THE PUBLIC LEDGER SHOES, &c. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is a seamless shoo, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish, and easy, and because oe make more shoes of this arade than any other manufacturer, it equals nand lewed shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. &.EL 00 CScniiine Ilaml-sewed, the finest calf shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French imported shoes which cost from $3.00 to $12.00. A 00 Ilnml-SSewed Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever oirered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $l).00. C0 50 lolice fshoe; Farmers, Railroad Men 5J 0 and Letter Carriers all wear them; flue calf, eeamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion ede. One pair will wear a year. CO 50 line calf no better shoe ever offered at S)mmm this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. r '25 niul $.00 Woi'kinginan's shoes pOmm are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. n.iiC) 8 -.00 and JS1.75 school shoes are 3 J J worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I orlioc UO lluiul-sewed shoe, best bad U ICS Dongola, very stylish; equals French imported shoes costing from $4.00 to $6.00. dailies' .50, $2.00 and Si. 75 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. t'aution. See that."V. L. Douglas name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. tW TARE NO SUBSTITUTE. Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. W. 1 IXH wija, urocuiout ma lass. Sold by E. T. RKMLINS JOHN A. WILLIAMS, -DEALER IN- RGR L ESTHT6 -OXFORD, N. C- f FAS MANY DWELLINGS, VACANT LOTS 11 and stores in the town of Oxford for sale Al;o quite a number of farms eligibly located, all sizes and prices. Address JMO. A. WILLIAMS, Oxford, N. C. -A FULL STOCK OF- ALL SIZES AND PRICES. All orders by person, letter or telegraph promptly attended to. Office in Odd Fel lows Temple, Oxford, N. C. Respectfully, JOE S. HALL. A NATURAL REMEDY FOR Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster ics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholias In ebrity, Sleeplessness, Diz ziness, Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine lias direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili ties, and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no npnloasa'"1 eflPeet-5. Fs wm fmjv Valuable Bools on Nervous IJIj L Uiseases sent free to any address, II I and poor patients can also obtain I II. Bm tliis medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1S.6. and Is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 6 for 85 X-arsre Size. S1.75. G Bottles lor SO- The Oxford Coffin Co. HAVE Ol'ENUD UP WITH A FULL LINE OF COFFINS, CASKETS, c, which they will fur nish cheap for ash with Hearse free of charge. 1 hey are ;ilo prepared to do any kind of repair ing of furniture and upholstering. Black Front, Minor hulldh).'. J K wnnn. Manager. jan 8 Oxford, N. C. "ANAKESIS " gives instant relier ana is an lmainuiw Cure for Tiles. Price $1. By Jjruggistsormau. ssampies free. Address"AN AKESIS, Box 2416, New York City. 0 0 A CARD, From .National President II. J.. Loncks. To the members of the F. A. & I. U.: On the 11th dav of June eur order suf fered an irreparable loss in the death of that wise counsellor, trusted Jpder and well beloved brother, President L. L. Polk. Why he should have teen taken from us at this time, in the prime of life, in the vigor of manhood, with his ripe experience, enjoying the confidence ot organized labor as no other man has ever done; just on the eve of battle when all eyes were turned to him as the Mose3 who was to lead us into the promised land of liberty For labor, must ever remain a mystery to us. A nation mourns the loss of an uncrowned king. For no other man in the nation would so many tears have been shed as have been and will be shed for our dear departf i brother. He had no gold to give, no patronage to be stow, .no promises for the fiiute; and yet, this plain man of the people, had more friends who loved him, more people who trusted him, more citizens who longed to crown his brow with a presidential core net, than all the wealth of Wall street could buy or the patronage of a dozen presidents could influence. He was the idol of our order. It was contagious. He was the idol of organized labor. We ne'er shall see his like again. We bow our heads in grief under the chasten ing rod. We drop our tears on his con secrated grave. We mourn the loss of the grandest man this movement has develop ed. It is meet that we do all this in the memory of our brother. Feeling as he did, that the battle ot ages was on; real izing as he did the terrible conflict neces sary to avert disaster: knowing as he did ihat every man who loves this republic must