THE PUBLIC LEDGER. 5 FLOOR, &c. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. 17741892. PERFECTION IN FLOUR, .A(iAMIililLLIFG.Cn THE BTJEEAU DRAWEE, SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF THE DANBURY NEWS MAN. The Premier Flour of America. Manufactured from tho choicest wheat obtainable, including the tard variety of Maryland and Virginia. The superior body and rich iiialitv 01 the bread will shov its fmnnmu fr fL v,c,,, . a u J v,. j uuu VjUUOUUlDa. -txojs. your grocer ior Patapsco I Superlative ! Patent, PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA V V H lw I. . C. A. GAM BR ILL MANUFACTURING CO., Propr's, 214 Of MMKRJJ5 ST.. BALTIMORE. MD. I T 1: 1 Successoas to W. Nick Redford, MANUFACTURERS OF- k litis i t yjtfzyJF m i Saddles, Harness and Collars. Dealers in Saddlery, Hardware, Robes, Blankets, &c. Turf Goods, Rubber Goods. Repairing done in the t(ll?SJy ' JW Factory and Salesrooms, No. 1402 E Main Street. 'Lu''l. . . . Telephone 467. ., "cu o uiuimouu IvlurilVlUiN JJ, VA. JM WW M NFR LX .wf9 awarded First Premium at Va.Biposition.188S, for La- HIULL imLLllXLiY. k dies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Harness and best general display. GENUINE ARMY OFFICERS OLD McCLELLAN SADDLES AND POCKETS. finch. 4.1 What's the Use of Telling a Man About Anything, Especially When His Wife boesn't Know Anything About It? Mr. Holcomb's Experience. 'Copyrighted by Lee & Khepard. Boston, and imousnea oy special arrangement with them. I ine man who will invent a bureau drawer which will move out and in ..imuuiamiui win not only secure a fortune, but will attain to an eminence in history not second to the greatest warriors. luere is nothing, perhaps (aiways excepting a stovepipe), that will so exasperate a man as a bureau drawer which will not shut. It is a deceptive article, it will start off all right; then it pauses at one end while the other swings in as far as it can. ft is the torn to throw the whole weight of the person against the end which sticks. If any one has succeeded in cA drawer by so doing, he will confer a ravor by sending his address rn this ottice. We have seen men do this rpv eral times, and then run from the other side of the room and jump with both leei against the obstinate end. Thi doesn t appear to answer the purpose any oeuer, out it is verv satisfying. Mrs Holcomb was trvin? j 0 - M UUllCtU f drawer Saturday morning, but it was an aDornve ettort. Finally she burst into tears. Tnen Mr. .Holcomb told her to stand aside and see him do it. "You see," observed Mr. Holcomb with quiet dignity, "that the drawer is all awry. That's what makes it stick. Now anybody but a woman would see at once that to move a drawer standing in that position would be impossible. I n now onng out this other end even witk the other, so; then 1 take hold of bath; knobs and with an equal pressure from ! vwu" mo viictwci. muves easiisr uau See?" The dreadful thing moved readiXy for ward for a distance of nearly two-inches; then it stopped abruptly. "Ah!" observed Mrs. Hjolcomb, begin ning to look happy again. Mr. Holcomb very pcoperty made no response to this ungenerous expression; but he gently worked: each end of the drawer to and fro, "bust without success 1 Hint! glad sunshine Tay in golden sheets upon the earth; but he did not notice them. He would have given five dollars if he had not touched the accursed bureau: he would have given ten if he had never been born. He threw all his weisrht on "both knobs. It moved then, ft wfmr. tn its place with a suddenness that threw i" i i -. . mm rrom nis oaiance, ana brought his burning: face acrainst the bureau with force enough to skin his nose and fill his eyes with water to a degree that was blinding. lhen he went out on the back stoon and sat there for an hour, snowline at the scenery J. M. Bailey. -TAKE- M 1 U REGULATOR -AND HEALTH RESTORER -FOR- for infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription mown to me." H. A. Archkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martin, D. D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes,, di gestion, Without injurious medication. " For several years I hare recommended your Castoria, 1 and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Parmer M. 