ED GE E By JOHN T. BRITT, ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. RATES OT SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. Jne Year (by Mail), Postage Paid f 1-J SixMonths 45 -Advertising rates reasonable and furnished n application. We are not responsible lor the views of corres pondents nnless so stated editorially. OXFORD, N. C, MARCH 10, 1893. He is no longer ex-president-elect but once more, President Cleveland. Now for four, four, four years more of unadulterated Democratic rule! President Harrison said "good bye" to his Cabinet, and the next day it snowed. Ring out the old, ring in the new! Show us the hole the Republican party went through. Judging from the beginning it has made, the inaugural month will be a howlingr success. Adding the 9th of November to the 4th of March makes 13, an "un lucky number for the G. O. P. The historian of the future may record that "it was a cold day when the Harrison administration got left." At the rate the faithful let them selves out at the inauguration, the other fellows are afraid they won't be able to hold themselves in long. Massachusetts is not a bonanza to medical profession, judging from the fact that nearly one-quarter of its towns contain no resident physi cian. George H. Walsh, republican speaker of the House of Representa tives of North Dakota, has renounc ed all allegiance to the Republican party and hereafter will affiliate with the Democrats. The last talk of the Populists in Kansas is to move the capital and put up a State House of their own. It should be in "the middle of the road," where Mrs. Lease could find it. Some Iowa preachers preach very hot sermons. One of them recently painted hades so graphically, and scared one of the women of his congregation so badly, that she has become hopelessly crazy. For the first time in twelve years the Democrats have control of the Senate and for the first time in thirty two years control of both the legislative and executive depart ments of the government. A variation from the ordinary bridaljtour is the trip of a couple now passing a portion of their honey moon in Denison, Tex. The bride is fifty years of age and the mother of thirteen children, eight of whom accompanied her on her wedding tour. The groom has also brought along his five children. He has been married four times, the bride five times. They arrived at Denison in a wagon, and intend to make a circuit of their friends and relatives. The matter of the tax upon pur chases by merchants has for ten years past caused a great deal of feeling all over North Carolina. It was claimed that it was a double tax, and protest after protest was made, while the case got into the courts. This Legislature has made a compromise of the matter by pro viding for a scaled tax, which is quite light and which appears to be satisfactory to the merchants, with whose State committee the com promise has been arranged. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION. Grover Cleveland in assuming the high office to which lie has been elected, appreciates that . ua public office is a public trust" and that the affairs of this nation must be so con ducted that the greatest good will revert to the greatest numbers says the Messenger. Therein con sists the difference between the two parties, the one retiring having used every effort to make the rich richer, and to grind the poor. The Demo cratic administration is pledged to different principles and we look to see that the necessaries of life are f repd from taxation and the revenues of the Government derived from luxuries. Upon assuming once more the reins of Government the Democratic party finds a Bankrupt Treasury where they had left four years ago a surplus of over $100, 000,000. The Republican adminis tration of 1880 to 1893 will be known in history for its extrava gance and the taints of fraud and corruption which pervaded nearly all departments. The reign of hon est government and honest princi ples has again begun and we have at the head an honest man who with the courage of strong convictions of right cannot be swerved from his course by fear nor favor. Grover Cleveland will hold a uni que place in American history. He is the only ex-president who was ever elected again, though several others endeavored to regain their lost station. He is the only man the Democracy has been able to elect president in thirty-six years, except Samuel J. Tilden, and it was not able to seat him. We believe that the next four years will mark an era of prosperity in this country. We shall have lighter taxation, more economical expenditures, hon esty and capacity in public places. If the party which takes control of the government shall be true to its time-honored principles and to its recent pledges, it will maintain and increase its hold on the confi dence of the country. It is fortunate in haying as its leader a man who will surely do all that lies in his power to fulfill its pledges and enforce its principles. THE NEW SENATE. The present roll-call of the Sen ate shows 44 Democrats, 38 Repub licans, 1 Populist, 1 Independent, 1 Farmers' Alliance, and 3 vacancies. The vacancies are one each in Montana, Washington, and Wyom ing. Appointments have been made by the Governors of Wyoming and Montana, respectively of Beckwith (Democrat) and Mantle (Republi can), but these are subject to be 'changed when the Legislatures of those States meet again and elect. Should the Republicans eventually fill all of these vancancies it would give them 41. Should the Third party senators then all vote with the Republicans (a most unlikely sup position) the Senate would still