1HE PUBLIC LKDttKK. NORTH CAROLINA. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. A General Epitome of Recent Oecnr- Around nnd Almiit ITs, From t.tiA Momitnius to tlie Sea. as Cnllel from our Stale Iaiers. In Forsyth county a Jamb has been born with the neck nnd head of a pointer do?. The ladies of Winston-Salem give an entertainment for the benefit of the soldiers' monument Wilkes county was visited by a fearful wind storm a few nights azo and much damage was done. J. It, Jenkins, of Wilkes county, was attacked by a mad dog and badly bitten one day this week. Evangelist Moody has accepted an invitation to hoid a meeting in Charlotte and will boq-in about the J 5th or 20th of March. An old woman by the name of . .a -1 t I 1 Nancy upDett died a tno poor house in Davidson county last- week. She was J)5 years old Caroline Watson, a negro wpdu an seventv-two vears o'd. oi Windsor, N. C, wasrecentlv mat ried to a negro named 8ol (birter. aged twenty. The office of Uoubon Reid and Harney's old drug store, at Went- worth, were consumed by tire The court house came near boinj burned, but was saved. The Medical Society of North Carolina will meet in Raleigh thi year instead of Winston, th change in place being neeessan on account of the burning of the liotel in Winston, ions wounds on the head. The robber took Mr. Wilson's account books, but did not find any money on his person, which had been carefully hidden. Saturday night J. II, Roberts and Bud Whit tern ore, living at Barnardsville, in Buncombe coun ty, got into an altercation and be gan shooting "Big Jim" Whitt more, father of Ibid, ran into help his son and was shot three times, lying instantly Roberts died last night of his wounds. Young Whittemore escaped. The killing was the outcome of trouble be tween vouusr Whittemore and Ro belts. In Wilmington, Friday about i) o'clock, Leo Smith, con ductor of an electric street car, was shot by a negro and painfully and possibly dangerously wound ed. It appears that while Smith had ?j;one to supper another con ductor, who had taken his place, put a negro on his car lor disor derlv conduct. The negro atter ing men night of a voluntary crew going to the rescue were drowned. The crew of the tug were rescued by the life sav- The tug went to pieces. TIia Uniisft will onnose the Sherman bond amendment. It is thought, the Senate will recede from the proposition. At Offer man, Ga., a man named Stewart commit ted a deliberate murder Sunday night, Pocahontas, Va., has a $100,000 fire. A negro lynched at Jellico, Tenn., Saturday night for criminal assault on a white girl confessed that he and other negroes some months ago criminally assault ed and murdered Miss Bryant, a white girl. Parties are out searching for these other parties and more lynchings are in progress. The entire Senate united in tendering tobacco in new territory, such, for instance, as South Carolina and Georgia. To illus trate, we have now in the state representa tive companies buying in all the chief mar kets of our state many grades of leaf tobac co at publi c auction, and of course at the highest bidders. But for these bids every pile of these tobaccos would goat less price than now. These pui chases in the aggre gate amounting to many million pounds annually, and consequently causing our farmeis to profit by the differences be tween what these tobaccos were purchased at and ivhat.they would have b en bought at had these representatives not been on our market. Now. if you drive such buy ers from the state, you simply transfer . I . . f . . " 1 1 " -my tnem to me principal marKets oi Virginia) and thereby causing much of the trace of! our towns lo be transferred also to Virginia ; at the expense of the towns of your own I As a further practical illustration we refer you to the history of what has occurred in one of our sisrer towns, Reidsville. Twelve months a;o there were no agents of our Inrge consumers buying there, and their grades of tobacco were sell in" a I a discount as com pared to the neighboring