THE PUBLIC LEDGER THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. The Stale Convention Closed on Frl- flay. Oxford had within her borders last week that noble band of King's Daughters, under the leadership of Mrs. W. S. Black, who were hand somely entertained by oui citizens. The convention was held in the Presbyterian church and the pro ceedings were of a most interesting character, and were largely attended by the ladies, who have their heart in such work. The following taken from the Ox ford correspondent of the State Chronicle shows the work accom plished by this noble band of women and other personal mentions: Reports from various circles show that during the past year $2,921.00 was expended for the relief of dis tressed families, and various other charitable causes, and the good which has been accomplished by this is beyond calculation. This is really only a yery small part of the work that has been done, and of which no report has been made to the State Convention. Rescue Work, reported by Mrs. Hayes, showed that the Rescue Cir cle of Raleigh had accomplished great good in obtaining homes, em ployment and proper protection for young girls left without natural support, and much remains to be done on this line, and it is hoped that the friends of oiphan girls, &c, will not remit their labors, as eter nity alone can show the good ac complished in this way. The order now numbers seventy five Circles in the State, fifteen of which are in Raleigh doing the King's service. After considering invitations from various towns and cities in the State it was decided to hold the next con vention in the town of Statesville. Miss M. E. Carter, of Durham, N. C, was elected State Secretary by acclamation a most excellent selec tion. Mrs. Judge Clark, of Raleigh, was elected Assistant State Secretary, Mrs. Hayes having declined the po sition. The headquarters of the order for the State will be in Raleigh as here tofore. At 8:30 p. m., after the conclusion of the Convention, Friday evening, the "Lend a Hand" Circle and the people of Oxford tendered an infor mal reception in the Presbyterian church, which was very much en joyed by all present. Refreshments were served at 11:30. During this reception another cir cle of King's Daughters was organ ized, consisting of 7 or 8 members, of which Mrs. Lanier, organist of the Presbyterian church, was made president. The general results of the meet ing were of the most gratifying na ture. Each member of the order will return home fully inspired with new zeal for the woik and it is fully believed that the coming year will be the most successful of all in the history of the Daughters of the State. The King's Daughters were all profuse in their thanks for the hos pitable manner in which they were entertained by the Daughters and friends, each vieing with the other in entertaining the visitors. Every delegate had a home in which she was well provided for, and each left the grand old town with the most kindly feelings for all the good peo ple of Oxford. We desire also, to express our pro found thanks to Mrs. Lanier, organ ist of the Presbyterian church in Oxford, and to the charming young ladies from various choirs who sang so sweetly on this occasion. We es pecially make mention of Mrs. S. W. Parker, Mrs. Cherry, Miss Alice Jones, Miss Laura Cordon, Miss Fin laytor, teacher at the Orphan Asy lum, and others, whose names are not remembered. The thanks of the Convention are also due to the noble King's Sons, Dr. Wyche and Mr. Lyon, who so greatly aided the ladies in the work. The writer is not unmindful of the kind hospitality of Dr. Williams and family. B. j Make Me a Populist. Stop for a moment, O Time, in your flight, Make me a Populist, just for tonight ; Let the black flag of despair be unfurled, Darken the lights in this giddy old world ; Give me a whirlwind of trouble and strife, Curtain with darkness the bright side of life ; People the future with phantoms of woe, Feed me on crow, mister, feed me ou crow. Pause, Father Time, and throw open the gate, 1 am so weary of feeling first-rate : Pasture me out where the pickings is short, Scourge me with hunger and hear me cavort ; Teach me to sit in contentment all day, Howling "Refawm !" while my neighbors make hay; Fill my flat head with swift -moving wheels, Then I shall know how a Populist feels. Nebraska Journal. Look at the size of tLe ordinary pilJ, Think of all the trouble and disturbance that it causes you. Wouldn't you wel come something easier to take, and easier in its ways, if at the same time it did you more good? That is the case with. