THE PUBLIC LEDtran. 4 Bv JOHN T. BRITT, ISSUED EVEKY FK1DAY MOKN1NG. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. Jne Year (by Mail), Postage Paid i-o Six Months VLlllllllll- - -Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. We are not responsible for the views of corfes Dondeuts unless so stated editorially. OXFORD, H.C., JULY 8, 1892 THE IMSMOCItA'lIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, G HOVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ADLA1 E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. FOR GOVERNOR, ELIAS CARR, of Edgecombe. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, RUFUS A. DOUGI1TON, of Allenlmny. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, OCTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR, ROBERT M. FURMAN, of Buncombe. FOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR SUPT. rUP.TJC INSTRUCTION, JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL, FRANK I. OSBORNE, of .Mecklenburg. FOR JUDGE OF THE TWELFTH DISTRICT, GEO. A. SHU FORD. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE, CHARLES B. AYCOCK, ROBERT B. GLENN. FOR CONGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT, A. II. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. RATHER VOTE FOR THE IEVII. Some of the Third partyites ex claim that they would sooner vote for the devil than for Cleveland or Harrison. Either Cleveland or Harrison will certainly elected to the presidency, and if the latter gets a second term and starts his Force bill to 'work, the South will be something of a Hades and our people will think his Satanic majesty has a hold on tliem sure enough. PROMOTION. His many friends in this State and he is deservedly popular with the people will be glad to learn that Col. A- B. Andrews has been promoted by theKichmond & Danville Railroad receivers to the responsible position of their general agent, wih general sup ervision of all the properties of the system. Major W. A. Turk, wTho is another officer of the R & D. highly-esteemed by the cit izens of the Old North State, has also been promoted, and is now general passenger agent. WHAT IT MEANS. rJhe Republican parfy make no secret of its purpose to pass the Force bill. While it is aimed primarily at the South and would do the greatest mischief down here, it would deprive the North and the West of their rights to free elections as well. It is a blow at the republic. How it would operate in the South the New York World says "every man who has even the smallest knowledge of the condis tions knows. It would threaten prosperous States with a rule of corruption and license like that of the carpetsbag era. It wrould set the two races, now 'friendly, into deadly hate again, It would threaten every specie of property with the destruction of its value. It would undermine industry with -. . . -ii L 1 r lstrnst miri nnno cnaosinio ouss w - ' ' - CJ iness. It would check and per haps des'roy that prosperity which men mean when they talk of the New South.' ' DO YOU WANT IT? With the Force bill a law and bayonets at the polls, the South ern States will bo turned over to negro dominion; our State aud county treasuries will be sacked ; taxes will be largely increased; our property will greatly depreci ate in value; capital will shun us and our industrial development stop; there will be constant and bloody conflicts between the races. The Republicans will without the shadow of a doubt pass the Force bill if they get the presidency and control of both houses of Congress at the next election. Our white people are confronted with a freat danger. Their only hope is in voting the Democratic ticket. SILVER 15 1 1. 1. IAJSSEITI1E SENATE. The Stewart Free Silver bill passed the Senate Friday by the following vote: Yeas Allen, Bate, Berry, Blackburn, Blodgett, But ler, Cameron, Cockrell, Dubois, Faulkner, George, Harris, IJilL Jones of Novada. Kenna, Kyle, Mills, Mitchell, Morgan, Pefter, Ransom, Saunders, Shoup, Squire, Stewart, Teller, Turpio.. Vest and Wolcott; 29. Nays Allison,Brice, Carey, Carlisle, Cullom, Davis, Dawes, Dixon, Dolph, Felton, (iallinger, Gorman, Gray, Hale, tlawley, McPhorson, Mandorson, Palmer, Perkins, Proctor, Sawyer, Stockbridge, Warren, Washburn and White; 25. Senator Vance was not present. Ho is in bad health and is spending a few weeks at Wrightsville Beach. The bill now goes to the House of Repre sentatives. THE