f THE PUBLIC LEDGJBR. A TERRIBLE STORM. Iealli and Destruction in the Track of a Cyclone. Georgia was visited by a terrible storm Friday night, which struck in Meriwether county and swept across the State to the sea going out on the coast below Wilmington. The killed in Georgia are- at Piedmont, Miss Daisy Hawkins and a negro man; at Odessa, six persons, names unknown ; at Molena, Mrs. Felt, and four negroes ; at Woodburg, a white child and two negroes; at Greenville, a negro woman. The number of injured is very great, an at this writing it is impossible to get a complete list. A telegram from Greenville, Ga.. to the Atlanta Constitution, gives some idea of the severity of the storm, as it devastated three-fourths of that town. It says: The cyclone was preceded by a brilliant electrical display that aroused the rears of all. In a few minutes the continuous lightning flashes were succeeded by an ominous roaring sound, and al most instantly the storn swept over the ill-fated town on its mission of destruction. In ten seconds the ac cumulations of years were swept to the four winds of the earth. Several people were caught under the falling houses, but, strange to say, there was only one death here from the cyclone. The residences of Messrs. T. A. Atkinson, 0. W. McGehee, H. C. Hall, N. T. Wright, Thomas H. Caudle, l)rs. A. G. Floyd, R. F. Hall, C. A. Floyd, W. T. Reville, R. L. W'inslow, VV. A. Black and John Fowler were completely wrecked. The residences of Mrs. J. T. Wimbish, II . W. Hill, the Winslow house, Mrs. Gresham, the Baptist church and the storehouses of T. M. Kener, W. L. Pinkston, Mrs. Freeman R. Spisey, C. A. Andrews & Co., A. H. Freeman and Atkinson Bros., were unroofed, and the gable ends of some of them blown out. The Presbyterian church, the Ma sonic institute, the postoffice and the two-story brick building of Hon. H, W. Hill were torn bodily from their foundations and demolished. The Greenville Vindicator that had stood the attacks of political boycotts for twenty years, succum bed t the mighty rush of the ele ments. Its building was lifted by the wind and mashed into a shape less mass of ruins. Many negro houses were blown down. The news that has been re ceived here indicates that the cyclone entered the county at the southwest corner, going diagonally across it, carrying desolation and death in its wake. Many of the cyclone sufferers are in a destitute condition, having been rendered houseless and homeless by the wind, witn not a vistage of cloth ing, except the garments they had on their backs. They are exposed to the biting cold. Starvation stares some of them in the face and unless aid is given by our neighboring towns and cities untold suffering will result. In one county alone over 200 families are left destitute. Legislative Aotes. The Legislature adjourned sine die March 6th at 1 o'clock. In the Senate the bill which had passed the House directed at the American To bacco Company and known as the antitrust bill was indefinitely post poned. The Senate and House could not agree on a bill making it constitu tional for the Railway Commission to apply the penalties for violation of the commission act of 1891, and so it failed to become a law, though it is of extreme importance. Chairman Spruill, of the House branch of the Railway Committee in a stirring speech said the respon sibility for the failure rested not upon the House, but upon Senator Means, of Cabarrus, and that upon an attempt to enforce the penalties the case would not fall to the ground. The House adopted an anti-hoop-skirt resolution requesting Senators and Representatives in Congress to use all their influence to secure the enactment of a law forbidding its use in the United States. No less than 260 bills were ratified. The Republicans in the House eulogized Speaker Overman in the highest terms. Just after the Senate adjourned Senator Sherrill, of Catawba, pre sented to the Democrats of Johnston county a handsome silken banner, given six years ago by Senator Vance to the banner Democratic county and which had ever since been held by Catawba, Senator fou, of Johnston, accepted it, ex pressing his pride that last Novem ber his county had led the State in the Democratic majority. The Senator confirmed the follow ing appointment made by Governor Cterr: Augustus Leazar, Superinten dent of State's Prison, and as direc tors J. E. Green, F. S. Spruill, T. B. Armstrong, A. B. Young, and Frank Stronach. This is an entire change of the penitenitiary manage ment under the new act. All the former officials are out of office. One of the incidents of the clos ing up of the