MirT..-.-.l- -irmrn--'"J- "-iinr n : irnrrri n--- iliiininr1- -" - I I 1km Mumn Ui,wmMumnm m mmmunmmvttmtkmMmt ,,rm.im,i mAtmm m iiti. iWtoMiiMmiu atBinir-jWinn wi ...- ..Tr, .. 1rr-ifn-rt-MimirM mrTTtr iqj tm mm t 11 "l i m i"- - - J - - -r- imur- r--j m,.---- ..- -.. ,a... . ,. ., . VOLUME VI NO. 40. BRIEF LOCAL MENTIONS. What is TmiiNIriiiK Around and About Fs, In Town and Conuty. We thank Mr. R. C. Puckett for a lot of the finest apples of the sea son. The Center Warehouse is now being rebuilt, but it will be smaller in size. Oxford is a regular hog town. There are within the corporation 440 estimated to be worth about 10,000. A heavy small grain crop will be planted in this section. Land is now being prepared and is in line condition. At the recent meeting of the New York Society of apothecaries, our townsman, Mr. F. B. Hays, was elected Secretary. W. W. Brummitt is now on the move in the interest of the Wilkin son Warehouse. Remember him when you come to market. The funeral of the late H. L. Duncan will be preached at old Goshen Chapel on the 5th Sunday in October at 11 o'clock a. m. Mr. J. R. Stem, of Stem, killed a fish hawk a few days ago that was 5 feet 5 inches high and his wings measured G feet from tip to tip. The injury to the tobacco crop by the storm is now showing itself at the warehouses. The proportion of good "brights" is quite small. The day has shorter grown of late And night the longer waxes, And men have time to ruminate O'er how to meet their taxes. The passenger fare over the R. & D. to and from Raleigh is $1.85 first class and 1.55 second class instead of $2.00 first and $170 second as hereto fore. Mr. and Mis. C. J. Cooper, have gone to housekeeping. They occupy the Presbyterian parsonage. May peace and joy ever , reign supreme around their fireside. Dr. R. W. Hobgood comes to the front on sweet potatoes. Tuesday he presented the editor with 12 potatoes that measured i bushel, weighing 271bs. Many thanks kind friend. The opussum can now be caught, the law preventing their being hunt ed having expired October 1st. But remember that the turkey and bird law does not run out until Novem ber 1st. Friday and Tuesday were big days for Oxford. Big breaks of tobacco, and highest market prices were paid for all grades. Farmers bring your tobacco to Oxford if you want highest averages. J. E. Jones, a leveled headed farmer of Beaufort county, continues to ship his crop of tobacco to Mes srs. Booth & Hunt. He had another good lot on the market Tuesday. That's right send it along as Oxford cannot be downed on high averages. We are glad to state Mr. S. H. Smith, has purchased from Mr. A. A. Hicks, Trustee for Owen, Barbour & Smith, the entire stock of hard ware, buggies, &c, and will continue business at the old stand, where he would be glad to have his friends call wheneyer they need any thing in his line. The new party ought to be right well satisfied with the present ad ministration, because the second han in power (Judge Gusham) is the man above all others they wanted to nominate for President on their ticket. But he would not accept. He said Cleveland's platform was the best for the country. OXFORD, -Mr. William Biggs has placed the weather signal pole on top of the Odd Fellows building. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jones, of Har grove, had an addition to their house hold this week. It's ''papa's baby boy." Mr. Alex Feild has removed his law office up over Paris Bros store in the room formerly occupied by A, A. Hicks. Mr. L. Thomas, is a regular prize winner on pigs. He has two that is 10 months old it is said will weigh 400 lbs apiece. Gus Hobgood the efficent mana ger of the hands at the American Tobacco Companys immense prize house, has been a great suffer sever al days this week with a bone felon. Grant Foster, the heayy weight champion of the market, is now run ning the restaurant in rear of Usrys, and we are under obligation to him for a fine dish of opossum and pota toes. Davidson College has opened with more students in attendance than ever before. More than one hundred and fifty are already on the grounds, and new ones arrive almost every day. The Cooper Bank has an ample supply of money to pay for all the tobacco that may be brought to Ox ford. Prices are climbing higher and higher on all bright grades. Bring it along. , , Hillman Cannady, one of our fine Granville bovs who is a student at Horner's School, got his nose badly hurt a few days ago while playing foot ball. We are glad to learn that he is getting along all right now. In the House on Tuesday the Tucker Bill, repealing the election law allowing superyisors and sol diers at the polls, passed by 200 re peal, and 101 against it. . We are glad to say that the Populists voted with the Democrats. Quite a number of what are termed ''farmers' encampments" have been arranged for under the auspices of the Farmers' Alliance, but really to afford the Populist