markets. Seeing that they were rapidly losing trade, their tobacco people took steps to have an agency established there, since which time the mar ket has had its due proportion of prosperity. HARDWA f I La to Vice President Morton a compli mentary dinner. The banquet was in ven at the Arlington hotel and was a magnificent affair. Tom Hill, white, convicted of criminal d their people only wish the agency had i, i . ii i neen estaonsnea sooner. assault and sentenced to ten years Wc .,o lol J ose asdiampions of any corp in the penitentiary, was taken from oration or firm doing business in the stale v ai ds waylaid the car and shot jail at Spring Place, Ga., Sunday ht if any or all buyers of any firms or cor- Smith, who in the meanwhile had by his friends. A half-witted ne- resumed his place as regular con- gro in South Carolina was bribed ductor. The weapon used was a for five cents bv another negro to shot gun charged with duck shot, place acrosstie on the railroad track. Smith was wounded in the head The southbound train from Cam hen and shoulder. He returned the Sunday night struck the tie but no lire twice, thing with a pistol, damage was done. The widow of but the negro escaped unhurt. Alfred Blount, the negro lynched Later in the night buck Wright, not long ago at Chattanooga, has a negro, was arrested porations are to operate anywhere in the United States we think we can derive more advantage Iro.n them as buyers on our re spective markets than as opponents to us in the Virginia markets. Furthermore, we have heard of no petition from any tobacco market in North Carolina asking through their boards of trade or of re presentative growers of tobacco, for the en actment of any such law or of any law seek ing to prevent any buver or firm or corpora tion lrom bidding on tobacco Edwards - & - Winston, OXFORD, N. C- in view of the aforesaid pro oh irrrprl M i V i. l Al i -W si tlon ilni bidding on tobacco at public auc iiii iiim Ollld cl . ilillklU I'llU OJICllli WA i-. ! r, .-. -. --. ....1 I 1 I (J C7 null. UIV.ll.lUIl.. Willi uiu wiuuuuk- the ennntv nr M'a. . n pmnor v s nn ,t A curiosity rarelv seen outside that her husband was not properly Kesoiveu i, ihat we most cmj hatically J I . n . i -i -i .i nrnnonnr'P tine hi oc i-vvpal fA th.-. I.,... L 1 O I T. 1 "I ii l'L r s.i- iT 4-' I . ... w. vv. teruay. o. u. DiiUKiey, nvo icei h.is hui yumv vx iuu uimimnai tr,- bacco growers; that we earnestly oppose an nine inches tall, and 40 3Tcars ot sault. Mr. liland denounces the legislation that tends to build up markets out- 1 i i i l l ici T 1 l i ; c ace. a resident oi iiir kock creeK. onerman Dona amenament as a W1 ,jui SLUlc 111 pieicicucc mom own mar Mitchell conn of this curiosity Hie date oi a dark brown beard over liye leet to the striking operatives and take G.E.Webb, E.G. Edmunds, A.B. Conell, tt Ot nig liOCK Creek, tohermail lionet amendment as a sie oi our state in preierence to our own mar- ity, is the possessor "job." Many of the COtton fao kaml we th1eiefore. respectfully yet earn- j i , . . J . , n J i i estly ask your honorably body to disapprove ty, and it consists oi tones at Oldham, E.ngland, give in 0f this bill. 1 T i f i - . - meeting is May 0th. m length. Mr. minkley ordin- them back at a reduction of 2J- per 1 J -brown, i. L. Vaughan, Winston: E.J. aviIv riirtip! his wln"kprs in bis Lnf Wo0 Tl W TVfooxr 1 arrish, Jno. K. llutchings, Ino. W. Pope, The Morehead City News says bosom or in a pocket built for the the millionai, was shot by an un- SiSVif bIS' vS' that it is reported tnat jen At ml plirpose. When standing erect known man, who than shotMackay's Durham; jno II Reed, jii. Womack,' f 9tOenSOn Will aUeiKl lilr his beard reaches down to lllS wnnnrl is nnf, smnns TTi5 nnilnnf. Reidsville; G. A. Coggeshalk W. A. Bobbitt. YV. J. Jiallou, . 11. liullock V k. 1 t 1 J eacners ,.ssemoiy mere nex; siloes rfc has been 15 years since session iuiu ins laain. iiey r slmved. suid Mr. Brinklev to win receive from all Nortl time. wound is not serious 1 - T -1 is uansrerousiv wounded. C J m' At a hearty we com.