labors of the General Assembly was the presentation of a beautiful gold pen by the pages of the House to Mr. Julian, the popu lar and clever doorkeeper. Mr. Tayler of Halifax njade a neat pre sentation sdeech, which was approp riately responded to by Miv Ray. Enrolling Clerk A. K. Smith of the General Assembly was presented with a handsome gold headed cane by the assistant clerks as a token of their esteem and of their apprecia tion of the manner in which he has officiated during the session. Mr. T. M. Robertson of Randolph made the presentation in well chosen and adpropriate words. mm Pronounced Ilopeloss, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S, D., we quote : "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Fou doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New. Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles ; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." trial bottles free at J. G. Hall's Drugstore, regular size, 50c, and $100. Levi P. Morton is one of the most popular members of the out-going administration. Democrats and Re publicans alike have a kind word to say for him. At the time the Re publican National Convention nomi nated Whitela w Reid it was said that Mr. Morton had been badly treaded. He ..thought so himself, but he has the consolation of having at least escaped defeat at the polls. His re ception to Mr. and Mrs. Adlai Steven son last week is conceded to be one of the most graceful official acts of the kind known in Washington life. An Old and Successful Practitioner.-Few physicians ever practice so many years as Pond's Extract has, nearly half a century ; still fewer can attain the universal success in treatment which that popular family remedy has, and where the phpsician prescribes for individuals Pond's Expect is naed by grateful million. Another advantage of the remedy is that, thongh made perfect by nearly fifty years of experience, it still posses the vigor youth. The Watertown, N. Y., Lincoln league has started a fund for the benefit of Major McKinly, on a basis of one dollar subscriptions from grateful republicans. Let every re publican who believes in McKin leyism chip in his dollar. It is not fair that the entire burden of a failing tinplate industry , should be borne by the author of it. He pro bably believed in it as much as any one, and this subscription is direct ly in the line of protection every body pays and one man takes the profit. , Bucklen'M Arn ca Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands 'Mlblains, corns and all skin ruptiens, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. G. Hall. mch,4-ly Nice Iofof Hay for sale at 75 cents per hundred. Apply to janl3 K. W. Lassiter, Receiver. Land at Private Sale. Small tracts of land for sale. Terms and payment liberal. John A. Williaes, feb-34. Oxford, N. C. 0 L 25cte., 50cts., and $1.00 per Bottle. Cures Couerlis, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival; has cured, thousands where all others failed; will cure you if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a R-uarantee. For Lame Back or Chest, use SIlILOH'S PLASTER. 25 cts. Z HILOH'SmCATARRH mmm n EL 111 C. U I. Have you Catarrh ? This remedy is guaran teed to cure you. Price 60 cts. Injector free. FOR SALE BY J. P. Stedman, Oxford, N. C. febio im b an v a mm mm mm . v m. m j tft 'i-t & TW. "in: vir l5jg A uk tmm- j nullum . , I iSUM f ill 1 m U f J Yi. ir'i hm . i i. in mi iiiiiiji ii i 'li.T r BANNER AW M -mT . . i IS IL n 9 OXFORD, N. C. Banner Prices. Banner Auctioneers. Banner Drummers. '''. "... Banner Accommodations. Banner AVEBAGBS. We still claim the Banner on High Aver ages. Come and see us and get Banner Prices on all grades of Tobac co. Bullock & Mitchell, OWNERS AND PROPRIETORS BANNER - WAREHOUSE! OXFORD, N. O. Km Banner Book ners W no. Frys Ten --Jj) Udifs . boys H .715 5ES W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nowt,lrVp. Best Calf Shoe In the world for the price. W. L. Douglas shoes are sold everywhere. Everybody should wear them. It is a duty you owe yourself to get the best value for your money. Economize In your footwear by purchasing w. L. Douglas Shoes.whlch represent the best value at the prices ad vertised above, as thousands can testify, jey Take No Substitute. Beware of fraud. None genuine without W. L. Douglas name and price stamped on bottom. .Look for it when you buy. W. Ij. Douglast Brockton, Mass. Sold by E. T. Rawlins, Oxford, N. C. jan6 4m. YOUR - ATTENTION I JUST A MINUTE! I simply wisb you to call and inspect my large and well selected stock of FURNITURE ! I am showing a nice line in every depart meat. Parlor Suite, oak and walnut frame, upholster ed in wools, silk plushes and silk tapestry from $35.00 to $100,00. Chamber Suits in Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Imitation Walnut. 