THE PUBLIC LKDIiEll. R HAVE - YOU - HEARD nri JU GD A Dictionary? GET THE best. -THE- Mr. Cleveland Again Becomes President-TMrdpartyites and Republicans in the Soup. Latest News? ( The Centre Warehouse, OXFORD, N. C t$ JUST THE PLACE TO ST1UKF THE BULL'S EYE ON HIGH PRICES ! The rro2;ramnie Carried Out Notwithstanding the Bitter Cold--The Oath of Office Admin istered in the East ForticoHis AddressGrand Parade Reviewed by Him. The boys are with us, and we will standby every pile of tobacco uuti the cream of the market is reached, s rally right under the shed at the Centre, is our cordial invitation. , Your friends, W. K. Thomas & Co. feb3 WHY K A f ' y . . . yjcM-A- I sT' . . All . M, JSMi .rLSiVXl ,s I . , . ' .. nfamfimiommym:t- , vmmmrMmm A A RnoopsRor of the a bridged." Ten years 100 editors em expended. Tr nrif. mixr wiii-mf.; o a Send for live pamphlet containing .7 ...... . ....... ................. Fully Abreast of the Times. T Choice Gift. Grand Family Educator. The Standard Authority. authentic TTna pears spent in revising, a ployed, over $300,000 SOLI) BY ALL BOOKSELLERS.''- - i' o-r,i'tf nlitioTif!. A !);iiiil))lf't cfi)il:iiiiii S)(M'iiiicn G. & C. MERRTAM CO., Publishers, J Springfield, Mas3., U. S. A. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S CARRIAGE IN THE INAUGURAL PROCESSION. Wliv spend so much time in walking .'wound hunting what you need Come rigiit to head quarters and let us serve you with OF ALL KINDS At Rock Bottom Prices! We keep a full Hue of Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Come direct to me and save time, and you will save money. J. S. BROW IN. Odd Fellows' Building, fehS Oxford, N. C TAKE DHV'Q Jlfil ran p BEGULATOE -AND- HEALTH RESTORER Washington', March 4. G rover Cleveland, of Now York, thrice nomi nated for President, of the United States and twice elected, was to-day successfully inducted into that high office for his second term, with all appropriate ceremonies ami the gathering of a mighty multitude, with the aceompanymont of a blind ing snow storm. The last occasion was greater than the lirst. Had the atmospheric conditions been any thing like favorable, instead of be ing as bad as could possibly be, there would probably have been 00,000 men and a number of ladies march ing or riding in the parade, as against 25,000 in 8S.". They were all here waiting to fall in line, but at the last moment many of the organizations were compelled to desist from parti cipation. Nevertheless the occasion was made memorable by the vast attendance. The order of pioceeding was al most identically the same as four dent-elect entered their carriage under the White House portico. The President and Mi. Cleveland entered the first vehicle, a closed carriage, belonging to President Harrison. It was drawn by four handsome baTs from the White House stables, and was driven by Willis, the White House coachman. Mr. Stevenson and Senator McPherson were in the so cond carriage, drawn by four big white horses with white trappings. Albert Hawkins, who has driven General Grant and every subsequent President from the White House to the Capitol and back again, held the reins. In the third carriage, drawn by four bays were Senators Ransom and Teller, of the Senatorial com mittee. Secretary Charles Foster, of the Treasury Department and his successor, Mr. Carlisle came next. Their carriage, like each of the suc ceeding ones, was drawn by two horses. The scene aiong the line of march hat was off frequently in response to the enthusiastic cheers of the "un terrified," who swarmed the side walks unmindful of discomfort. The presidential party, wTith their military escort, came in sight of the eastern entrance of the Capitol a few minutes after 12 o'clock. A large crowd had assembled at the fronl and cheered loudly as Cleveland aj proached. He went in by the base ment entrance, in order to avoid the somewhat slippery steps on the out side. From the moment he descend ed from the carriage he was received with lusty cheers, and when he en tered the Senate wing cheers of the outside gave way to an ovation. Immediately afterwards the Pre sident of the United States and his Cabinet were announced, and Presi dent Harrison and the members of his Cabinet entered the chamber. President Harrison was escorted to one of the scarlet chairs in front of the clerk's desk. Immediately after- -FOR- Greneral Weakness, Loss of Appe tite, etc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJENRX M. SHAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD N. C. Office on Wllliamsboro street, noar court house. