THE PUBLIC LEDCxEK. Jfi"iiiTifKSrii'''iiii f- . - I T p li ii in . By JOHN T. BR ITT; ISSUED EVERY FKIDAY MORNING. KATB9 OT SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. Jue Year (by Mail), Postage Paid Six Months - " .$1.50 oa application. rates reasonable ami furnished We are not responsible for the view of corres pondents unless so stated editorially. OXFORD, N.C., AUGUST 10. 181)2. THE DKJIOCRAHC TH'KKl. FOlt I'JlEsrHKT, OUOVEU CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ADLAI E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. FOR GOVERNOR, ELIAS CARIl, of Edgecombe. FOR. LIEUTENANT OOVERXOU, KITFUS A. DOUOHTON, of Alleghany. THE !tK3if:RS PRIE.I) Capt. Ba'dy VV i! ltan s has many j friends win' Svill land by IiImi on the day of election. Ho is a man of the people, Mi d will stnnd by thoir interests in the future as he has done in the past. He is an Alliance Democrat; and he has shown his devotion to Alliance principles by advocating-and vot ing" for them in Congress and in trodueiug and doing everything in his power to secure the pas sago of Alliance measures. No true Alliancennm can consistent ly cast a ballot against so faith :ul and zealous a representative. Ae is popular and will poll a large vote and will be elected. Our third party friends ought to vote for him as he has made a faithful representative. His record is a good one. He has done all he could ami it would be wrong to go back on him. Fort SECKKTAUV OF fcTATK, OCTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR, ROUTE R M. FURMAN, of Buncombe. FOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR SCPT. FUBMC INSTRUCTION, JOHN O. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL, FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenbur FOR JUIWE OF THE TWELFTH. DISTRICT, Oho. A. SHUFORD. FOR ELECTOR AT LARGE, CHARLES B. AY(,0(!K, ROBERT B. G.LEKN. tor xt y a o v e it x ji i: x t. What a bright record the Dom ocratic party has in the manage ment of Granville county affairs ? Formerly county orders were only worth about 40 cents on the dol lar while now they are worth dol lar for dollar. Every witness ant every juror who is compelled to attend court when he attends fret? full pay and no discount. When uie uemocratB came into power the count7 was deeply in. debt All of its indebtedness has been paid and our county affairs have been well managed. Credit for wip ing out this debt is largolv duo to the venerable J. C. Cooper, who was chairman or tlie ioail ol County Commissioners the first few years of Democratic rule. f tr - t l i i. i i ve nave wnite men oi mgii character in oHieo and if the Dem ocratic party is divided and the Republicans et into power w- will all regret it atter it is too late. People of Granville, stand by your State and county and your congressional and National ticket. It is right that 3011 should stick to the Democratic party. FOR CONGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT, A. H. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. FOR DIET filCT ELECTOR FIFTH DISTRICT, J. A. BARRiNGER, of Guilford. EDITORIAL NOTES. 1 he 1 hircl party is a dime muse- ax ipexilo (outt urn of political freaks. There is an impending cloud Repudiations of the Third party upon the South. The Sunny South, are in order. The thing is fizzling the beautiful, smiling South, is out. I threatened with disturbance, more President Butler, of the State to be feared than the cyclonic fury Alliance, has now swallowed the whole Third party dose. A colored man who says he is posted makes the assertion that the Third party will not get fifty colored votes in Granville county. The Georgia Democracy send of Kansas winds or the mad rush of waters over unrestraining river banks. Us peaceful heavens, now bright with peace and beautiful with the promise of prosperity, may be blackened with the dark and gloomy clouds of Federal usurpation, says the Winston Sen- out word to the Democrats of the tinel. Our situation is more dan otner soutnern states not to ieel rerous than it has ever been since any uneasiness on their account, the darkest days of the reconstruc This is a political straw: Cor- tion period. By the force bill the poral Tanner, who was commis- United States armies will be au- sioner of pensions and got fired, thorized at polling places, Feder offers to bet a cool $10,000 that al officials will be appointed to Harrison cannot carry Indiana. supervise and control theregistra 1 tion of voters. Federal iudgres will oume ui 1110 negroes wno were . . , iV, , ,i - 1 . 