PUBLIC II II A I ft Y II ID) o VOLUME VII NO. 38. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1894. .00 PER ANNUM. It 1 Read what the President of the famous Blackwell's Durham Tobacco says and believes of The Equitable Life Durham, N. C, Mar. 27, 1894. Mr. W. J. Roddey, Rock Hill, S. C. Dear Sir .-When the settlement of my pol icy for $50,000 in the Equitable was first made, I expressed some dissatisfaction at the out come, but since I have had more time to look Into the matter, I am persuaded that I have had cheap insurance. I have always regarded the Equitable as one of the strongest insurance companies in fibis country, and am carrying at present a policy for $25,000 on my wife and one for $50,000 on my own life, and have had these policies in force for more than 10 years. Yours, very truly, J. S. CARR. Everyone should look into life in surance ; should compare it with other investments ; should study it in connection with their own condi tion in life. Let us send you some facts and figures. W.J. RODDEY, MANAGER. Department of Carolina, Bock Hill, S. C. HARDWARE, BUGGIES AND WAGONS, AT- S. H. SMITH'S. 1 have a good stock of Sash, Doors and Builders Hardware. "Farmer Girl," "Fitz Lee" and other Cook Stoves. "Bibcock," "Hackney' "Kin- ston," -'mi th's Carolina" and other makes ot" Buggies. Frazier Oarts, "Old i ickorv" and "Russell" Wug-oiiS. 1 want your trade in my line, I appreciate past favors and so licit your continued favors. Very respectfully, S. H. S7VUTH, Com. Avenue, Oxford, N. C. How Yon Can Save Money ! DO YOUR BUTING OF BROOKS & CO., Main Street, Oxford, N, C , next door to the Public Lodger office, AND YOU WILL SAVE MONK I! They carry a laree stock of UKOCKH1ES and DRY GOODS, Sou can pet ttll yon want there without going to so many places. GOOD GOODS FOR A LITTLE MONEY is their motto. They GUARANTEE weights measure and VA 1 K dealing. They call es pecial attention to their 75 cent and $ I shoes; 50 cent aud$1.25 hats, i'ant 'loth, Calico, Uing hauip. Domestics. K lour. Meat, Lard and Canned Goods. Tobacco. Snufl', Cigarettes, Cigars and SCOKES of other things too mncn to mention ALL NEW AND AS LOW AS THE TIM KS. Don't fait to see tlum before you buy, AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. The hard times soften ers, aug 31 3m. HEAD - THESE - FEW PRICES. We want to announce that we are anxious to eli crnriri uni our stock is complete embracing: Ti e largest and most complete line of Hard ware of every description. The largest and most complete line of Carpen ter Tools. The lnrgeet and most complete line ot Farming Implements. The largest and most complete line of Houe ke per's Goods. ' he largest and most complete line of Wood and Willow Ware. The largest and most complete line of Tinware. The largest and most complete line of Ciock ery and Glassware. The largest and most complete line of Guns, Pistols, Shells, Shot and Caps. The largest and most complete line of Hubs, Kims and Spokes. The largest and most complete line of Steel Tires and Iron Tires. The largest and most complete line of Buggy aa.t Cart Wheels. TUe largest and most comple e line of Cane At ills and tf"aporators. , . . The largest and most complete line of Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Turpentine. &c. The Urgent and most complete line of Brushes and all kind of Artist's material. The largest and most complete line of Lime, Piaster, Cement and Cow Hair. The largest and most complete line of Excel sior and New Lee L'ook Stoves. The largest and most compleie line of Medium Priced Stoves. Our stock of Buggies are the prettiest styles ever shown in Granville Co. Latest styles, low est prices consisting of makes, euch as Tyson & Jones, Columbus, Carolina and Randoloh Buggies. Nissen, White Hickory Wagons. Tin Hoofing, Guttering, &c, done. Galvanized Iron, Copper, Sheet Iron and Fues. Gun and Lock Repairing done. Come to see ue. Respectfully, &c, EDWARDS & WINSTON, ch9. OXFORD, N. C. LOCAL LINKS. Things that Happen in Town and County Boiled Down. Col. R. J. Mitchell has for rent a dwelling and a prize house at rea sonable terms. Gus Graham is a winner as a campaigner, and will beat Settle, the dodger, for Congress. The accomplished and attractive Misses Allen, of Tar River Academy, were on our streets Thursday. Mrs. John C. Russell and daugh ter, Miss Lula, of St. Louis, Mo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Webb. The Third party Congressional Convention for this district has been called to meet at Hillsboro on Oct 2. The Republican County Conven tion will be held in Oxford on Mon day and a lively time is looked for. All seekers after good, durable and cheap furniture should remem ber that Joe Webb's is the place to buy it. Mr. J, B. Parham, Registrar of Salem township, opens the registra tion books at his house Saturday, 22d