-f n- THE WEEKLY . Q;VS ji VOLUME VI---NO. 44. BRIEF LOCAL MENTIONS. What Is Transpiring1 Aronnd and Abont lis. In Town and Comity. Col. R. J. Mitchell lias had his residence neatly painted. A large number of our farmer friends in town Monday and Tues day. Mr. L. E. Wright- returned from New York FridajT, and has received his new fall goods. Miss Rosa Par-ham is having a neat fence erected in front of her residence on Raleigh street. We had the pleasure of meeting in our office .Wednesday Mr. L. N. Husketh, of Dayton, Durham county. Quite a number of lots and tracts of land were sold under mortgage and settlement of estates in front of the Court House Monday. If the men who ridicule women for making up their faces would only try to make their own faces pleasanter this would be a better world. If you are looking for stoves, sporting goods, buggies and wagons Edwards & Winston's is iust the place to get them at panic prices. In view of the public demand for a more rigid supervision over cranks it would be well to keep an eye on those who want to uswim in blood." We direct the special attention of our many readers to the import' ant announcement of M. F. Hart Co. 111 1 t I tfoods win oe ciosea out at your own price. squire o. v. n.uis naa quite a number of cases before him during the past week. His court is always more or less interesting. He most excellent magistrate. is a J. T. Mann, of Stanley county, has lost his wife and is sending out notices of reward. The woman gives the names of Lily Anderson. She left her home twelye days ago. The State Auditor expected to be gin last weeK tne issue or pension warrants, but it has been decided not to send them out until the close of the present fiscal year, which November 30th. is The Board of County Commission- ers were in session on Monday with all the members present. Thev did the usual amount of routine work, looking over delinquent tax lister, allowing accounts, etc. When your appetite calls for a nice stew or fry of oysters, or a first- , 1 "TV 1 V 1 , class meai jjock uveroys, over B rough ton's is just the place to get them. Try him once and you will be convinced of the fact. Two young men administered an old fash ioned chastisement to an of fender of their dignity some nights ago and his honor,. Mayor Royster, thought $5 was sufficient amount to plank down for the paddling. One of the mam issues in the Thirdite Alliance campaign, lately inaugurated in Granville, is said to be to elect Dr. Dalby Superior Court Clerk, and have a competent Repub- Thirdites, who thought he knew all Hcan to do the business of the office, about settling the money problem, Governor Carr will this week ap- asked a Democrat in Oxford how point three trustees of the Oxford many silver dollars was conied in Orphan Home. This is done at the 1892- The Democrat replied by ask request of the Grand Lodge of Mas ing him "how many jackasses were sons. The State appropriates the folded in Kentucky during 1892 f " sum of $10,000 to help sustain the The. subject was dropped, institution. Hard times has caused "Jewing" - The genial Wiley Nevills, of to be resorted to on every hand. A Brassfield, has a pig 15 months old man walked into the postoffice a few that is G feet long and measures 8 days ago and asked Postmaster Sikes feet around, and will weigh nearly to sell him six two cent stamps for 500 pounds. He says when his chil- 10 cents. Mr. Sikes with a smile, dren go to the pasture to get the said to have been child like, handed cows they take the pig for one. of the him out five. There is no selling at yearlings and drive him up. and below cost at that house. OXFORD, Iverson Skinner, a fine judge of tobacco, is now buying on order on this market. Our neighbor, Alf Hobgood, has two - red Jersey pigs that will weigh about 450 each. Our young friend Robt. Hunt, t i wno nas been sick some davs, is much improved. Mr. J. T. Cozart has discarded his horse and cart and now rolls in town from home on a bicycle. The weather signal under the supervision of Mr. Willie Biggs is a great convenience to our citizens. Mr. John Meadows raised a sweet potato in the shape of a snake coiled up. It measures about 3G inches in length. The Thirdite-Alliance campaign meeting did not come off at Stem on Friday. It was postponed to some future day. Some days ago Mr. R. BrouEr li tem sold his rjair of maernificent pointers to a gentleman in South & Carolina for $100. Oh! for some kind of a light to see how to plow through the mud in Oxford this winter. Cannot our town commissioners provide some kind of a light? We have received several very fine specimens of sweet potatoes this week. We do not know who will. capture the six months subscription oifered for the dozen largest sweet potatoes Mr. Robt. Dalby while handling a gun on Salurday accidentally dis charged it, but fortunately did no damage. The load entered the floor of the store a few inches from one of his feet. We are glad he escaped injury. Read the big furniture advertise ment of Jos. Webb in another col- T 1 1 1 umn. tie nas a Dig siock on nana that can be bought at panic prices. If you need anything in furniture line we advise you to go and see Webb before you buy. The regular Sheriff and Register of Deeds always puts in an appear ance at their