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. Collections made in any part of the State. Prompt and careful attention given to all busi ness entrusted to hia care. 31oney to loan on real estate. ap'15-ly. m:x. j. feild, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. OFFICE IN COOPER BANK BUILDING. "Prorapt ana careful attention given to all business, "MONEY TO LOAN on improved farm property at reasonable rates. Loans payable in annual installments through a period of live years. dec22-(5m. A. HICKS, Attorney nt Law and Notary lnbli OXFORD, N. C, and rp T. HICKS, Attorney-at-Law, IIENDERSON, N. C. Will practice together in the Courts of Granville Vance, Franklin, and Warren Counties, aud inal matters requiring their joint att ention. We hope by prompt, diligent, and faithful atten tion to business to deserve and receive a portio of the law business of this section THE INAUGURATION CEREMONIES AT THE CAPITOL. R. Si D. R. R. CO, CON I) K N S 12 O SO II EDIT I.I. IN EITESCT NOVEMBER 27, 1SG2. SOUTH HOUND-DAILY No. U. Leave Richmond Leave Dm kevi lie Leave Keyvillc. Arrive Danville Arrive Greensboro. ... Leave Golds boro Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh LeaveD iirham Arrive Greensboro Leave Winston hiilcm Leave Greensboro Arrive Salisbury Arrive otatesviile Arrive Asheville Arrive Hot Springs. . . . Leave Salisbury Arrive Chariotte Arrive Spartanburg. . . Arrive Greenville. .. . Arrive Atlanta Leave Charlotte Arrive C olumbia Arrive Augusta No. 11. '. 11 1 :i t 11 a ri i in ri j in "!" III ."."" i in (K) m c p in :)( j in 10 j m :;t i m i." p in 01 p Ml 10 m ro a in 111 10 p m 5 a in 07 a in 00 p m M0 a in (X) a in M7 am 11 0 it s u 11 00 1 1 :: yo v, 10 i.j ir in 00 MO 01 VI 0:j r, -i ; . 11 11 1 10 m mi; 4 yi 11 00 1 50 0 00 '. 25 a iia a in a in a in a in in j in a m a m a in a in a in a m p m a in p in a m I in p in pm p in p in p in in NORTH BOUND-DAILY Leave Augusta 7 Leave Columbia 10 Arrive Charlotte M Leave Atlanta s Arrive Charlotte ' Leave Charlotte 7 No. 00 50 10 50 40 00 t . 1 S M7 10 V0 i t 'S, 00 50 00 Arrive Salisbury Leave Hot Springs,... Leave Asheville Leave Stat esvi lie Arrive Salisbury Leave Salisbury Arrive Greensboro. ... Arrive Winston Salem Leave Greensboro Arrive Durham Vi "21 Arrive Rnleirh 1 Leave Raleigh 1 11 10 10 M0 as M 05 Arrive Goldsboro Leave Greensboro 10 M0 Arrive Danville 12 10 Arrive Keysville 2 50 Arrive Burkevil'e a 31 Arrive Richmond 5 M0 10. p in ) m u in p m a in a in a in i m a ni a m a in a m a in a in a in i in p m p m p m a m p ni p m p m p in No. U. 8 15 11 M5 1 M0 S 05 ; no ; mo s 10 12 MO 2 M0 7 01 7 51 S 25 10 20 12 10 11 05 1 02 a oo 8 45 12 M0 10 40 12 45 10 20 p ni p in a in p m ji in p m p m p in p m p in p m pm a m a m a m a ni a m a m p m p m a m a m a ni a m Between West Point and Richmond. Leave West Point 7:50, a. in., daily and 8:50, a. m., daily except Sunday and Monday; arrive at Richmond 0:10 and 10:40, a. m. Returning, leave Richmond M:10 and 4: 10 p. m., di!v except Sun day; arrive at West I'uint 5:ou and 0:00 p. m. Between Richmond and Ral eigh via Keysville. ITRAVIIOKX A WARL1K, Attorneys-at-Law, Will practice in the conrts of Granyille, Ter son and Caswell counties. Office at Col. liar grQve's old law office. feb.5. YyU' Jm E WYCHE, Derital Surnreon. OXFORD. N. C. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for palnlia extraction of teeth. Room xk Hxbhdoh Bank Builuinb. years ago, with the action of the chief participants reversed. There are four great leading features of Inauguration day: The closing hours of Congress, into which so much lawmaking and history are frequently crowded; the ride of the retiring President, the President and Vice President-elect with their mili tary escort from the White House to the Capital to lay down and take up the reins of power respectively; the pageant of the returning procession and review after the ceremonies of inauguration are over, and the inau guration ball at night. The snow was falling fast when President Harrison and the Presi- was such as no city but Washing ton and no street but its broad, well paved Pennsylyania avenue could produce. Public and private stands erected along the line of march from the Capitol to a point beyond the White House had an estimated seat ing capacity of 00,000 persons. President Harrison wore an over coat with fur collar and cuffs Cleve land's overcoat had a plain velvet collar. Both, of course, wore silk hats. There was no abatement of the storm, and the ride to the capi tol was through fast-falling snow whirled in the frequent gusts of high wind. Notwithstanding the incle mency of the weather, Cleveland's wards the President-elect was an nounced, and Mr. Cleveland, escort ed by Senator Ransom, took the chair next to Mr. Harrison. His en trance into the chamber was greeted with applause. Then Vice-President Morton ad ministered the oath of office to his successor and yielded to him the chair of presiding officer. Capitol Hill as far as the eye could reach, from the eastern front of the Capitol, was an undulating sea of humanity, assembled to witness the administering of the oath of office of the new President by the Chief Jus tice of the United States, and to hear Continued on . 7 page. Leave Richmond M:0o, p. m, dailv; leave Kevs- ville 0:00 p. in.; arrive Oxford 0:U0M, p. in.; Hen derson 0:05. p. ni.; Durham 0:35, p. in.; Kaliigh 0:15, a. ni , daily. Durham 10:25. a. m ; Hender son 10:05, a. in : OxlVrd 11:45. a. ni,; arrive Keys ville 2:0), p. in ; Rjehinoiid, f :20, p in. Through coach between Richmond and la!eigh. JNlixca tram leaves Kevsv;IIe daily except Sun day 0:10, a. m.; arriv. s Lurlnun 0:0, p. in.; Ieaes Durham t:l.j, a. m.. ui y except Sunday; arrives Oxford 0.10, a. in.; 'e;. .es Dm ham 7:50. p. in., daily except Sunday; ariives Keysville 2.10. a. in.; leaves Oxlord M:00. a. in., daily except Sunday; ariives Durham 5:00, a. in. Additional tiains leave Oxford daily except Sunday, 11:50, a. in . arrive Ilcnd.-i son li: 15. p. m. Returning leave Hendetson 0: o and 0:10, p. in., dailv except Sunday; arrive Oxloid 7:M5 .'ind 10:15, p. m. Ko. ii leaving GoMsboro at 13:15, p. n,., and Raleigh 0:40, p. m., daily, makes connection at Durham with No. 40, leaving at 7:50, except Sun day, for Oxford and Keysville. Noe. 0 and 12 connect at Richmond from and to West Point and Baltimore daily except Sun day, w. a 'i ui;k. Assistant General I'ast'inger Agent, Charlotte, N. ('. JAS. L. TAYLOR, G. I A. Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF A D L V, I ) OF TJH'sT EXE cuted to me on the Orh of Match l:-.02. by It. G. Eakes and wile, and duly recorded in hook 31, page 272, register of deeds office of Granville county,! will, on .Monday, the ith day of March, 1S0M, sell to the highest bidder for csh, at the courthouse door in Oxlord, ihe land de scribed in said Deed of Trust . This hind adjoins the lands of .lack Critcher and others and ' ontains about 21 acres. For an accurate description of which see book of orders and decrees in the clerk's office, page 3'S. Time of sale 12 o'clock, in- Feb. 10, lMiM. J. 11. LONG, Trustee. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE KX istinsr between the u ndcrsirncd under ihe firm name and style of Griffin Jt Glenn, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, V. G. Griffin retiring. The busine-s in the future will be conducted by W. B.Glenn, who hi purchased the business and assumed all liabilities of the firm. VV. G. GRIFFIN, W. D. GLENN. February 3, 1803. febl()-4t. Notice. BY VIRTUE OF A DhED IN TRUST K K cuted to me November in, InOO, and Only registered in Book 21, pare (L in the Register s offiee for Granville county. N. C, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the loth rtay of March, 1803, the lot of land conveyed in eaid Deed in Truet, lying and situate on the Oxford As Clarkeville Railroad, adjoining the estate lands K. V. Minor and others. JOHN A. WILLIAMS, feb!0-4t Trustee,