inst. At every appointment in Gran ville county Gus Graham wallopped Tommie Settle to the pleasure of the Democrats and disgust of the Rads. Messrs. Long Bros, cordially in vite the ladies from town and county to attend their millinery opening on Wednesday and Thursday next, Sept 2Gthand 27th. The cleyer Jim Paris has return ed from buying Paris Bros.' fall and winter stock of goods, with the tariff off. He says he bought a splendid stock and will give his customers the advantage of good bargains. John C. Dancy, colored, of Wil mington, who is canvassing this dis trict m the interest of Mr. Settle, and James W. Poe, colored, of Caswell county, in the interest of Mr. Amis, will speak in Oxford Monday. Judge Armfield says in a com munication in the Charlotte Obser ver he is a Democrat and cannot be ti,a oanrlirlflrA of a.nv other rartv. tl lJ VM - V -v . M. ml The Pops offered him the nomination , m . 1 1 1 of judgeship in the am district. Supt. J. S. B. Thompson, W. T. West, Master of Trains, and A. P. Connelly, of the Southern, were in Oxford Thursday. We are pleased fr Ioqvti tVin.r. it is the desire of Sunt. Ij M. -V smm.msmm, i Thompson to give our people good service. Mr. James Paris has rented the model cottage on High Street lately occupied by Major B. S. Royster,and will go to house keeping in a few days, Our best wishes attend them in the establishment of "Home Sweet Home." A small house greeted the Cv rene Comedy Co. at the Opera House on Wednesday night. The troop may have been a good one, but they failed to show it in their per formance. Several of the pieces were of a laughable character. Old Fishing Creek is wheeling v - a into line and has the honor of organ izing the first Democratic Club in the county. Un oaturuay xney or ; r, nno at Cln.v with 42 mem auiuu ' m j bers. Mr. H. M. Shaw, of Oxford made a good speecn to tne ooys. Onr liedit weight friend, Will RlortL- now n.nts a. heavv fienrfi on uiauaj -. - j four wheels rolling over the country looking after the interest of Knott & fAnnor Will i q a canital ef"ood fellow V S l-f V.' . " CD . . -1-"J" A 1 B and is quite an addition to tne al ready strong team at tne Minor. As the drivers who were bring ing the buersries to carry Messrs. Gus Graham and Tom Settle on Wednes day morning where they had an ap pointment to speak they took a race, and the Graham buggy came out easily ahead. Hurrah ! for Gus Gra ham, the people's triend ! May he ever keep in the lead. Dr. W. M, Grace, of Talladega, Ala., and Miss Lavania Berry, were married Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the residence of Mr. J. D. Brinkley, Rev. Edward Benedict. performed the ceremony. The happv couple Jett on the o p.m. train for their home in Talladega. We wish them much happiness. Hereafter the local freight trains carrying passengers between Dur ham and Keysville will run daily each way instead of tri-weekley as heretofore. This is a good thing for the Oxford tobacco market, and in the name of the warehousemen and people of Oxford we thank Supt. J. S. B. Thompson for the increased service. Elder G. D. Ballou, a Seventh Day Adyentist minister, recently from Oregon will conduct a seriesof Malicious services at Opera House. . ' beginning Monday evening Sept. 24, T- I 1 T" 11 A 1 1 at SocIock. Hiider isanou is tne oniy minister of his denomination in the State withint 200 miles of Oxford. Christians of all denominations and the public generally are cordially in- vitea to attend, Uncle Jesse Cuninggim will hold his 4th quarterly meeting in the Methodist church in Oxford next Sunday. The land sale of Robt. A. Wil liams, advertised by N. B. Cannady, Attorney, has been postponed from Sept. 15th to Oct. 20th. Our young friend, "Bud" Dor sep, is now the owner of one of the mast attractive buggies that rolls over the streets of Oxford. Madam rumor has it that he has become a victim of cupid and will soon wed one of Granville's bewitching mai dens. Capt, Rutledge Hughes, at the speaking at Wilton, Adoniram and Buchanan, was hail fellow well met with the Thirdites. He took es pecial pride in Introducing his new party associates in "nigger" rule to Tommie Settle. No doubt at Wil ton Glaude Allen was more than glad to grasp the hand of the young man "with a mouth" since he has embraced the Republican faith. In the Wake Republican Con vention at Raleigh last week the lie was passed between Loge Harris and John Nichols. Harris struck Nich ols with a cane and Nichols attempt ed to cut Harris, who was chairman. Later on, a white delegate cursed a Reverend delegate of color. The convention endorsed the Thirdite candidates and refiused to pledge support to the Republican nominee for Congress. The great clothing man of this section, Mr. B. F. Kronheimer, has now on display in his neat store a very handsome and attractive line of