobble them up as they are bound to be exchanged for money. may!2 MERCHANDISE EIICIIANDISE BROKEN. ROKER. fcST'No goods kept in stock, bnt orders taken and promptly filled for Groceries, Confection eries, Vegetables, Fruits, foreign and domestic, green and dried; Tinware, Stoneware, Crockery, Meats and Fish, Furniture, Fire Clay Chimneys, Terra Cotta Fipe, Rubber Stumps. 83Agent for Union Mills, Nashville, Tenn., Flour. Meal and liran. When I am not in the city orders can be left at the Osborn House. JOB OSBORN, r22ap. .Merchandise Broker. A Classical anil Commercial Sc&ool OF HIGH GRADE. Elegant Buildings and thorough Equipments. large patronage from, all the Southern States. Beautiful and healthful situation in view of the mountains. Over 300 Student lost year. JZW Terms Reasonable. Summer School (Business College Course) opens June 29. Fall Term begins August 16. For Illustrated. Catalogue, addren, J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Prins., OAK RIDCE. N. C, SMITHDEALfg WnaJrJJi-wrfX ItaAieM, Koraui lng, Ty p-wrltl f, rt-band, Ttefr . Ladiaa and uan- we of Zrif- Book-lplii.m4 COLLEGE. Richmond Va. ia ?t&a,i cm C japril 32. rwjiv) BOUNDED lnN 1852 ! ' 1 0