1 1 anooint election oiheers and re dim. i iiiwii MS 1 1 f- 1 HiTH tpb rn r na vr i j- j- cent Third rnutv counfv nvn J timing boards 4. : i Could local self-government of coing and say their names were used without authority: prevail under these restrictions? Could we bear Federal coersion? Could we suffer the evils of ie-nor It strikes a writer of the Atlanta arifc and nerverted frovernment ? .... I j: o- journai-as very lunny tins abuse These are ouestions which should n fliA T)a?yi rnm i n nnvf Vit emmn. I . -i . i , -v,. r.y ouuid oe asKetl a thousand times beiore ot the lhirdites, and lie tells an the next battling rf of ballots. ,1 1 i -. " - ltut)UUUW U1 HU woman wno cried ftnfi iiere in the South as we love OUt tO her lltti6 poodle Who ran nrno-msq. w shnnlfl mnkfl Demo- 1 1 l iv j 1 . , I 1 0 " uaring oui ui uie gate wnen Hie cracv trinmnhant. as we hatedes army passed: "Yon Trip, come in DOtiim. we should follow no false 1 I ' L 1'i it nere, hii : wjui you mie me hopes, as we love peace, we should urmy, mp. avert danerer. It is our nower. What will be the result if the The duty of the hour is to elect Democratic State and legislative G rover Cleveland. ticket ia defeated ? The rarls will return to power, and till Hie offices Chairman F. M. Simmons went eonntv commissioners. Then th to liuzzara iay auiraay ana call nnWifi monev will mvflterinnlv M on Mr. Cleveland, to invite rlisnnnear. debts will be niled nn him to visit North Carolina and nnrl cnrniot courthouse rins fat. address our people during the fi UnLpornin f campaign. Mr. Stevenson is com- nn low von wL ing, and will spend about two Weeks with us. Mr. Cleveland any idea ot voting tne lmra party h eould t cive a decisive ticket! Consider the fearful con- answer just then, as he has not sequences. , perfected his plans tor tlie luture. IS IT IlffJIlT ? I 1 is admitted that our Si ate and countv government have been well conducted. Democrats. Alliance men and many who are now strong third patty friends a.lmit that they are satisfied with the county and State affairs. Is it not strange then that there should be any objection to voting" tor L.lias Uarr and our county ticket? Why change when there is no reason to change ? Is it not mere child's play to be dis turbing the present State of af fairs and getting up opposit ion to a party when the party has done all that it could? It was cle'arfy understood that there would be no Third party formed against the State and county ticket until very lately. There is no good ground for a change. In county and State matters the record of the Demo cratic party is A No. 1 all right. It is more the action of ngitators that would foolishly interfere with our county and State govern ment than it is of the people. We hope tho people will turn their backs on this movement of the would-bo leaders. Why should there bo any change? There is no good reason for it. It is all -1 1 1 - inconsistent- wnn good common sense. We believe the people are too wise and too faithful to them selves and to the demands of pa triotism to vote for a change. A. LAN DIS & SONS' ADVERTISEMENT. wEEPIHB rfiisptSi II 2a j3 ILP 3 , , Li titraoi I ill We are making Sweeping Reductions in the following goods : 2,000 yards Ginghams at 10 cents. 2,000 yards Ginghams at 8 cents, reduced from 10. T pieces Chambray at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 1 pieces Aogora Suitings at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 10 pieces Sattiue at 10 cents, reduced from 15. 5 pieces fattine at 8 centsreduced from 10. 10 pieces Sattine at 25 cents, reduced from 40. 200 pieces Prints from 7. to 3. 20 pieces Eagre fe Phehir Cottonade, best g-oods made for men and boys every day vsear. w ash Pa.bric S(tME SOLID I'ACTM. 500 yards White Embroidered Flouncings at oneshalf price We have just received a beautiful assortment of AIuIIh in Polk Dots and in Figures, the styles are perfect and colors are fast, at 124 cents: alo a comnlete assortment of Pine Annie Tisanes. FW&inn Atri jl . 