be a tie, with Vice-President Stevenson holding the controlling vote. The composition of the House, as shown by unofficial returns, is De mocrats, 217; Republicans, 128; Third party -8, and vacancies, 2. The Democrats have a majority of eighty over all, The leather trust which is being formed proposes to buy up all the tanneries in the country and run them. It is said" that it will take $75,000,000 or $100,000,000 to do this but they say they can raise the cash. They will then proceed to raise the price of leather. Nothing hidebound about that. It is said that A. C. Beckwith who has been appointed U. S. Sena tor from Wyoming drove an ox team over the plains thirty years ago. But he didn't think then that he would ever whip into the Senate. THE 'PUBLIC LEDGER President Cleveland, Vice Presi dent Stevenson, Secretary of State Gresham, Secretary of the Interior Smith, and Secretary of War Lamont are all Presbyterians. The recent cold snap froze solid a numbes of shallow ponds on the farm of a Kentucky man. He has covered them with straw and pro poses to cut ice out of them next summer whenever he wants it. According to the Columbia (S. C.) Register General Wade Hamp ton has been indirectly offered his choice between United States Rail road Commissioner and Register of the Treasury and has accepted the latter. New Orleans is moving to erect to a fine monument to Louisiana's greatest soldier, Gen. Beauregard. He is deserving of this grateful and patriotic recognition, for he was a true man of the South and a most accomplished soldier. When Senator Peffer was told that during the inauguration jam boree a Washington barber would not shave a man for less than fifty cents he said that he felt reconciled to have the frost-bitten breezes whistle through his luxuriant whis kers. The patriarch bull frog so far re ported in this country, and the jumbo of the B. F. family enjoys life in Connecticut. He is said to be fourteen years old and measures eighteen inches in length, twelve inches across the back and weighs four pounds. North Carolina had two honors Inauguration day. Senator Ran som escorted President Cleveland into the Senate chamber and thence to the platform outside; and the wife of Senator Vance sat in the exe cutive gallery with Mrs. Cleveland and the latter's mother, and the little party seemed to be well pleased with each other. A Georgia editor gives the follow ing interesting view of "the meanest man" in his county: "Any man who would keep a dog that will jump a fence and break a rail and scare a mule that would throw a nagger that would break a jug of liquor in a dry county is a mighty mean man, and his chances of for giveness are slim." Dr. Hunter McGuire, of Rich mond thinks a cholera visitation to this country would cost us as many lives and as many dollars as a war with Great Britain. The present Congress acted wisely in appropriat ing $300,000 for the purpose of keeping Asiatic cholera, typhus fever and other deadly plagues from abroad, out of this country. From every source .of information that comes to us there are indica tions of better times. Even in the bleak northwest, the home of the blizzard, they tell us that the people are moving forward with renewed confidence. While it may be true that farming interests are not as for advanced as usual, the belief is universal that the year will be one of unusual agricultural prosperity. A prominent citizen of Hender son who joined Gideon's Band and turned State's evidence has been notified by an anonymous card that he may prepare himself for the penalty the oath of the order re quires they should execute against him. The gentleman declines to give the card for publication, but admits its receipt and purport. This organization and its abettors are stronger in this section than six months ago They are also more determined, and if not estopped will do damage in the future. A. LAN DIB & SONS' A SPRING ATTRACTIONS ! Dress We are determined to make this the best of our many good offerings. Our Spring importations of German and French Novelties and Plain Dress Fa brics are now complete and far exceed all of our previous exhibits. . Whip Cords, Poplins, Silk Warp Sublimes, Batiste, Suitings, Beiges, Henriettas in all the new shades and t popular prices. Specials- Black: Dress Goods 2 pieces 38 inch Silk Finish Hen rietta at 75 cents, worth 90 cents. 2 pieces Black Whip Cord. 2. pieces Black Henrietta, 46 inches at 75 cents. 2 pieces Popans at 50 cents. 2 pieces Serge, 46 inches at 75 cents. Other Black Goods at POPULAR PKICES. Teislri House Furnishing Goods Towels, Table Cloths, Carpets, Scrim Nets, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Window Shades, Napkins, Quilts, Crockery and Glassware in an endless variety. Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. Space forbids a more extended notice. Our stock is complete and we hope to be favored with your patronage. A. lANDIS & SONS. An important feature will be a Remnant and Bargain Table. ADVERTISEMENT. andis & Sons ! Goods 10 pieces assorted shade Cashmere, 36 inches at 25 cents, worih 30 cents. 50 pieces Wool Beige in gray and tan, 3G inces at 15 cents. A big drive. 10 ' pieces Suitings in fancy and plain effects, at 30 cents. GoocIb. Never before has it been our good fortune to show such an array of pretty fabrics. Ginghams, Outings, Foulards, Satteens, Pongees, Llama Cloths, Irish Lawns, Scotch Uambrics, Branden burg Cloths, Figured Imlias, Creponnes, Zephvr Ginghams, Calicoes, fec. Sl'&'JlAL OFFERINGS IN GING HAMS. 2000 yards Ginghams at 8 cents, reduced from 10 cents,

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