SI EVER BILL. The to-lowing1 is the texts of the silver bill as it passed Senate. iUitl IUC UHUU1 Ui HXIV"! UU11J.UU may deposit the same at any mint of the United States to be coined for his benefit, and it shall be the duty of the proper officers, upon the terms and conditions which are provided by law for the deposit and coinage of gold, to coin such bu llion into the standard dollars authorized by the act of Feb. 28, 1878, entitled 'An act to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollars and to restore itslegal ten der character,' and such coins shall be a legal tender for all debts and dues, public and private. The act of July 14,1890, entitled 'An act directing the purchase of silver bullion and the issue of Treasury notes thereon, and for other pur poses,' is hereby repealed: "Pros vided, that the Secretary of the Treasury shall proceed to have coined all the silver bullion in the freasury purchased with silver certificates." Repudiation of the Third party by prominent farmers of North Carolina goes bravely on. The thinking men know that this is no time for division in the ranks of the Southern whites. A vote for the Third party is a vote to continue high tariff, to multiply crusts, to help "the passage of the Force bill and to keep the Repub lican party in powrer for an indefi nite period. We must stand to gether or together fall. It was reported and printed in most of the newspapers of North Carolina that Senator Mat Ran som said at Chicago, when the struggle for the nomination was in progress, that Cleveland could not carry this State. The Senator says that what he really did say was "Cleveland can carry North Carolina, but we must have a man who can carry New York." It is the custom for the newspa pers, as well as the postofiice and banks, to take a day off on the gloi icfus Fourth of July. This ex plains the non-appearance of The Day yesterday. Senator Hill voted for the Free Silver bill. Tlie Oxford Female Seminary, Ox ford, Jj. , The 42nd annual session opens August 31, 1892. It has been decided to confer two de grees the usual B. A. and G. E. or Grad uate in English. Physical culture receives careful atten tion. The teacher is now visiting North ern schools of this class to learn the most approved methods. A thorough course in Type-writing and Stenography is provided. The Faculty is an exceptionally strong one, representing some of the famous schools of this country and one of the Old World. The Literary Faculty con sists of Rev. C. A. Jenkens, Univ. of Va.; Miss Lizzie Lowndes, Sauveur School of Languages: Mrs. M. Parharn, for twenty years the senior principal of the fore most school of Henderson: Miss Mattie W. Rountree, and Miss Bettie Jordaq in Elocution. Miss Sue Hall, Cooper Union Art School, will give her undivided attention to the classes in this school. Miss Jennie Maivin, of the Music De partment, after a very thorough course in music in Albany, N. Y., spent two years in the Royal Conservatory of Berlin, Ger many, was eminently satisfactory. The teacher of vocal culture comes from Virginia. After graduating in her native -State she taught for several years, and last year she spent in one of the best schools of vocal music in Philadelphia. She is a very popular teacher. Thus the Seminar' is thoroughly pre pared for effective work. Charges per annual session of 40 weeks: Board, full literary course, free hand irawing and physicsl culture, $ 170. The above with music, $220. Catalogues furnished on application. F. P. Hobgood. When Baby was sick, we gave ner taStorlii. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria., Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Bottom dropped ont on Flour ! 100 barrels of Ballard & Ballard's A no. 1. flour, of Louisville, Ky., just re ceived by R. H. McGuire. ENGINES, &c. The Granville Institute, OXFORD, N. O. Boarding and Day School FOR Girls and Youn Ladies. s Fall Term Begins Sept 6. Proprietor REV. F. W. HILLIARD. Visitor KEV. W. W. WALKER. PRINCIPAL.!? : MISS MARGARET BURGWIN HILLIARD, Woman's College, Baltimore. MISS KATHARINE HAVEN HILLIARD, A B., Woman's College, Baltimore. Instruction in English branches, Music (vocal and instrumental) Art, German, French and Latin. Terms Very Moderate. For catalogues with full particulars apply until August 1st to the Rev. F. W. Hilliard, Sparrow's Point, Baltimore connty, Md.; after that date, to the Misses