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're the smallest in size, the mildest in action, but the most thorough and far-reaching in results. They follow nature's meth ods, and they give help that lasts. Con stipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headache, and all de raDgemnts of the liver, stomach and bow els, are prompsly relieved and peraaa nentljr cured. "If we can't cure your catarrh, no mat ter how bad your case or of how long standing, we'll pay you $500 in cash." That is what is promised by the proprie tors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Doesn't it prove, better than any words could, that this is a remedy that cures Cttarrh? Costs only 50 cents. Attention. As trustee for Owen, Barbour & Smith, I am expected and required to eoilect all claims due them. Mr. Smith is in charge of the business and will receipt for all paid on the accounts. All owing said concern will please give their prompt A A TT atteniion. a. a. xhuh-s, mchl7-tf. Trustee. Trustee's Sale. r A. TUCK, OF BLUE WING, N. C, L. B. VJ. Tuck & Co., of Big Rock, N. C, and Al fred Hays & Co., of Virgilina, Va., having made a general assignment oi tneir property to me as Trustee for the benefit of their creditors, thi is to notify all persons holding claims against either of the said firms, or C, A, Tuck, to present their claims duly certified, to me at once. And all persons indebted to to either of said firms, or C. A. tuck, are nereoy notined to come forward at once and make prompt payment to me. The bumess is bound to be closed up at an earlv date, and if prompt payment is not made. it will have to be enforced by law. This the 10th day of May, 1893. W. J. BARNETT, Trustee. Postoflice: Buchanan, N, C. mayl2-4t. Notice. BY VIRTUE OF POWER CONFERRED upon me by a deed of trust executed by Samuel J. Currin and wife, on the 18th day of November, 1890, which is recorded in Granville county, book 33, page 236, and at the request of the holder oi the debt secured therein, 1 shall, on Monday, May 29th, 1893, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Oxford, N. C, a certain tract of laud fully described in said deed of trust adjoining the lands of Herbert Gregory, C. C. Heggie and oth ers and containing 232 9-10 acres. This land is located within a fourth of a mile of Stovall, on the Richmond & Danville Railroad, and is well adapted to the growth of fine tobacco and wel timbered. An opportunity for a good bargain is offered. This 29th April, 1893. apr28-4t. A. C. ZOLLICOFFER, Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court, Granville County, f April 25, 1938. W. P. Lyon, Administrator of 1 Lucy A. Floyd, Plamtifi. VS. J. B. Floyd, W. P. Lyon, J, T. Lyon. Celia F. Jenkins aud 11. B. Jenkins her husband, Pattie Lyon, Pattie Carroll and P. H. Carroll her hus band, A. C. Floyd, Lucy Floyd, May G. Sinex and F. B. Sinex her husband, Mag gie A. Norris and Leander Norris her husband, John Floyd, Pleasant Flojd, De fendants. Publication of Summons STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, to A. C. Floyd, Lucy E. Floyd, John A. Floyd and Pleasant Floyd, ot Columbia, Tennessee. Pattie Carroll and P. II. Carroll her husband, of Kenton, Tennessee. Maggie A. Norris and Leander Norris her hns band, of Osage Mills, Arkansas. May G. Sinex and F. B. Sinex her husband, of Little Rock, Arkansas : GREETING. Take Notice, That W. P. Lyon as administrator of Lucy A Floyd has filed in this office a petition to sell the lands of his intestate to make assets to pay the debts and the cost of administration. Said peti tion will be heard before me on the 10th day of June, 1893, at which time you are notined to be present and demur or to answer the said petition i. 4' 1 i - A T 1 i I or tne prayer 01 me peiiLiuiier win ue grained. Dated this 25th day of April, 1893. W. A. BOBBITT, apr28-6t. Clerk Superior Court. TAX SALE The town taxes for the year 1891 not having bean paid on the following described property, I have levied on and will sell same at the court house door, on Monday, June 5, 1893. to satisfy said taxes, 1. Sallie Bass' residence, fronting on Penn Avenue, adjoining Fannie Bass and others. 