respective offices the first Monday in the month, the bal ance of the time their deputies run tne business. It seems by that farm- ing pays better than holding office. Hurrah for the Oxford tobacco market ! We will send the Public Ledger 12 months free to the Gran ville farmer that makes the highest average on tobacco sold in uxtoro between now and the first of Janu ary. To the second highest the paper for 6 months. The bachelors suppei given by Messrs. Frank Meadows and O. C. Crump at Bachelors' Retreat, Hills- boro street, last Thursday night to their friends, is said to have been a sumptuous affair. Although there were no ladies around they could not get along without the use of powder. One of the glittering gems of the N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1893. Where is the Thirdites in Vir ginia at? Buried in red mud the Republicans did'nt chew the Thirdite cutd. Ta-rara-boom-de-a Messiah Garrett, and your gray mule ! A few days ago one of our Fish ing creels rriends dropped in our office and wanted to know if the jewel of a Democrat in Walnut Grove had leftany yams for him. We had to tell him he was yamless, but if bahams would suit him we could supply him as we had some boss ones 1 a on nana. Mr. J. D. Brooks has dissolved copartnership with the manager of his menagerie. Ihe trouble grew out ot the tact that he devoted too much time in having fits for sticks of candv. We are glad to sav that Prof. Oakley with his performing horned owl is still the center of at traction at Brooks' Hippohrome on Main street. Mr. Ike Breedlove, of Salem, one Oi me level ueaueu mumums ui iu n xi l l i 3 j 1, c xi I Board ot county commissioners, was at his post on Monday if one of his mnloo A l A loir Vi i m An - rn Vi Ck nrrnil n A I a tew aavs ago. ime or nis muies desiring to keep in practice with his heels knocked Mr. Breedlove sense less for a few minutes, but soon re coyered. He had a narrow escape. We told King Solomon, of the Gillburg News, when he rigged out Messiah Garrett with a new suit from head to foot and sent him over to Virginia, he would let off so much srass that the Republicans would meet with a Waterloo defeat. Such a windy boy as Garrett is calculated to defeat any cause he may espouse. Verilv King Solomon, the name of your pet is mud. In our last issue we stated that some of our town sportsmen had kil led a deer, but we were mistaken. The honor fell upon Messrs. Herbert Gregory, Gus Wilson and "Mitch" Munn, of Sassafras Fork, the owners of the dogs. We take it that the gentlemen from town do not wish by anv means to infringe upon the mf nerhts ot tneir country inenas m hunting deer. Prof. F. P. Hobgood, Sr., who has since the opening of the Fall term of Oxford Female Seminary visited 8 or .. A ... 4.1 a 4. xi 10 Association m the State m the m-1 terest of the Seminary, reports that the prospects for a large increase of students in the Spring Term are very bright. Prof. Hob- good has been invited to make an address on education at the Associa tion which meets at Monroe next weeks. Tobacco continues to sell well on the Oxford market, and breaks have been good since our last issue. All good bodied bright tobacco continue to "climb up among the rafters" in prices. Farmers of Granville we urge you to stand by your county as it is to your individual interest to do so. Don't be governed by the small talk of those who once liyed in Ox ford and failed to continue in a job. Talk is cheap and so is cheek. Chief Renn run down the ne groes that entered the dwelling of Mr. Estes at Henderson one night last week. The two negroes came to Oxford and traded the watch they stole to Mr. Douglas Lynch and the overcoat to Peter Charleston. They also stole a new pair of pants be ponging to Brother Long, of War- renton Record. The two burglars were captured in Heuderson and are now snugly located in Vance jail, j and will have to stand trial for bur glary. PURELY PERSONAL. Brief Mention of tne Movements of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currin fpent Sunday in Henderson. Rey. J. R. Griffith, of Chester, Va., is on a visit to Oxford. Chase City, Va., to buy tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Adcock, of Tar Riyer, were on our streets Mon- day. I tit,. 0j tt,, xxta ni, i mi . cduu. iuio i! wuauu uasu emu. J children, of Stem, were in town Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lassiter re- turned from Chicago on Saturday evening. Mr. W. T. Adams, of Dutchville, was a pleasant visitor at this office Wednesday. Messrs. J. P. Mize, A. A. Crews and George Bobbitt visited our of nce on Tuesday. m;oo r;;0 RlnV v XT J. X O O tllvy MJLOlKjIXm CbVVVUi by her father DrBlack, left on Mon , f Greensboro Female College. D lasca iuai v jjcu auu x' aumc Gregory are on a visit to the family of Major N. A. Gregory, Richmond, Va. Mr. James Osborn is back from an extended visited to New York and has resumed his duties at the Osborn House. Mr. John A. Waller, of Knap of Reeds, President of thQ Farmers Al liance of Granville, visited Oxford Monday. Mrs. James Cordon and children left on Wednesday for Washington, N. C where they will make their future home. S. C. Lyon, of Creedmoor, R. J. Daniel, of Berea, and W. S. Gooch, of Stem, were among the visitors to our sanctum