Hilliard, Granville In stitute, Oxford, Granville county, N. C. julyl -SECOND-HAND- Engines and Boilers FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. N. K. White, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND MACHINERY, Engineers and Machinists' Supplies, Wood and Iron Working Machinery, &c, 1019 E. Cary St., - - RICHMOND, VA. april 15-6mo.l Sale of Land and Per sonal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AND PURSUANT TO Au thority conferred upon me by a certain deed in trust executed by Kufua Garrett and Emma Garrett his wife, recorded in Book 32, page 502, in the ofiice of the Register of Deeds of Granville county, I shall, at 12 o'clock noon, Monday, the 1st day of August, 192. at the court house door in Oxford, N. C, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on the property conveyed in said trust deed to-wit: One tract of land in Fishing Creek township, adjoins: the lands of Thomas Bobbitt and others, containing 10 acres more or less, one town lot on Ilillsbbro street in the town of Ox ford, two horses and one two-horse wagon. This, the 2th day of June, 1892. jnly 1. J. H. LONG, Trustee. H EKRY M. SHAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. Office on Williamsboro street, nar court house. N. B. Messrs. Pittman fc Shaw, of Henderson, N. C, will be assoeiated with me in court trials and as consulting attorneys generally, and will attend Oxford in the interest of my clients. Loans on Business Property Negfo apr.15. tiated. A. LANDIS & SONS' wlOTMo xtraonliiiu Offerings We are making Sweeping Reductions in the following goods : 2,000 yards Ginghams at 10 cents. 2,000 yards Ginghams at 8 cents, reduced from 10. 5 pieces Chambray at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 1 pieces Angora Suitings at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 500 yards 'bailie at 4 cents, reduced from 5. 10 pieces Sattine at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 5 pieces aitmo at 8 cents, reduced from 10. 10 pieces Sattine at 25 cents, reduced from 40. 200 pieces Prints from 7 to 6. 20 pieces Eagle & Phnix Cottonade, best goods made for men and boys every day wear. Weislri 500 yards White Embroidered Flouncings at onehalf price We liave just received a beautiful assortment of Mulls in Polk Dots and in Figures, the stylos are perfect and colors are fast, at 12J cents; also a complete assortment of Pine Apple Tissues. Persian Mulls, Striped India Linens, Bedford Cords, etc VIillircry. 250 Ladies' Straw Hats, from 50 cents to $100, reduced to close out to 25 cents. This department is still presided over by Miss Addie Travers, who is so well and favorably known to the trade, assisted by Miss Nannie Daniel. The stock is full and eomplete and prices low. Corsets- 100 Corsets at 25 cents to close Clottiir). Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoos, etc , in the latest styles and best make. The above are Special strictly adhered to, be sure to find what k. LANDIS a SOWS. Wm. Hunter, (L. Uunter, Manager) UNDERTAKER -OXFORD, N. C- Prom $2 to $25 saved by getting your GOH Mill GASKETS From us when needed. I am also prepared to do all kinds of CABINET WORK At the lowest possible prices. When you need anything in my line call before going elsewhere. feb.l9-12m. t-THTPT nnriQniM1 JLLv JL J-jJ-J U JUkJ KJ JLl ' 12th St., Bet. Main and Franklin, Opposite Capitol Park, : RICHMOND, VA. CHAS. B. D0DS0N, Prop'r. ADVERTISEMENT. FT HIl Fabrics. out. Reduced from 50 cents. Low Prices and will be and our Customers will is advertised. 1867- -1892 WM. DAFFR0N, Manufacturer Of And Dealer In FURNITURE A ND T.f ATTItESSES. URNITURE 2.NL 1V1ATTKESSE8. Orders by Mail Promptly Attecded to. Nos. 1420, 1436, 1438 Main St., and 22 Governor St. FACTORY AND UPHOLSTERING KOOM8, Nos. lfl, 19 and 20 N. 15th St., Ridxixiond, o First Prize For Furniture at State Fair, 1891. march 15-6m. Executor's Notice. ttaving qualified as executor TTAVING OUALIF1ED AS EXECUTOR OF i J. the las', will and testament of B. B. Hester deceased notice is hereby given to all persona ! indebted to his estate to come forward and set tle; persons holding claims against his estate 1 will present them to me for pavment on or ' before the 13th day of May, 1893, or this ! notice will te pieaa in bar of their recovery. May 13, 1892. W. S. HESTER, Executor of B. B. Hester, deceased. A. A. Hicks, attorney. may20 13 K$ . is) JV