2. Fannie Bass' residence on Penn Avenue, adjoining Sallie Bass and others. 3. C. R. Blackley's residence on Ilillsboro St , adjoining C, J. Turner and others. 4. W. H. Crews, dr., residence on llillboro St., adjoining Anthony Taylor and others. 5. B. 11. uozarrs resiaence on uroaa stieet, adjoining W. A Adams and others. (. Fufus Green's residence lot on Penn Ave nue, adjoining R. T, Harrison and others. 7. Alex. Hester's residence lot on Orange street, adioinihg Anthony Taylor and others. 8. Robt. Kittrell's residence lot on Hender son road, adjoining J. A. Fuller and others. 9. Willis Moss' residence lot on Ilillsboro street, adjoining Cameron Green and others, 10. Lee Poors resiaence lot on orange street, adjoining A. Crews and others. 11. Sandv Parhanvs resiaence lot on uran- ville street, acjoining Mrs. M. L. Hargrove and others. 12. W. F. Rogers' lot on Ilillsboro street, adjoining I. N, Day and others. 13, Dora Taylor's lot on iiinsooro street, au oining Dr. Herndon and others. 14. U. J. Turner's residence lot on Hillsboro street, adjoining C, R. Blackley and others. . W. T. LYON. Collector. May 10, 1893. mayl2-4t, Tax Sale. I shall, on Monday, May 29th, 1893, at 11 o'clock, a. m., in front of the court house door in Oxford, sell the below de scribed land and town lots for taxes due L. H. Bullock for the years 18S7 and 1888 and unpaid thereon and cost for advertis ing the same. S. A. FLEMING, Adm'r of L. H. Bullock, dec'd. FISHING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 1887. . Miss Bettie Perry, 10 acres $ 99 Bady Keaisey, 136 acres, 5 03 Robert Williams, 52 acres 5 03 I. H. Harris, 157 acres 9 17 Lewis Taylor, 150 acres...... 5 64 H. A. Taylor, Trustee, 8 acres... 2 78 Rovanna Russell, 48 acres 3 17 Armstead Marable, 2 acres 1 49 Davis & Gregory, 198 acres 63 40 1888. Abram Farrar, 9 acres Howell & Reams, 53 acres Ellen Lvon, 2 acres S. C. Mallory, 33 acres Sam Richardson, 10 acres Tippett & Co., 19 acres Simeon Tippett, 2U8 acres B. L. Gill, Ex'r for S. R. V. 243 acres Nellie Faulkner, 10 acres BRASSPIELD TOWNSHIP. 1887. 2 38 3 35 81 2 38 1 38 10 20 14 65 19 21 1 31 Joseph Dement, 52 acres 2 68 John Smith, 103 acres 7 84 C. F. Turner, 3 acres 2 54 T. M. Tharrington, 63 acres 2 32 David Yeargan, Jr., 90 acres 7 82 Pulaster Mangum, 50 acres 9 43 Wilson Burnett, 50 acres 9 43 James White, 70 acres 11 11 1888. J. E. Dement, 52 acres J. D. Davis, 189 acres T. H. Dement, 60 acres... J. T. Freeman, 129 acres Lyon, Bragg & Co., 9 acres D. L. Moss, Guardian, 14 acres. W. J. Mitchell, 150 hcres 4 56 9 51 2 50 8 61 3 20 1 30 8 63 B. C. May, 110 acres.. . A. C. Perry, 63 acres.... Willie Roe, 59 acres 6 89 5 55 3 41 DUTCHVILLE TOWNSniP. 1887. D. J. Forsythe, 102 acres 3 60 J. R. Suit, 198 acres 4 04 1888. J. L. Fowler, 70 acres 9 85 G. G. G 11, 14 acres 1 73 Miss Eliza Sherron, 100 acres 4 57 J. W. Wilkins, 3 acres 3 35 WALNUT GROVE TOWNSHIP. 1887. J. W. Carnal, 160 acres 4 87 J. J. Davis, adm'r Dr. Green, 255 acres 9 18 OAK HILL. TOWNSHIP. 1887. Ellis Downey, 6 acres J. H. Harris, 190 acres Sam Pointer, 38 acres. Mrs. Rowan Royster, 316 acres Merritt Smith, 5 acres J. H. Chandler, 139 acres S. B. Royster estate, 150 ares R. S. Seat, agent S. E. Tuck, 186 acres William Thomas estate, 450 acres.. Edward Tuck, 52 acres J. F. Spaugh, 200 acres J. R. Blanks, 6934 acres J. S. Hobgood, 45 acres 1888. M. P. Blackwell, 110 acres Henry San ford, 40 acies SASSAFRAS FORK TOWNSHIP. 1887 and 1888. W. K. Jenkins 317 acres T. B. Venable, 25 acres 1888. J. H. A. Parbam, 1 lot OAK HILL TOWNSHIP. 1887 and 1888. Edmund Gillis, 2 acres James Troller. 