THE PUBLIC LEDGER. HURRAH FOR OXFORD MARKET, Bij? Breaks on Friday and Tuesday Last. Friday and Tuesday were gala days for the Oxford tobacco market. Immense quantities of tobacco ' were placed on our warehouse floors both these days and blights seemed to be the centre of attraction among buy ers as prices had ''shot up among the rafters" as one of the buyers ex pressed it. One farmer said it re minded him a "little of old times." Another said, "I guess the backbone of the panic must be about in two as Alf Hobgood has just hollowed Carry the news to Mary." During each day the warehouses were the centre of attraction, but the Cooper Bank was head center, after each sale, where crisp greenbacks, shining silver and gold was paid out to the good farmers and placed on the uoyage of circulation among the people, and assist in supplying their needs. We are glad to see our warehouse men have determined to sell their share of the crop, and the farmers can always rely on getting the very top of the market on all grades in Oxford. At the Meadows warehouse W. R. Montague received 43, 28, 11 14i, S. Enoch Arrington 18, 20, 14, M. R. J. Woody 17, 18, 22, 19. Bullock & Mitchell step up by pay ing W. B. Bowling d, 13J, 20, 45, 18, 5.C0. Z. W. Tingen 5.90 20, 30, 1G. J. P. Atkins, 8, 41, 23 J, 15, Gf. Graham Peed, lGf, 40, 1S. Dun can & Green 5.40, 11, 32, 50, 24, 15, 7. Booth & Hunt swing into line and capture for S. L. Wilson 8, 17, 39, GO, 35, 21: J. H. House llf , 14J, 151, 25, 35, 45, A. Breedlove 5.40,-lli, 25, GO, 45, 29, 15. W. S. Mitchell 9, 20, 42J, 2H, 14. W. I. Wilkinson next came along and secured for B. E. Green G, 12 1, 36, 3G. Eva Davis 10, 37, 17, 15, 4.80. Zeb Fuller 10i, 25, 20, G. Next halt made was at the Minor which walked up and panned out to to W. R. Ellington 39 J, 23i, 11, 10. R. J. Jeffreys 45, 38, 20, 9, 7, 20, 17i. W. I. King 50. J. T. Hughes 45, 221, 10, 27, 8. Fielding Knott 22, 22, 10i, 10, Gi. ' We had the pleasure of meeting on the sales the following farmers that we knew: K. Z. Thomasson, Joe Puckett, H. R. Gooch, Frank Currin, T. J. Smith, W. J, Mize, J. M. Ellington, E. K. Howard, Bob Adcock, Thos. Daniel, Jr., Ed Pruitt, A. F. Smith, W. W. Knott, D. G. Hobgood, O. Yancey, Geo. Bobbitt, C. K. Hester, Booker Beasly, S. V. Morton, J. P. Mize, M. B. Hobgood, W. J. Mangum, James Walters, Sam Ellington, J. W. Wil son, David Smith, A. G. Fuller, B. E. Green, James Cottrell, Chas. Crews, A. A. Clay, H. H. Latta, H. G. Moss, David Duncan. Stophen Minor, J. L. Haskins, W. Lumpkins, Graham Peed, W. C. Peed, Ajax Walters, W. Bowling, I. N, Hob good, Geo. Royster, A. G. Clement, E. T. York, B. I. Breedlove, S. F. Currin, J. J. Meadows, Harvey Hob good, Amos Dean, G. L. Allen, Henry Floyd, Thos. Husketh, Buck Peed, Wash Dean, Lee Cavenish, B. F. Frazier, Zaek Daniel, Henderson Meadows, Leroy Wagstaff, Stephen Jones, Will Howard, Sam Badgett, Ed Lyon. A Popnlar Colored Man Dead. Peter Gilliam, a well known colQ ored nursei of Oxford, passed away last week. He was good hearted and generous, and by his devotion when nursing the sick many expres sion of regret were heard when it was announced that he was dead. Mi. W. H. Usborn, who was warmly attached to him, on announcement of his death telegraphed Mr. R. W. Lassiter to have him decently buried and has paid the expenses. The amount collected from the citizens foi that purposes having been given to his family to supply immediate wants.' To Iheladles In looking around for real bar gains don't forget to call on Mrs. J. T. Britt, as she can sell as cheap as anyone in Oxford even if they are selling at cost. Have a nice line of 'notions, ribbons, feathers, gloves, baby caps and sacks. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Proceedings of tlie Board First Mon. day. The meeting met with Thos. D. Waller, chairman, G. B. Royster, W. H. Garner, J. P. Thomas, B. I. Breedlove, N. B. Cannady, attorney, and Capt. R. P. Hughes, acting clerk to the Board. Dr. P. Booth, Superintendent of Health, made his report. Ordered that Bella Newton, a pau per of Sassafras Fork, be stricken from the list. Ordered that T. D. Waller and J. P. Thomas are hereby appointed a committee to examine and receive the delinquent tax list. Ordered that Jackey Ann Edwards, a pauper, be sent to the poor house, and that Nancy Richards be put on the outside list at $1.00 per month from date. Several rebates were allowed per sons on. taxes. A. W. Graham, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Public Roads in Oxford township, tendered his resignation which was accepted, and on motion W. C. Reed was unan imously elected to fill the yacancy. Several claims against the county were allowed. Ex-Sheriff J. A. Crews reported collected from all sources $454. 