THE PUBLIC LEDGER. NORTH CAROLINA. Editors Henry A- "London, of WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN HER BORDERS. A General Epitome of Recent Occur rences Around and Abont Us, From the Mountains to the Sea. as Culled from our State Papers. t.lifi Chatham Record: William W. AIcDiarmid, of the Lumberton Robesonian, and Thaddeus W. Manning, of the Henderson Gold Leaf, left for Chicago as North Carolina's representatives at the National Editorial Convention Tuesday, XI WE WANT Dr. Geo Lewi a tramp pate at Us 2s I 35 -d 31 : 2 i" YOUR TRADE IN OUR- DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. i- as- A 3 WE WANT . . . YOUR TRADE ir. 7tf7IN STREET, IN OUR millinery department. One newspaper in North Caro- medicine vender drove to Yeats lina is over $9,000in debt. Another ville, in Chowan county, several sunk $8,000 in a year. There is a veritable war waging between the Raleigh and Western and the Glendon and Gulf rail roads in Chatham county, Thfi Conner savs Lvcla, a colored woman of VVaynesville, days ago and called at a residence and Miss Lois Jefferson walked out and took a seat in his buggy and was driven with speed to Es quire Jordan's, where the couple were married. Tney were pur sued by the brothers of the lady with loaded guns, bat they were . X.J We have the right goods at the lowest prices and we guar antee satisfaction to you. OXFORD - N. - C. .3. The choicest Pari san Novelties in K; Hats, Feathers and 51 Flowers. Miss An- nie Bryant will be d in charge. kz- it gave birth to three children last uot overtaken. It was pronounc wofik two bovs and a srirl. One v - - mi of them died soon after birth. The will ot w. 1. race, a pro- nnrient Jawver wlio cued, some days ago in Raleigh, was probata Pd nmonntiriP- to 125.000. Me began the practice of law in 1S71 a poor man. Duriuer a recent term of Moore ed a very complete ana success ful elopement. The State Chronicle was sold by the receivers - John W. Hins dale and Herbert Jackson, ap pointed by Judge brown. I he good-will and subscription-list wore purchased by J. N. Holding for the News and Observer Corns gs DRESS GOODS. 3 X GERMAN AND SX. X FRENCH Benga- '2 lines, Whip Cords, 'X2 Suitings, Beiges, i Uenriettas and jf "Bj plain goods in all colors and prices. & TRIMMINGS county Superior Court, Thos. pany for $1,775. The press, fixtures Davis served on the jury the sec- and type brought about $1,200, ond week. He was discharged and were bought by Fab H. Bus on Friday and the next Monday bee and several others." The vari was out in iail on a charge ot ous creditors will now decide which has prior claims. There is due Josephus Daniels on a mort gage of $ 1,000. A white woman living at Kings larceny. Correspondence of The Land mark says: There is a woman near Weisner who says she is bothered with witches at night so Mountain gave birth to a remarks she can t sleep. The remedy she aDle freak of nature last week. has to drive them oil is to open The monster has the head, body, her Bible and put it under her limbs and color of frog. In fact head. all those who have seen it say it Warren Elliott, president of the is nothing more nor less than a Wilmington and Weldon railway very large bull frog. It died at paid into the State Treasnry $40,- birth, and the attending physi- 000, ihus completing the payment ian, ur. j xiora, nas ic pre under the terms of the tax com- served m alcohol and intends giv nrmnise arranged between that it to a medical museum. thfi last Lep-islnfnrfi The woman is the mother of a n. statement of back taxes. several healthy, well-formed chil- tit i. dren. She says that some months DVi crime iimiaii anow pumis before confinement she was fright weie iuuiiu iBCBiiuy iu ictutim ened nearly to death by Qne of county, near tne yamweu line, her children tbrowin gal arge f ro pacjieu in a uiiuuicti iiuio umv into her , inches in diameter and thirteen inches deep, and one foot beneath Kevenue Agents Kirkpatrick, the surface They have been for- Culbertson and Summers, of warded to the Smithsonian Instil Greensboro, were nred into by a tution. moonshiner near Hickory last Af-w n w Thnmtnn fo i ( A M-hursday . lhe Greensboro Ke- f Wi-n io- in,11inv tm. cord, from which we learn the ir, nAmA fi,;ooi tacts, says Kirkpatrick received 2 dollars, has satisfactorily adiustod sVl ?n Ans left jammers was his indehtedrmss. sfaffin nnt, s"Ot in til lace DUt IS improving, ooi, or,i oenn;,, h , i and Cu 1 bertson was also hit but 41,0 mom.r.t cTi ,rtil. not badly hurt. The Record says of his business F. W. Thornton, ly one shot was fired but all Tr as a partner three ot the men received a small J ' dose. We take it the moonshiner The .Board of bchool Directors had loaded his shot gun so it of the North Carolina Christian would '-scatter" and take in the Missionary Convention has locate crowd. John Rector, the man ed a college at Ayden, Pitt county who did the shooting, was arrest The buildings will be erected at ed and is now in jail at Newton i n -Hi I - - . once ana every tning win oe in under a bond of 3,000 readiness ior tne tail session, i'ros fessor L. T. Rightsell,.of Indiana, has been elected president. The body of a child apparent ly !a whit child a few weeks old was found floating on the river near Wilmington last Thursday. The Messenger says there was no marks of violence on it and it is 3s to match all goods. 