be rallied to our standard to save it from the fate of other nations where the wealth of the nation has aggregate d in the hands of the few. He would to-day, were he with us, urgejuson in the line of duty. He would plead with us to 44 si 'ip for the fray" push forward to the goal he has already reached: to receive the re ward already his. "Well done good and faithful servent; enter into your reward." By your choice it becomes my duty to take up the work so suddenly sna thed from him. I do so with a very, very heavy heart oourage aost gone to attempt to follow the incomparable leader. H bids me "strip for the fray." I obeyed his orders when living; I will obey them now, and respond to the call ot duty. He has plainly marked out the path I should follow. To emulate his example md follow in his footsteps as far as my abilities will permit will be the surest road to your confidence. There will be no change of policy. I will need your aid aud assistance more than he did. Inere will be a meeting of the National Execu tive Committee at Omaha, July 1st, when plans for the futile will be out lined. I hope to meet and consult with many of our State officers there. In the meantime address all communications t- 239 North Capital btreet, Washing ington, D. C. We can but show our respect and love for our dear brother by consecrating our selves anew to the cause he loved beUer than life, each one resolving to redouble his efforts for the grandest platform of principles ever enunciated by any body of men; the emancipation of labor from the power of money to oppress by constitu tional methods at the ballot box. Fraternally, H. L. Loucks, President N. F. A. & I. U. Hon. Sid Alexander s osition. House of Rephesektatiyes, U. S. Washington, June 20, 1892. Col. R B. Moore, Dear Sir : Your letter informing me that my position in regard to the government ownership of railroads (an Alliance demand) is not well understood in your city was duly received. I stated that, as between a railroad commis sion with power to make freight and passenger rates and government own ership, I believed the latter the best, that there is no warrant in the con stitution for the government to pur chase railroads and that it was too far in the future to warrant discus sion now; that is I do not propose to take any action in regard to it. I have not introduced any measure re lating to it, nor do I iitencl to intro duce any. Recent information in re gard to some o my critics leads me to believe that the erravaman of my offence is really in my being an officer - . -w - . of the NorthCarohna Farmers btate Alliance, ard I doubt if they would understand my position on anything. In the coming? campaign I will do what I can to insure the election of our State and Xrtional tickets, and I am sure that when our people realize that the election decides whether North Carolina's vote shall be counted by North Carolinians, or by Federal officers, perhaps from New England, they will not hesitate to do their duty in keeping JNortli Carolina in the "Democratic column. Thanking you for your kindness I am yours truly, S. B. Alexander. A million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New. Discovery for con sumption, roughs and colds. 1 If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative pow ers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claim ed or money w,ill be refunded. Trial bottles free at J. G. Hall' drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $1 00. THE PUBLIC LEDGER P oik Memorial Fund ! GIVE ONE DOLLAR To Erect a Monument to Perpeturte the Memory of this Brave North Caroli nian and Great Leader of the People. The Polk Memorial Association has been organized, with prominent citizens of North Carolina at the head, to raise. a fund for the purpose of erecting over the grave at lial- eigh a grand monument to perpetu ate the memory or that brave and distinguirhed North Carolinian and and great leader of the people, Col. L. L. Polk. Knowing that 111113" of his friends and admirers in Granville county and elsewhere would be glad and esteem it a privilege to give some thing in this direction, the Public Ledger has decided to solicit con tributions. We ask for One Dollar contribu- 1 1 1 1 oions a small sum which everyone disposed to do so can easily spare. Larger sums will also be accepted. We will deposit all money sent us in the Banking House of J. C. Cooper &.Sons, subject to the order of the central committee. The names of the senders and the amounts they give will be publish ed in this column. A Tribute to C ol. iollc. On concluding his address before the Omaha convention, Chairman Ellington said: "I believe it is possible for this rep resentative body to meet, take coun sel, perform its work and adjourn without one single word of discord, not