'The Winthrop," 125th Street-mad 7th Ave., New York.City, Tff CEOTmt Company, 77 Murray sstrwbt , Tossl. G-eneral Weakness, Loss of Appe tite, etc. XT MEDFORD, Dealer in GROCERIES ! THRESH STOCK (NEW RE CEIVE D DAILY. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaeco. Commercial Ave. - OxfoVd, N. C. ?. HIBBERD, FLORIST, DURHAM, N. C. Silver Maple Shade Trees. Hyetcintlns tmd TCJLiPS now ready for delivery. Also agent for ornamental iron fences lor yards, cemeteries, etc. THE DIAMOND RAMBLER No-3 FITTED WITH THE CE LEBRATED G &. J PNEUMATIC TIRES. m W W ww m mm mm mw m The Truth WILL OUT ! LOW PR CE5 MUST WIN IN THE END ! Speed, Comfort and Beauty All Combined. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. uvninuLLi mr vi J. . WASHINGTON, D. C. -A FULL STOCK OF- Ik ' r " . . a. ww ii vm l RAW I IFP THE MOST ULLICIX CONVENIENT TRUNK. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. RAY RUNK The Tray is arranged to roll back, leaving the bottom of the Trunk easv of access. "NTrtTiinr tr hrpfit rr rrpt nnt of order. The - ' r Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this 'style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If j'our Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Ya. . kl coders b? fterson, letter or telegraph pr. jinptly attended to. Office in Odd Fel- lo1 s Temple, Oxford, N. C. ixespeciruiiy, . Hunter, (L. Hunter, Manager) U DERTAKER 1867- -1892 WM. DAFFRON, Manufacturer Of And Dealer In JOE S. HALL. -OXFOliD, N. C- ijora $2 to $25 anyed by getting yonr CQFPINS AND CASKETS lis when needed. I am also prepared to do an muds or 'ABINET WORK J f !e. lovf(at possible prices. When you need uming m my line call before going elsewhere. 4 l'eb.l9-12m. HOTEL DODSON 1 Htli St., Jiet. Main and F WAS. B. DODSON, Prop'r. 2 FURNITURE A ND 1 URNITURK MATTRESSES. ATTRESSES. Orders by Mail Promptly Attecded to. Nos. 1480, i486, 1438 Main St., and 22 Governor St. FACTORY AND UPHOLSTERING BOOMS Nos. 16, 19 and 20 N. 15th St., Riclirrionci, o First Prize For Furniture atlState Fair, 1891. march 15-6m. Franklin, RICHMOND, VA. A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better than the lying" scale agent who tells i vou as cosDel truth that the JONES' $60 5 TON WAGON SCALE is not a standard scale, and equal to any made For free book and price list, address Jones of BinghamtOD, Bicghamton, H.Y. Then he pulled the drawer all the way out, adjusted it nronerlv and srnrterl if carefully back. It moved as if it was on oiled wheels. Mr. Holcomb smiled. Then it stopped. Mr. Holcomb looked solemn. "Perhaps you ain't got the ends ad justed' suggested the unhappy Mrs. Holcomb. Mr. Holcomb made no reply. Were it not for an increased flush in bis face, it might have been doubted if he heard the remark at all. He pushed harder at tne drawer than was apparent to her. but it didn't mova He tried to bring it DacK again, but it would not come. Are you sure you have got everything out or nere you want?" he finally asked, whu a uesperaxe enort to appear com posed. "Ohl that's what you are stoDnins: for. is it? But you needn't; I have got what Then she smiled a very wicked smile. He grew redder in the face, and set his teeth firmly together, and put all his strength to the obdurate drawer, while a hard look gleamed in his eve. But it did not move. He pushed harder. "Uoh, oohd" he groaned. Im afraid you