clothing, hats, furnishing goods, etc., for fall and winter wear. He bought them low and will sell them low to his customers. Call early pick out a suit, thereby getting first choice. We ask you to read his big advertisement elsevhere and listen to what he says to you. Independant Canvass. Capt. Rufus Amis, independent candidate tor Congress will address the people of Granville as follows. Oxford, Saturday Sept. 22nd. Wilton, Monday Sept. 24th. Adoniram, Tuesday Sept. 25th. Buchannan, Wednesday, Sep. 2Gth Knap of Reeds, Wednesday Oct 3d Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was nffected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away,' and he was terribly reduced in flesn and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large rever sores on his leg; doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buck en's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at J. G. Hall's drug store. Hold to Democracy and Save N. C. Wilmington Messenger says in November there is to be an election of a State Legislature, of two United States Senators, of Supreme Court and Superior Court Judges, of a State Treasurer, of nine Representa tives. The Legislature lost there will be two Senators lost, and the 25 or 30 counties dependent entirely upon perpetuity of the excellent County Government system for pro tection as well as for prosperty and low taxes will be again the scene of gross abuses and spoliation. The men who robbed and plucked the people are not all dead. Bad men are always ingenious and productive in schemes to deceive and despoil. Hummer on Prices. Oxford has long since established a reputation for being the best all round tobacco market in or out of the State, and cannot be downed on high averages for all grades. The market is in better trim than ever before as our buyers hold large or ders for Granville tobacco which leads the world on flavor and tex ture. Large quantities of new tobacco were sold on market during the past week. Colory grades fetched from $10 to $50 per hundred, and scooped in eagerly by our well heeled buyers who hold large orders for all grades of new tobacco. All our warehousemen are live, wide awake gentlemen, and take a delight in pleasing the farmers, and invariably send them home with smiling faces and rolls of greenbacks in their pockets. Remember Oxford has two excellent banks with plenty of money to plank down for every load ot tobacco that may be crowded into Oxford. It2h on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitar' Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Ox ford, N. C. I have a line ot driving har ness. Bouent too mucn. win sen low. sep7 S. H. Smith. THIRDITE MEETING. Dr. Dalby nominated for Senator and flerrett endorsed for Congress. The Thirdites for the Senatorial District composed of Granville and Person, held their convention at Berea on Friday last. The wide mouthed Dr. Merritt, who no doubt under instruction from Boss Butler, was on deck and was endorsed for Congress. He will be nominated in order to take away the Third party vote from Gus Graham and elect Settle in accordance with a bargain already made with Republican lea ders. We wonder how our good Third party friends in Granville will like that ? Can it be possible that they will allow themselves to be sold out to the Republican party in such a wholesale manner ? There is no earthly chance to elect Dr. Merritt, and every vote cast for him is one for Settle, who is not in favor of a single one of the reforms advocated by the Third party. Gus Graham is the people's logical candidate for Congress, and should receive the solid vote of all men in favor of every measure that is for the direct interest of the masses of the people. The convention unanimously nom inated Dr. A. J. Dalby, of Granville, for Senator. The doctor has been a faithful and true exponent of the Third party, and deserved recogni tion at the hands of his party. He has never been an office seeker, but in past being content to work in the ranks of his party. We can truly say that we do not believe the nomi nation is a good one. He is narrow minded, and a heart so full of preju dice that he never lets an opportuni ty pass to array one class against another. To hear him talk you would think that he thought he was an allwise man, who believed that in him is embodied the stuff that will make all the statesmen in this great country hang their heads in shame as he is possessed with abilities that is calucated to established for him self a reputation (?) equal to any that ever appeared in American politics. In fact he is a true expotent of the Africo-Pep-Pop combination recent ly promulgated at Raleigh by Boss Butler and the Republican leaders. We are frank in saying that if the State of North Carolina should be unfortunately afflicted with a Legis lature composed of