9G. Sheriff W. S. Cozart reported col lected taxes for 1893 $472.81. The following jurors for November term of the court, commencing the 27th November, were drawn: FIRST WEEK. A. C. Parham, L. W. Williford, Jr., Amos Dean, S. H. Cash, G. E. Beck, David Burchett,JJ. H. Nelson, J. L. Lyon, J. L. Haskins, L. H. De ment, R. V. Blackwell. R. O. Smith, C. H. Green, S. H. Moss, C. C. How ell, George Ferrell, R. A. Loyd, R. G. Fuller, J. H. Breedlove, A. E. Bobbitt, W. F. Lyon, A. W. Monta gue, C. M. Rogers, R. T. Crews, J. W. Wilkins, R. D. Horner, P. Thorp, Jr., Sol O'Brien, N. B. Daniel, An drew Williford, F. M. Meadows, J. A. Wilson, D. W. Hockaday, T. D. Bullock, J. C. Currin, W. A. Par ham. SECOND WEEK. Dock Peace, W. H. Puryear, Chas. Cash, B. E. Davis, W. W. Hart, W. H. Hunt, Luke Umstead, Alex Jones, B. D. Umstead, R. H. Allen, J. Flem Hester, C. E. Averett, M. W. Fow ler, E. T. White, Robert Allen, W. T. V. Overton, R. A. Gill. C oinpllmeut to an Old Oxford Boy. Lt. Willie Lassiter has been or dered to his command at Salt Lake City. He has been the recruiting officer at Greensboro and Knoxville, Tenn., for two years. He spent sever al days with his mother and brother the past week. Knoxville Journal, Oct. G, says: It was a brilliant reception, that ten dered by the members of the Bach elors Retreat at their Rookery, cor ner Vine and Walnut streets, last evening. ' It was given in honor of Lieuten ant William Lassiter, U. S. A., who will leave at once to rejoin his com pany at Salt Lake City, after having had charge for several months of the local recuiting station of the U. S. A., which station, under his excel lent supervision, has become one of most important in the country. A sumptuous dinner prepared in the height of the art by the Rookery's most excellent chief was served. It consisted of numerous royal courses. The tables were beautified by a prog fusion of flowers and an invisible orchester furnished the sweetest of strains. After the dinner the dining room was cleared an due devotion paid the Terpsichorean art. The reception was an elegant affair, marking not only the loss of one of the members of the Retreat, but also the termina tion of the pleasant association of the excellent young men who have been in retreat at the Rookery from hotel life during the summer that is no more. To make the hair grow a natural color, prevent baldness, and keep the scalp healthy, Hall's Hair Renewer was invent ed, and has provided itself successful. When traveling, always take a cake of Johnson's OrlentalSoap witn you ; disease are often caught from useing hotel soap. Sold by. J. Gj Hall. ' PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING Of the Sesslon of the Presbyterian Church of Oxford, 5T. C. Whereas, it has pleased the Lord to take out of this life James C. Cooper, a member of the session of this church, It is ordeied as a token of the af fectidnate remembrance in which he is held by the members of this ses sion who survive him that the fol lowing be entered in the minutes of the session immediately after the record of the proceedings of this meeting. IN MEMORIAM. James C. Cooper, born October 4, 1810; ordained an elder of the Pres byterian 'church at Oxford in the year 1807; departed this life the 25th of August, 1893, at his home in Ox ford, N. C. Resolved, That in the death of our brother we have sustainnd a great loss. He was remarkable for his de votion to his church, his wisdom in counsel, and liberality, when called on, towards the church's support and extension; but what was our loss is his gain. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and theii works do follow them." Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be furnished the family of the deceased and for publication in the North Carolina Presbyterian and Oxford Public Ledger. J. Ernest Thacker, M. V. Lanier, Moderator. Clerk. Passenger Coaches on Freight Trains. On and after this date passenger coaches will be operated on freight trains on the following schedule. Leave Keysville 10:30 p. m., arrive Oxford 3:31 a. m., leave Oxford 3:45 a. m. arrive Durham 5:30 a. m., Raleigh 7:30 a. m. Leave Raleigh 4:30 p. m., Durham G:00 p. m., arrive Oxford 7:52 p. m., leave Oxford 8:15 p. m., arrive Keysville 12:55 a. m., Richmond 7:00 a. m. Go wan Dusenbery, Agent, R. & D. Oxford, N. C, Oct. 9th, 1893. Specimen Cases. S, H.Clifford New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disorded, bis Liver wp affected to an alarming degree, appertite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edwards Shepard, Harrisburg, 111., h d a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, andjjhis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O , had five large Fever sores on his eg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Elec trice Bitteis and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by J. G. Halls, drug store. Have not Felt tbe Pannic. There are farmers, not a few, who know but little of hard times. They are independent. They have plenty to live on, and money enough to meet their needs. How did they manage to be so well off, while many others are destitute and grumbling? They have staid at home and worked while others have spent a great deal of time and money attending scores of public meetings, and paying out money to keep up public organiza tions. There are some farmers who have scarcely lost a day, or paid out a dollar on such things. There are others who have spent time and money amounting to from ten to one hundred dollars. This makes the difference between contentment and discontent between enough, and not enough. The woman who works, and tired, will find a special help in Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. Perfectly harmless in any condition of the female system. It promotes all the natural function, and builds tip, strenghtens, regulates, and cures. For woman approaching confine ment, nursing mother-, and very weak, run-down,delicate women, it is an invigo rating, supporting tonic that's peculiary adapted to their needs. But it's more than that, too It's the only guaranteed remedy for all the func tional disturbance, painful disorders, and ohionic weakness of womanhood. In 'female complaints" ' of every kind, periodical pains, bearing down sensa tions, internal inflamation, and kindred ailments, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. OnlylwoofEach. Two very strong Columbus Bugffies. Two Elegant Canopy Top Surries. New Styles will sell at Cost for Cash. Fully warranted. Edwards & Winston. Sepl28-tf PAINTED HIMSELF GREEN. Executed a War Dance on Top of a Pole and Fought his Resellers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9 A drunken painter named Tucker gave a war dance on the narrow platform at the top of a tel phone pole ninety feet above the ground at Mitchell and Fayette streets this afternoon. He carried up a flask of whiskey and a can of green paintT With the paint he painted himself green from belt to crown. Then he sang and yelled and danced, attracting a great crowd. He swung himself from the edge of the platform, and dangled there in the air to the horror of the crowd below. Two linemen were telephoned for. They climed up. Ono got through the trap door, when Tucker shut it, and would not let the other up. He assaulted the linemen on the plat form, and they had a thrilling fight. Tucker tried to throw the lineman off, but the latter finally got in a blow with his nippers on Tucker's head, knocking him senseless. The other linemen then got up, and Tucker was let down with a rope and taken to the police station. When the hair U in- to come out in combiug, it show." a tkness of the scalp that calls for hum. i?itn Hitention. The hest prepaition to aireM. lutther loss of hair and restore the scalp u h .lt.hy condition is AyerV Hair Vigor. Cases ot 40 years fctandiug where rper ations have failed, have been ciireit by Japanease Pile Cure. Guaranteed by J. G. Hall. 11 It is a well known fact tbat