haven't got the ends adjusted," she maliciously suggested. A scowl settled on his face, while ht strained every muscle in the pressure. "What dumb fool put this drawer to gether, I'd like to know?" he snapped out. bhe made no replv, but she felt that she had not known such harminess since the day she stood before the altar with him, and orange blossoms in her hair. "I'd like to know what in thunder you've been doing to this drawer, Jane Holcombr he jerked out. "1 ain't done anything to it," she re plied. "1 know better,' he asserted. "Well, know what you please, for all I care," she sympathizingly retorted. The cords swelled up on his neck and the corners of his mouth grew white. "I'll shut that drawer or I'll know the reason of itl" he shouted; and he jumped up and gave it a passionate kick. "Oh, my I" she exclaimed. He dropped on his knees again and grabbed hold of the knobs and swayed and pushed at them with all his might. But it didn't move. "Why in Heaven's . name don't you open the window? Do you want to smother me?" he passionately cried. It was warm, dreadfully warm. The perspiration stood in great drops on his face, or ran down into his neck. The .; aDidbyPrarr4 i ts;u - '. v t tt birds sang merrily ouj the door, and the ix-sre 33 stt. ft- A3erfeet Success. VII Thx Pcv. A.Antoine, of Eefugio, Tex., -tyrites As far i,3 I aw able to judge, I think Pastor Xoenijj's Nerre tonic is a perfect succesa, for ianyona who sufierett from a most painful nervousness ?lb I did- i leei HKe mviaeii aiam alter taking i JLe Ionic. ISechei '.viir, jOor rhester Co.r Md.. March 8, "01. A scholar fa ihe M. E. Sunday school (of "wMc& i &m fetHH.'riiitencieJiif I kiiow was com- :pelll to st ay iiL home on i recount of her ail :meaair epileptic sits for ev,nt mom lis. on; smct; "a-sisar Pa.stcr K.3rafi'b l.servo Tonic ant attend ; ?regaB.rlY. 1 tbtk the cure te inasc remark- :abie i have evw seeu or of, s,nd liii- Uerm Tonic deeef-vos thv higjiflr. ecomiunid. 1 . : -fOxlN A. P.EESE. JIL A "VjiT uabfe BooVr n I'ervn: "r3 zpzjjte 4 jnt t'rtt? to any ii a &m a 5 ife lios.n' Ve f charge. T&bis remedy '! pr- h-sc.-. pwsi. l ?d 'nr the Eevereic LjitBivr iicepured : u 3.6;' J. f.s ,tirec i -n . 7iac if IK , w ; till OUR FIGHT Has been tc drive orices down to tht Inw est notch, take the smallest margin of nrofit. give the trade every possible advantage and thereby do a great volume of business, This has been our policy in the past and shall continue to be in the future A con stantly increasintr trade eviflenrfs tha fact that our efforts in this direction have been appreciated and that our methods are correct. In Drv Goods and Notions w iinhitar- ingly claim (all things considered) to offer better bargains than any House in the trade. Dress Goods. Consisting of Broadcloths. Series. Hen riettas, Cheviots. Flannels and Suitinss in plain and fancy's. The latest novelties in trimmings, Jet and Silk Gumps, Velvets and Fur trimmings. We cloak no prices on our goods, they are open. Our Cloaks this season are the latest styles and the prettiest that has"ever been shown on this market. We ask the ladies to call and see them. Shoes. Shoes. Lad ies. Gent's .nd Children's Show o the very best makes. We are overstocked in Gonts' fine shes and we will maV special prices on them If you need any can ana get a pair. Carpets, Rugs and Floor Oil Cloths. The newest shades in Kid Gloves. Cor sets, Handkerchiefs and Notions generally. laoie Damask, Napkins and Doyles, Lace Curtains. Curtain Poles and WindrTO Shades. Curtain Chains. Stair Rods and Stair Buttons. We know that times are hard, and w determined to make our orices to suit th times. We ask you to call and we know that we can make prices t suit. Respectfully, PARIS BROS . Main St. - - Oxford N. C,

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