- the citizen, "but most of the pres- 1 v.-ai OliniailS at ailV if Tvnu-l li c f T. .t hnarH lioa lioon 1J11 I I 11 V JL iJH Jf Vf V - - JL A 1 I V J U V JLJl made during the past ten years. J. O. Foy, late editor and pro- Mr. Brinkley says he has never nrietor of the Winston Sentinel, been indicted himself, and has L 7 anyone indicted, and eisotyotjf akeu a drink ot wins. v. -W. D. Crawley, drum- has decided to enter journalism never had t iii,. r t . j i !.,., ; 111 lanviUO. lit. wxpecis lO OOglU um iwou t viiiuk ui vvui?.- f Mnrh Smith Sr Mni-Qli . ll..4.T -.- I. 4- 1 C , I ,'nn - iicitisl t Alo fiA 1 i- ti n ? moir I 1 IJUUUUmum UlClc; MIUIUV Ul V .-yv.v in any ivy , , :i. 4-1 Z'J ... All, 4-,. A --!-. . - m .i m - a 4-'i . . . . . -. I . ti. I I c h Fn. I l h II l r It I I nminr tt I nveil iUlu -'"7 h ''f I ii i , i i i . a ,7i . ,t ti 1 1 t; .; .T'.T., love affair wag the cause. Some per tne name oi wnicn win ne an ins mt? nsiiuviuu vjulu, the Danville Evening Star. THE LATEST NEWS. T. G, Hunt, t y i ri m -I . I vi vi , vnvn xti via, J. J oarnesvillC, O. l., 1 nnrsnay Ulgnt, Harris, D. V. Cooper. Henderson: Maree M , . f ' ' r While a Colored woman was at a nurwell, W. n. Boyd, Warrenton; Walter T. party her five children were burned r?Va VllsoJJ b. Meadows, Eouisburg; to death. Bcdwine says he is not W'.T' fc-Ta -.-., i j.. ":.:.".. t,j'"' "'"j ueiiiuuui iui any uiigt; hupjuiil; J.JJ. Philips 1. 1. JJraswell, K. II. Kicks, I. I n .'Tl J -v y-v .-v I I . ...J-. 7 " tliat 11 OiUAHJU IS efOne SOmebOClV C. L. Killebrew, Rockv jVlount: W A. Erwin Burlington, J. A. Long, Roxboro; T. E. Pogue, J. R. Rankin, R. L. Williamson, C. Ir. Har vey, Jno. Stronach, Raleigh. of the leading members of the For Kale Cheap. One small tract of laad lyinff two miles The interior tobacco factory, owned by T. J. Brown and occups ied by Kerner, Newton S: Co., Winston, was destroyed by fh; Sunday morning. Over 75,000 pounds leaf tobacco with several thousand cigars were burned. Insurance on stock about 3,500. The origin of the lire is unknown Jeff Davis and Josh Billing have just been arrested in Wilkes coun ty by United States Detective Forsyth, of Atlanta, Ga , for in fringing upon the rights of Uncle Sam in the manufacture of money. They were bound over to Federal court, which convenes in Greens boro next April. A girl who is known llnpiM'itiiigs of Interest Oatlierecl JTi-osii Our I ..veil suites. ter of this kind the House should have an opportunity to approve. mi ' l i iir i 4 rlm-iH.r sdipnifl tn hlnw mi tho 1 ne man wno s,10t lUaCKay Was " v.". - i I -i vi t r rv it Dluswortli distillery at Cummins- w . nipper, n was m- viil Oliin li.-w hppn riipnvpro,l ane. ne nau a paper in nis pocKet The Supreme court of Kansas de- on which was written: food for ciues in iavor or tne uepuoiicau , : . l i- m . --. I ""! Ill 1.r T iV "- I n. V 4- l- " Ari PV-I- In Carroll county, Miss., lyi 'ltluX. u,c,1Cllu nis wne; suiucieiiL to iicive saveu aa ( l f n T 1 ouu or nis victims rrom suicidal inscribe it on his tomb. House of Representatives entertain from Stovail and known as the Bullock strong hostility to tne Hawaiian Place- imseasy. or further particu t .iii. ,i . . . I lars anniv to rrpntr nr in will p nim 1-lmr iti o mot- I i i j J v li WJ , IT livr II 111 vltLL Ij 1M IU JLLJI 1 Kl J Mrs. feb24-4t. O. GUKGOTtY, Oxford, N. C. Ho us se.- crva .roc TOBACCO MEN IN COUNCIL. Thursday night a member of a par ty of white caps was killed while attempting to whip a man. The Xavy Department is beginning pre parations for the grand naval ren- devvous at Hampten Roads and re view at iSew lork. the Demo crats of the Senate will resist to the is known as the end the confirmation or the annoint- white rider" is frequently seen in mentof Hanehett as Judsre Jaek- the mOUntainOUS legion "f Xorlli Uriiv wnonr uni fhp I.'tmiihl.PnnQ Carolina at odd hours of the night , will use every mums to effect his nm it i i iviountea on a swm Horse, she confirmation. The President smmub ine moonsniners iroin de- Unes his proclamation i hi: , uix iir ivu rnirur t n nm r-f i rx i , i , , - t j '7, M1C tne senate in extra session at noon approacn oi tne revenue ollicers. mi Mnrnh ifh 31ie 18 SaiQ to De a VCrv beailtllul L.t- Aloi.fo nn ..o! Louisburs, Rockv Mount. Wilson. Tarboio. i.ririi;!.