a majority of such men as Dr. Dalbv every con servative law on the statute books would be annulled and others passed in their places that would not only cut off appropriations from our white and colored orphan asylums, insane asylums, deaf, dumb and blind asy lums, Agricultural Colleges, Normal Schools and .State University, but would be certain to place the white people of the State under Negro Rule, destroying our credit and bring ruin upon every branch of industry in our now prosperous Commonwealth which stands today the peer of any State that compose the great union of States. We do not believe that if North Carolina was raked over with a fine tooth comb two more reckless men could be found, who would go fur A 1 It i 11 tner and do more to overtnrow our present system of excellent govern ment that Dr. A. J. Dalby and Capt. Archie Gregory. They do not hesi tate to say that if the Africo-Rep-Pops cannot rule by ballot they will by bullets. We ask the good men who have embraced the Populistic faith how they can vote for men that harbor in their breast such hatred for the masses of the people ? Such men should never be elected to make laws for a God fearing people. Beat the Conspirators. The Wilmington Messenger says the coming election in North Carolina in November very much concerns the peace, prosperity and even glory of North Carolina. The failure of the Democratic party to carry the election would indeed be disastrous, for that would mean ma terial, educational and political ret rogression. Put in power the gang of conspi rators and every interest would feel it at once and a set back would be given to North Carolina such as was visited upon it in the reconstruction times when venality, bribery, de bauchery, ballot stuffing ran riot, and the black and tan helped the white bosses to plunge their hands into the pockets of the people, robbing them of more than $20,000, 000. What honest, true man can de sire a return of such troublous, rascally times as these 1 Bncklen's Arnica futl ve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Euruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. G. Hall. may28. Remember, that if you will drink, you should always drink "the purest liquors, and R. Broughton's is just the place to get it. jl27 tf. nOVEflENTS OF PEOPLE. Coming and Going of Friends and Strangers. Dr. J. A. Morris, of Wilton, was on our streets Tuesday. Leak Landis is now behind the counters at E. T. Rawlins'. Mr. George Sizemore, of Louis burg, spent Sunday in Oxford. His Honor Judge Winston, is holding Warren court this week. Mr. Pomp Blackwell, of Townes ville, was on our streets Saturday. Our young friend, Joe Fuller, visited Edgecombe county this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walters, of Tally Ho, were in Oxford Saturday. Mrs. A. H A. Williams left on Tuesday to visit friends in Richmond. Mr. W. H. Osborn, of Greens boro, spent Monday and Tuesday in Oxford. Miss Nannie Lyon, of Dutchville, has gone to Nash county to teach school. Ed Adkerson returned to Oxford on Tuesday from a few months stay in Texas. We are glad to see out aerain after several weeks sickness Oscar Gregory. Mrs. H. J. Council is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. J. Medford, at Louisburg. Miss Pattie Jones, of Henderson, was the guest of Mrs. S. W. Cooper the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Parrott and children, of Wilton, were on our streets Tuesday. Rev. T. U. Faucette returned Friday from attending the Presby tery at Burlington. Ws are glad to state that Col. R. O. Gregory, who has been quite sick, continues to improve. Dr. J. B. Williams returned on Saturday from a visit to Washingtou City and Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Mary L. Hargiove returned Friday from spending the summer with friends in Virginia. Misses Ella and May Leonard are spending the month with their sister, Mrs. J. B. Hurley. Mrs. J. B. Roller and children are at home after spending over two months in Halifax Co., Va. Dr. Baskerville has been con fined to his home during the past week on account of sickness. The editor received a visit on Tuesday from Messrs. J. D. Davis and J. M. Sheaiin, of Grissom. Mrs. C. H. Landis and children, who have been spending the summer in the country, are now at home. Messrs. J. R. Walters and Gra ham Peed, of Tar River section, dropped in to see us on Saturday. Mr. Richard Giegory, of Stovall, has accepted a position with Mr. J, G. Hall and entered upon his duties on Monday. Mr. W. D. Currin, President of the Tobacco Board of Trade, visited the Richmond and Danville markets the past week. Miss Day, of Baltimore, the mil liner of Messrs. Long Bros., has ar rived and is opening an attractive line of millinery. Mr. J. D. Bullock has returned from a visit to Greenville and Rich mond, and is on the