Monday. Mrs. C. P. Powell is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Sholar, at Chat tanooga, Tenn. We regret to learn that Mr. Sholar is quite sick: We welcome back to Oxford Mr. John Henry Meadows, who has made Durham his home several years. He is connected with the Meadows ware house. Sheriff W. S. Cozart, of Hamp- ton, was in his olnce atthe court 1 , . house on Monday, and tound that Mr. J. T. Cozart was attending to the duties in a satisfactory manner. The faithful educator, Prof. W. H. P. Jenkins was in Oxford Mon day and called on the Public Led ger. He has an important an nouncement in another column to teachers and committeemen. Dr. F. R. Harris, a leading phy- sician or Henderson, and Mr. ueo. . n t--r i -1 -m r i m B. Harris, of the live warehouse firm of Harris, Gooch & Co., Henderson, were pleasant visitois to this office on Monday. Mr. Claude Hunter, of the same town, called on Tuesday. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, 4 all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Oxford, N. C. 85. OO Reward. Lost, strayed or stolen from my cattle pen, one dart Drmaie cow, in nae oraer. When last heard from she was going Id the direction of Tally Ho Five dollars will be paid for her return to me. , s Grant T. Foster, novlO-lt. Oxford, N. C. Only 1 wo of Each. Two very strong Columbus Buggies. Two Elegant Canopy Top Surrles. "New Styles will sell at Cost for Cash. Fully warranted. Edwards & Winston. Sept28-tf $1.50 PER ANNUM. RESOLUTIONS By "Lend a Ilaml" Circle or King's Daughters. The following resolutions of sjTm pathy and respect havo been adopt ed by the Lend a Hand Circle of King's Daughters and Sons, of Ox ford, N. C. : Whereas, in the inscrutable, but unerring dispensation of Almighty God, He saw fit on Oct. 29, 1893, to remove from our midst to a home in the skies the beautiful and loyely spirit of Mrs. W. S. Black, our be loyed leader, we the members of Lend a Hand Circle of King's Daughters and Sons, do resolve : 1. That the Lend a Hand Circle of King's Daughters has, in the death of "Aunt Mary," the over faithful kind and helpful leader, sustained a loss that cannot be re paired and that wo do sincerely mourn her departure. 2. That while our hearts are sad and bowed down at this sore be reavement, we are consoled with the happy assurance that our irre parable loss is her eternal gain. 3. That we extend to the sorely bereaved and sorrow stricken hus band and family our tenderest and sincerest sympathies in this sad hour of affliction. 4. That we will ever stride to emu late her many noble christian vir tues, in visiting the sick, helping the needy, cheering the despondent and encouraging and strengthening the weak and faltering. 5. That these lesolutions be spread upon our minutes and a copy be sent to the Public Ledger and Or phans' Friend for publication. Miss K. W. Marsh, Miss E. T. Finlaytor, W. T. Lyon, Committee. B&Mncc ttk JIBsofafeJy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavenins strength. Latest U. S. Govern ment Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co. lOG Wall St., Nw Vork. Valuable Land Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS GIVEN IN a deed of trust made by Richard T. Smith and wife to N. B. Cannady, Trustee, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein mentioned and described : Which deed in trust is duly re corded in the Register's ofliee for Oranville Co., N. ?., in Book No. 34, at pages 121, , I will at the courthouse door in Oxford, N. C, on Mon day, the 4th day of December, 18'J.i. (It bein the first Monday,) sell to the highest bidder at pub lic auction, all the land conveyed in said d6ed of trust, or so much thereof as may be sullicient to pay off said bonds and the cost of this sale, all of which is situate in the town of Oxford. First. The house and lot known as the resi dence of the late Charles A. Gregory and fronts on Asylum St., and adjoins the residence of It. T. Smith and others. Second. A large vacant lot 211 by IK) feet, situate north of the Granville Institute and fronts both on Asylum Avenue and New College Street. Third. A vacant let 100 by 90 feet situate on Dixon Street, near the large prize house of It. T. Smith and adjoins Taylor aud Knott. Fourth. A vacaDt lot 100 by 02 feet, situate on McClannahan St., adjoining T.-N. Burwell and Ii. E, Wright. Terms of sale cash. Time of pale 12 o'clock, m. Oxford, N. U., October 31, 1803. nov3-4t. N. B. CANNADY, Trustee. Land Sale. TP NDER aND BY VIRTUE OF A MORT- gage executed on the 23rd day of January, 1889, by James H, Blackley and wife, Francis Blacklev. to N. T. Jones and transferred to J. Y. Manum, who transferred it to Elizabeth Ojiarles, I shall sell at public auction for casa, at tne courthouse door in Oxford, Granville county. N. C. on Monday, December 11. 1893, to the highest bidder, the land described In said mort gage which is recorded in Book 29, page 144, in the Register of Deeds ofliee for Granville coun ty, adjoining tne lanas oi uonn Aicunee, n. a. Jones, deceased, and others, containing 57X acres more or less. Time of sale, 12 o'clock, m. This the 10th day of November, 1891. Li. JN. HUS14.KTU, Administrator of Elizabeth Ojiarlee, decd, novlO-41-pcl,

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