, P- i THE WEEKLY c. V C """" " """ "" I . l-ll-l.lt.- I I 11.11 -HI-HI I II I. . ,. i , , , if VOLUMK VI NO. 31. BRIEF LOCAL MENTIONS. What in Transpiring: Aronml and About Hn, in Town ami County. Mr. Ed. Osborn was sick severa days the past week. The boys and girls will soon haye to get leady for school days. We regret to leam that Mi. Sid ney Minor is still confined to his bed. Read the advertisement of valu able land for sale in Mecklenburg county, Va. Our thanks go out to Mr. Jl. V. Wade, of Stem, for a nice lot of grapes and cantaloupes. Mrs. Julia Lanier, who has been quite sick some days, we are grati fied to state is improving. The Durham Sun says it is re ported that II. H. Blackley has gone to enlist in the U, S. army. Judge Winston is holding For- svthe court. There is a big docket, 11G criminal and 1GG civil cases. Dr. J. E. Wycheis attending the Dental Conerress at Chicago. He will return about September 1st. Dr. Sam Booth is still confined to his room on account of sickness. Wf hone to see him out in a few days. We regret to learn of tho sick ness of Mrs. Seldon, who is spend ing some time with Mrs. M L. Har grove. L. G. O'Brien, one of the busi ness farmers of Salem township, dropped in Wednesday and reported good crops. Fine grapes are plentiful and almost going a begging on the mar ket. The best sells for only two cents a pound. Collector E. A. White, of this revenue district, has sent in his re situation. He has made a most faithful official. Mr. Tom Lawrence continues to improve. He has been a great sufferer in his left foot with rheuma tism for several week. Mr. W. A. McFarland, of the Trinity section, was a welcome visitor to our sanctum on Saturday. So was Lonnie Smith, of Hargrove. We had the pleasure of meeting in our office Saturday Mr. O. D. Mc Farland, of Brunswick, Ga. He is on a visit to his home near Berea. Messrs. W. T. Hunt and W. L. Hunt, ot Tally Ho, J. W. Wilson, of Watkins, ai.d W. IT. Green, of Dex ter, called to see us on Wednesday. On Mnndoy we haci the pleasure of meeting in our office, the talented and wide awake President of the University, Prof. Geo. T. Winston. Dr. Fort wish to inform those m need of repairing done to mastica tors that he is at his office ready to serve them. Satisfaction guaran teed. Capt. Dusenbury, the affable agent of the R. & D., we are sorry to learn has been on the sick list for several days. We wish him a speedy recovery. It is always pleasant to the editor, who is abused by. almost everybody because he does not ex actly accord with their views, and we raise our last winter's hat to thank the genial Alf Hobgood for a nice watermelon. Col. Buck Meadows, of Durham, dropped in to see us on Tuesday and we found that he had a liberal amount of hay seed in his pockets, m the shape of nice samples of ch ewmsr tobacco branded "Hav Seed," which he was giving out to all lovers of the weed. OXFORD, The Board of County Commis 1 sioners was in sessiou Monday, with all its members present. The genial, smiling Bill Hart, of Oak Hill, smiled in upon us on Wed nesday and left a half bushel of nice pears for our better half, for which we thank him kindly. Mr. Stephen Jones, of Culbreth. places us under many obligations to him tor a nice lot ot grapes ana peaches. His two bright little boys were with him in town Tuesday. Messrs. E. N. Crews and Ste phen Burrough, of Dabney, John Reams, of Clay, W. O. Bobbitt, of Dement, and J. W, Mitchell, of Wil ton, called to see the old man Mon day. It was our pleasure to meet on our streets Wednesday, Messrs. W. S. Gooch, of Stem, and J. J. Mead ows of Culbreth, who informed us that crops were fine, and cures of tobacco excellent. Keep your premises clear of rub bish and garbage, be prudent in your eating and don't get drunk more than once in a century and your chances of escape from the cholera will be very good. Mr. W. B. Crews, who has been sick so long at his home near Tar River, has so far recovered as to be able to come to town, and is now at the Osborn House, and his many friend are glad to see him. Mr. J. W. Mitchell informed us on Monday that a lady, at the tender age of 70 years, Miss Inscore, who Hves within 8 miles of Kittrell, never saw the train or a show or any kind of a steam engine, and neyer has seen a grist mill. In the account of the shooting affray last week, in which Messrs. Allen and Parham were concerned, it should have been stated that when the two gentlemen met before Mr. L. E. Wright's store, some words passed between themj that Mr. Allen gave Mr. Parham the "lie," at the same time having an open knife in his hand, and it was then that Mr. ham drew his pistol and fired. Mr. W. W. Brummitt sent us a genuine curiosity, the like of which we have never seen before, certainly by not anyone in these parts. It is tossel from a large, ordinary