3 -a! A line oi Figur- & Eg nred China and c o and Plain Japi 2 nese Silks all col- c E. ors. c. mmmm..miMum ..nw.j-yLn.iLH i Lii .J I3 B .uumm n WASU GOODS a;. In Irish Lawns, ' .scotch Caml)rice, Foulards, Sat teens, etc. BIG BARGAINS C y. 0? "We will have 3. .of YOUR TRADE in . .1 Clothing if you V, -J will look at our Nohhy Styles and good fitting Suits 'C for Men, Boys and Xg Children. j 2"Gents' Furnishings and eyprythin in thp Notion line. Big lino of Stiff, Felt and Straw Hats. Respectfully, THE TA.. mch24-3m F. HKRT CO,, Per M. F. Hart, Seo'y and Treas. In (Jinghams and p Outings reduced iC c: from 12,2a' and 10 Jc cents to T cents. E; May us a visit Ei- and we will sell -Cc yu gods as they sc. can possibly be 5r. Er . o f. ?i ; 5;.. ; 3 You will be en re to buy our Ladiets Low Shoes f" and Ties in all col X:' ors if you see -' them. Gents Pat- f' "X:1 ent Leather Rus- 'f' "Xii sett Shoes and "Xr Shoes of all grades jC X? and irices. jC Or 2-. 5? o ! Q) 'lkn Send Your Tobacco -TG - The liquor dealers in this State are forming an association and have established a provisional committee's headquarters in Ral- eigh with A. V- Dockery as tem porary secretary. The associa tion is already thoroughly organi zed at Wilmington, Haleigh, Char- Boo iunt m & s Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Ilillions of -Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. OXFORD, N. C. Remember we buy the Highest Market Efebl7-3m frff.o TTo rrof fk trill I lonrlorcon supposed to have been thro wit i fi lo to the water by some heartless Thore are 5 000 u r dealers and -v -.r- - rv l--v a L x I -wt - r-v 4- 1 -v jjoiouii piuuduijf no mutiiui. r cH pts who w ill wnrk fno-afhor- The Co Operative Bank of North An address has just been issued Qn orarcci nf TnhonnA n! -. -t n i i i 1 i j- i uiXJk fc-i x. uivlv k WJL a kl. vVr orr inn nnf h on onf hftviin. nm-n I 1X7 ln.'h O o i- c rlin nT,rrotn7ofinn lea -! ' tal of $5 10,000. with headquarters mutual protection, and it proposes in Fayettville, opened its doors to establish a monthly journal, qi w1cVi attoutt -rtili r to the business public. John P. The address says the action of the ana PUSH every pile liO (Jomn is rresiuent, lion. George ast l.egislature is suuicient proot W. Sanderlin, vice-president, and of an intention to. harrass the H. 0. Snow, cashier. The corpora- liquor interest out of business as tion was chartered by a special soon as possible. act cf the last General Assembly. Warren county. N. C, has the smartest hog. During the forest fires last week this hog saw the flames approaching her bed ot straw, in which was her young brood. She rooted out a hole near the bed, deposited her pigs in it, and then laid down over them. The fire passed over, sing ing the hair of the old porker, but the little squealers were safe. Ought not the people of North Carolina to see to it that the next Legislature grants pensions to all members of the State Guard who shall die in service, whether by disease or by accident or by sup pressing outrages and defiant mobs or otherwise? It would be a proper, a grateful thing to do to grant a pension to the ife and children of Lieut. Col- Bogart who died while in service of the State at New Bern. It looks to us that men who give voluntary service to the State should be res membered by the people if they perish while serving them. Wil mington Messenger, .Trice. T.7", : i. i- rr 1 : i Tarboro last week elected the fol- IK h SS I t( II 1 I )S I V f JLU VAIXVV-L KJ m L iTX k.T-F VJ V f VI AL son, right eminent grand com mander; A. H. Cobb, Asheville, very eminent graad commander; Peter A. Wilson, Winston, emi nent grand generalissimo; John C. Chase, Wilmington, eminent grand captain-general; Rev. W, S. Crea sey, Charlotte, eminent grand pre late; George Lampman, Greens boro, eminent grand senior war den. Henry L. Clark, Hamilton, eminent grand junior warden; Wm Simpson, Baleigh, eminent grand treasurer; H. H. Munson, Wil mington, grand recorder; W. A. Withers, Raleigh, grand stands ard bearer: John H. Hackburn, Newbem grand SWOrd bearer; byalliatwe have the prettiest and nobbiest W.J.Long, Oxford, grand war f" !f sh.riC8 at has .j. "& T?1l eer been shown in the city. Notions of every UOIJ, . ilt JL iXLlLVy , LVbXCIlgU, grand sentinel. Ten commander ies were represented. Two char ters have been issued one to Newborn and one to Oxford. The next meeting will be held in the city of Charlotte. Trim min g-s, Silkis, Satins EtilcL Velvets. " Castorir. is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Oscood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. Castoria. Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, li. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.' United nosprrti and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smito, Pres., The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City T1 THE TR n e k g-Eg'-fWgJijjjl'' IE3SS!3S Wash Goods m everything you can call for. We take a back seat for no one. It is conceded description. Paris Bros., Main Street, mch24-3m. Oxford, N. C. T Gm Brl'ffJJ-l -FOH T1IK NKW FIKM OF- MEDFORD - & - PITCHF0RD, McOUUtK'S OM STAND, OXFORD, N. C. We have contolWIfttc-(l our Ktock and moved Into the big store of R. II. McGuire, where we are now selling at u.l rovk trtc. nil kliuU of Groceries, Meat, Meal, Molases, JJran, Ship Stuff, etc. We arenowoH'tirln lli(!l)(ntauil chcaiM'Ht gooils on the market. Look out for our store. We are ,nthe store formerly occupied by It. l. McGuire. Call and see us and we will do thee good. J. J. MEDFOKD, R. li. F1TCUFOKD. aprO-lm. MEDFORD & PITCHFORD.

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