1 invite special attention to my Oak Suits at $20 00. Wardrobes in nice Walnut and Oak $50.00 to $25.00; cheaper ones at $11.00 and $12.50. Nine Sideboards in Oak and Walnut, from $10.00 to $50 00. Desks in roll, fiat top and drop leaf. Tables, dining, at $2.00 to the liner goods, from. $5.00 to $12.00. Beautiful Rockers in Polished Oak, upholster ed with leather, silk plush and tapestry. A cheaper line from $1.50 to $5.00. Center and Parlor tables at from $1.50 to $7,50, Chairs at any price, from 40, 50, GO, 75, $1,00. $1.25 and $2.00. Bureaus from $5.00 to $15.00. Bedsteads in Oak and Imitation Walnut from $1.00 to $10.00. The best bed for $5,00 in Oak or Imitation you ever saw at the price. China Closets, Safes, Childrens Carriages and Cribs, Mattresses and Springs, Lounges, Wash stands, Hat Racks, Pictures, Chromos and a great many other things that I have not time or space to mention, so come and see them. JOS. A. WEBB, Com. Ave.. dec2 Oxford, N. Q. Sore Throat Lameness Catsjri Bry?s B Cu Dilac kemale Complaints Rheumatism AND ALU Inflammation Sofd only In our own bottles. All druggists. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 5th Ave.,N.Y. POND'S EXTRACT oirmiENT. It's remarkable specific action upon the affected parts gives it supreme control over Files, however severe. Also for Burns, Scalds, Eruptions, Salt Rheum &c. Testimonials from all classes prove its efficacy. Price 50c. Sold by all Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Put up only by yOWD'S EZTSACT CO,, 76 5th Ave., IT. X. 4H. I-. DHiZIS, WITH Woodward & Lothrop, THE Tempi Dry Goods Store, Cor. Broad and Adams Streets, Richmhnd, Va. Orders from my friends in North Carolina will exeiYe my prompt and personal attention. J K I S W -si ! UJ v M7 SI LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF Valuable Real Estate ! IN- Oxford and Granville Co, PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OP T1IE Su perior Court of Granville county, I shall, on Monday, the 3rd day of April. 1S93. offer for sale to tho highest bidder at public auction, at the courthouse door in Oxford, the following prop erty of the estate of R. V. Minor, deceased. i. ins lobacco Warehouse and lot on the south side of AlcClannahan street near the O. & c. JKailroad depot. The lot contains one acre and the warehouse is 90 by 220 feet, two stories in iront ana well arranged with onices and other apartments. This property is at present occu pied by R. F, Knott under a lease which expires isi ucioDer next, ana will be sold subject to this lease. 2. Four Brick Stores and lots frontinsr on the north side of Hillsboro street. The lot is 126 leet deep and each store is about 20 by 61 feet. The fourth store being the one farthest west, has a shed attached wnich also fronts on the street, and may be used as a store or workshoo: also a brick blacksmith shop about 42 by 24 feet i-W " .1 - -t .. ..II I. A. f . 1 . I 1 iu uuc i cm aiiu nu niivy ituuut ieet wiue lend ing to the shop. This store with the shed, alley and shop will be sold as one lot. The third store lot will reach to Johnson's iine, except so much as is covered bv the east end of the olacksmith shop. , ine other two store lots will each be about 20 feet wide and extending bade 126 feet to Johnson's line. The use of the stairway from the street will be reserved for the beaefit of all the stores. 3. The Exchange Hotel lot on Hillsboro street, fronting on the street 130 feet and run ning back 280 feet, at present occupied by Mrs. i.xi.jones. xnis lot is well improved with commodious buildings in good repair and is eligibly located for hotel or private boarding house. 4. The Carriage Factory and lot on south fide of Hillsboro street, occupied by W. li. Glenn and containing about JW of an acre. 5. The Tobacco Prize House and lot bounded by the O. & C. Railroad, Goshen Street and the land of J. W. Hays. 6. The Cottage House and lot on the west side of the O. & C. Railroad and east of Goshen street, adjoining the lands of J. W. Haya and others and containing about an acre. 7 A vacant lot of land on the West side of Broad Street and east of the O. fc C. Railroad, adjoining the lots of Mrs. Kate Fleming and others. 8. A tract of land on Tar River near Har grove Station on the O. & C RailroBd, contain mg about 52 acres, lately occupied by Thomas H. Jones and on which is an excellent Mill Seat. U. A tract of land in Tally Ho township, ad joining the lands ol John J. Meadows and others containing 101 acres, lately occupied by J. S. Ketcham. 