-!. ill.!.. iiriI.ifiiri.iiv i vitii r i . . " ' . ' ' g'irl. i i 'i j. i. r i i H-eidsville, Roxboro, Burlington and Ral- Slrsiurs aim bllUU LIICIH. UMipil C12 1. in conferenre. hfld at iht. Ynrhorn J.JM. Alexander killed lour hogs Davis, an attorney at law and Speak- bouse, February 27, a committee composed ii rr r? ; members from each tobacco market and ..- . w-v n., vn ,iviat:iii ci vl iin- lciuiwac-u iiuuu vjjl i ic 1 j- 1 . . . - -t r , . . J.l.UUll H.U1CCIIICU III lilt I Ull 1C1 CllLC 1 i L V - Trustees Sale of House and Lot in Oxford. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED IN TRFST EXK cuted to me by W, F. Rosters and wife, res- istered in book 34 page 121), 1 shall on Alondav. the 3rd day of April next, oft'er l'or sale at the Court Uoiise door in Oxford, to the highest bidder at publie auction, the house and lot of land on which said W. F. Rogers resides, situat ed on the East side of llarriabura: street, adioiu- ing the lots of Miss Eliza Pool and others having a front on said street of about 108 feet and run ning back therefrom about 190. Terms cash. John W. Hats, Trustee. March 1, 1R93. iuch3-4t. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE! Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Tinware, Crockery, Glassware, Guns and Pistols, Excelsior and other Cook Stoves. Sewing Machines, Lamps, Oils, Sporting Goods. Tobacco Flues, Plows, Reapers and Mowers, Belting, Paints, Oils, Wire Fencing, Gun and Locksmith ing, Tin Roofflng, Gut tering, etc., done. Tliey Protest Asrainst House Hill So. iOt6--AStrangre Document. State Chronicle. Proceedings of the Meeting of Warehouse men, Leaf Tobacco Dealers, Manufactur ers and Partners, Held at Yarboro House, Kaleigh, N. C, February 27, 1S93. At a meeting: of warehousemen, leaf to bacco dealers, manufacturers and'farmers, representatives 01 the following: tobacco boards of trade and markets of North Caro lina, viz : Winston. Durham. Greensboro xVLlSS Juh;l r orce, Miltcn, Henderson, Oxford, Warrenton, 1S- conveningr Executor's Notice. HAVING BEEN DULY QUALIFIED AS EXE cutor of the last Will and Testament of Mrs. .Mary A, Cozart, deceased, notice is hereby jdven to all parties holding claims araint paid deceased to present them to me for payment on or before March 1st, 1894, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, all persons in debted to said estate must make immediate set tlement. This March 1st, 1S93. R. K. BOOTH, Executor mch3 Gt, of Mrs. Mary Cozart, deceased. Genuine Dixie and Farmers' Friend Plows find Castings. Bottom Prices eiveo to all Customers. Give us a trial before bu iutr. Yours to serve, mch4 EDWARDS & WINSTON. Land Sale. ON M ON DAI", THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL, ls-t:?, I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Oxford a lot of land situate in O.vford, between the lots of Mrn Mili-isa Gilliam and Mist Eliza Pool, con taining about an acre. A bettor description of which can be had by reference to mortgage hook 20, page 2!'!. TH- above described land is gold to pay debt, deiaiiu having been made in payment of sum. Said i.md was mortgaged to G. B. Harris, trustee, by W. F. Rogers and wife, on r.th January, is.s.5. This February 23th, 1893. inch:.lt. G. B. HARRIS, Trustee. 