breaks shelling out the cash for different grades of tobacco. Mr. Christian, one of the edito rial staff of the News and Observer, attended the speaking here on Mon day and we had the pleasure of meet ing him in our office. Mr. W. A. Adams has returned from a visit to the different tobacco centers in the North and West, as well as those in Canada. He enjoy ed his trip very much indeed. Dr. Sweany, of Berea, visited Oxford Friday, and seemed to enjoy the big break of tobacco, especially the high prices paid for the weed by the buyers on the Oxford market. The many friends of Capt. C. P. Powell will regret to learn that he had a stroke of paralysis of one side on Sunday night last. He has im proved to some extent, but his con dition is still critical. Miss Laura Newland, of Char lotte, is one of the new teachers at the Orphan Home, She is a daugh ter of the Division Passenger Agent of the Seaboard Air-Line and niece of Solicitor Newland of the Tenth district. Capt, Rufus Amis, independant candidate for Congress, was in Ox ford on Monday attending the speak ing between Messrs. Graham and Settle, and called to see us. We find him in good spirits and in good plight for the campaign which he commences in Oxford tomorrow. Miss Williams, of Fayetteville, is the guest of Mrs. J. C, Horner. Miss Jennie Williams returned on Saturday from spending the sum mer at Norfolk, Va. Miss Alice Young, of Raleigh spent several days the past week, vis Mrs. N. B. Cannady. We are gratified to learn that Dr. J. B. Williams, Jr. is succeeding well in Brookland, D. C. Miss Neely Spencer, of Wake County and Miss Sudie Hunt of Sa lem, spent Sunday in Oxford. Mrs. J. D. Brinklev and her sis ter, Miss Lavania Berry, returned Friday trom a visit to Baltimore. Ivey, the three vear old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Day, who has oeen quite in tor some time, is im proving, we are glad to learn. Messrs . L. E. Wright, J. E. Howell, and E. T. Rawlins, left on Monday for the Northern markets to buy their fall and winter stocks of goods. Miss May Francis, of Baltimore the accomplished milliner, of Messrs Landis & Easton has arrived and is opening up a beautiful line of the latest styles in millinery. Mrs. Eliza Carr. mother of Col . J. S. Carr, and Miss Carey Black nail, of Durham, visited Col. R. J. Mitchell this week. They have been spending seyeral weeks with Mr. R. E. Booth, near Bowling Mountain. Rev. G. D. Ballou, of Oregon, has located in Oxford for the pur pose of preaching. He is of the Sev enth Day Adventist faith. He is ac companied by his wife and has rent ed rooms in the old Kingsbury Man sion. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed regret to lose them from our midst. They took their de parture on Thursday for Richmond, their future home. Durincr their so journ of several years in Oxford they made many warm triends who are loth to give them up. The best wishes of our community go with them to their new home in the City on the James. On Monday the following gen tlemen called at this office: Messrs. J.-I.. Gordon, Chas. Gordon, Sam Harris, H.rnest Harris and W. O. Bobbitt, of Fishing Creek; W. T. Rice, of Dexter; J. E. Duncan. Favs ette Washington, W. D. Kimball and Monroe Green, of Tally Ho; R. W. Hobgood, ot Walnut Grove; W. H. Garner, of Brassfield; J. B. Parham and Chas. Crews, of Salem; M. L. Coley, of Dutchville. Rev. J. R. Griffith, ol the Vir ginia Conference, spent several days in Oxford the past week among his old friends. He filled the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morn ing and night and preached two very fine sermons to the great pleasure of his old time friends. He ranks high as an expoundei of the Holy religion and we wish our old triend many "laborers for his hire," and may the blessings of the Redeemer be with him and his. Joyous Young People. Another German, for which our little city is so famous, was given Monday night at Armory Hall, com plimentary to Miss Mamie Boykin, of Richmond, Va., and Miss Pattie Lou Jones, of Henderson. The lea ders were Fred J. Crews, H. B. Mc Guire and F. O. Landis. The following are a list of the participants: F. J. Crews and Miss Pattie Lou Jones, F. O. Landis and Miss Mamie Boykin, H. B. McGuire and Miss Lottie Britt, Guy Pearson and Miss Mary McGuire, Wash. D. Lynch and Miss Annie Booth, Henry Buell and Miss Willie Skinner, M. M. Jordan, I. H. Davis and Mrs. G. Dusenbury, Wm. Smith and Miss Cora Taylor, H. L. Skinner and Miss Annis Hughes, W. T. Clement and Miss Fannie Skinner. Chaperons, Mr. C. L. Skinner and Mrs. F. T. Boykin. Stags, C. H. Easton, T. Lanier, Harry Williams and A. S. Davis. JIbsolafely Pure A cream of tartar bafeiner Dowder. Highest ol all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Govern ment .Food Keport. Royal Baking Powder Co. 106 Wll.St.,.NewAYorb. tab