10. The reversion on the lot of land on the west side of College street in Oxford, being the house and lot iB which R. V. Minor lesided, and which has been a-jsigned to his widow as part of her dower. 11. At same time and place the undersigned will as Commissioner ofler for sale a tract of land in Tally Ho township on south side of Tar River, just below Gooch's bridge adjoining tho lands of John P. Cannady, M. Blalock and others and containing 27 acres. TERMS: One fourth cash, the balaice in 12 months with interest at 8 per cent from day of sale, except as to the Tobacco Warehouse, the deferred payment for which will bear interest from 1st October next when possession will bo given. And as to the 27 acres in Tally Ho town ship, one third will be required in cash and the balance in 12 months with interest at 8 per cent. MRS. J ULIA B. MINOR, s 1 1 Admr'x of R. V. Minor dee'd and oom'r. February 23rd, 18J3. A. A. Hicks, lAttv'a feb24 4t. John W. Hats, f Auy 8' Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXE cuted to me by M. F. Freeman and wile, l'olly, on March 2nd, 1801, and duly registered in m Book 34, page "J8, in the register's office for Granrille county, N. C, to secure the payment of a certain bond given S C. Lyen, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Oxford, on Tuesday, April the 4th. 1803, the tract of land described in said deed of trust, containing 71 acres and adjoining the lands of hos. R. Hall and others, it being the land on which said Freeman now lives. Time of sale 12 m. This the 17th day of February, 1873. feb24-4t- W. T. ADAMS, Trustee. Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED IN TRUST EXE ecuted by C II. K. Taylor, registered in Book of Mortgages No, 3, at page 235, to secure a debt to Finch & Atkins, also referred to in a deed in trust registered in Book of Mortgages No 16, page 111, and which debt has been secured by note for balance of March 4th, 1800, payable 00 days after date, 1 shall on Monday, the 3rd day of April next expose to sale to tke highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Oxford, one undivided third of a tract of land about four miles east of Oxford, in Granville county, containing about 550 acres, it being the land owned by the late Col. R. P. Tayior at thj time of his death, and will be sold subject to his widows life estate therein. Terms cash. JOHN W. HAYS, Trustee. February 23, 1893. feo24-4t. MORTGAGE SALE OF " Houses and Lots Near Oxford. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF MORTGAGE executed by Thos. U, Jones and wife to S. U. Cannady, registered in Book of Mortgages No. 14, page 141, and a second mortgage or deed in trust registered in Book of Mortgages No. 20, pae 77, 1 shall on Monday, the 27 h day of March next, oner for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, at the courthouse door in Ox ford two houses and lots situated just outside the Northwest limits of Oxford, near Hundley Bros, factory and known as the Thos. H. Jones lots One of these lots fronting north on Clem ent Street is about 100 feet front by 164 feet back and has on it a two story dwelling with six rooms, The other fronting south on Alexander Avenue, is about 100 feet front by 152 feet bck and has on it a neat cottage of three or four rooms. . ... These lots by the terms of the mortgage will be offeied for cash, but more liberal terms cam be made with the purchaser if desired. JOH.N VV, llAiO) Attorney for the Mortgagee. February 53, 1863 feb24-4t. North Carolina, I Is The Superior Court, Granville County, f January Term, 1893. Thos. C. Else tmd'ng as Thos. C. Else & Co., vs, W. Z. Raker. Notice of Summon and Warrant of At tachment, The defendant above named will take notir that a summons in the above entitled action wa issued against him on 1st day of December, 1802 for the recovery of the sum of $1,296 .75, due the plaintiff on a promisary note executed by VV . Z, Raker and Wm. Raker, trading as Raksr & Co., which summons is retainable at the next term of the Superior Court of Granville county, on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1803. , . . The defendant will also take notice that a vn ar rani of attachment has been issued in said cause, which warrant is returnable at the same time and place named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur as he may be advised. This 1st day February. QBmTT a s II. M, Shaw, Attorney for Plalntift. fbl7 Gwki.

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