0 poiicds each, and three eleven months old averaging about 200 pounds each. They were fed oii clover. Last year he sold about $25 worth of sheep, $45 worth of pig-s, $75 worth of cows and $4U0 worth of horseflesh. Mecklen burg- Times, Two weeks aso the safe in the railroad office at Beaver Dam, Union county, was robbed of $420. The Monroe Enquirer says there was a good deal of talk about the affair and this must have worked on the thiol's conscience, for a tow days later the agent of the railroad found on his piazza a dirty package which on being examined was found to centain $115 just $5 less than the amount stolen. About 12:30 Sunday morning C. Wilson, a butcher, while on his way home from the Front Street Market, Wilmington, was knocked senseless by some blunt instument in the hands of a high way robber. He remained on the sidewalk unconscious nearly an hour, when ho was discovered and taken home- Examination showed he had received two ger- I Represent the Reliable Anchor and Star Brands of Fertilizer. A fresh Car for Plant Bed use. reseiltatives, lias been debarred by ing been appointed to prepare a suitable tne courts ot Tennessee lor ras- expression of the sentiments of said tob.ic- ,,nl,'.v ; nvMInn TTa w.11 rvrlo 1 . co. m rkets and sections in regard to house v-.loj rt.-"-- bill JNo. 1026, entitled "an act to license to- ly he expelled from the Legislature, bacco warehouses in this state, and to pro- William Miller, feather weight ect tobacco growers from fraudulent com- 1 1 j- i j it bmations to reduce the price of tobacco sold prize lighter, died from a blow given in such warehouses": llilll bv Dal Hawkins in a prize tight We, the said committee, beg leave to say the night before in the Pacific Ath- that, while no doubt the bill is intended for l j. 1 i 1 o i- the good of our people at large, and our JetlC elltb at bail lrailClSCO. farmers especially, yet when we come to Last week Winston shipped oyer constder ils practical workings we are for- 001. nnnnrk nf rnnnnfnptnrPfl tn- ced.to the conclusion thatjits ultimate eflects 'v v ' V V 1 V - . V M.M. . v v w v m ' . vw G-EOG l-ilffyT'iWffBBI agW BEHWS3j xECS2J ? D. J. GOOCH 1 T TT T I 1 1 bacco. Western tobacco manu facturers favor the location of the revenue office of that district at Winston. The Senate passes a bill amending the Alliance charter, as a substitute for the House bill repealing the charter. Bank Cashier Red wine, of Atlanta, was arraigned before a United States commissioner and wared examina tion. He was put under $25,000 bond and is now in jail. Miss Force, who killed her sisters in At lanta, surrendered herself to the police, saying she had committed a crime. She has at times been con sidered irresponsible, and had before threatened to kill members of her familj The tug Sagund, Cuba for Boston, went ashore at Vineyard Sound, Mass., Thursday. Fine men HILLSBORO STREET, OXFORD, N C. will be to defeat the very ends which it was intended to accomplish, and to prove real ly disastrous ist. By diverting the trade from our. home markets to the markets of Vir-' ginia, thereby causing not only great loss of business in many of our towns, but also subjecting the producer to increas ed outlay and in convenience in marketing his crops. 2d. By withdrawing capital now repre sented here by brokers operating lor n.any manufacturers in this and foreign countries. 3d. By defeating the main object of the North Carolina State Tobacco AssDciation in endeavoring to establish and build up the name and reputation of North Carolina bright tobacco, which has hitherto been too TTJll 1 riTTT YtTQ T0 long credited to our sister state of Virginia. vv LAAV-' w w t?i 4th. By tending to break ud the small markets and to foster the centralization of flip tlllKincCC 1 r m - -..--?.. -.! . . thereby causing a depression in real estate Sell g"OOdS at the lOWCSt POSSlble DriOfiS COTTIP 111 OUr Own tnhnrrn tnu.nc- onH I XT UU,J' WXXX 5tb. By tending to drive away industries and See Hie. iiuw upcraung in mis state ana wnich lur nish much needed labor and employment to many of our citizens, and further, hv encouraging a largely increased growth o'f febl7-5t. I now have in stock all kinds of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, such as flour, meat, meal, soap, hay, salt, lard, sugar, coffee, syrup, molas- es, canned goods, bran, ship stuff, wood and illow ware, Give me a fair trial, as I am determined to west possible pricei Yours to serve you, D. J. GOOCH. r