speakers an oppoiirtunity of spread ing their doctrine as Maron Butler and Harry Skinner are the chief ora tors. It is rumored that the President of Bachelors' Club will in a short time tender his resignation as he has become, after many attacks, a victim to the charms, of "women, dear woman," and ere the shades of Christmas approaches will be a benedict, and the girls will lose a gallant beaux. - Those of our people who intend going to the State Fair will have the benefit of an extra train over the Oxford & Clarksville from Oxford to Raleigh, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, of next week. See notice elswhere as to schedule and rates. Capt. Dusenbery is to be thanked for the conveinence of attending the fair and returning the same day. A New Party man said: Both of the old political parties are corrupt and rotten to the core." Well, the New Party has become just as rot ten in the one year of its existence, as the old party have in all of the many years of their existence. So the new partie has a worse rot than the old ones. If the old parties are so corrupt, why is it that the new party loves one of the old (the Republican) so well? It must be because cor ruption loves corruption. N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1893. uoi. and Mrs. mroud, or ar River, and Mr. E. C. Harris, of Tabb creek, were on our streets Thursday. Our esteemed young farmer Nat Jones, of Culbreth, placed on our table Thursday G sweet potatoes that weighed 17 pounds. Our many thanks go out to him for his kind ness. OUR NEW ADVERTISERS. JLlve Warehousemen, Business Men, I-eyrjil .Notices. "Tobacco wanted" is what Booth & Hunt proclaims to the farmers in this issue. They are just the boys to sell with, as it a source of great sat isfaction to these affable gentlemen to get the highest figures for all grades of tobacco put on their floor. They always "get there" on high averages. Eugene Crews, the reguv lar talking machine, is auctioneer ing at the Alliance this year, and makes things lively in the interest of the farmers. Messrs. R. F. Knott & Co. now have the Minor Warehouse in fine order, and are prepared to sell all grades at "rafter prices." In fact highest averages is what they strive to get for their farmer friends. In the lan guage of Alf Hobgood, say "carry the news to Mary that the old Minor is the )lace to sell your tobacco." Be sure to cast your orbs oyer what tney have to say elsewhere. Mr. Sidney Minor is the boo1:, keeper, and is s careful accurate figurer. Mr. J. G. Bowling continues as auctioneer. The Banner Warehouse in Durham is headquarters for all grades of tobacco, and "Uncle Hub' Cozart, with his sons, will make every pile fetch high water-mark prices. There is great demand in Durham for all grades and plenty of money await the demand of the farmers. When you go to Durham make for the Ban - ner and "Uncle Hub" will give you a warm welcome and send you home happy. Read his message to you in another column. Cold waves are abroad in the land and it behooves the people to protect themselves from the chilly winds by supplying themselves with good clothing, shoes, hats, furnishing goods, etc., along with a warm over coats, and Krouheimer's Clothing House is just the very place to buy them. Mr. Kronheiraer is recogniz ed as one of the best clothing mer chants in this section of the State, and studies the wants of his custo mers, selecting his stock with great care. He can rig out from head to foot from the smallest boy up to the largest man. Just cast your eagle eyes on what he tells you in an ad vertisement in another part of this paper. W.H.Smith, The Tailor, has in stock some nice suitings and is now prepared to take orders for making up stylish suits, as well as pants. Call and examine his stock, take your choice and let him go to work. If you want any cutting done he is the J -I , T I 1- J. Hf O 111. man to uo it. iveau wna-i mr. oimui has to tell in another column. Those that are interested should read the legal notices of H. D. Man gum, J. S. Amis, T. J. & J. A. Crews and W. A. Bobbitt to be found in this issue. The Electric Light Plant is for sale as announced elsewhere by the Board of Directors. It is a good op portunity for investment. Another Reduction to Ciicasro. Company has again reduced rates to the Worlds Fair. Tickets, limited 15 days and good in sleeping cars, now on sale from Oxford at rate of $21.90 for round - trip. This is probably the last reduction that will be made and everyone snouia take advantage of it. PURELY PERSONAL. Brief Mention of tlie Movements of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Mr. H. M. Lainer spent Sunday in Oxford. Prof. W. H. P. Jenkins was in town Thursday. Mr. N. B. Cannady attended Vance court this week. Mrs. J. T. Cozart, of Carlton, was on our streets Saturday. Samuel T. Nicholson, of Halifax county, was in Oxford Tuesday. Col. Buck Meadows, of Durham, dropped in to see us Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fuller, of Berea, were on our stieets Tuesday. I. H. Stegall, the venerable merchant of Lewis, was in town Tuesday. Miss Mary Lynch is at . home again after a two months visit to Hillsboru. i Dr. J. B. Williams Jr., left Mon day for Baltimore to take a course of lectures, A. W. Graham was in Raleigh Wednesday arguing a case before the Supreme court. Miss Nannie Jeffrey, of Hester was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hobgood the past week. During the past week we enjoyed a visit from our esteemed friend Mr. "D" Lyon of Dutchville. Dr. Faucette, of Burlington, snent several days in Oxford this week on a visit to his parents. Frank Landis is now a tourist for a Drug House in New York, and left on Monday to assume his duties. R. W. Clay, of Clay, and L. A. Royster, of Adoniram, both mer chants, yisited Oxford Tuesday. Messrs Sim and Sam Buliock, of Stem, were on our streets Tuesday. Thfiv will onen a store at Green's in j a few days. Mrs. Gowan Dusenbury, who has been on an extended visit to Richmond and Baltimore will return home Saturday. Mr. W. N. Watkins, of Houston, Va., and Mr. Henry Easley, cashier nf Bank at South Boston, Va., were in Oxford Friday. Douglass Lynch returned from Waycross, Ga., on Friday. He has been sick and we trust he will rapid ly regain his health. Mr. G. W. Yeargan, one of Brassfields good farmers, was on our market Friday and we had the pleas ure of a visit from him. Mr. Howard Garner, one of our County Commissioners, was in town Tuesday accompanied by his brother, Mr. Chas. Garner, of Wake. Oscar Gregory returned from Burlington Fair Monday and says "Black Bess" acted beautifully and created quite a sensation. He will be at Suffolk Fair next week. We enjoyed a visit on fuesday from H. D. Mangum and his manly ttt t Tl 1 TT7M1 sons. w. -A.. macKiey, anu winy Nevills, of Brasfield township, and James Elliott and C. H. Butler, of Seth. Capt. Dusenbery, our popular .Railroad Agent, spent several days the past week at his old home, Con cord. He tells us'that the old town is enjoying great prosperty despite the panic. Messrs. J. H. House, of Wilton, T. S. Rai?sdale. of Adoniram, S. H. C3 ' ' Moss,' and Abner Overton, of Fish ing Creek, were on the big tobacco break Tuesday and we had a visit from them. I $1.50 PER ANNUM. We had the pleasure of meeting in our office Saturday Dr. E. B. Frazier, of Indian Territory. He is on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Good rich Wilson, at Stovall. He is a successful stock raiser. Mr. J. D. Brooks left Tuesday for the North to buy his fall stock of goods. It wi'l pay you to keep your eye on brook's Store when he returns home, as he will be able to sell you goods at panic prices. .R. J. Daniel was in town this week, and we were pleased to learn from him that his father, Mr. Wm, Daniel, had so far recovered from his stroke of paralysis as to be able to walk about the house and yard. Mr. W. C. Thaxton who has been a resident of Oxford several years left on Monday with his family for Jacksonville, Fla, to accept a position with a packing house. During his stay in Oxford he made many warm friends, and we regret to lose such a good citizen. Special Trams to Stnte Fair, Kalelgn. Special trains will be operated to the State. Fair, Raleigh, N. C, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, Oc tober 17, 18 and 19, on the following schedule: Going Leave Oxford 7:45 a. m., arrive Raleigh 10:30 a. m. Re turningLeave Raleigh 4:30 p. m., arrive Oxford 7:40 p. m. Rate from Oxford to Raleigh and return, in cluding one admission into the fair grounds, $2.90. For further information call on or address Gowan Dusenbery, Agent. English Spavin Linlmen removes all Hard, 8oft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Ourhs, .Splints, 8vveeuev, litng-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, ftc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Oxford. N. C. We Didn't Have It. Several people haye thoughtless ly mortified us this week by asking us to change $10 bills. When the panic commenced the poor hard worked newspaper man, who has done everything in his power to build up the town, was the first in dividual to be cut on in advertising and subscriptions. Even with all this we are expected to continue right on running and blow the to bacco market, and eveything else entirely on Wind. Well, we would like to ask the people and business men how they expect to have a news paper in Oxford if they do not pat ronize it. When Baby was slclt, we gave ner oGi k. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Need Wheat lor Sale. , 80 bushels sped clean seed wheat for sale. Apply to 1L Puck bit. oct.G-3.v. near Lewis' X Rnjids. JIBsolaieJy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Govern Roya, Baking Powder Co 106 Wall St., New York. ment x ooa itepori. $ ' ' , 4 : f ' ''XI : , ' ! ; i ' i S. ? ;