much sickness and expense as well, is saved by providing the proper Clothing at the proper time. You need such to a certain extent and we think it to your advantage to remember that, at no other store in town can such a stock be found and they are attractive in every particular, prices reasonable, styles pretty and quality improved, winch is saying much if you bear in mind that we sell reliable goods and no others. Will call your atten- lion this time to one general stock only, viz : Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats. Largest stock we ever bought. r Pants, small and largp . Wool and Cotton Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves Suspenders, Neckwear, Collars and Cuffs, Dress and Working Shirts, &c. Hats and Caps. Immense stock. Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Re'iable makes on'y. Trunks, Valises, &c We will call your attention to prices later in the meantime call and see the stock. Buy clean new jroods from the only house in Ox ford with a full new fall and winter stock. liliwIiUlfuOll CLOTHING OXFO oct!3-3m. INNER- WMEH0 DURHAM, N. C, pounds of tobacco of which oyer 7.000,000 is bought uu lo ioe DAlNlNiK w AKUJUULJSli, ior uu.vnu.iii We have three Banks with a capital off 45U,uuu has plentv of cash to pay full market prices for she Tobacco Durham factories buy on other wvo-lrntt, tfting was bo dull and money so tight our factories paid out $ 75,800 00 in casn ior siami" pay rolls have been over $10,000.00 per week during all these dull time-. Consider all this weu auu viju win Tior. iiflrpn jit. nrnmmRrH iiiil hiwhvh He i mi. isrh innnrr.Hrs. iou kee nun u. - had orders on our neighborine markets to supply their demand. Why not bring it here al nrB "" let us give yon the advantage on our own floor t Don't forget us, but remember the facts euu you above and come on, we are anxious to serve you and promise to do our best at a'l tims. Yours, &c, B.. H. COZART, SONS & CO. lease remember our charges and that we PROGRESS IXCIIIHA. The Wheels Move Slowly In th Hra. on' JEi!ilr.. U.lSsJMai!S J? the EU'-r..r China hu1 the "boa of Heaven" is -r.j-Mi,Ifr t train of miniature r,ilro:,. ,.irs; jir?ented to him by the French f capitally who wish to get extracts for building railways. s In China, they w?ll wonder at its steam engine; and the six thousand electric lights ,which are now being put in the ho liest of Chinese sanctuaries, cannot hut turn their eye to our civilization. It will not be iong ere a m .tei hil advance ment will be 'made in the science of med icine, which has b.r so many ceuturies re mained a blot upon their civilization. The missioualries are doing much to dispel the mysticism and reverent awe which the Chinaman holds for the con coctions of snakes, toads, lizards,elc, pre pared by the nitive doctors. They rec ommend standard remedies which have long been favorably known in America and Europe, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a remedy for all cases of blood-tain s or humors, which has had years of uninterrupteu success in the United States, and numbers ita cures by the tens of thousands. This is a point gained for the future welfare of the Drogornen Empire. Rev. Ernest Thacker. We had the pleasure on Sunday morning and evening of hearing two excellent sermons by this young and promising divine. He is destined to make his mark as a divine of mark ed ability. He is deservedly popu lar. The Oxford Presbyterian church is to be congratulated on having so worthy, intelligent and pious a pas tor. He possesses much personal magnetism. One llumlrel Bushels Seed Wheat. 1 have 100 bushels of best sned wheat for sale. M. A. Gregory HOUSE eo (I i liters FOR mh -Prices We have opened up the new year with nevtf life, and a better feeling than for some months past. Our buyers are more anxious, ana have orders sufficient to handle twice the amount of tobacco that comes here. The factories are inj full force and consumes annually over 12,uou,owj on other markets. Now coufesb up and comd uae uiuuev ana nuyurrs tu icau "- 4Kaf uu mat will stand to our marKei auu all that comes here. In August when evei yj ; ,1 . l, : , ... 1 r nnf larorit bllVerS D8Ta i do our drumming on the floor, octlS-lra, . giBllllg mIHUAIKm " USE,