one of hateful strife to mar and deface its glorious record. We have readied a crisis in our history and this meeting will show whether or not we measure up to the responsi bilities or the hour. Vv e are here to-day with the shadow of a great trouble resting upon us. He whom our hearts delighted to honor; our leader, the true, the tried the honest Polk is dead; has lust been taken from us when we needed him mosf. "Our hearts mourn his loss. No loftier soul ever breathed, none work ed harder, suffered more, spent more than he did. He gave his life to our beloved cause and we do not believe it was given in vain. Oh, shade of the loving, great Polk, may the man tle of thy spirit fall upon us to-day in our deliberations to the end that we ma7 be like-minded. I call upon you to-da7 in his name, that if there be a single vestige, an iota of section al feeling left in the hearts of any of us, to wipe it out. I charge . it sa credly that while we stand in the shadow of Polk's great love, we con secrate ourselves to the great work of reforming this government, and that the man who honestly desires its reformation is our brother and I want to say that we can reform it. I beleive that we will reform it." The reference to the deceased Presi dent of the organization was received with cheers and when the picture of President Polk was handed to him by chairman S. Otho Wilson, of the North Carolina delegation,and hoist ed into view the vast convention with one accord arose and the scene was one of befitting reverence to the memory of their leader. Reserving: Praise. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never hand! cd remedies that sell as well, or that have civen such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. G, Hall, druggist. REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby declare nwself a candi date for the nomination of Register of Deeds for Granville county, at the coming Democratic convention. Respecttully, W. P. Lyon. June G, 1S92. Bic: stock of farming implements of all kinds and garden hoes and plows at Edwards & Winston's. may 27. Edwards & Winston keep on hand all the time the largest and best se lection of hardware and agricultural implements, paints and oils, car load doors, windows and blinds, lime, plaster, cow hair, &c. Come and see us. Thanks tor all past favors, june 17. FLOUR, &c. A.. LANDIS & SONS. -:- SPECIAL OFFERINGS -:- IN Furniture, Glassware and Carpetings TO REDUCE STOCK. 8 Wardrobes. 10 Hat Racks. 5 Sideboards. 10 Baby Carriages. 6 Parlor Suits. 10 Sofas and Bed Lounges, 2 Ladies' Writing Desks. 20 Bureaus. 10 Suits Bed Room Furniture. 2 Folding Beds; Chairs, China Closets, Cradles, Center TabTes, Mattrasses, Spring Beds, Cots, etc. 30 Swinging Lamps. (i Sets Dinner and Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Bowls and Pitchers and Glassware of every description. We are determined to reduce this stock'and it will pay you to get our prices be fore buying as we mean business. A. LANDIS & SONS. PATAPSC0 ON i1" patent wxkmp The Premier Flour of America. Manufactured from the choicest wheat obtainable, including the hard variety of Maryland and Virginia. The superior body and rich quality of the bread will show its economy to the consumer. Ask your grocer for Patapsco Superlative t Patent, PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT, ORANGE GIIOVE'S EXTRA, UAIjUWIJN AAill.i:. C. A. GAMBRILL MANUFACTURING CO., Propr's, 214 COMMERCE ST.. BALTIMORE. MD! J. H. Dickereorj Sc Successoas to VS 9 Factory Kitchell's 1MTIT F MU T 1MC1? ISA Was awarded First Premium at Va. Exposition. 18S8, for La NIYIULL iiilLLlllElY. k dies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Harness and best general display . "GENUINE ARMY OFFICERS OLD McCLELLAN SADDLES AND POCKETS. rmeh.4.1 for infants 'Castor! a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martyn, D. D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. FLOURING MILLS. 17741892. IN FLOUR W. Nick Kedford, MANUFACTURERS OF- Saddles, Harness and Collars. Dealers in Saddlery, Hardware, Robes, Blanket?, &c. Turf Goods, Rubber Goods. Repairing done in the best manner.. and Salesrooms, No. 1402 E. Main Street. Telephone 4G7, Liniment. RICHMOND, VA. ROLLER THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK p A y EYER DEVISED. i d I Tfle Tray is arranged RUM to roil back, leaving the bottom of the Trunk easy of access. Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BR0., Richmond, Va. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. - " For several years I have recommended your 4 Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pabdxs. M. D., The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Th Centauh Cowaxt, 77 Murray Strxtt, FW Tosx.

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