corn- stork with this tossel are about one hundred small ears of partly devel oped corn, shucked, silked and with almost regular size grains. The stalk from which this curiosity was taken had two good size ears of corn on it. Death of Mrs. T. T. Grantly. The intelligence of the death of this truly excellent christian lady at Ocala, Fla., last week has carried sorrow to the hearts of her many friends in this section where the greater portion of her life was spent. For some time past her health has been delicate. Indeed even before she left Oxford a few j7ears ago to take up her residence in Ocala she had shown evidences of declining health. During all the long period of her residence in Oxford she had been noted for deeds of charity and consecration to her duties as a chris- tain. She was a member of the Baptist Church and to herself and her family the Baptist Church in Oxford was indebted for much of its prosperty during their residence here of some 35 or 40 years. We expect in our next issue to publish a suitable tribute to the memory of this good christain lady who was so much beloved and ad mired by all of her acquaintances. N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1893. CUPIDS STILL AT WORK. Beautiful Marriage oi Two Popular You n tc People at Stovall. For sometime past the anticipated marriage of James Powell, one of Oxford's most popular and esteemed young gentleman, has been the topic of much comment among the young people of Oxford. He was paying his suit with true gallantry to Miss Bettie Gregory, of Stovall, one of Granville county's fair and beautiful damsels. Cards had been out for the marriage for several weeks. On Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Episcopal Church at Stovall the marriage was celebrated after the beautiful ceremony of that denomination, the Rev. J. M. Horner officiating. The attendant were as follows: Wm. Smith and Miss Lucy Greg ory, of Richmond, Va., Willie J). Bryan and Miss Ida Gregory, C. H. Easton and Miss Cora Taylor, P. H. Thomas and Miss Effie Gregory, of Richmond, Va., James Osborn and Miss Fannie Skinner, J. M. Gregory, of Richmond, Va., and Miss Lucy Williams, Col. T. H. Boyd and Miss Carrie Hobgood, Harry Williams and Miss Ruth Ferrabee. Quite a select crowd of spectators were present at the church to witness the solemn and impressive rites that made the twain as one flesh. After the ceremony the bridal par ty returned to Oxford, and in com pany with a number of other invited guests attended a reception given by Capt. and Mrs. C. P. Powell. The Captain and his accomplished lady cannot be surpassed, so we learn, in entertaining their frends in the most approved and elegant style. The spread was superb m all of its ap pointments and the occasion was one of exceptionably successful charac ter. Giye Competent Democrats a Show. EditorPublic Ledger : Our people have for a long time been hoping that our Congressman, A. H. A. Williams would oust the rads in this District and put in office competent Democrats. What is the matter ? Have our Democratic Rep resentative no influuence with the administration .? if not, we are in a bad fix. Why can't men, who have served our party, and party friends who are now in office, get a little recognition ? if you will pardon me, I will suggest that Britt, Daniel, Graham and many others who have served the party both by money and time are out in the cold. This should not be so, if our office holders ever expect in the future, to have any in fluence. When the Democratic par ty wins, we expect to see Democrats in office and honest government; but what are we to expect of our Repre sentatives with Republicans in office ? I simply suggest that there will be a future recognizing Brassfield Township. W, O. Hardnwaj, Esq- This gentleman who is one of the piominent lawyers of Roanoke, Va., we notice ha been highly endorsed in the Roanoke Evening World for the nomination for the office of At torney General of Virginia. The article commends his abilities and popularity in the highest terms. He is a brother of Rev- J. S. Hard away, of Oxford, and on a visit to Ox- brd a few years ago made a most fa vorable impression as a gentlemen of accomplished mainers and intel ligence. A bargain in a Victor bicvcle, either cushion or pneumatic tires easy- terms ... . . . tl TT O . n-w-r to riffiit party. iiyas o. omrva. OAK HILL ORACLES. Personal Blessed With Good Show ers Other News. Mrs. Cook, of Henderson, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. W. H. Puryear. Mrs. T. S. West and children, of Keysyille, Va., are visiting relatives here. We have been blessed with good showers and the crops have improv ed wonderfully. The Rev. Mr. Earnhardt has been conducting a very successful pro tracted meeting at Webb's Chapel, near this place. Well, I predict that Grover will give us relief if Congress will heed him, and the calamity howlers will wait a little while. Miss Anna Puryear. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. West, for some time, has returned home, to the delight of some of our young gents. Every Democrat in the county should stand by and patronize the PuBiiic Ledger, which is fighting the miserable Thirdite Republicans in the interest of good government and white supremacy. It seems as if Vance is going over to the Thirdites. I hope he has been quoted wrong. If the Third party persist in their attempt to disrupt the Democratic party I don't see anything in the future for us but hard times and bad government. I think the present financial crisis is attributable to the Thirdites, as it started in the West where they are strongest. Tar Heel. State Farmers' Alliance. The State Farmers' Alliance con vened at Greensboro on Tuesday. About 200 delegates and spectators were present. Frequent allusions were made to Senator Vance, and was cheered to the echo for his re cent letter to the Alliance, and yet the Charlotte Observer made the honorable Senator very indignant for coupling his name with that of the renegade "Maryander" Butler, the chief instrument in the hands of the Republicans during the late cam paign to defeat the Democratic tick et that adyocated the same princi ples that Senator Vance reiterated in his letter. In order that our readers may see the kind of material that body was composed of we simply state that Dr. A. J. Dalby represents the Third ites in Granville at the State con clave. They Condemn It. We had a call on Tuesday evening 1 ist from Mr. W. D. Cash, one ol the good citizens of Tally Ho township, who said that while it is true Mr. Theo. btem did send a negro to act as overseer of the public road in his (Stem's) place, yet the members of the Third party we named in writing of the occur rence, intimating that they were too good men to belong to such a party one of the gentleman was Mr. Cash), condemn Mr. Stem's action in the the matter. In fact, the whole neigh borhood, Mr. Cash says, disapproves of it. We are glad to hear of this. We do not want negro supremacy in this country do not want negroes boss ing white men however right some Thirdites think it and despite their strenuous efforts in that direction. We have reduced our $35.00 one horse wagons to $25 00. Call early and get a bargain. Farming implements of all kinds at Edwards & Winston's. aprl4-tf. i Special bargains in Buergie3 and-Har I ness for cash. ily28 a. H. Smith. $1.50 PER ANNUM. PURELY PERSONAL. Brief Mention of the Movements of Your Friends and Acquaintances. A. W. Graham is attending Orange court. Rev. J. M. Horner visited Tar boro this week. Miss Beulah Mitchell has return ed from Morehead City. Miss Lottie Britt is visiting Miss Ethel Dorsey, at Henderson. Miss Nena Cozart, of Durham, is visiting Miss Beulah Mitchell. Capt. B. S. Royster is in Wash ington on professional business, Mrs. Tuos. White and children are visiting relatives at Louisburg. Miss Lillie Kronheimer is spend ing a while at Buffalo Springs, Va. We enjoyed a pleasant call from Mr. Chas. P. Hester, on Monday last. Mr. R. H. Pleasant, of Pleasant, was in Oxford Tuesday and called to see'us. Miss Mary Lynch left this week for a months stay with relatives at Hillsboro. Mrs. C. J. Ward and children are yisiting relatives at Franklinton this week. Mrs. W. I. Wilkinsph and chil dren are visiting Mr. A. Wilkinson, at Averett, Va. Dr. W. O. Baskerville left Wed nesday morning for a week's stay at BuffaloSprings, Va. Mr. George T. Pruden is on a visit to relatives and friends in the Eastern part of the State. The charming Miss Helen Can- nady has returned from a delightful visit to the Wilton section. Our esteemed friend, Mr. Law- son Knott and little daughter, paid us a pleasant yisit Wednesday after noon. Mr. Jack Gregor3T, of Richmond, arrived in Oxford Monday and re ceiyed a warm welcome by his old friends. Mrs. T. B. Pendleton and little daughter, Virgie, are visiting Mrs. Pendleton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Usry. Mrs. D. L. Jackson, of Augusta, Ga., and Miss Lizzie Minnick, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting MrsrT. W. Jackson. When Baby was siclr, we gave ner o&sibri. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. I have more than a car load of Old Hickory Wagons that I would like to ex chantre for wheat and allow the lrghest market prices for good clean wheat. I have several bargains in Buggies that I. will take wheat in exchange for. Owen, Barhour & Smith. july28tf S. IT. Smitu. JIBsoIafely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Govern ment Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co. 10G Wall St.,?fewiYork, mat : 1 f i! I i !! 1 1 i i 41 :