1 i .r I - . " . . '. , , - T - II- v iien uie oemocrauo nouse Mulls, Ktriped Jndia Linens, Hedlord Cords, etc passed the bill taking the tanft tax off of tin so t hat the poor could buy tin plates and such other ware cheap, the republican Senate re fused to concur in its passage. MLilli:q3ry. This refusal cos's the poor of tin's out to 25 cents. 250 Ladies' Straw Hats, from 50 cents to $100, reduced to close country 10,000.000 in annual dutieSjSays the Raleigh Chronicle. Would it not have been just to our farmers to have saved to them the millions of dollars they an 1 1 1 1 nuaiiy pay on account or tlie re publican tariff tax on baggin and ties? Tho democratic House asked the republican Senate to aid in saving this large sum to Southern "farmers, but the Senate refused, and hence an unjust re publican tax on bagging and ties begt mak takes mi ui on out 01 t ne pockets of our farmers every year, The democratic house proposed to take the tariff tax off of wool. The republican Senate said no. The meaning of this no is that the people of this country must continue to pay an annual tariff tax ot $20,400,000 on imported woolens and $120,000,000 on domes tic woolens. Here is one single bill which, the democrats favored, and which would have saved the peo ple $120,000,000 a year, but there- publicans said make the people pay this heavy tax -This is repub lican protection. TALL TALES. One of the Georgia campaign orators is reported as saying that when the new party gets into power the railroads wTonT be in it. 'The time is coming," said he, "when a poor man can stick a pos tage stamp on a mule and ship it from Georgia to Texas !" 'There is just as much sense in this, says the Durham Sun, as in some things the People's party do advocate. This reminds us of a tall tale which it is reported one of the fhird Jparty candidates is telling the colored people in Granville countv that every negro who v ---- votes the Third party ticket will, within two vears, get from the government sixty acres of 1 aud it will be observed that the silly This department is still presided over by Miss Addie Travels, who is ho well and favorably known to the trade, assisted by Miss murine Daniel. The stock is toll and eomplete and prices low. Corsets- 100 Corsets at 25 cents to close out. Reduced from 50 cents. Clot hill o Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, etc-, in the latest stydes and e. The above are Special Low Prices and will be strictly adhered to, and our Customers will be sure to find what is advertised. A. LANDIS E SOWS. THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. Tho Tray is arranged to roii back, leaving the hot torn of the Trunk easy of access. Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. ) j j, ). Wm. Hunter, (L. Hunter, Manager) UNDERTAKER -OXFOItD, N. C. . From $2 to f '25 saved hy getting your 1867- -1803 COFFINS AND GASKETS From ua when needed. I am also prepared to do all kinds of CABINET WORK radical post-bellum fake of "forty At the lowest pcwiiiie prices, vv 1 anything in ray line oall before gol acres and a mule has been divid- U' h.ifl-iam.i . hen you need going elsewhere. WM. DAFFR0N, Manufacturer Of And Dealer In J? URN 11 TATTR ESSES. A NT ITURE iiNI) 111 ATTRESSE8. Orders by Mall Promptly Attecded to. No. 1420, 143G, 1438 Main St., and 2:2 Governor St. FACTO It Y AND Ul'UOLSTEIilNG HOOMS No. 1rt, 19 and 20 N. 15tb St., R i o li rn o n d , Va. ed and is being made to do service by the "true reformers" to deceive the ignorant blacks There is i nothing original about it but org nal sin. HOTEL D0DS0N 12th St., Bet. Main and Franklin, First Prize For Furniture at State Fair, 1391. march lj-Im. Two youner milch cows willi vonutr calves for sale by R. J. Mitchell. Opposite Capitol Pap.k, RICHMOND, VA. CHAS. B. D0DS0N, Prop'r. A ROBBER OR THIEF Is setter than the lying- scale agent who tell a you as gospel truth that the JONES' $60 5 TON WAGON SCALE is not a standard scale, and equal to any made For free book and price list, address. Jones of Bingliamtoiij Bingbamto H.Y,

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