85 acres r 4 7 4 72 77 80 9 15 3 41 6 35 4 19 8 27 11 3 5 1 2 95 2 67 80 91 3 56 1 96 17 01 2 41 6 40 7 85 7 49 OXFORD TOWNSHIP. 1887 and 1888. , Alex Hester, 1 town lot 9 35 Crawford Hester, 1 town lot 13 12 Sam Overby, 1 town lot 6 83 OXFORD TOWNSHIP. 1887. Rosetta Alston, 2 acres Wesley Burt, 5 acres H. C. Barker, 71 acres Hawkins Bridges, 1 lot Sol B. Crews, 100 acres Edmund Cooper, 120 acres Peter Charleston, 1 town lot I. M. Green, 2 town lots Rufus Green, 1 town lot C. A. Gregory, agent, 1 town lot.... J. C. Horner, 3 town lots and 175 1 13 3 51 10 83 3 89 8 29 8 29 3 73 19 38 3 20 21 25 44 69 acres . Hannah Hicks, 2 town lots Sol Hester, 3 acre Isham Jenkins, 1 town lot 1 59 1 20 2 09 6 13 10 11 Littlejohn Kinton, 100 acres.. Ottoway Lee, 2 town lots C. R. Lewis, 256 acres M. F. Loonam, 5 acres ..... 2 69) 9 23 Willis Moss, 1 town lot .... 1 69 1 59 7 21 1 59 6 65 5 05 1 14 5 29 1 68 12 83 Robert L. Pool. 1 town lot..... E. A. Roberts, 1 town lot Lewis Royster, 6 acres Richmond Taylor, acre Tazwell Taylor, acre Chas. Wainwright, 63M acres...... Jas. Wilson, 2 acres Isham Richmond, 1 acre W. J. Royster, 135 acres 1888. Smith Hester, acre 2 6 7 1 2 4 49 70 00 66 91 28 Alexander Jones, 1 town lot Mrs. S. A. Joyner, 1 town lot Robert Norwood, 6 acres Ellis Puryear, 1 town lot James W. Royster, acres Simon Thorp, acre T. B. Venable, Ex'r, 2 town lots... 2 62 58 19 1 56 9 05 6 11 2 47 1 47 Mrs. H. A. Wilson, 14 acres N. H. Whitfield, 67 acres Norwood Dunston, 1 town lot Hannah Hicks, 2 acres Levi Royster, 4 acres GENTS' Furnishing Goods ! You should take a look at our line of Gents Dress Shirts in white and colored. Neckwear, Collars and Cnfls. The latest styles in liats. Everything you may wish in the furnishing de partment. Paris Bros., Main Street, mch24-4t. Oxford, N.C. The Public Ledger Job Printing Office is pre pared to do all kinds of job printing at the Lowest Living Prices. Give us your orders and stand by home enterprise. Do You Need Any? If you do we can suit you in quality, style and price. We keep the best makes in the world. Men's, Ladies and Children's. CALL AND SEE US ! Our new line of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Oxfords just received. PARIS BROS, Main Street, mch24-3ra. Oxford, N. C MMBfc S8K3E3SET5S1 BHSSw f5BH tilci EEMO JEWELRY I take this method of informing the public that I have removed my stock of goods to the Usry Building on College Street, lately occu pied by Fred. N. Day, where I will be glad to have my friends and the public generally call whenever in need of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, etc. Repairing a specialty. Usry Building, College I have in stock a large and varied line of new Spring Millinery. Every imaginable col or, style combination and braid produced this season for ladies, miss es and children. A stock incomparably complete and prices un equaled. Miss Trader, an artis tic Milliner, of Balti more, is with me. Call and examine my stock before you buy elsewhere. . J. T. BRITT, Next door to Lynch's Jewelry Store, Main St., Oxford, N. C. THE BARGAIN MAN. E. - T. - RAWLINS, MAIN STJiEET,- OXFORD, N. C. Every dollar you spend with us brings its full return and every purchase made is appreciated. In Shoes, we have the largest stock in town. Men's, Ladies' and Children's at almost any price. In LADIES' SLIPPERS! I cannot be beat. Large stock, from 75 eents up to first grades. Our Dry Goods and Notion De partment is full of good bargains, which you should take advantage of. Special invitatiDn to the ladies to call and inspect them. We can suit you. CLOTHING AND HATS I We have a large stock of Clothing and Ilata, well selected and at DKD KOCK PKICKS. Call and examine them before you make your purchases. mayl2.8m. Administrator's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS DAY day qualilied as administratrix of Thos. U. Pittard, deceased, hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 10th day of April, 18U4, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. SALLIE PITTAlil), AdminiBtratrix. April 10th, 1893. aprl4-Gt. J i I OF- STORE! St., mi Oxford, N. C, MRS vin i iiiiwin

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